English words of French origin
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Great number of words of French origin have entered the English language to the extent that around 30% of its vocabulary is of French origin. It is via French that many Latin words have come to the English language. Most of the French vocabulary now appearing in English was imported over the centuries following the Norman Conquest of 1066, when England came under the administration of Norman-speaking peoples. According to different sources, between one third and two thirds of all English words have a French origin. This fact suggests that at least 30,000 words should appear in this list (however the following list only contains about 1,600 words).
Many non-Latin Germanic words have also entered English from the Germanic element in French. Since English is of Germanic origin, via the influences apparent in modern Dutch, ascertaining whether a given Germanic word is definitely from French can be difficult in a few cases.
There is a language game that consists in converting French-origin words into Germanic-origin words to make the English language seem purer. Hence, rock becomes stone and pure becomes white. See List of Germanic and Latinate equivalents.
- abbatial (Fr. abbatial)
- abbreviation, from abréviation
- abet
- abhor (Fr. abhorrer)
- ability
- abjection
- ablation (Fr. ablation)
- ablative
- able, from Old French, compare modern Fr. habile or capable
- ablution
- abnormal compare anormal
- aboard (Fr. à bord)
- abolish, compare abolir
- abomination
- abortive
- abound
- abridge, Fr. abréger
- absence
- absolute, from Middle French, compare modern Fr. absolu
- absorb (Fr. absorber)
- abstain (Old Fr. abstenir)
- abstinence
- abstract
- abstruse
- absurd (Fr. absurde)
- abundance (Old Fr. abundance)
- abuse
- academic (Fr. académique)
- academy, compare académie
- Acadia (Fr. Acadie)
- acceleration (Fr. accélération)
- accent (Fr. accent)
- accept (Fr accepter)
- access (Fr. accès)
- accession
- accident
- acclimate (Fr. acclimater)
- accolade (Fr. accolade)
- accommodation
- accompany (Fr. accompagner)
- accomplice (Fr. complice)
- accomplish (Fr. accomplir)
- accord
- accost
- account (Fr. compte)
- accourtre
- accoutrement (Fr. accoutrement)
- accredit
- accrue
- accusation
- accusative (Old Fr. accusatif)
- accuse
- accustom (Old Fr. acostumer, now accoutumer)
- ace, compare as
- acid, compare acide
- acoustic, compare acoustique
- aquisitive
- acquit
- acrobat (Fr. acrobate)
- acrostic, compare acrostiche
- action
- activity, compare activité
- adaptation
- adhesive, compare adhésif or feminine form adhésive
- adieu, which literally means "to God" (à Dieu), farewell
- adjective, compare adjectif
- administer (Fr. administrer)
- admire, compare admirer
- adolescence
- adopt, compare adopter
- adore, from Old French, compare modern Fr. adorer
- adroit
- advantage, compare avantage
- adventure, from Old French, compare modern Fr. aventure
- adverb, compare adverbe
- adversary, from Old French, compare modern Fr. adversaire
- advertisement, compare avertissement (warning)
- advise, compare aviser (to assess [a situation])
- advocate (noun), from Old French avocat - in modern French this means an attorney or lawyer
- affair, from Old French, compare modern Fr. affaire (business)
- affection
- affiliation
- affinity, compare affinité
- affliction
- affluence
- age
- agent provocateur
- aggression, compare agression
- à gogo, or a-go-go, in abundance
- agree (Old Fr. agreer)
- agreeable, compare agréable
- aid (Old Fr. aide)
- aim (Old Fr. esmar)
- à la, in the style of...
