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English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT
(Starting with "to be")

By Stephen Wong

stevewong01 at netvigator com

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English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT
(Click here to download UTF8-files for OmegaT)

am able to 能夠 

am about to 正要,正打算 

am absoramd in 專心致力於... 

am accustomed to 習慣於 

am accustomed to 習慣於 

am addicted to (1)對...上癮 

am addicted to (2)沉溺於,對...入迷 

am afraid of 害怕 

am allergic to (1)對...過敏 

am allergic to (2)對...非常討厭、反感 

am aware of 意識到,知道 

am bound for 前往,離開...去... 

am brought up as 在...的教育下撫養長大 

am brought up to 被教導要... 

am capable of 能夠 

am carried out 舉行,進行 

am certain 確定,確信 

am certain that 確定,確信 

am compatible with (1)一致的 

am compatible with (2)與...可相容 

am composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

am composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

am concerned about (1)關心 

am concerned about (2)擔心 

am concerned about 擔心,焦慮 

am connected to (1)與...有關 

am connected to (2)與...有親戚關係 

am connected to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

am convinced of 相信... 

am convinced that 相信... 

am covered by 被...覆蓋 

am covered with 覆蓋著... 

am crowded with 擠滿,塞滿 

am deaf to 不聽,對...充耳不聞、置若罔聞 

am different from 與...不一樣 

am different from 與...不同 

am different from 與...不類似 

am dissatisfied with 對...不滿意 

am eager for 渴望,企盼 

am engaged in 參與,使亡於 

am envious of 羨慕,嫉妒 

am fed up with 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

am filled with 擠滿,塞滿 

am fit for 適合 

am fond of 喜歡 

am free of 擺脫,除去 

am full of 擠滿,塞滿 

am going to 正要,正打算 

am harmful to 對...有害,對...造成損害

am helpful for 對...有用,對...有益 

am identical to 與...一樣 

am in a bad temper 心情壞,心情不好 

am in a temper 心情壞,心情不好 

am in charge of 對...責任 

am in competition with 與...競賽、競爭 

am in examtance 存在 

am in the form of 呈...的形狀 

am in the shape of 呈...的形狀 

am in touch with 與...聯繫 

am incompatible with (1)不一致的 

am incompatible with (2)與...不可相容

am inferior to 較差的 

am interested in 對...感與趣 

am irrelevant to 與...無關 

am jealous of 羨慕,嫉妒 

am liable for (法律)責任 

am liable to (1)容易,易於 

am liable to (2)有可能 

am likely to 有可能 

am located in 位於 

am made from 用...製成 

am made of 用...製成 

am made up of 由...組成,由...構成 

am not supposed to 不准,不被容許,不能 

am not sure if 不確定是否... 

am not sure whether 不確定是否... 

am opposed of 反對,不贊成 

am out of shape 變形,走樣 

am poor in 缺乏 

am ready to 準備好做... 

am ready to 願意 

am related to (1)與...有關 

am related to (2)與...有親戚關係 

am related to 與...有關 

am related to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

am relative to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

am relevant to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

am responsible for (1)對...責任 

am responsible for (2)是...的原因 

am responsible for (法律)責任 

am rich in 有很多...的,富有...的 

am ripe for (...)時機成熟 

am satisfied with 對...滿意 

am sensitive to (1)易感受到 

am sensitive to (2)對...敏感 

am sensitive to (3)對...反應靈敏

am sensitive to (4)易受...的影響

am sick and tired of 對...感到非常厭倦、厭煩

am sick of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

am similar to 與...類似 

am suitable for 適合 

am superior to 比...好 

am supposed to (1)必須、應該 

am supposed to (2)被認為 

am sure 確定,確信 

am sure about 確定,確信 

am sure of 確定,確信 

am sure that 確定,確信 

am sure to 一定,務必 

am the same as 與...一樣 

am thirsty for 渴望,企盼 

am tied up 忙碌,無法脫身

am tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

am unaware of 不意識到,不知道 

am under order to 奉命(...) 

am unlikely to 沒有可能 

am used to (1)習慣於 

am used to (2)被用來 

am used to 習慣(...) 

am used to 習慣於 

am useful for 對...有用 

am useful to 對...有用,對...有益 

am useless to 對...沒用,對...沒益 

am willing to 願意 

am worried about (1)關心 

am worried about (2)擔心 

am worried about 擔心,焦慮 

are able to 能夠 

are about to 正要,正打算 

are absorared in 專心致力於... 

are accustomed to 習慣於 

are accustomed to 習慣於 

are addicted to (1)對...上癮 

are addicted to (2)沉溺於,對...入迷 

are afraid of 害怕 

are allergic to (1)對...過敏 

are allergic to (2)對...非常討厭、反感 

are annoyed with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

are aware of 意識到,知道 

are bound for 前往,離開...去... 

are brought up as 在...的教育下撫養長大 

are brought up to 被教導要... 

