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Forum for Translators: Non-payers, part 3

Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: (600+ Blacklisted Translation Outsourcers and Scammers) 26-11-2015 10:20

Dear Translator,

This is a continuation of the topics "Non-payers" and "Non-payers, part 2" available at:

As these topics became too bulky, we have closed them for new posts and are opening this one.

You are welcome to share payment practices of different outsourcers here.

You are also welcome to blacklist non-payers by submitting the non-payment reports to us using our standard format (please send the complete reports to CEO at TranslationDirectory dot com):

1) Company's and contact person's name and address (including all e-mail addresses).

2) Did you meet the deadline?

3) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work?

4) Was payment delayed or not received at all?

5) What did the outsourcer answer to your inquiries about payment?

6) Would you work for this outsourcer again?

7) Other comments (if any).

If you are a member, you can view the list of 600+ blacklisted translation outsourcers and scammers in your account:

If you are not yet a member, you are invited to join here:
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: S J Agboola 08-12-2015 21:17

Dear Sir/Ma,

This is to notify you about a notorious non-payer. I translated 1,320 words for them since January 7, 2015. Up till now, they have refused to pay me. They have stopped responding to my messages since. Here are the details:

Company’s Name: IVR Media Solutions.

Contact Person’s Name: Mr. Charaf Singh.

Address: 16/436 New Dev Nagar Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005 India.


Despite the tight deadline attached to the job, I met the deadline and the outsourcer did not complain about the quality of my work.

I did not receive any payment at all for the 1,320 words that I translated for them.

The outsourcer’s answer to my inquiries about payment was: They were still going to give me bigger jobs. They would pay later [since January 7, 2015].

I won’t work for them again because they do not respond to my messages again.

Best Regards,

S J Agboola
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Feride Pasha Aliyeva 28-12-2015 12:41

1) Company's and contact person's name and address (including all e-mail addresses). Eclipse Translation Company translation agency, Russia, Contact persons: Natalia Chernous, Igor Malyshev; Email:,,, Website:

2) Did you meet the deadline? Yes

3) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work? No

4) Was payment delayed or not received at all? No payment received at all.

5) What did the outsourcer answer to your inquiries about payment? First times they said the Project had quality problems and they shall do quality assurance, so the payment will be delayed. Then they sent invoices saying there was no problem and made payment to few translators. Though I wrote them to ask when they are going to make payment, I received no answer from June.
6) Would you work for this outsourcer again? No

7) Other comments (if any). Head of the company Natalia Chernous found me through my account in Translation Director. I cooperated with Eclipse Translation Company in March. I translated 53738 characters with spaces.
Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Marta 12-11-2016 11:26

Dear all,

If you have worked for Planet Veritas and they owe you money, maybe you'd like to join forces with us. We are a group of translators fed up with non-payment from this guy and we're determined to get our money. So if it's your case, just drop me a line! Also, please feel free to share this information with your colleague translators! Don't let others be fooled!

Thank you!

Re: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Planet Veritas (Planet Veritas Limited) 15-11-2016 17:48

Dear all,
If you have worked for Planet Veritas and they owe you money, maybe you'd like to join forces with us. We are a group of translators fed up with non-payment from this guy and we're determined to get our money. So if it's your case, just drop me a line! Also, please feel free to share this information with your colleague translators! Don't let others be fooled!
Thank you!

I represent Planet Veritas.

It is unfortunate that Marta has taken this action. It should be noted that since the 8th November Marta has been paid over 900 EURs of her outstanding invoices and she has now just in excess of 900 EURs remaining. Marta was offered her money on Friday but chose to take this action instead which unfortunately has led to our lawyer becoming involved.

Whilst we recognise that there are delays in payment Planet Veritas is doing everything it can to ensure that payments are been made. It is also noteworthy that within the next two months there will be some changes and any outstanding invoices will be settled.

Marta also fails to reveal her very unreasonable and unprofessional conduct as reflected by her conduct and I ask the moderators to contact me via the Planet Veritas website and the relevant information can be released.

Kind regards
Planet Veritas
Re[2]: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Planet Veritas 18-11-2016 15:34

In regards to the above translator Marta has now been paid in full for her overdue invoices and the remaining invoices will be paid on their Due Dates.
Re[3]: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Marta 02-02-2017 22:33

I was never paid in excess, I was paid very late at all times. Don't ever listen to this guy's threats, do not delete your negative reviews and stay strong! Don't let him benefit from your work for free! It's your right to get paid in time, he's not doing you a favour by paying half the amount invoiced!