- alabaster, from Old French alabastre (>Latin> Greek> Ancient Egyptian a-labaste)
- à la carte
- alas, from Old French, compare modern Fr. hélas
- alert, compare alerte
- align, compare aligner
- allocation
- allure, look or air
- almond, from Old French, compare modern Fr. amande; compare also Spanish almendra. //NOTE: I believe almond (and almendra) come from arabic
- altar, (*this word is NOT from French. from autel
- amateur
- ambience
- ambiguous, from ambigu
- ambition
- ambergris, from ambre gris, grey amber
- ambulance
- ameliorate
- amnesty, compare amnistie
- amorous, from Old French, compare modern Fr. amoureux
- ample
- amplitude
- amusement
- analyse, compare analyser
- animal
- anarchism
- anarchist (Fr. anarchiste)
- anatomy, compare anatomie
- ancestor, from Old French, compare modern Fr. ancêtre
- ancient, compare ancien
- angle
- Anglophobe, someone who fears or dislikes England or the English
- anglophone, a speaker of English (Fr. anglophone)
- anguish (from Old French anguisse, now angoisse)
- anise
- annals
- annex, compare annexer
- annihilation
- announce
- annoy, from Old French anoier, now ennuyer
- annual
- annuity (Fr. annuité)
- annular (Fr. annulaire)
- anoint, compare oindre
- anomie
- antecedent, compare antécédent
- anther, compare anthère
- antique
- apartment, compare appartement
- apathy, compare apathie
- aplomb
- apostrophe
- apparel, from Old French, compare modern Fr. appareil
- application
- appliqué
- apprehend, compare appréhender
- après-ski
- apropos, compare à propos
- arbitrage
- arcade
- archetype
- area, from aire
- arête, a mountainous ridge
- argent (Fr. argent)
- argue, from Old French, compare modern Fr. arguer
- army, compare armée> desarmée, armement Le français langue de la guerre et de l'amour (French as language of war and love)
- arrest, from O.Fr. arester
- article
- artificial, from artificiel
- artist (Fr. artiste)
- assembly (Fr. assembler)
- assume, from assumer (in its old meaning : to suppose)
- assurance
- attack (Fr. attaque)
- attaché
- attorney
- attitude
- aubergine, British name for eggplant
- au naturel
- aunt (Old Fr. ante)
- authority (Fr. autorité)
- avalanche
- avenue (Fr. avenue)
- average
- averment
- aversion (Fr. aversion)
- avert
- aviation (Fr. aviation)
- avid (Fr. avide)
- avocet
- avoid (Old Fr. evuider)
- avoirdupois
- avouch
- avow (Fr. aveu)
- axiom (Fr. axiome)
- aye-aye
- azimuth (from Old French, from Arabic as-sumut)
- azure (Old Fr. azur, from Old Spanish azur, from Arabic, in turn from Persian)
- bacon
- baggage, from French bagage
- ballet
- band, from bande
- bandeau, a type of headdress
- banquet
- barge
- baroque
- barrel
- barren, from Old French
- barricade
- barrier
- base
- Baton Rouge, Bâton Rouge
- battle (Old Fr. bataille)
- bay, compare baie
- bayonet, compare baïonnette
- beagle
- beak, compare bec
- Béarnaise, a type of sauce, named after a region in France (Béarn)
- beau, a lover or a dandy
- beauty (Old Fr. bealte)
- beast (Old Fr. beste)
- beaux arts, fine arts
- beef
- beret, compare béret
- bête noire
- bicycle, compare bicyclette > vélo
- bidet
- bikini
- billet
- billet-doux, a love letter
- binge, after a beer-festival in Binche, Belgium
- biscuit
- bistro
- bivouac
- bizarre
- blank (Old Fr. blanc)
- blanket, from Old French blanquette Blanquette de veau
- blasé
- bloc > blocage
- blonde
- boast
- boil (Old Fr. boilir)
- Boise
- bomb
- bombard (Fr. "bombarde")
- bombe
- bon appétit
- bon mot
- bonnet, from Old French, compare modern Fr. bonnet
- bon-vivant
- bon voyage
- bon-bon (Fr. "bonbon")
- bouillabaisse
- boule
- boulevard
- bound (leap), from bond
- bouquet
- bourgeoisie
- bracelet
- bran, from Old French bran or bren