are capable of 能夠 

are carried out 舉行,進行 

are compatible with (1)一致的 

are compatible with (2)與...可相容 

are composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

are composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

are concerned about (1)關心 

are concerned about (2)擔心 

are concerned about 擔心,焦慮 

are connected to (1)與...有關 

are connected to (2)與...有親戚關係 

are connected to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

are convinced of 相信... 

are convinced that 相信... 

are covered by 被...覆蓋 

are covered with 覆蓋著... 

are crowded with 裝滿、充滿 

are deaf to 不聽,對...充耳不聞、置若罔聞 

are different from 與...不一樣 

are different from 與...不同 

are different from 與...不同 

are eager for 渴望 

are eager for 渴望,企盼 

are eager to 急切地想...,渴望地想...

are engaged in 參與,使亡於 

are envious of 羨慕,嫉妒 

are excited about 對...感到興奮 

are exposed of (1)使暴露於 

are exposed of (2)使遭受、處於(危險、攻擊

are exposed of (3)使接觸到 

are familiar to 為...所熟悉 

are familiar with (1)熟悉 

are familiar with (2)精通 

are famous as 以作為...而出名,以身為...而聞名 

are famous for 以...而聞名 

are fascinated with 對...著迷 

are fed up with 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

are fed up with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

are filled with 裝滿、充滿 

are filled with 擠滿,塞滿 

are fond of 喜歡 

are fond of 喜歡 

are free of 擺脫,除去 

are full of 裝滿、充滿 

are full of 擠滿,塞滿 

are going to 正要,正打算 

are harmful to 對...有害 

are harmful to 對...有害,對...造成損害

are helpful for 對...有用,對...有益 

are identical to 與...一樣 

are in a bad temper 心情壞,心情不好 

are in a temper 心情壞,心情不好 

are in competition with 與...競賽、競爭 

are in exaretance 存在 

are in her nature ...是某人的本性 

are in his nature ...是某人的本性 

are in my nature ...是某人的本性 

are in one's nature ...是某人的本性 

are in our nature ...是某人的本性 

are in the form of 呈...的形狀 

are in the shape of 呈...的形狀 

are in their nature ...是某人的本性 

are in touch with 與...聯繫 

are in your nature ...是某人的本性 

are incompatible with (1)不一致的 

are incompatible with (2)與...不可相容

are interested in 對...感與趣 

are into 對...著迷 

are irrelevant to 與...無關 

are jealous of 羨慕,嫉妒 

are liable for (法律)責任 

are liable to (1)容易,易於 

are liable to (2)有可能 

are likely to 有可能 

are located in 位於 

are made from 用...製成 

are made of 用...製成 

are made up of 由...組成,由...構成 

are opposed of 反對,不贊成 

are out of shape 變形,走樣 

are ready for 準備好 

are ready to 願意 

are related to (1)與...有關 

are related to (2)與...有親戚關係 

are related to 與...有關 

are related to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

are relative to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

are relevant to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

are responsible for (法律)責任 

are sick and tired of 對...感到非常厭倦、厭煩

are sick of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

are similar to 與...相同 

are the same as 與...一樣 

are thirsty for 渴望,企盼 

are tied up 忙碌,無法脫身

are tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

are unaware of 不意識到,不知道 

are under order to 奉命(...) 

are unlikely to 沒有可能 

are used to (1)習慣於 

are used to (2)被用來 

are used to 習慣(...) 

are used to 習慣於 

are useful for 對...有用 

are useful to 對...有用,對...有益 

are useless to 對...沒用,對...沒益 

are well known for 以...而聞名 

are well-known for 以...而聞名 

are willing to 願意 

are worried about (1)關心 

are worried about (2)擔心 

are worried about 擔心,焦慮 

be able to 能夠 

be about to 正要,正打算 

be absorbed in 專心致力於... 

be accustomed to 習慣於 

be accustomed to 習慣於 

be addicted to (1)對...上癮 

be addicted to (2)沉溺於,對...入迷 

be afraid of 害怕 

be allergic to (1)對...過敏 

be allergic to (2)對...非常討厭、反感 

be annoyed with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

be aware of 意識到,知道 

be bound for 前往,離開...去... 

be brought up as 在...的教育下撫養長大 

be brought up to 被教導要... 

be capable of 能夠 

be carried out 舉行,進行 

be certain 確定,確信 

be certain that 確定,確信 

be compatible with (1)一致的 

be compatible with (2)與...可相容 

be composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

be composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

be concerned about (1)關心 

be concerned about (2)擔心 

be concerned about 擔心,焦慮 

be connected to (1)與...有關 

be connected to (2)與...有親戚關係 

be connected to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

be convinced of 相信... 

be convinced that 相信... 

be covered by 被...覆蓋 

be covered with 覆蓋著... 