I have finally received every single cent I worked for, including PayPal fees, which he was expecting me to pay. Do not give up! Don't let him keep your money! He has no right to do so!
Re[6]: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Helmut Schmickler (translation-voiceover-music) 26-06-2017 08:52

Unfortuantely I must confirm Marta´s complaints about the non-payment practices of Planet Veritas and the former company´s name Veritas Language Solutions as well. They owe me the payment of three invoices with a total 1080 GBP, one of which reaches back 18 months ago. If they are going on like this I will be obliged to take legal action.
Re[2]: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Petra Gaensicke 11-09-2017 11:23

Please be aware that Planet Veritas have chenged their name once again (as of about 1st September 2017). They are now operating under the name LINGUA Translations at the same address (Suite 15 J-Shed Kings Road, Swansea SA1 8PL, UK) -
DO NOT WORK FOR THEM!!!! They still owe me and a lot of others money.
Re: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mario Budal 10-07-2017 05:39

Hi guys. I'm glad I found some initiative to organize collective action against this company. Planet Veritas owes my company 5 invoices, totaling roughly 440 USD. The oldest being from June 2016.
I am currently involved in collective legal action against another company, who is now facing to pay hundreds of its unpaid translators and declare bankruptcy. They are ruined. The difference - according to my personal impression - is that this other company has expressed good intentions along the way and demonstrated a willingness to pay their translators by whatever means (downpayment plans, etc.)...
I can't say I've seen any other attitude from Planet Veritas other than to delay, dismiss and ignore their hard working translators. It's time they face legal action. Let me know how this will be organized and count me in.
Re[2]: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mar Rodriguez 10-07-2017 07:22

Hi all,

Just confirming my second (and last) invoice for Planet Veritas is still unpaid, the deadline was 10 days ago.

No reply at all from them.

Re[3]: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mar Rodriguez 10-07-2017 11:23

Hello again,

Just an idea: It would be useful if you guys could write a review of Planet Veritas in their Google Reviews (, they have not paid me either, but it seems they have very good reviews.


Re[3]: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mar Rodriguez 11-07-2017 20:00

Hello again,

I just learned today that I have made an error in my last invoice to Planet Veritas, so I have resent the invoice and thus deadline for payment for this one is 30th September.


Re: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Théo Amon 19-07-2017 19:23


PlanetVeritas, a criminal company, is ignoring my e-mails too. They owe me a total of EUR 594.76. PM Adrian Graham, who was so "nice" when he guaranteed that the horrible Blueboard entries referred to a previous incarnation of the company, not reflecting their current practices, now unashamedly ignores my messages. I'll certainly take legal action to collect my due.

If you are reading this because this agency contacted you to do translation work for them, DON'T. THEY ARE SIMPLY SCAMMERS.

Théo Amon
Re: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Anna-Maria Alonzo 30-10-2017 09:58

I haven't been paid since end of June. My invoice amounts to € 15 only!
Anna-Maria Alonzo
Re: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Karolina Suliokiene 21-02-2018 19:28

Planet Veritas owe me GBP189 from Oct 2016 for an interpreting job. Despite numerous reminders, no reply and no payment received to date - 21/02/2018. Fed up with them so just filed a Court claim online
Re[2]: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Gabriela Krachunova 21-03-2019 00:20


I also have not been paid by Lingua Translations(previously Planet Veritas) since December 2018. They owe me 1,132 EUR so far. I would really appreciate your help and advice.
Re: Planet Veritas - Looking for unpaid translators               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Momtaz El Mallah 26-03-2019 03:52

Hi dear translators,

I am a new victim to this company which has changed its name recently to Lingua Translations. I am a freelancer based in Egypt and I owe them around 1300 USD. Anyone can tell me how to get back my money or at least give them a grief.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Anu 30-11-2016 11:19

We delivered a translation to Skrivanek Baltic in October, and Liga, the PM told that the customer thinks its "Google" quality. We did not agree - we responded:

"Without specific details, I'm afraid I cannot comment on this. It is definitely not a Google translation. However, as you mentioned it, please feel free to try backtranslation with GT on any sentence from the materials, and see for yourself, if they make sense or not.

Any technical text is demanding, and the language of IT is different from the usual day-to-day translations. Please also note, that a transcreation job is different from a translation job, and our task was translation - i.e. follow the source, (fluently, but not making things up). If you wish, I can assign the text to an editor for further processing. However, this has a price tag, as I do not agree with the customer's view on the text quality at all."