- brandish, compare brandir
- brasserie
- brassiere, compare brassière, although the modern French for this is soutien-gorge
- brave
- bravery
- bric-a-brac
- brigade
- brilliant, compare brillant
- brioche
- briquette
- brochure, from brocher - to stitch
- broderie anglaise, a type of embroidery
- brunette
- buckle, compare boucle
- budget, from Old Fr. bougette (a little purse)
- buffet
- bullet, from boulette, although the modern French for this is balle
- bureau
- button, from bouton
- cabal, compare cabale
- cabaret
- cache, compare cacher
- cadet
- café
- cafetière
- cagoule
- cajole, compare cajoler
- calque
- camaraderie
- camouflage
- camp
- campaign, compare campagne
- canapé
- canard, aeronautical term
- cancel, from canceller, evolution of chanceler (1293) (to cross out)
- capacity
- cape, compare cap, land jutting into the sea, as in Cape Horn
- captain
- car (Norman-Fr. carre)
- card (Fr. carte)
- career (Fr. carrière)
- casserole
- cassette
- castle (Old North Fr. castel)
- castor
- casual (Old Fr. casuel)
- casuist, compare casuiste
- cataclysm
- catalogue
- catch
- category
- caterpillar
- catholic
- cattle
- cause
- cavalry, compare cavalerie
- celebrate, from célébrer
- cement (Old Fr. ciment)
- cense, compare encenser
- censer (Old Fr. censier)
- centime (Fr. centime)
- centre (Old Fr. centre)
- chaise longue or sometimes chaise lounge
- chalet
- chalice, from calice
- chance
- change
- character, from caractère
- chase, compare chasse
- château, compare castle
- chatelaine
- chattel
- chauffeur
- chauvinism
- cheat (Old Fr. escheat)
- check (Old Fr. eschec)
- checkmate, compare échec et mat
- cheer (Old Fr. chiere)
- chef compare chief
- chemise
- chemist, from chimiste
- cheque
- cherish (Old Fr. chériss-)
- cherry (Old North Fr. cherise)
- cheval de frise, a military term
- cheval-glass, from cheval - horse
- chief (Old Fr. chief, compare chef)
- chieftain (Old Fr. chevetain, compare chief)
- chiffon
- chivalry
- cinema, compare cinéma
- city (Old Fr. cite)
- claim (Old Fr. clamer)
- clairvoyance
- clarinet, compare clarinette
- classic
- cliché
- cloche, a kind of hat
- closet, from Old French closet
- Coeur d'Alene
- coiffeuse
- coin (Old Fr. coigne)
- collage
- collar, from collier, from cou (neck)
- colonel, compare modern Fr. colonel
- combustible
- comedian and comedienne, compare comédien and comédienne
- comic, from comique (funny)
- commandant, commanding officer
- commendation
- commode
- common
- communion
- communiqué
- communism (Fr. communisme)
- community, from Old Fr. comunalté, modern Fr. communauté
- company (milit.), from compagnie
- competent
- competitor
- complete
- comrade, from camarade
- concede, from concéder
- congratulations
- connoisseur
- conscience
- convenient, from covenant, convenable
- cordon
- cormorant, compare cormoran
- cornet
- corniche
- corporal Old.Fr. corporal
- corps
- corset
- costume
- cotton (Old Fr. 'coton')
- council
- count
- county (Old Fr. cunte)
- countenance (Old Fr. : continere, Modern French : contenance)
- counter
- counterfeit, from Old French, compare modern Fr. contrefaire
- country (Old Fr. cuntree)
- coup
- coup d'état
- couple
- coupon
- courage (Old Fr. corage)
- courageous
- courgette, in the UK, but called zucchini in the US
- courier
- course
- court
- courtesy
- couscous
- cousin (Old Fr. cosin)
- couture
- couturier
- cover (Old Fr. covrir)
- crème brûlée
- crème caramel
- crème de menthe
- crêpe crêperie
- Croissant - Croissanterie
- croupier
- crouton, from the diminutive form of the old French word, Croust, (later to come into modern French as the word croûte), meaning Crust.
- crown, from couronne
- crust, from Croûte, or Crust, in French.
