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English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT
(Starting with "K")

By Stephen Wong

stevewong01 at netvigator com

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English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT
(Click here to download UTF8-files for OmegaT)

keep a secret 對...保密、隱瞞 

keep away from 與...保持距離,不打擾 

keep company 與...作伴 

keep company with 與...作伴 

keep from 使不能,阻止 

keep from 保護,以防 

keep her distance 與...保持距離 

keep her distance from 與...保持距離 

keep her mind on 專心致力於... 

keep her temper 忍住怒氣 

keep his distance 與...保持距離 

keep his distance from 與...保持距離 

keep his mind on 專心致力於... 

keep his temper 忍住怒氣 

keep in 不讓外出,保持在內 

keep in touch 保持聯繫 

keep it's distance 與...保持距離 

keep it's distance from 與...保持距離 

keep it's mind on 專心致力於... 

keep it's temper 忍住怒氣 

keep my distance 與...保持距離 

keep my distance from 與...保持距離 

keep my mind on 專心致力於... 

keep my temper 忍住怒氣 

keep one's distance 與...保持距離 

keep one's distance from 與...保持距離 

keep one's mind on 專心致力於... 

keep one's temper 忍住怒氣 

keep our distance 與...保持距離 

keep our distance from 與...保持距離 

keep our mind on 專心致力於... 

keep our temper 忍住怒氣 

keep out 不讓進入,保持在外 

keep out of (1)不讓...進入...

keep out of (2)不進入;不捲入 

keep quiet about 對...保密、隱瞞 

keep their distance 與...保持距離 

keep their distance from 與...保持距離 

keep their mind on 專心致力於... 

keep their temper 忍住怒氣 

keep up with 跟得上 

keep your distance 與...保持距離 

keep your distance from 與...保持距離 

keep your mind on 專心致力於... 

keep your temper 忍住怒氣 

keeping a secret 對...保密、隱瞞 

keeping away from 與...保持距離,不打擾 

keeping company 與...作伴 

keeping company with 與...作伴 

keeping from 使不能,阻止 

keeping from 保護,以防 

keeping her distance 與...保持距離 

keeping her distance from 與...保持距離 

keeping her mind on 專心致力於... 

keeping her temper 忍住怒氣 

keeping his distance 與...保持距離 

keeping his distance from 與...保持距離 

keeping his mind on 專心致力於... 

keeping his temper 忍住怒氣 

keeping in 不讓外出,保持在內 

keeping in touch 保持聯繫 

keeping it's distance 與...保持距離 

keeping it's distance from 與...保持距離 

keeping it's mind on 專心致力於... 

keeping it's temper 忍住怒氣 

keeping my distance 與...保持距離 

keeping my distance from 與...保持距離 

keeping my mind on 專心致力於... 

keeping my temper 忍住怒氣 

keeping one's distance 與...保持距離 

keeping one's distance from 與...保持距離 

keeping one's mind on 專心致力於... 

keeping one's temper 忍住怒氣 

keeping our distance 與...保持距離 

keeping our distance from 與...保持距離 

keeping our mind on 專心致力於... 

keeping our temper 忍住怒氣 

keeping out 不讓進入,保持在外 

keeping out of (1)不讓...進入...

keeping out of (2)不進入;不捲入 

keeping quiet about 對...保密、隱瞞 

keeping their distance 與...保持距離 

keeping their distance from 與...保持距離 

keeping their mind on 專心致力於... 

keeping their temper 忍住怒氣 

keeping up with 跟得上 

keeping your distance 與...保持距離 

keeping your distance from 與...保持距離 

keeping your mind on 專心致力於... 

keeping your temper 忍住怒氣 

keeps a secret 對...保密、隱瞞 

keeps away from 與...保持距離,不打擾 

keeps company 與...作伴 

keeps company with 與...作伴 

keeps from 使不能,阻止 

keeps from 保護,以防 

keeps her distance 與...保持距離 

keeps her distance from 與...保持距離 

keeps her mind on 專心致力於... 

