English words of Scots origin
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List of English words of Scots origin is a list of English language words of Scots origin. See also "List of English words of Scottish Gaelic origin", which contains many words which were borrowed via Lowland Scots.
- Blackmail
- A form of extortion carried out by the Border Reivers, borrowed into English with less violent connotations.
- caddie or caddy
- canny
- Also Northern English. From English can in older sense of "to know how."
- clan
- Borrowed from Gaelic clann (family, stock, off-spring).
- convene
- Borrowed from French convenir, from Latin convenire.
- cosy
- firth
- Derived from Old Icelandic fjǫrdic (see fjord)
- glamour
- Meaning magic, enchantment, spell. From English grammar and Scottish gramarye (occult learning or scholarship).
- gloaming
- Middle English (Scots) gloming, from Old English glomung "twilight", from OE glom
- golf
- glengarry
- (or Glengarry bonnet) a brimless Scottish cap with a crease running down the crown, often with ribbons at the back. Named after the town of the clan chief Alasdair Ranaldson MacDonell of Glengarry (1771-1828), who invented it.
- gumption
- Common sense or shrewdness.
- haver
- to babble or talk nonsense, or to dither. Scottish & North English dialect.
- laddie
- A boy.
- lassie
- A girl.
- links
- Sandy, rolling ground, from Old English hlinc (ridge).
- pernickety
- From pernicky.
- minging
- From Scots "mingin". revolting, stinking, putrid, rancid etc
- plaid
- From Gaelic plaide or simply a development of ply, to fold, giving plied then plaid after the Scots pronunciation.
- pony
- Borrowed from obsolete French poulenet (little foal) from Latin pullāmen.
- raid
- rampage
- scone
- Probably from Dutch schoon.
- tweed
- cloth being woven in a twilled rather than a plain pattern. from tweel
- wee
- small, tiny, minute.
- wraith
See also
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Published - February 2009
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