- cry (Old Fr. crier)
- cuisine
- cul-de-sac
- culotte
- cult (Fr. culte)
- culture (Fr. culture)
- curfew (Fr. couvre-feu)
- custom, from Old French, compare modern Fr. coutume
- dais, from Old French deis
- dalmatic (Old Fr. dalmatique)
- dame
- damage (Old Fr. damage)
- damn (Fr. damner)
- debt (Old Fr. dete)
- déclassé
- décolletage
- décor or decor
- découpage
- defamation, from diffamation
- default, from Old French, compare modern Fr. défaut
- defeat (Fr. "défaite")
- déjà vu
- de luxe or deluxe
- demand
- demi-monde
- démodé
- denouement
- dépanneur
- department
- deploy, from Old French, compare modern Fr. déployer
- depot
- derail, compare dérailler
- derive (Fr. "dérive")
- derogation (Fr. dérogation)
- derrière
- descend (Old Fr. descendre)
- desert (Old Fr. desert)
- Des Moines (Fr. des moines of the monks)
- dessert
- detachment (Fr. détachement)
- detail (Fr. détail)
- detain (Old Fr. detenir)
- détente
- determine
- detonation
- detriment
- Detroit (Fr. détroit = strait)
- deuce, from deux (two)
- development or develop
- deviation
- device (Old Fr. devis)
- devise
- devoid
- devotion
- devour (Old Fr. devorer)
- devout (Old Fr. devot)
- diabolical
- diadem
- diamanté
- diet
- different
- digestion
- dignity (Old Fr. dignete)
- dilate
- diligence
- dime (Old Fr. disme, modern French "dîme", from "dix", ten)
- diplomacy, compare diplomatie
- direction (Fr. direction)
- disadvantage
- disappoint (Fr. desappointer)
- disarm (Old Fr. desarmer)
- discothèque or discotheque, thus disco
- discover (Old Fr. descovrir)
- disguise (Old Fr. desguisier)
- disport (Old Fr. desporter, modern Fr. "déporter")
- diverse
- divinity
- division
- Dixie (possibly from Fr. dix ten)
- double (Old Fr. duble)
- doubt (Old Fr. douter)
- douche, from French, meaning shower
- dozen, from Old French, compare modern Fr. douzaine
- dress (Old Fr. dresser)
- due (Old Fr. deu)
- during (Old Fr. durer, compare endure)
- duty (Anglo-Fr. duete from Old Fr. deu)
- duvet
- eager, from Old French aigre
- eagle, from Old French, compare modern Fr. aigle
- easy, from Old French, compare modern Fr. aisé
- echelon, compare échelon
- éclair
- ecstasy, from Old French, compare modern Fr. extase
- eloquence, compare éloquence
- emigré
- emir from Fr. emir, colloquial pronunciation of Ar. amir "commander"
- emperor (Old Fr. emperere)
- empire
- emplacement
- employ (Old Fr. employer)
- empress
- enclave
- encore
- encourage, from Old French, compare modern Fr. encourager
- endive
- endue
- endure (Old Fr. endurer)
- endurance
- enfranchise
- engage
- enemy (Old Fr. enemi)
- energy (Fr. énergie)
- engage, compare engager
- enjoy (Old Fr. enjoir)
- enmity, from Old French, compare modern Fr. inimitié
- ennui
- enrage, compare enrager
- enrich, compare enrichir
- ensemble
- en suite
- ensure, from 'assurer
- entente
- enter, compare entrer
- entomb, from Old French, compare modern Fr. entomber
- entrant
- entrée (but is first part of the meal in French)
- entrepreneur (Fr. from entreprendre undertake)
- envelope, compare enveloppe
- environ, from Old French, compare modern Fr. environs
- environment or environmental
- envisage, compare envisager
- envoy, compare envoyé
- envy, compare envier
- epaulet or epaulette, compare épaulette
- épée
- ephebe, from éphèbe
- ephemeral, from "éphémère
- epic, from épique
- epicurean, from épicurien
- epidemic, from épidémie
- epilogue
- episcopal
- episode
- epithet, from épithète
- épris
- equal, from égal
- equality, from Old French, compare modern Fr. égalité
- equation
- equilibrate, from équilibrer
- equipage, compare équipage
- équipe
- equipment, from équipement
- equitable
- equity, from équité
- eradicate, compare éradiquer
- erase, from araser
- erect, from ériger (to build)
- ermine
- erode, compare éroder
- escapade
- escargots
- escarpment
- essence
- establish (Old Fr. establisse)
- estate (Old Fr. estat)
- ether
- etiquette, étiquette
- Eucharist (Old Fr. eucariste)
- European, compare européen
- evangelist, compare évangéliste
- evaporation, compare évaporation
- evasion, compare évasion
- example
- exclamation
- exhibition (Old Fr. exhibicion)
- expire, compare expirer
- exploit, compare exploiter
- exposé or expose
- extraction (Fr. extraction)
- extraordinaire
- extravagance
- fabric, compare fabrique
- fabulous
- face
- facile
- factor
- faience, compare faïence
- failure
- false
- family
- fanfare
- fantastic
- fantasy, compare fantaisie
- farce
- farm (Old Fr. ferme)
- fashion, from Old French façon
- fatal
- fatigue
- fault (Old Fr. faute)
- faux pas
- feasible
- feast (Old Fr. feste)
- feint, compare feinte
- felicity, from Old French, compare modern Fr. félicité
- felon, from Old French, compare modern Fr. félon
- female (Old Fr. femelle)
- feminine, compare féminin
- fertility, compare fertilité
- figure
- fiancé
- fierce
- fillet, compare filet
- film
- film noir
- final
- finance
- fine (Old Fr. fin)
- flageolet
- flambé tarte flambée
- flan
- flèche
- fleur-de-lis
- flexible
- flirt, from fleuretter, conter fleurette
- floret, from Old French, compare modern Fr. fleurette
- florin
- floss
- flourish (Old Fr. floriss, compare flower)
- flower (Old Fr. fleur)
- fluid, compare fluide
- flux
- foliage (Fr. feuillage)
- folly (Old Fr. folie)
- fondant
- font (Fr. fonte)
- fool (Old Fr. fol)
- force majeure
- fork, from fourche and diminutive fourchette
- foreign (Old Fr. forain)
- forest (Old Fr. forest)
- fortune
- found (Old Fr. founder)
- fountain from O.Fr. fontaine, still used in modern french.