They thanked for the feedback, but did not come back. Then they ACCEPTED our INVOICE, (I received TWO receipts of acceptance from their accounting) but claimed there are still issues. Meanwhile they had sent the job to another agency, without us knowing about it, before our exclusive translator with a university degree hinted that she has some sort of a IT proofreading going on with very little to fix. We noticed, that it was the contested job, and we pointed this out to both Skrivanek and the agency who ordered the proofreading. After that, Liga has stated that someone / "he" said the translation is fine. Then they suddenly came back stating, that they have had to ask for the editing from somewhere else and to reduce our payment. I reminded them about our RIGHT to make the corrections, if they are needed. And TWO proofreaders had stated the text was ok.

Also, I reminded about the "tour" of the job to another agency without any real negotiations with us. At this point, Skrivanek blamed US(!!!!!) on breaking their NDA and claiming we had sent the job to a third party i.e. the other agency(!), and told that they would not pay a single cent of this project worth almost €900.00 because of this. What a scammer!
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]

Dear team – we would like to thank you for sharing information and helping industry professionals get know about unfair business practice!

Regarding the latest post published by the translator Ms. Anu Huusko, we would like to make the following points:
 The project is still in progress and is being finalised at the moment. However, we have concluded from the client’s feedback and two independent linguists that the translation performed by Ms. Anu Huusko did not meet quality standards (literal word-by-word translation, unorthodox word order, etc.).
 We did not offer Ms. Anu Huusko the chance to correct her job, as after receiving the customer’s feedback she replied that she did not agree with it and was only willing to fix the problems for additional payment.
 The unsatisfactory work performance of Ms. Anu Huusko caused losses to us and tested the loyalty of our valued customer.
 We would like to categorically state that we did not tell Ms. Anu Huusko that she would not receive any remuneration (as she is writing here), but rather we fairly proposed to reduce the payment in line with the policy of Skrivanek due to established quality and confidentiality issues.
 We strongly believe, that it is not professional to publish the opinion of only one party, as it might result in a claim, demanding compensation for the release of confidential information without consent and harm to the image and reputation of the brand.

We are a sustainable company that cares deeply about what our stakeholders think of us and the job we do. If you would like to contact us, please use our contacts that are published here:

Wishing you a successful and productive day,
Your Skrivanek Baltic team
Re[3]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: 01-12-2016 10:21

Dear team – we would like to thank you for sharing information and helping industry professionals get know about unfair business practice!
Regarding the latest post published by the translator Ms. Anu Huusko, we would like to make the following points:
 The project is still in progress and is being finalised at the moment. However, we have concluded from the client’s feedback and two independent linguists that the translation performed by Ms. Anu Huusko did not meet quality standards (literal word-by-word translation, unorthodox word order, etc.).
 We did not offer Ms. Anu Huusko the chance to correct her job, as after receiving the customer’s feedback she replied that she did not agree with it and was only willing to fix the problems for additional payment.
 The unsatisfactory work performance of Ms. Anu Huusko caused losses to us and tested the loyalty of our valued customer.
 We would like to categorically state that we did not tell Ms. Anu Huusko that she would not receive any remuneration (as she is writing here), but rather we fairly proposed to reduce the payment in line with the policy of Skrivanek due to established quality and confidentiality issues.
 We strongly believe, that it is not professional to publish the opinion of only one party, as it might result in a claim, demanding compensation for the release of confidential information without consent and harm to the image and reputation of the brand.
We are a sustainable company that cares deeply about what our stakeholders think of us and the job we do. If you would like to contact us, please use our contacts that are published here:
Wishing you a successful and productive day,
Your Skrivanek Baltic team

Dear Skrivanek Baltic team,

Thank you for sharing your view of this issue, we appreciate it.

Kind regards, Support
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Paulo de Faria-Lopes 02-01-2017 17:58

Dear translators,

My name is Paulo de Faria-Lopes and like you I am also a translator. The reason I write these lines to you is because I was targeted by another translator who is also an outsourcer and is registered on translationdirectory under French Translations. Her name is Karin Lefevre AKA Karin Chapelle and owns 3 websites:, www,, and

This individual is a non-payer and she approached me via the phone and I believe she got hold of my contacts via the Translationdirectory website. She targets French-English and English-Portuguese translators and this is the reason I am writing to you as I don't want anyone else to fall as her victim. She first contacted me over the phone so be alert to her MO.