be crowded with 裝滿、充滿 

be crowded with 擠滿,塞滿 

be deaf to 不聽,對...充耳不聞、置若罔聞 

be determined to 定(...) 

be different from 與...不一樣 

be different from 與...不同 

be different from 與...不同 

be different from 與...不類似 

be dissatisfied with 對...不滿意 

be eager for 渴望 

be eager for 渴望,企盼 

be eager to 急切地想...,渴望地想...

be engaged in 參與,使亡於 

be envious of 羨慕,嫉妒 

be excited about 對...感到興奮 

be exposed of (1)使暴露於 

be exposed of (2)使遭受、處於(危險、攻擊

be exposed of (3)使接觸到 

be familiar to 為...所熟悉 

be familiar with (1)熟悉 

be familiar with (2)精通 

be famous as 以作為...而出名,以身為...而聞名 

be famous for 以...而聞名 

be fascinated with 對...著迷 

be fed up with 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

be fed up with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

be filled with 裝滿、充滿 

be filled with 擠滿,塞滿 

be fit for 適合 

be fond of 喜歡 

be fond of 喜歡 

be free of 擺脫,除去 

be full of 裝滿、充滿 

be full of 擠滿,塞滿 

be going to 正要,正打算 

be harmful to 對...有害 

be harmful to 對...有害,對...造成損害

be helpful for 對...有用,對...有益 

be identical to 與...一樣 

be in a bad temper 心情壞,心情不好 

be in a temper 心情壞,心情不好 

be in charge of 對...責任 

be in competition with 與...競賽、競爭 

be in existance 存在 

be in her nature ...是某人的本性 

be in his nature ...是某人的本性 

be in my nature ...是某人的本性 

be in one's nature ...是某人的本性 

be in our nature ...是某人的本性 

be in the form of 呈...的形狀 

be in the shape of 呈...的形狀 

be in their nature ...是某人的本性 

be in touch with 與...聯繫 

be in your nature ...是某人的本性 

be incompatible with (1)不一致的 

be incompatible with (2)與...不可相容

be inferior to 較差的 

be interested in 對...感與趣 

be into 對...著迷 

be irrelevant to 與...無關 

be jealous of 羨慕,嫉妒 

be liable for (法律)責任 

be liable to (1)容易,易於 

be liable to (2)有可能 

be likely to 有可能 

be located in 位於 

be made from 用...製成 

be made of 用...製成 

be made up of 由...組成,由...構成 

be made up of 由...組成,由...構成 

be not supposed to 不准,不被容許,不能 

be not sure if 不確定是否... 

be not sure whether 不確定是否... 

be opposed of 反對,不贊成 

be out of shape 變形,走樣 

be poor in 缺乏 

be ready for 準備好 

be ready to 準備好做... 

be ready to 願意 

be related to (1)與...有關 

be related to (2)與...有親戚關係 

be related to 與...有關 

be related to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

be relative to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

be relevant to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

be responsible for (1)對...責任 

be responsible for (2)是...的原因 

be responsible for (法律)責任 

be rich in 有很多...的,富有...的 

be ripe for (...)時機成熟 

be satisfied with 對...滿意 

be sensitive to (1)易感受到 

be sensitive to (2)對...敏感 

be sensitive to (3)對...反應靈敏

be sensitive to (4)易受...的影響

be sick and tired of 對...感到非常厭倦、厭煩

be sick of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

be similar to 與...相同 

be similar to 與...類似 

be suitable for 適合 

be superior to 比...好 

be supposed to (1)必須、應該 

be supposed to (2)被認為 

be sure 確定,確信 

be sure about 確定,確信 

be sure of 確定,確信 

be sure that 確定,確信 

be sure to 一定,務必 

be the same as 與...一樣 

be thirsty for 渴望,企盼 

be tied up 忙碌,無法脫身

be tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

be unaware of 不意識到,不知道 

be under order to 奉命(...) 

be unlikely to 沒有可能 

be used to (1)習慣於 

be used to (2)被用來 

be used to 習慣(...) 

be used to 習慣於 

be useful for 對...有用 

be useful to 對...有用,對...有益 

be useless to 對...沒用,對...沒益 

be well known for 以...而聞名 

be well-known for 以...而聞名 

be willing to 願意 

be worried about (1)關心 

be worried about (2)擔心 

be worried about 擔心,焦慮 

been able to 能夠 

been about to 正要,正打算 

been absorbeend in 專心致力於... 

been accustomed to 習慣於 

been accustomed to 習慣於 

been addicted to (1)對...上癮 

been addicted to (2)沉溺於,對...入迷 

been afraid of 害怕 

been allergic to (1)對...過敏 

been allergic to (2)對...非常討厭、反感 

been annoyed with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

been aware of 意識到,知道 

been bound for 前往,離開...去... 

been brought up as 在...的教育下撫養長大 

been brought up to 被教導要... 