- foyer
- fracas
- fraction, from Old French, compare modern Fr. fraction
- franchise
- francophone, a speaker of French (Fr. francophone)
- frappé
- frigate, compare frégate
- frisson
- fritter, compare friture
- frontier
- fruit
- function (Old Fr. function)
- fund
- fuselage
- fusible
- fusion
- futile
- future (Old Fr. futur)
- gabardine
- gaffe
- gain, from M.Fr. gain, (O.Fr. gaaigne)
- gallant, compare galant
- gallop, from galop
- galvanize
- ganache
- gangrene
- gangue
- garage
- garter, from Old French, compare modern Fr. jarretière
- gasket
- gateau
- gauche
- gay (Old Fr. gai)
- gel
- gelatin or gelatine, from gélatine
- gem, from gemme
- general
- generic
- generosity
- generous
- gender, from genre
- genial
- genius, from génie
- gent
- gentle, from Old Fr. gentil (both noble and sweet)
- genteel
- gently, from gentiment
- gesticulation
- gesture, from geste (movement)
- giant
- gigantism
- gigolo
- gleet (Old Fr. glette)
- glissade
- globe (Fr. globe)
- global
- goblet, from Old Fr. gobelet (a deep cup)
- gondolier
- gorge
- gorgeous
- gouache
- gourmet
- govern, governance, government, governor
- grace
- gracious, from Old French, compare modern Fr. gracieux
- grammar, from Old French, compare modern Fr. grammaire
- grand
- grant
- gratin
- grief
- group
- gruel, from gruau
- guard, from garde
- guide
- guild, from guilde
- guillotine
- gulf, from Old French, compare modern Fr. golfe
- hangar
- harlequin, from Arlequin, a character from the Italian comedy
- haste, from OF. (Compare contemporary French hâte)
- haute couture high sewing
- hazard (Old Fr. hasard)
- Hollandaise
- honour or honor, Old French, compare modern Fr. honneur
- hors d'Œuvre
- hospital (Fr. hôpital)
- host, compare with "hôte", or, in the meaning of an army, with Old Fr. "ost”
- hostage
- hotel, compare hôtel
- huge (Old Fr. ahuge)
- humanity (Old Fr. humanité)
- illustration
- ignore
- ignorance
- ignorant
- imagine
- imaginative
- immediate
- imbecile, compare imbécile
- indictment
- infant
- influence
- influx
- inform
- information (Old Fr. information)
- infrastructure
- infusion
- ingénue
- injustice (from injustice)
- ink (Old Fr. enque)
- insurance, from assurance
- insurgent, from insurgé
- insurmountable, from insurmontable
- insurrection
- intact
- integer, from entier, intègre
- integrate, from intégrer
- integrity
- integrant
- intellect or intellectual
- intelligence
- intention
- intercession
- interchange
- intercourse
- interdict
- interest
- interfere
- interlace
- intense
- intrinsic, compare intrinsèque
- ivory, from Old French, compare modern Fr. ivoire
- jack, Old Fr. jaque or jacque, a garment, from Jacques, general nickname for peasants who used to wear this garment (see jacket)
- jacket, Old Fr. jaquette, diminutive form of jaque
- jade
- j'adoube
- jargon
- jelly
- je ne sais quoi
- jet
- jetty
- jew, from Old French giu
- jewel, from joyau
- joie de vivre
- join, from joindre
- joint
- journey (Old Fr. journée)
- judge, from juge , jugement,
- juggle, from jongler
- juggler
- just, from Old French
- justice, from Old French, compare modern Fr. justice
- label
- labour or labor, compare labourer
- lace
- lackey, compare laquais
- laissez-faire
- laissez-passer
- lamé
- lancer
- lancet
- language (Old Fr. langage)
- L'Anse aux Meadows (Fr. L'anse aux méduses : Jellyfish Cove)
- large
- largess
- latrine
- launder
