Translator charges, programming etc. How to Work While Travelling the World translation jobs
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Translator charges, programming etc.

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Karel’s letters written during travelling

Letters written when working while travelling, part 6.

Translator charges, programming etc.

Karel Kosman photo Concerning the programming thing, yah, half a cent for anything that goes through the system, then half a cent if they want it vetted as well (the second half would require hiring someone, or I could do it myself until the workload gets enough). My markup has been 3 cents all these years so if enough turnover goes through it it will hopefully be interesting. My latest project is a survey among translators what they charge.

My Translator Charges Fees Rates page is almost at the top of google in those such keywords and new applying translators have occasionally asked me what to charge, so this was just another goofball idea to add dynamic elements to my various pages in hopes that it will increase traffic and push me higher up in google etc. Another dynamic element is the goofball surveys at the bottom of my page. Maybe you’d get a kick out of submitting your opinion. But after the translator charges is done I’ll get working on the auto translation project thing. Will require analysing the previous guy’s work and will certainly be a challenge.

Everything is already set up but I just need to create a special administrator class with limited rights. Was thinking recently that this would be a cool way to make cash - I like to call it Mr. Facebook and Mr. Google approach. Making different dynamic web projects and try to monetise them. Definitely creative and a better use of my noodle, and the coolest is I don’t really have any customers and don’t have to suck any butt!
Looking forward to seein ya and really hope it works out. Latest potential bug in the system is your mom scared me by saying that the Czechs are becoming increasing Natzis with road checks etc. Met some Czechs on the road recently and they said the same. My truck is practically a time bomb on wheels.

I sanded it down before I left cause I wanted to paint it, but it was too windy and I eventually gave up on that project, so now it is faded blue and rust in a bunch of spots, and looks like a disaster just waiting for a cop to pull it over. Hope to get it painted in Czech Republic and got all sorts of plans to fix the belly and make it much nicer, and to convert it to French Fry Fuel like I think I said. Then I guess the cops would be happy enough. Hope I keep making cash! This month seems on schedule (about 1200 Euro). Actually made a hundred bucks with my first SEO customer! I’m just his consultant and said I’d want at least 500 bucks for all my SEO tricks, so had to give him about one fifth due to his budget, but he was quite happy and hope in time to squeeze out of him the rest.

Looks like Misha will be in town as well, so now I have both her and Stef wanting to be my hot dates. Your mom was saying it was going to be expensive for you. I know its rather cheesey of me but I thought I could offer to at least pay back one of the debts, which I think is 6,500Kc for when you went down to Croatia. Assuming the jobs keep coming in and there is no disaster I think I should be able to afford this. I’ve been offering everyone, like I do with my translators, 1.5% interest per month, which would make it... hmm, maybe we could wait for the interest till later. Not sure if I’ll have that much.

Beginning of next month I’ll finally be able to make my first charity investment. Decided I was going to set aside 10% of profits (strictly from translation work and not including any other expenses) from the start of this year and already owe quite a bit, but it will feel nice to send 200 Euro to some shelter for children in Nairobi. A friend of a friend manages it and 100% of any money goes to the children. She said that, because of the "crunch", less people have been paying and that my donation came just in time and will allow the kids to stay on 3 meals a day instead of dropping to two, like she planned. She even indicated something about they’d love to see me, which put a little bug in my head and I’ve even started fantasising about driving down to Alexandria Egypt (once I convert to FFF) and shipping the beast from there. That would certainly be an adventure.
Looking forward to seein ya!

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Travel Tour Guide in Europe

Island Hopping in the Philippines

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See Karel Kosman's Articles at
Karel’s letters written during travelling
47. Making preparations for the big bike trip
46. The ONLY Thai girl I am attracted to
45. Miscellaneous letters
44. I have always felt I will be a writer one day...
43. About freelancing and travelling
42. Thai girls are like demon possessed little witches
41. Living on a mystical island of Koh Phangan in Thailand
40. From Malaysia to Thailand
39. From Laos back to Thailand
38. How to publish a book
37. Back in Thailand
36. Feeling increasingly uncomfortable here on the island in Malaysia
35. My belongings
34. Staying in Malaysia
33. About running a blog
32. A short travel update
31. Planning to publish a book about my travels
30. In Thailand, God’s hand
29. Getting ready to go to Asia. In the airport
28. Escaping from Galia’s place
27. About Bulgarians, earnings, plans
26. Starting to earn more after approaching thousands of translation agencies
25. About writing and publishing content online
24. How to find really cheap plane tickets
23. The girlfriend: would like to find THE ONE
22. Still staying in Bulgaria but planning to go to Thailand
21. Travel outline
20. About translation industry
19. About female friends
18. About computer, online marketing, translation, CAT tool
17. About blabber - waste of time. About wanting to be a writer.
16. About God
15. More about software sales
14. More travel updates
13. Staying at a pension
12. About borders etc.
11. Software sales
10. Travel update
09. Translation job industry
08. Partying is a waste of time
07. How much they pay etc.
06. Translator charges, programming etc.
05. Working as a translator and travelling
04. Travel life
03. Why NOT to cheat Google...
02. About opportunities for working as a freelancer
01. About advantages of working as a freelancer
Working While Travelling
26. Gone treeplanting (September 8, 2008)
25. First friends visiting me to Cyprus (February 29, 2008)
24. Staying in Cyprus (December 09, 2007)
23. Escaping the Cyprus heat (February 8, 2007)
22. Escape from boredom (February 8, 2007)
21. Barelling to Bodrum (November 20, 2006)
20. Staying in Stoliv, Montenegro (October 2, 2006)
19. Arriving to Montenegro (August 22, 2006)
18. Traveling through Croatia (August 9, 2006)
17. The trip begins - off to Croatia! (2006)
16. How to Live in a Caravan
15. How to Connect to Internet While Traveling
14. How to construct a caravan - Beautification
13. How to use solar panels to electrify your caravan
12. How to construct a caravan
11. Designing the caravan
10. Back to Czech - buying a travel van (April 10, 2004)
9. Mexico Trip - Off to Yosemite and Beyond (December, 2003)
8. Mexico Trip - Getting a Driver’s License (December, 2003)
7. How to Buy a Used Car (December, 2003)
6. Mexico Trip (December 14, 2003)
5. Traveling through Bulgaria (July 20 - Aug. 4, 2002)
4. Czech Republic: My Reflections
3. My life in Prague
2. My flat in Prague
1. Dream of working while travelling

Published - August 2012

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