been capable of 能夠 

been carried out 舉行,進行 

been certain 確定,確信 

been certain that 確定,確信 

been compatible with (1)一致的 

been compatible with (2)與...可相容 

been composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

been composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

been concerned about (1)關心 

been concerned about (2)擔心 

been concerned about 擔心,焦慮 

been connected to (1)與...有關 

been connected to (2)與...有親戚關係 

been connected to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

been convinced of 相信... 

been convinced that 相信... 

been covered by 被...覆蓋 

been covered with 覆蓋著... 

been crowded with 裝滿、充滿 

been crowded with 擠滿,塞滿 

been deaf to 不聽,對...充耳不聞、置若罔聞 

been different from 與...不一樣 

been different from 與...不同 

been different from 與...不同 

been different from 與...不類似 

been dissatisfied with 對...不滿意 

been eager for 渴望 

been eager for 渴望,企盼 

been eager to 急切地想...,渴望地想...

been engaged in 參與,使亡於 

been envious of 羨慕,嫉妒 

been excited about 對...感到興奮 

been exposed of (1)使暴露於 

been exposed of (2)使遭受、處於(危險、攻擊

been exposed of (3)使接觸到 

been familiar to 為...所熟悉 

been familiar with (1)熟悉 

been familiar with (2)精通 

been famous as 以作為...而出名,以身為...而聞名 

been famous for 以...而聞名 

been fascinated with 對...著迷 

been fed up with 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

been fed up with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

been filled with 裝滿、充滿 

been filled with 擠滿,塞滿 

been fit for 適合 

been fond of 喜歡 

been fond of 喜歡 

been free of 擺脫,除去 

been full of 裝滿、充滿 

been going to 正要,正打算 

been harmful to 對...有害,對...造成損害

been helpful for 對...有用,對...有益 

been identical to 與...一樣 

been in a bad temper 心情壞,心情不好 

been in a temper 心情壞,心情不好 

been in charge of 對...責任 

been in competition with 與...競賽、競爭 

been in existance 存在 

been in her nature ...是某人的本性 

been in his nature ...是某人的本性 

been in my nature ...是某人的本性 

been in one's nature ...是某人的本性 

been in our nature ...是某人的本性 

been in the form of 呈...的形狀 

been in the shape of 呈...的形狀 

been in their nature ...是某人的本性 

been in touch with 與...聯繫 

been in your nature ...是某人的本性 

been incompatible with (1)不一致的 

been incompatible with (2)與...不可相容

been inferior to 較差的 

been interested in 對...感與趣 

been into 對...著迷 

been irrelevant to 與...無關 

been jealous of 羨慕,嫉妒 

been liable for (法律)責任 

been liable to (1)容易,易於 

been liable to (2)有可能 

been likely to 有可能 

been located in 位於 

been made from 用...製成 

been made of 用...製成 

been made up of 由...組成,由...構成 

been not supposed to 不准,不被容許,不能 

been not sure if 不確定是否... 

been not sure whether 不確定是否... 

been opposed of 反對,不贊成 

been out of shape 變形,走樣 

been poor in 缺乏 

been ready to 準備好做... 

been ready to 願意 

been related to (1)與...有關 

been related to (2)與...有親戚關係 

been related to 與...有關 

been related to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

been relative to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

been relevant to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

been responsible for (1)對...責任 

been responsible for (2)是...的原因 

been responsible for (法律)責任 

been rich in 有很多...的,富有...的 

been ripe for (...)時機成熟 

been satisfied with 對...滿意 

been sensitive to (1)易感受到 

been sensitive to (2)對...敏感 

been sensitive to (3)對...反應靈敏

been sensitive to (4)易受...的影響

been sick and tired of 對...感到非常厭倦、厭煩

been sick of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

been similar to 與...相同 

been similar to 與...類似 

been suitable for 適合 

been superior to 比...好 

been supposed to (1)必須、應該 

been supposed to (2)被認為 

been sure 確定,確信 

been sure about 確定,確信 

been sure of 確定,確信 

been sure that 確定,確信 

been sure to 一定,務必 

been the same as 與...一樣 

been thirsty for 渴望,企盼 

been tied up 忙碌,無法脫身

been tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

been unaware of 不意識到,不知道 

been under order to 奉命(...) 

been unlikely to 沒有可能 

been used to (1)習慣於 

been used to (2)被用來 

been used to 習慣(...) 

been used to 習慣於 

been useful for 對...有用 

been useful to 對...有用,對...有益 

been useless to 對...沒用,對...沒益 

been well known for 以...而聞名 

been well-known for 以...而聞名 

been willing to 願意 

been worried about (1)關心 

been worried about (2)擔心 

been worried about 擔心,焦慮 

being absorbeingd in 專心致力於... 

being accustomed to 習慣於 

being bound for 前往,離開...去... 

being brought up as 在...的教育下撫養長大 

being brought up to 被教導要... 