- laundry
- laurel
- lave
- laver (Fr. laveoir)
- lay, literary sense
- leisure, from Old French, compare modern Fr. loisir
- liaison
- lias
- libel, from Old Fr. un libelle (short memorandum)
- liberal
- liberty (from Old Fr . liberté)
- library
- libre
- license
- licorice
- lieu
- lieutenant
- limousine
- lingerie
- liquor, from liqueur
- litre
- lorgnette
- Louisiana (Fr. Louisiane land of Louis XIV)
- Louisville, Louisville (named after Louis XVI)
- loupe
- love (as used in tennis)
- lozenge, from Old French, compare modern Fr. losange
- luminary, compare luminaire
- lustre or luster
- machine
- madam (Old Fr. ma dame)
- mail (Old Fr. male)
- Maine (name of a former French province)
- maintain (Old Fr. maintenir)
- maintenance
- maisonette, compare maisonnette
- majesty (Fr. majesté)
- majority (Fr. majorité)
- maladroit
- male (Old Fr. masle)
- malinger (Fr. malingre)
- mangetout
- manger
- mannequin
- manŒuvre or manŒuver, compare manŒuvre
- maquis
- mardi gras
- marine, compare marin
- marionette (Fr. marionnette)
- marmalade, compare marmelade
- marriage, compare mariage
- marshal, from Old French, compare modern Fr. maréchal
- marvel
- marvelous, from merveilleux
- mascot
- masculine
- mask, compare masque
- masque
- mass (Old Fr. masse)
- massacre, compare massacrer
- massage
- masseur
- masseuse
- mathematics
- matron
- mattress, from Old French, compare modern Fr. matelas
- May, compare mai
- Mayday, from m'aider which means literally to help me
- medal, compare médaille
- mediocre, compare médiocre
- mêlée
- memory,
- ménage à trois
- mercy (Old Fr. mercit, merci)
- meridian
- merit
- merle
- merlin (from Old Fr. esmerillon via Anglo-Fr. merilun)
- merlon
- meringue
- mésalliance
- mesclun
- mess
- message
- messenger
- Messiah (Fr. Messie)
- messianic (Fr. messianique)
- metro (Fr. métro)
- military
- mille-feuille
- Mille Lacs (USA), means thousand lakes
- milliard (Fr. milliard)
- million
- millionaire (Fr. millionnaire)
- miniature
- mine or mining, as in a coal mine
- minister (Old Fr. ministre)
- minstrel
- mitten, compare mitaine
- modern
- modify
- module
- moil
- moist (Old Fr. moiste, now "moîte")
- moment (Old Fr. moment)
- monad
- monarch
- monarchism
- monarchy (from monarchie)
- monetary
- money (Old Fr moneie)
- monition
- monster (Fr. monstre)
- monobloc
- monocle
- monogamy (Fr. monogamie)
- monogram
- monolith
- monologue (Fr. monologue)
- montage
- morgue
- mortality
- mosaic (Fr. mosaïque)
- motif
- mot juste
- mount
- mousse
- moustache or mustache, compare moustache
- move (Old Fr. moveir)
- movement
- muffle (Old Fr. moufle)
- mule, as a type of footwear
- murder (Old Fr. murdre)
- muscle
- mustard, from Old French, compare modern Fr. moutarde
- mutton
- mystery (Old Fr. mistere)
- mystic
- mystique
- pair
- palace (Old Fr. palais)
- palm (Old Fr. palme)
- pansy (Fr. pensée)
- pant (Old Fr. pantaisier)
- pantaloon (Fr. pantalon)
- panther (Old Fr. pantère)
- papier mâché
- parade
- paragon
- parent
- parentage
- parfait
- parley
- parliament
- part (Old Fr. part)
- partial (Old Fr. parcial, compare modern Fr. partial)
- partisan
- partition
- pass (Old Fr. passer)
- passion
- passé
- passive
- passport
- paste
- pastel
- pastiche
- pastille
- pastor
- pasture
- pasturage
- pasty
- pastry
- patch
- pâté
- patent
- paternity
- pathetic
- pathology
- patience (Old Fr. pacience)
- patient