Here's the story.
1) Outsourcer's name, contact persons, postal address, ALL e-mail addresses, website (if any).
The outsourcer uses her own name and the names of the websites she owns. Her own name is Karin Lefevre AKA Karin Chapele. Her websites/companies are Translations South Africa (, French Translations ( and Ask the doctor ( Email addresses: (1); (2); (3) (4)
In the recent past (3 or 4 months ago) “French Translations” used to be in your directory of translation agencies.
2) Job number (if the job was posted at
The job was not posted at Translation Directory. The Outsourcer contacted me via cell phone and among other things alleged that she needed a translator based in South Africa specially to facilitate payments!?
3) Did you meet the deadline?
The project was of about 40K words and I did it on my own and after some exchange of correspondence I agreed to do it in 2 to 3 weeks if the outsourcer was to change her payment terms to 30 days from the original 45 working days. Otherwise I would do it in 3 to 4 weeks. It has been 123 days since I finished the translation and I am still waiting for my payment. I was not late on both counts because it took me 23 days to do it and the outsourcer interrupted me twice to do other small work for her which took me 2 days to complete.
4) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work?
No and this was not my 1st project for her. If she came back for more certainly is because she was happy with the quality of my work.
5) Was payment delayed or not received at all?
A small amount of the payment has been delayed but most of the payment (80%) has not been paid at all.
6) What did the agency answer to your inquiries about payment?
When the payment deadlines were reached, the outsourcer never came up with payment. At first she went quiet and would not respond to my emails. Eventually and when you threaten to take action against her, she makes a small payment which at that stage is already very late. After that she throws lawyers at you because of the threats you made (?!) without which she would not have paid out a cent in the first place. I am already on the 2nd set of lawyers she has sending letters to me, I don’t know what happened to the first ones, these new ones are now threatening me if I decide to go public with this problem like I am doing. I can send these letters as evidence if required. I always found it amazing that there are these people out there that do not have money to honour their contracts and payments but they always seem to have money to pay lawyers to threaten you! In the meantime she makes payment agreements with me through her lawyers and she fails to honour these commitments saying she has no money to pay after the deadline is reached and she is pressed for an answer. She never informed me about this beforehand. The obvious excuse is that her clients owe her money while on her websites it is clearly stated that full payment is required before any work is started. She’s using delaying tactics but in the meantime she keeps her websites running and recruiting new translators. This just cannot carry on!

7) Would you work for this outsourcer again?
Absolutely not. She is a person with no word and deceitful. I spoke to her on the phone and one can feel that she has been many years in the industry and uses this pattern of non-payment for a long time getting the lawyers to threaten the translators. This is why I believe her name has not been found in any blacklists because people let it go out of fear. I will not let go until she is exposed and justice is made for me and all others before and after me.
8) Other comments (if any).
In order to do the translation project within the time requested by Karin Lefevre I had to let go of all other work I had in hand and that came through while I was completing the project for this individual, working furiously through weekends to meet the deadline. This means that I was working exclusively for over a month for this individual and then I have had to endure for 4 months without payment up to now. This is totally unacceptable and I want to prevent this individual from inflicting any further harm to other translators as she has inflicted to me and I fathom to think how many others before me. I am not afraid of this person nor her lawyers because I know I am on the side of the truth and I will do whatever is necessary to make sure that non-paying individuals/ agencies such as this one have no place in the translation industry.

Finally, I would like to add that Karin Lefevre targets the South African translation market in particular and translators of French and English and Portuguese and English respectively. The reason for this is that the translation profession is not regulated in South Africa and therefore it is easy for her to prey on her victims and get freebies from the translation community.

I can provide any further information to show that the report above is truthful and I am seeking to spread the word out there to avoid that this individual causes any further damage. She is also a sworn translator!? Therefore she is actually stealing from colleagues!
I am also seeking advice from you in order to be able to make this warning reach the highest amount of translators in the shortest amount of time.
Thank you for your time and understanding. I look forward to your reply and to find out how we can put a halt to this individual.

Happy 2017 and stay safe of non-payers and scammers.

Paulo de Faria-Lopes
Karin Lefevre AKA Karin Chapele AKA French Translations AKA Translations South A               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Paulo de Faria-Lopes 24-03-2017 10:17

Please have a look at the subject and let me know if you have done work for this person or website and if you have either been paid or not. I want to put a case up against these people and let everybody know about their crooked ways and let them be shown for the parasites that they are.
Re: Karin Lefevre AKA Karin Chapele AKA French Translations AKA Translations South A               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Sabine 12-01-2019 19:52

Dear Paulo.

I have also been a victim of this woman. At this stage she owes me more than R20,000. What's more, I have been threatened by her "partner", Dr. Chapelle, when I could not meet a deadline due to health issues.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
Re: Karin Lefevre AKA Karin Chapele AKA French Translations AKA Translations South A               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Marlene Flanagan 29-06-2023 11:59

Hi, only just came across your work, thank you for picking this up.
I did work for Karin Lefevre around August 2019 and she paid in dribs and drabs but in the end after so many excuses did not pay her final bill of around R6,000.
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Tony Moen 14-09-2020 13:01

Dear Paulo
She's still operating in the same way.
Please contact me; I'm exploring litigation options.