being carried out 舉行,進行 

being certain 確定,確信 

being certain that 確定,確信 

being concerned about 擔心,焦慮 

being connected to (1)與...有關 

being connected to (2)與...有親戚關係 

being connected to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

being deaf to 不聽,對...充耳不聞、置若罔聞 

being different from 與...不一樣 

being different from 與...不同 

being different from 與...不類似 

being dissatisfied with 對...不滿意 

being eager for 渴望,企盼 

being engaged in 參與,使亡於 

being envious of 羨慕,嫉妒 

being fed up with 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

being filled with 擠滿,塞滿 

being fit for 適合 

being fond of 喜歡 

being free of 擺脫,除去 

being full of 擠滿,塞滿 

being harmful to 對...有害,對...造成損害

being helpful for 對...有用,對...有益 

being identical to 與...一樣 

being in a bad temper 心情壞,心情不好 

being in a temper 心情壞,心情不好 

being in charge of 對...責任 

being in existance 存在 

being in her nature ...是某人的本性 

being in his nature ...是某人的本性 

being in my nature ...是某人的本性 

being in one's nature ...是某人的本性 

being in our nature ...是某人的本性 

being in the form of 呈...的形狀 

being in the shape of 呈...的形狀 

being in their nature ...是某人的本性 

being in touch with 與...聯繫 

being in your nature ...是某人的本性 

being inferior to 較差的 

being interested in 對...感與趣 

being irrelevant to 與...無關 

being jealous of 羨慕,嫉妒 

being liable for (法律)責任 

being liable to (1)容易,易於 

being liable to (2)有可能 

being likely to 有可能 

being located in 位於 

being made from 用...製成 

being made of 用...製成 

being not supposed to 不准,不被容許,不能 

being not sure if 不確定是否... 

being not sure whether 不確定是否... 

being opposed of 反對,不贊成 

being out of shape 變形,走樣 

being poor in 缺乏 

being ready to 準備好做... 

being ready to 願意 

being related to (1)與...有關 

being related to (2)與...有親戚關係 

being related to 與...有關 

being related to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

being relative to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

being relevant to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

being responsible for (1)對...責任 

being responsible for (2)是...的原因 

being responsible for (法律)責任 

being rich in 有很多...的,富有...的 

being ripe for (...)時機成熟 

being satisfied with 對...滿意 

being sensitive to (1)易感受到 

being sensitive to (2)對...敏感 

being sensitive to (3)對...反應靈敏

being sensitive to (4)易受...的影響

being sick and tired of 對...感到非常厭倦、厭煩

being sick of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

being similar to 與...類似 

being suitable for 適合 

being superior to 比...好 

being supposed to (1)必須、應該 

being supposed to (2)被認為 

being sure 確定,確信 

being sure about 確定,確信 

being sure of 確定,確信 

being sure that 確定,確信 

being sure to 一定,務必 

being the same as 與...一樣 

being thirsty for 渴望,企盼 

being tied up 忙碌,無法脫身

being tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

being under order to 奉命(...) 

being unlikely to 沒有可能 

being used to (1)習慣於 

being used to (2)被用來 

being used to 習慣(...) 

being useful for 對...有用 

being useful to 對...有用,對...有益 

being useless to 對...沒用,對...沒益 

being willing to 願意 

being worried about 擔心,焦慮 

is able to 能夠 

is about to 正要,正打算 

is absorisd in 專心致力於... 

is accustomed to 習慣於 

is accustomed to 習慣於 

is addicted to (1)對...上癮 

is addicted to (2)沉溺於,對...入迷 

is afraid of 害怕 

is allergic to (1)對...過敏 

is allergic to (2)對...非常討厭、反感 

is annoyed with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

is aware of 意識到,知道 

is bound for 前往,離開...去... 

is brought up as 在...的教育下撫養長大 

is brought up to 被教導要... 

is capable of 能夠 

is carried out 舉行,進行 

is certain 確定,確信 

is certain that 確定,確信 

is compatible with (1)一致的 

is compatible with (2)與...可相容 

is composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

is composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

is concerned about (1)關心 

is concerned about (2)擔心 

is concerned about 擔心,焦慮 

is connected to (1)與...有關 

is connected to (2)與...有親戚關係 

is connected to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

is convinced of 相信... 

is convinced that 相信... 

is covered by 被...覆蓋 

is covered with 覆蓋著... 

is crowded with 裝滿、充滿 

is crowded with 擠滿,塞滿 

is deaf to 不聽,對...充耳不聞、置若罔聞 

is different from 與...不一樣 

is different from 與...不同 

is different from 與...不同 

is different from 與...不類似 

is dissatisfied with 對...不滿意 

is eager for 渴望 

is eager for 渴望,企盼 

is eager to 急切地想...,渴望地想...