- patisserie
- pause (Old Fr. pause)
- pawn (Old Fr. pan, pant)
- peace (Old Fr. pais)
- peach
- pear
- pell-mell (Fr. pêle-mêle)
- pelt (Old Fr. pelete)
- pen (Old Fr. penne)
- penal
- pencil
- pension
- pensive
- penthouse (Old Fr. apentis)
- people (Old Fr. peupel)
- perchance
- perceiver
- perch (Old Fr. perche)
- perdition
- perfect
- perfection
- perfume, from Middle French, "parfum"
- person (Old Fr. persone)
- petty (Old Fr. petit)
- petulant, compare pétulant
- phial
- philanthropic (Fr. philanthropique)
- philately (Fr. philatélie)
- philharmonic
- philosophy (Old Fr. filosofie)
- philtre (Fr. philtre)
- physics (Fr. physique)
- phantom (Fr. fantôme)
- phlebotomy
- phlegm
- piece (Old Fr. piece)
- pied à terre
- piety (Old Fr. piete)
- pipe
- pipette
- piquant
- piqué
- pirouette
- piss (Old Fr. pisser, still used today in slang)
- pistol
- pistole
- plain (Old Fr. plain)
- plant
- plaque
- plash
- plastic (Fr. plastique)
- plat du jour
- plate
- plateau
- platform (Fr. plateforme)
- platoon (Fr. peloton)
- platter
- plebiscite (Fr. plébiscite)
- plea (Old Fr. plait)
- please (Fr. plaire)
- pleasant (Old Fr. plaisant)
- pleasantry (Old Fr. plaisanterie)
- pleasure (Old Fr. plesir, modern French "plaisir")
- plead
- pledge (Old Fr. plege)
- plié
- plumage
- plumb
- plumber (Old Fr. plommier)
- plume, Wiktionary:nom de plume
- plural (Old Fr. pluriel)
- plurality
- plus ça change
- plush
- pneumatic
- poach, as in cookery, from Old French, compare modern Fr. pocher
- poem (Fr. poème)
- poesy (Old Fr. poesie)
- poetic (Fr. poétique)
- pole
- policy, from police (as a contract)
- poor (Old Fr. poure, compare poverty)
- populace (Fr. populace)
- popular
- pork
- porous
- porpoise
- port (Old Fr. port)
- portage
- porter
- portion
- portmanteau
- pose, compare poser
- position (Old Fr. position)
- positive (Old Fr. positif)
- posology
- possess (Old Fr. possesser, modern Fr. posséder)
- possibility
- possible (Fr. possible)
- post, compare poste
- poultry
- poutine
- poverty (O.Fr. poverte, compare poor)
- power (Old Fr. poeir)
- practical (Old Fr. practique)
- practise
- precious
- pregnant
- prejudice
- premier (Fr. = first)
- premiere (Fr. première)
- prepare
- prerogative
- presence
- present
- president
- prêt-à-porter
- pretend
- pretense
- price (Old Fr. pris)
- prince (Old Fr. prince)
- princess
- princical
- principality (Old Fr. principalité)
- principle
- print
- prison (Old Fr. prisoun)
- prize compare price
- proof (Old Fr. proeve)
- pronoun (Fr. pronom)
- pronounce
- pronunciation
- proper (Old Fr. propre)
- property
- prophecy (Old Fr. profecie)
- prophesy
- proportion (Old Fr. proportion)
- propose, from proposer
- proposition (Old Fr. proposition)
- prorogue
- prosaic
- prose (Old Fr. prose)
- prosecution
- protection (Old Fr. protection)
- protein
- protestation
- protocol (Old Fr. prothocole)
- proud (Old Fr. prud)
- province (Old Fr. province)
- pulley
- punish (Old Fr. puniss-)
- pure (Old Fr. pur)
- purify (Old Fr. purifier)
- purpose (Old Fr. porpos)
- putty (Modern Fr. potée)
- sabot
- sabotage
- saboteur
- sachet
- sacrament, compare sacrement
- Saint Louis (named for Louis IX)
- salon
- saloon, compare salon
- sample (Old Fr. essample)
- satin
- sauce (Old Fr. sauce)
- sauté
- savage (Old Fr. sauvage)
- savant
- savate
- save (Anglo-fr. sa(u) ver, Old Fr. salver)
- savoir faire
- scepter
- scholar