Re[3]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Paulo de Faria-Lopes 10-10-2020 22:11

Hi Tony,

After a long time I decided to check this site for any updates today, regarding this woman and I found your message which is rather recent. May be I was reminded of this problem because I received a late payment from another client yesterday. I am keen for us to join forces and take this woman to court and may be find more people and bringing her down. She cannot carry on hurting translators, it's time we make her pay. I am keen to discuss it with you.
Paulo de Faria-Lopes
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mr Geoffrey Howard Martin Black ( 07-02-2017 18:58

I was not paid by He/she posed as
Diana Segura with an English address, and he is now giving a Spanish address instead. In actual fact, the domain has been registered under the name of Haidar Musabeh, GazaStrip, Palestine. He is a non-payer.

He has used the following email and conventional addresses.

Globallingo for Language Services
LSE, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE, UK.
Phone: +44 2032 906591, +34 913 65 90 97

The actual domain registration details I am told are:
Haidar Musabeh, GazaStrip, Palestine

Planet Veritas - A non-payer company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Rukiye 16-03-2017 13:32


I've 3 outstanding invoices from November and PLANET VERITAS DO NOT PAY THEM.

1) Company's and contact person's name and address (including all e-mail addresses).

Company: Planet Veritas

2) Did you meet the deadline? Yes

3) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work? No

4) Was payment delayed or not received at all? Not received at all

5) What did the outsourcer answer to your inquiries about payment? They sometimes do not reply and sometimes say that the funds will be available soon and set a deadline for the payment but do not make the payment on the dates they set.

6) Would you work for this outsourcer again? No

Re: Planet Veritas - A non-payer company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mar Rodríguez (Planet Veritas) 29-03-2017 12:31

Just one unpaid invoice, but from November 2016.

1) Company's and contact person's name and address (including all e-mail addresses).

Company: Planet Veritas

2) Did you meet the deadline? Yes

3) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work? No

4) Was payment delayed or not received at all? Not received at all

5) What did the outsourcer answer to your inquiries about payment? They sometimes do not reply and sometimes say that the funds will be available soon and say they will check it. No luck until now. Payment was due over 2 months ago.

6) Would you work for this outsourcer again? No



Re: Planet Veritas - A non-payer company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Marta 13-04-2017 10:49

They also owed me money and I finally got paid! Don't give up and never listen to their threats! It's your money and you did work hard for it!
Re[2]: Planet Veritas - A non-payer company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mar Rodríguez 13-04-2017 11:06

Thank you for the support. It is appreciated.
Re[3]: Planet Veritas - A non-payer company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mar Rodríguez 25-04-2017 12:01

I have now been paid the overdue invoice, after engaging the services of a debt collection agency.
I have one small invoice due at the end of June (which I had totally forgotten about), will let people know what happens with that one.

Re: Planet Veritas - A non-payer company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Helmut Schmickler (translation-voiceover-music) 26-06-2017 08:55

Unfortuantely I must confirm Rukiye´s complaints about the non-payment practices of Planet Veritas and the former company´s name Veritas Language Solutions as well. They owe me the payment of three invoices with a total 1080 GBP, one of which reaches back 18 months ago. If they are going on like this I will be obliged to take legal action.
Re[2]: Planet Veritas - A non-payer company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Susanne Surblys 19-09-2017 12:05

Unfortunately, I can confirm this practise of non-payment, too. I realized several jobs for them and haven't been paid yet. The total amount of the outstanding invoices rises up to 1.350 Euros. I don't see any other way than taking legal action against them in order to obtain my money. Don't work for them!
Re[3]: Planet Veritas - A non-payer company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Angry 19-09-2017 18:39

What do you expect from Indian agencies??? Most of the non-payers/scammers on this site are, in fact, Indians.
Re[4]: Planet Veritas - A non-payer company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mar 19-09-2017 18:47

Planet Veritas is actually from Swansea, UK.
Re[5]: Planet Veritas - A non-payer company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mar 29-09-2017 21:40

Hello again,

I am happy to say that Planet Veritas has paid my second (and last) invoice before the deadline.

Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Sebastian (Ameen Khadam) 24-03-2017 10:05

I did three jobs for Khadam in December 2016, which were handed in punctually. After much beging and beseeching I finally got the word count in January 2017. I then created an invoice which Khadam promised to pay within ten days. However, not a single Cent was paid. Furthermore, my e-mails were not answered or if they were answered at all, further false promises were made. Thus, the money (in total 591 Euro) has not been paid until today, which implies that Khadam is a liar and fraud
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Maria Xanthopoulou 27-04-2017 06:42

Νίκος Μποτίνης

He contact me through our professional translators' association. I did a small task for him and never heard back about the payment despite several notifications. The job was delivered on time as agreed and no complaints were made about quality.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Jana Svihlova 04-08-2017 14:29

Baltic translations! Avoid them! They donot pay absolutely for non translations projects! They are cheaters!!!!!
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Beletu Bulbula 18-11-2017 20:25

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this email to blackmail one of the translation company who refused me to pay for the jobs I have done starting from January 2017 till now.
1. The Company name is called Lingua WorldServices
2. Contact person: Mr Zahri 
3. Email from  New Delhi, India  
4. Yes the deadline has met and no complain received regarding the quality of jobs have done.
5. In general, I transcribed and translated from Oromo to English a total of 148.23 minutes audio to pay me $2.5 per minute. Then, I submitted my invoice for $327.85 on February 07, 2017. He also confirmed for the receipt of it on the same date.
6. Then when I asked him again after one month, he also asked me to resend him the invoice for he has forgotten it. I did on April 19, 2017. And, since then Mr Zahri has refused me to pay for the job has already collected many months ago by stating different reasons. Some of the reasons has used to mention: Sickness, lack of money to make my payment, and becoming very busy of other activists. If you need I can forward all the emails we exchanged during this time. I wrote him am email  last week and he totally ignored to reply for it.  
7. I will never ever need to work with him again.

Best regards,
Beletu Bulbula
Freelance translator
Mobile: +254 799 664 106
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Elvira Carrion (ttp:// 23-01-2018 21:59

This site is a scam I work for them and they say in15 days they will pay they don't even answer my emails Be careful

Fiala Dvořák

Managing Director

Beltic Solutions


Website :

Email :

Phone number : +00420 749 855 114
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Wy Kean How 31-01-2018 07:53

I have the same experience that this same person sent me several files to translate from English to Chinese and promised to pay EUR 0.17 per source word within 15 days of delivery. After payment due date I have tried to contact the phone number provided, it ended up with an invalid number!
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Irene Cudich 27-01-2018 14:15

Beltic Solutions is a non-payer translation agency.
They are located in Prague, as they state, and they posted a job in Translation Directory, which they selected me to do it.
They replied to my messages for a while, but then, they did not reply anymore.
They owe me the amount for the translation I worked on, and they are a phantom company, since their website changed to afterwards to a Guinea located web design company.
Please be aware of them. The contact name was: Kiara Dvorak, and their e-mail is:
Re[3]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Elvira Carrion 27-01-2018 17:31

Irene, the name is fake too for me the name was Fiala Dvorak so maybe just the last name is true or who knows, they owe me a lot of money too and also they own Michael a guy from Canada... so everybody pay attention they are all fake!!
Re[4]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Irene Cudich 27-01-2018 17:35

Good and sad to know we are both victims of a scammer!
ANOTHER SCAMMER EXPOSED               [Reply to this message]
Sender: S J Agboola 14-04-2018 09:14

Dear All,

Thanks for this great initiative. I did some translation jobs for a Kenyan Company [worth about US$60] since August last year. These are the details:

Languages Africa - KAMPAMSO Language Centre,
Represented by Mr. Mpasua Msonobari
Contact Number: +254 725 084 032, +254 713 309 459
Chat:Skype msonobar

They have refused to respond to my messages despite my warning to expose them.
Re: ANOTHER SCAMMER EXPOSED               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Abhijit Deyasi 20-06-2023 13:42 is a translation company based in India
I have worked for them for a large volume and when the payment time came, they disconnected all, neither they responding to mails no receiving my phone calls. what to do?
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Tania Ko 21-03-2018 13:35

Hello All,

Be aware to avoid working with
c/ Sant Ildefons, 7 3r 2a – 43500 Tortosa | c/ Milà i Fontanals, 14 – 08012 Barcelona | Rue Belliard, 20 – 1040 Brussels

LEXTRAD SJT S.L.U. – Entered in the Tarragona Business Registry, Volume 2102, Folio 207, Sheet T-31.599 - CIF (Tax ID): B43801943

The agency do not pay in and on time even don't pay never. So if you have a proposal to work with do not agree.
You do the job and then no payment at all. I have done the translation job in October and now in March still no any payments, and any information about.

Please inform all your colleagues.

Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Pornpun Phimol 23-09-2022 09:22


I guess I might face the Sam problem with you with the same person. Could I discuss with you on this issue? My Skype ID is p.phimol

Re[3]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Pornpun Phimol 23-09-2022 09:23


I guess I might face the Sam problem with you with the same person. Could I discuss with you on this issue? My Skype ID is phimol.bee

Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Bee Phimol 17-10-2022 10:40

I've just com across to your warning message. Have you received the payment from Lextrad"? I have also worked for this company but haven't received yet.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Paul Machin (French Translation) 08-02-2019 09:06

A company called Blue Lion in Israel has not paid me for work done
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Dang nkou 16-07-2019 09:52

Blacklisted Translation Outsourcers

Pascaline de Jésus
il y a 22 heuresDétails

On June 4th, 2019, I have been contacted By SIBUSISO NTULI on behalf
of AFRIKAANS from SOUTH AFRICA for a translation project of 90 pages
titled: Tender Min Education DRC (002)-pages-pages-1-40,58-107.pdf

The job was appreciated as you will see in the attachment and He ask
me to send the invoice.

I sent my invoice on July 2nd, 2019 that was supposed to be paid
within 7 working days, but till now nothing.

I sent the message since to remind the payment of the invoice and this
morning he blocked me on Whatsapp this is number:+27 813476060

help others not to fall in that trap.

Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Ashton Bharwani 29-01-2020 12:35

I have worked in two projects of Gujarati-English language pair for Rephraserz media and communication services of Chennai.They have not made my payment.I do not recommend any translator to work for this company.They don't make payment.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patrick Muriithi (Cosmic Global Limited) 24-02-2021 13:28

We worked on one of their projects in 2019, invoiced them but they have never paid our invoice and no one is responding to our inquiry emails.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Vlad 03-03-2021 13:45

CMM LANGUAGES & WEB SERVICES (INDIA) doesn't pay at all.
They say that PayPal doesn't work, Bank Transfer doesn't work, Western Union doesn't work too. That is the reason they can't pay. What is the subject in question? Just USD 160.
And what is more, they don't answer letters.
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Vlad 11-03-2021 13:49

After this, the CMM Languages company has finished the payment. No problem now.
Many thanks to the TranslationDirectory team!
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patrick Muriithi (Montesino 19-03-2021 14:24

Just a warning to my fellow linguists:

We worked with Montesino Translation and Pedro Montesino on one of their projects in 2019, invoiced them but they have never cleared it invoice and no one is responding to our inquiry emails.

Be careful with them.

Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patrick Muriithi (Better Language Company) 19-03-2021 14:31

Just a warning to my fellow linguists:

We worked with Better Language Company, formerly known as Bangula Language Company, on one of their projects in 2019 and 2020. They delayed some of the POs to a point they were expired as per their rules of 45 days invoicing period.

We then agreed that they pay the remaining POs which had not expired, totaling Usd 477. They only made a payment of Usd 300. They never respond to our emails concerning the remaining Usd 177.

Be careful with them.

#cybersecurity #translation #scammer #translators #translationservices #transactionalanalysis #translationagency #scamalert
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patrick Muriithi (Promosaik (also known as Sprachenmax / Miximax International / Tradumax)) 19-03-2021 14:44

Just a warning to my fellow linguists:

We worked with Promosaik (also known as Sprachenmax / Miximax International / Tradumax) on one of their projects in 2020, invoiced them but they have never cleared it invoice and no one is responding to our inquiry emails.

First, they claimed that they were no longer operational and had closed the company and are not mandated to pay any invoices from suppliers. I sent them an email with a job offer and surprisingly, they accepted the offer. After realizing it was me who sent the job offer, changed their story saying that our invoice was too old to be cleared. Mind you, we always invoice them once a year at the end of the year. Also, in their PO, they never mentioned any invoicing period.

Note that this is the second time they are trying to scam us.

They have even been banned on Proz, see the link below:

Be careful with them.

#cybersecurity #translation #scammer #translators #translationservices #transactionalanalysis #translationagency #scamalert
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Sabrina K 15-04-2021 09:32

I can only confirm that about Promosaik. I worked as a freelance translator for the agency, then in 2020 (August-November) I was literally swamped with assignments. On top of that, the deadlines were almost impossible to meet. I turned down other projects for other clients because Promosaik was practically begging me to translate things since "the projects had already been accepted and couldn't be turned down". They were practically guilt-tripping me into translating. They only paid me for August for those months (I received the money mid November!) - they still owe me ~€4,000 for 3 months.

I've been emailing them every month since December and always get the same answer - clients haven't paid us, I have no money to pay you, any money that comes in pays the rent and the secretary (what!!?) and then the guilt-tripping starts again.

I have not been told anything in terms of "the company has been dissolved", but what's worse for me is that, knowing there is no money, they have continued to send me 40k+ words a month to translate September-November. They didn't stop until about a week into December after I started asking about the invoice for September, which should have been paid by the end of November. First they kept saying "it should be paid by Christmas" until they said "we don't have any money".