is engaged in 參與,使亡於 

is envious of 羨慕,嫉妒 

is excited about 對...感到興奮 

is exposed of (1)使暴露於 

is exposed of (2)使遭受、處於(危險、攻擊

is exposed of (3)使接觸到 

is familiar to 為...所熟悉 

is familiar with (1)熟悉 

is familiar with (2)精通 

is famous as 以作為...而出名,以身為...而聞名 

is famous for 以...而聞名 

is fascinated with 對...著迷 

is fed up with 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

is fed up with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

is filled with 裝滿、充滿 

is filled with 擠滿,塞滿 

is fit for 適合 

is fond of 喜歡 

is fond of 喜歡 

is free of 擺脫,除去 

is full of 裝滿、充滿 

is full of 擠滿,塞滿 

is going to 正要,正打算 

is harmful to 對...有害 

is harmful to 對...有害,對...造成損害

is helpful for 對...有用,對...有益 

is identical to 與...一樣 

is in a bad temper 心情壞,心情不好 

is in a temper 心情壞,心情不好 

is in charge of 對...責任 

is in competition with 與...競賽、競爭 

is in existance 存在 

is in her nature ...是某人的本性 

is in his nature ...是某人的本性 

is in my nature ...是某人的本性 

is in one's nature ...是某人的本性 

is in our nature ...是某人的本性 

is in the form of 呈...的形狀 

is in the shape of 呈...的形狀 

is in their nature ...是某人的本性 

is in touch with 與...聯繫 

is in your nature ...是某人的本性 

is incompatible with (1)不一致的 

is incompatible with (2)與...不可相容

is inferior to 較差的 

is interested in 對...感與趣 

is into 對...著迷 

is irrelevant to 與...無關 

is jealous of 羨慕,嫉妒 

is liable for (法律)責任 

is liable to (1)容易,易於 

is liable to (2)有可能 

is likely to 有可能 

is located in 位於 

is made from 用...製成 

is made of 用...製成 

is made up of 由...組成,由...構成 

is not supposed to 不准,不被容許,不能 

is not sure if 不確定是否... 

is not sure whether 不確定是否... 

is opposed of 反對,不贊成 

is out of shape 變形,走樣 

is poor in 缺乏 

is ready for 準備好 

is ready to 準備好做... 

is ready to 願意 

is related to (1)與...有關 

is related to (2)與...有親戚關係 

is related to 與...有關 

is related to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

is relative to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

is relevant to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

is responsible for (1)對...責任 

is responsible for (2)是...的原因 

is responsible for (法律)責任 

is rich in 有很多...的,富有...的 

is ripe for (...)時機成熟 

is satisfied with 對...滿意 

is sensitive to (1)易感受到 

is sensitive to (2)對...敏感 

is sensitive to (3)對...反應靈敏

is sensitive to (4)易受...的影響

is sick and tired of 對...感到非常厭倦、厭煩

is sick of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

is similar to 與...相同 

is similar to 與...類似 

is suitable for 適合 

is superior to 比...好 

is supposed to (1)必須、應該 

is supposed to (2)被認為 

is sure 確定,確信 

is sure about 確定,確信 

is sure of 確定,確信 

is sure that 確定,確信 

is sure to 一定,務必 

is the same as 與...一樣 

is thirsty for 渴望,企盼 

is tied up 忙碌,無法脫身

is tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

is unaware of 不意識到,不知道 

is under order to 奉命(...) 

is unlikely to 沒有可能 

is used to (1)習慣於 

is used to (2)被用來 

is used to 習慣(...) 

is used to 習慣於 

is useful for 對...有用 

is useful to 對...有用,對...有益 

is useless to 對...沒用,對...沒益 

is well known for 以...而聞名 

is well-known for 以...而聞名 

is willing to 願意 

is worried about (1)關心 

is worried about (2)擔心 

is worried about 擔心,焦慮 

was able to 能夠 

was about to 正要,正打算 

was absorwasd in 專心致力於... 

was accustomed to 習慣於 

was accustomed to 習慣於 

was addicted to (1)對...上癮 

was addicted to (2)沉溺於,對...入迷 

was afraid of 害怕 

was allergic to (1)對...過敏 

was allergic to (2)對...非常討厭、反感 

was annoyed with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

was aware of 意識到,知道 

was bound for 前往,離開...去... 

was brought up as 在...的教育下撫養長大 

was brought up to 被教導要... 

was capable of 能夠 

was carried out 舉行,進行 

was certain 確定,確信 

was certain that 確定,確信 

was compatible with (1)一致的 

was compatible with (2)與...可相容 

was composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

was composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

was concerned about (1)關心 

was concerned about (2)擔心 

was concerned about 擔心,焦慮 

was connected to (1)與...有關 

was connected to (2)與...有親戚關係 

was connected to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

was convinced of 相信... 

was convinced that 相信... 

was covered by 被...覆蓋 

was covered with 覆蓋著... 