- science
- screw (Old Fr. escroue)
- seal (Old Fr. seel)
- séance
- search (Old Fr. cerchier)
- season (Old Fr. saison)
- second (Old Fr. second)
- sensitive
- sentence (Old Fr. sentence)
- sentiment (Old Fr. sentement)
- sentinel
- sepal
- separable
- separation
- septillion (from sept seven)
- sepulchre
- sepulchral
- sequester
- serf (Old Fr. serf)
- sergeant or serjeant, from Old French, compare modern Fr. sergent
- servant
- several (from Old Fr. seperalis via Anglo-Fr. several)
- sex
- shop (Old Fr. eschoppe)
- similar (Fr. similaire)
- simple (Old Fr. simple)
- skate (from Old Fr. eschace via Dutch schaats)
- slice (Old Fr. esclis)
- slot (Old Fr. esclot)
- snye
- sober (Old Fr. sobre)
- sobriety
- sobriquet
- sociable (Fr. sociable)
- social (Fr. social)
- socialism (Fr. socialisme)
- society (Fr. société)
- socket
- soil (Old Fr. soil)
- soiree (Fr. soirée)
- sojourn (Old Fr. sojorn)
- solder
- sole
- solemnize
- solicit (Old Fr. solliciter)
- solicitor (Old Fr. solliciteur)
- solid
- solidarity (Fr. solidarité)
- soldier
- sombre (Fr. sombre)
- sort (Old Fr. sorte)
- soufflé
- sound (Old Fr. son)
- soupçon
- sovereign
- sovereignist (Fr. souverainiste)
- special
- spirit (Old Fr. esprit)
- sport (Old Fr. desport)
- stage (Old Fr. estage)
- state
- stay
- stereotype
- story (Old Fr. estorie)
- stray
- stress (Old Fr. estresse)
- structure (Old Fr. structure)
- study
- stuff (Old Fr. estoffe, modern Fr. étoffe)
- stupid
- sturgeon, from esturgeon
- subject, from sujet
- subtle
- subtlety
- succession
- successor
- succumb
- succour
- suffer
- sufficient
- suit, from Old Fr. seoir
- suitor
- superior
- superlative
- support (Old Fr. supporter)
- suppose (Old Fr. supposer)
- sure (Old Fr. sur, seur)
- surety (Old Fr. seurté)
- surface
- surgeon
- surgery
- surgical
- surmise
- surmount
- surname (Old Fr. surnom)
- surpass
- surplus
- surprise
- surrender (Old Fr. surrendre)
- surrealism (Fr. surréalisme)
- suspend
- suspense (Fr. suspens)
- suspension
- sustain
- system
- vague
- vast (Fr. vaste, compare waste)
- veal (Old Fr. veel)
- velcro, from velours, velvet, and crochet, hook
- ventre à terre
- verdigris, from vert de gris, the colour of the copper oxide
- verdict
- Vermont (from les verts monts the green mountains)
- versatile
- verse
- version
- vert
- vertical
- very (Old Fr. verai)
- vesper
- vest
- view (Old Fr. veue)
- victory
- vigour
- vile
- villain (Old Fr. villain)
- village (Old Fr. village)
- vintage
- viol (Old Fr. viel(l) e)
- violence (Old Fr. violence)
- violent
- vin, vin blanc, vin rouge, vin rosé, etc
- vintage
- virgin (Old Fr. virgine)
- virginal
- virtue
- vis-a-vis
- visible
- viscount
- vogue
- voice
- voilà
- void
- volant
- volatile
- volley
- volte-face
- voluble
- volume (Old Fr. volume)
- voluntary
- volunteer
- voluptuous
- volute
- voodoo (from a West African language)
- voyage (Old Fr. veiage)
- voyeur
Many English words imported from French that start with a "w" have a "g" in French. This is because in old French the "g" was pronounced as a modern "w".
- wage (Old Fr. gage)
- wager, from gager.
- war, from guerre.
- wardrobe, from Garde-Robe, meaning the keep a dress, or clothes.
- warrant, from garantie.
- waste (Old Fr. wast, compare vast)
- Wisconsin, from Ouisconsin, a French variant of a Native American word
See also
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