keeps her temper 忍住怒氣 

keeps his distance 與...保持距離 

keeps his distance from 與...保持距離 

keeps his mind on 專心致力於... 

keeps his temper 忍住怒氣 

keeps in 不讓外出,保持在內 

keeps in touch 保持聯繫 

keeps it's distance 與...保持距離 

keeps it's distance from 與...保持距離 

keeps it's mind on 專心致力於... 

keeps it's temper 忍住怒氣 

keeps my distance 與...保持距離 

keeps my distance from 與...保持距離 

keeps my mind on 專心致力於... 

keeps my temper 忍住怒氣 

keeps one's distance 與...保持距離 

keeps one's distance from 與...保持距離 

keeps one's mind on 專心致力於... 

keeps one's temper 忍住怒氣 

keeps our distance 與...保持距離 

keeps our distance from 與...保持距離 

keeps our mind on 專心致力於... 

keeps our temper 忍住怒氣 

keeps out 不讓進入,保持在外 

keeps out of (1)不讓...進入...

keeps out of (2)不進入;不捲入 

keeps quiet about 對...保密、隱瞞 

keeps their distance 與...保持距離 

keeps their distance from 與...保持距離 

keeps their mind on 專心致力於... 

keeps their temper 忍住怒氣 

keeps up with 跟得上 

keeps your distance 與...保持距離 

keeps your distance from 與...保持距離 

keeps your mind on 專心致力於... 

keeps your temper 忍住怒氣 

kept a secret 對...保密、隱瞞 

kept away from 與...保持距離,不打擾 

kept company 與...作伴 

kept company with 與...作伴 

kept from 使不能,阻止 

kept from 保護,以防 

kept her distance 與...保持距離 

kept her distance from 與...保持距離 

kept her mind on 專心致力於... 

kept her temper 忍住怒氣 

kept his distance 與...保持距離 

kept his distance from 與...保持距離 

kept his mind on 專心致力於... 

kept his temper 忍住怒氣 

kept in 不讓外出,保持在內 

kept in touch 保持聯繫 

kept it's distance 與...保持距離 

kept it's distance from 與...保持距離 

kept it's mind on 專心致力於... 

kept it's temper 忍住怒氣 

kept my distance 與...保持距離 

kept my distance from 與...保持距離 

kept my mind on 專心致力於... 

kept my temper 忍住怒氣 

kept one's distance 與...保持距離 

kept one's distance from 與...保持距離 

kept one's mind on 專心致力於... 

kept one's temper 忍住怒氣 

kept our distance 與...保持距離 

kept our distance from 與...保持距離 

kept our mind on 專心致力於... 

kept our temper 忍住怒氣 

kept out 不讓進入,保持在外 

kept out of (1)不讓...進入...

kept out of (2)不進入;不捲入 

kept quiet about 對...保密、隱瞞 

kept their distance 與...保持距離 

kept their distance from 與...保持距離 

kept their mind on 專心致力於... 

kept their temper 忍住怒氣 

kept up with 跟得上 

kept your distance 與...保持距離 

kept your distance from 與...保持距離 

kept your mind on 專心致力於... 

kept your temper 忍住怒氣 

kind of 有點...,有幾分... 

knew of (1)知道有(某事

knew of (2)聽說過(某人

know of (1)知道有(某事

know of (2)聽說過(某人

knowing of (1)知道有(某事

knowing of (2)聽說過(某人

known of (1)知道有(某事

known of (2)聽說過(某人

knows of (1)知道有(某事

knows of (2)聽說過(某人

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English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT
(Click here to download UTF8-files for OmegaT)

See also:

English to traditional Chinese Biblical glossary for use with OmegaT

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Hours

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Terminology

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Bible Books

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Places

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Names

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Phrases

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Miscellaneous

Published - October 2009

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