was crowded with 裝滿、充滿 

was crowded with 擠滿,塞滿 

was deaf to 不聽,對...充耳不聞、置若罔聞 

was different from 與...不一樣 

was different from 與...不同 

was different from 與...不同 

was different from 與...不類似 

was dissatisfied with 對...不滿意 

was eager for 渴望 

was eager for 渴望,企盼 

was eager to 急切地想...,渴望地想...

was engaged in 參與,使亡於 

was envious of 羨慕,嫉妒 

was excited about 對...感到興奮 

was exposed of (1)使暴露於 

was exposed of (2)使遭受、處於(危險、攻擊

was exposed of (3)使接觸到 

was familiar to 為...所熟悉 

was familiar with (1)熟悉 

was familiar with (2)精通 

was famous as 以作為...而出名,以身為...而聞名 

was famous for 以...而聞名 

was fascinated with 對...著迷 

was fed up with 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

was fed up with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

was filled with 裝滿、充滿 

was filled with 擠滿,塞滿 

was fit for 適合 

was fond of 喜歡 

was fond of 喜歡 

was free of 擺脫,除去 

was full of 裝滿、充滿 

was full of 擠滿,塞滿 

was going to 正要,正打算 

was harmful to 對...有害 

was harmful to 對...有害,對...造成損害

was helpful for 對...有用,對...有益 

was identical to 與...一樣 

was in a bad temper 心情壞,心情不好 

was in a temper 心情壞,心情不好 

was in charge of 對...責任 

was in competition with 與...競賽、競爭 

was in exwastance 存在 

was in her nature ...是某人的本性 

was in his nature ...是某人的本性 

was in my nature ...是某人的本性 

was in one's nature ...是某人的本性 

was in our nature ...是某人的本性 

was in the form of 呈...的形狀 

was in the shape of 呈...的形狀 

was in their nature ...是某人的本性 

was in touch with 與...聯繫 

was in your nature ...是某人的本性 

was incompatible with (1)不一致的 

was incompatible with (2)與...不可相容

was inferior to 較差的 

was interested in 對...感與趣 

was into 對...著迷 

was irrelevant to 與...無關 

was jealous of 羨慕,嫉妒 

was liable for (法律)責任 

was liable to (1)容易,易於 

was liable to (2)有可能 

was likely to 有可能 

was located in 位於 

was made from 用...製成 

was made of 用...製成 

was made up of 由...組成,由...構成 

was not supposed to 不准,不被容許,不能 

was not sure if 不確定是否... 

was not sure whether 不確定是否... 

was opposed of 反對,不贊成 

was out of shape 變形,走樣 

was poor in 缺乏 

was ready for 準備好 

was ready to 準備好做... 

was ready to 願意 

was related to (1)與...有關 

was related to (2)與...有親戚關係 

was related to 與...有關 

was related to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

was relative to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

was relevant to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

was responsible for (1)對...責任 

was responsible for (2)是...的原因 

was responsible for (法律)責任 

was rich in 有很多...的,富有...的 

was ripe for (...)時機成熟 

was satisfied with 對...滿意 

was sensitive to (1)易感受到 

was sensitive to (2)對...敏感 

was sensitive to (3)對...反應靈敏

was sensitive to (4)易受...的影響

was sick and tired of 對...感到非常厭倦、厭煩

was sick of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

was similar to 與...相同 

was similar to 與...類似 

was suitable for 適合 

was superior to 比...好 

was supposed to (1)必須、應該 

was supposed to (2)被認為 

was sure 確定,確信 

was sure about 確定,確信 

was sure of 確定,確信 

was sure that 確定,確信 

was sure to 一定,務必 

was the same as 與...一樣 

was thirsty for 渴望,企盼 

was tied up 忙碌,無法脫身

was tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

was unaware of 不意識到,不知道 

was under order to 奉命(...) 

was unlikely to 沒有可能 

was used to (1)習慣於 

was used to (2)被用來 

was used to 習慣(...) 

was used to 習慣於 

was useful for 對...有用 

was useful to 對...有用,對...有益 

was useless to 對...沒用,對...沒益 

was well known for 以...而聞名 

was well-known for 以...而聞名 

was willing to 願意 

was worried about (1)關心 

was worried about (2)擔心 

was worried about 擔心,焦慮 

were able to 能夠 

were about to 正要,正打算 

were absorwered in 專心致力於... 

were accustomed to 習慣於 

were accustomed to 習慣於 

were addicted to (1)對...上癮 

were addicted to (2)沉溺於,對...入迷 

were afraid of 害怕 

were allergic to (1)對...過敏 

were allergic to (2)對...非常討厭、反感 

were annoyed with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

were aware of 意識到,知道 

were bound for 前往,離開...去... 

were brought up as 在...的教育下撫養長大 

were brought up to 被教導要... 

were capable of 能夠 

were carried out 舉行,進行 

were certain 確定,確信 

were certain that 確定,確信 

were compatible with (1)一致的 

were compatible with (2)與...可相容 

were composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

were composed of 由...組成,由...構成 

were concerned about (1)關心 

were concerned about (2)擔心 

were concerned about 擔心,焦慮 

were connected to (1)與...有關 

were connected to (2)與...有親戚關係 

were connected to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

were convinced of 相信... 

