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Dear Sir,

I think I am at a loss for the right word to thank you and appreciate the invaluable wealth of information you send me regularly.

I wholeheartedly thank you and your staff.

Sincerely yours,
Zavari, G.A.
English-Persian-English Translator

zavari_2006 at yahoo com


Many thanks again for an excellent newsletter! I always look forward to the next one!

With kind regards,

Gisela W Murdter
German to English Translator
London, UK

gwmurdter at gwm-translations com

I have been a subscriber for about a month now - very interesting articles, pointers, comments, and it is great to feel there is a Community behind all the electronics, which I truly believe people like yourself are helping to develop.

Flavio Erra
English to Italian translator

flavioerra at libero it

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Marina Alessandro.

I have subscribed your newsletter as I think you give very useful information about translation job and I find your website very interesting.

Your faithfully,

Marina Alessandro

marinalessandro at hotmail it

I'm one of your new subscribers, and I'd like to thank you for the huge help you're providing us.

I'm very grateful for the great articles in your website; I'm learning a lot through them, though I've just discovered the site.

Thanks for helping.

Sandrine Ngnasoke

rfis-reception at rfis org

Dear CEO of,

Thank you for your newsletter, it helped me a lot, I have been using the website for sometime now and I find it very useful specially after adding the new job board, I needn't to talk about your professional helpful articles.

Thank you for your efforts

Yousra Thabet
English<>Arabic Freelance Translator
Cairo, Egypt

yousra thabet at gmail com

I'm one of your new subscribers, I'd like to thank you for the great help you're providing us.

Bouchra Fihmi
Arabic, French, English.

f-bouchra77 at hotmail com

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you very much for keeping me updated. It has been a big honour to receive your newsletter. Please carry on with your very useful work.

Warm regards

Fernando Chitela
Angola (Southern Africa)
English-Portuguese and Portuguese-English translations
fernandochitela at

Since we are exchanging letters, let me mention again that your newsletter with the List has been giving to me the peace of mind over the past 6 years :-)

I would also like to use this opportunity to thank for your generosity that you frequently notify non-members about job opportunities for free.

Maria Bolgar
English><Hungarian Translator
mjbolgar at

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# 2488
Rosetta Stone and Translation Rates

# 2467
Translation - an Ageless Profession

# 2466
Have Language, Will Travel

# 2486
Почему так мало хороших переводов и хороших переводчиков?

# 2479
Average monthly wage in different European countries

# 2487
Two New Chinese Translations of Hamlet Introduced and Compared

# 2475
Linguistic history of the Indian subcontinent

# 2474
Languages with official status in India

# 2251
The Database: Your Most Valuable Asset!

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