were convinced that 相信... 

were covered by 被...覆蓋 

were covered with 覆蓋著... 

were crowded with 裝滿、充滿 

were deaf to 不聽,對...充耳不聞、置若罔聞 

were different from 與...不一樣 

were different from 與...不同 

were different from 與...不同 

were different from 與...不類似 

were dissatisfied with 對...不滿意 

were eager for 渴望 

were eager for 渴望,企盼 

were eager to 急切地想...,渴望地想...

were engaged in 參與,使亡於 

were envious of 羨慕,嫉妒 

were excited about 對...感到興奮 

were exposed of (1)使暴露於 

were exposed of (2)使遭受、處於(危險、攻擊

were exposed of (3)使接觸到 

were familiar to 為...所熟悉 

were familiar with (1)熟悉 

were familiar with (2)精通 

were famous as 以作為...而出名,以身為...而聞名 

were famous for 以...而聞名 

were fascinated with 對...著迷 

were fed up with 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

were fed up with 對...感到厭煩、厭倦 

were filled with 裝滿、充滿 

were filled with 擠滿,塞滿 

were fit for 適合 

were fond of 喜歡 

were fond of 喜歡 

were free of 擺脫,除去 

were full of 裝滿、充滿 

were full of 擠滿,塞滿 

were going to 正要,正打算 

were harmful to 對...有害 

were harmful to 對...有害,對...造成損害

were helpful for 對...有用,對...有益 

were identical to 與...一樣 

were in a bad temper 心情壞,心情不好 

were in a temper 心情壞,心情不好 

were in charge of 對...責任 

were in competition with 與...競賽、競爭 

were in exweretance 存在 

were in her nature ...是某人的本性 

were in his nature ...是某人的本性 

were in my nature ...是某人的本性 

were in one's nature ...是某人的本性 

were in our nature ...是某人的本性 

were in the form of 呈...的形狀 

were in the shape of 呈...的形狀 

were in their nature ...是某人的本性 

were in touch with 與...聯繫 

were in your nature ...是某人的本性 

were incompatible with (1)不一致的 

were incompatible with (2)與...不可相容

were inferior to 較差的 

were interested in 對...感與趣 

were into 對...著迷 

were irrelevant to 與...無關 

were jealous of 羨慕,嫉妒 

were liable for (法律)責任 

were liable to (1)容易,易於 

were liable to (2)有可能 

were likely to 有可能 

were located in 位於 

were made from 用...製成 

were made of 用...製成 

were made up of 由...組成,由...構成 

were not supposed to 不准,不被容許,不能 

were not sure if 不確定是否... 

were not sure whether 不確定是否... 

were opposed of 反對,不贊成 

were out of shape 變形,走樣 

were poor in 缺乏 

were ready for 準備好 

were ready to 準備好做... 

were ready to 願意 

were related to (1)與...有關 

were related to (2)與...有親戚關係 

were related to 與...有關 

were related to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

were relative to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

were relevant to 與...有關,把...與...聯繫起來 

were responsible for (1)對...責任 

were responsible for (2)是...的原因 

were responsible for (法律)責任 

were rich in 有很多...的,富有...的 

were ripe for (...)時機成熟 

were satisfied with 對...滿意 

were sensitive to (1)易感受到 

were sensitive to (2)對...敏感 

were sensitive to (3)對...反應靈敏

were sensitive to (4)易受...的影響

were sick and tired of 對...感到非常厭倦、厭煩

were sick of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

were similar to 與...相同 

were similar to 與...類似 

were suitable for 適合 

were superior to 比...好 

were supposed to (1)必須、應該 

were supposed to (2)被認為 

were sure 確定,確信 

were sure about 確定,確信 

were sure of 確定,確信 

were sure that 確定,確信 

were sure to 一定,務必 

were the same as 與...一樣 

were thirsty for 渴望,企盼 

were tied up 忙碌,無法脫身

were tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

were unaware of 不意識到,不知道 

were under order to 奉命(...) 

were unlikely to 沒有可能 

were used to (1)習慣於 

were used to (2)被用來 

were used to 習慣(...) 

were used to 習慣於 

were useful for 對...有用 

were useful to 對...有用,對...有益 

were useless to 對...沒用,對...沒益 

were well known for 以...而聞名 

were well-known for 以...而聞名 

were willing to 願意 

were worried about (1)關心 

were worried about (2)擔心 

were worried about 擔心,焦慮 

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | to be

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT
(Click here to download UTF8-files for OmegaT)

See also:

English to traditional Chinese Biblical glossary for use with OmegaT

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Hours

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Terminology

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Bible Books

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Places

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Names

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Phrases

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Miscellaneous

Published - October 2009

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