Just a warning to my fellow linguists:
We worked with Promosaik (also known as Sprachenmax / Miximax International / Tradumax) on one of their projects in 2020, invoiced them but they have never cleared it invoice and no one is responding to our inquiry emails.
First, they claimed that they were no longer operational and had closed the company and are not mandated to pay any invoices from suppliers. I sent them an email with a job offer and surprisingly, they accepted the offer. After realizing it was me who sent the job offer, changed their story saying that our invoice was too old to be cleared. Mind you, we always invoice them once a year at the end of the year. Also, in their PO, they never mentioned any invoicing period.
Note that this is the second time they are trying to scam us.
They have even been banned on Proz, see the link below:
Be careful with them.
#cybersecurity #translation #scammer #translators #translationservices #transactionalanalysis #translationagency #scamalert
MultiTransideal - Non Paying Company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patrick Muriithi - East African Language Solutions (MultiTransideal) 31-03-2021 09:58

Just a warning to my fellow linguists:

We handled several projects for MultiTransideal, invoiced them earlier this year, but they have never cleared our invoice and no one is responding to our inquiry emails.

This is another scammer who has been operating under the radar and we need to bring this to the attention of all translators.

They have even been banned on Proz, see the link below:

Be careful with them.
Re: NKLocalization - Non Paying Company               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Abdi ( 18-07-2021 19:21

I have worked for NK localization company which is found in india. In which the manager is Nashar kumar, It has been 6 month. I didn't get any payment from them. please don't work for them. They are fake company.

Re: MultiTransideal - Non Paying Company               [Reply to this message]

MultiTrans Ideal is a scam/fake company, which doesn't pay translators. The owners are Mohammad Anees and Zahid Husain.
Their website is and their email of operation is
We handled several projects for them and submitted our invoice earlier this year, but they have never cleared our invoice and no one is responding to our inquiry emails.
This is another scammer who has been operating under the radar and we need to bring this to the attention of all translators.
They have even been banned on Proz, see the link below:
Please share this widely to stop them from scamming someone else.
KIPYO ALEAXANDER HAN - DBA Translatlingua International               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patrick Muriithi - East African Language Solutions (DBA Translatlingua International) 08-04-2021 12:33

We completed a small translation agency for this company 2 years ago, our invoice has never been paid. They said that they have never worked with us while still sending us job offers.

Please beware of this company.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: M Zhou 24-04-2021 16:01

Ekitai Solution is a non-payer. They owe me more than 400 dollars for translating and reviewing a reality show. I sent 3 e-mails asking for my money but they never replied. They got fake reviews on Proz.
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Jane 08-03-2022 23:32

I agree. Ekitai Solution is a non-payer and they keep adding fake reviews on ProZ to cover up the real 1 star reviews.
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Jessica 16-03-2022 10:31

Looks like I am another victim here.

Did some works for Ekitai Solutiions from November 2021 through to early January 2022, they promised the payments would be in my bank account by the mid of February, and yet, I am still waiting and chase for the payments.
Re[3]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: art 18-03-2022 13:47

Looks like I am another victim here.
Did some works for Ekitai Solutiions from November 2021 through to early January 2022, they promised the payments would be in my bank account by the mid of February, and yet, I am still waiting and chase for the payments.

Welp. Count me in, fellas.

I started end of Nov last year and continued until mid-Feb 2022. They owe me at least 1,000 USD now and, despite saying that they pay on the 7th and 15th every month, still, not a single cent has been paid, citing trouble with the bank and SWIFT code. Then, when they said that they'll proceed to transfer via PayPal, they still haven't paid me yet, saying that there's a long queue and that they're limited to only 10 transfers a day. I call bull.

Right now, I'm still chasing them every day and I won't rest until I get my money in full.

Ekitai... I'm still unsure if they're a scam company or legit since the PM still keeps in contact with me and the fact that there are so few complaints or bad reviews about them on the net (I don't go to ProZ), except here and Glassdoor. Either way, I'll keep on nagging at them until their ears fall off and I'll update you guys if I ever get my money or not. Hopefully soon, God willing.
Re[4]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: art 24-03-2022 08:51

Ok, just a little update. I finally got my pay today, not in full but accordingly to the invoices I sent them (I sent 3 invoices which amount to about $700 and I received pretty much that same amount, minus a few $ because PayPal can be an ass with their fees). There are 3 more invoices that are yet to be paid but they still have some time before the deadline. I'll update you guys again whether they end up delaying it or paying it on time.

With this, I suppose I should retract my comment of them being a non-paying agency but the fact remains that they do pay (extremely) late, at least if we go with their own rules and policies (first they say that they pay 45 days after they receive the invoice and yet they also say that they pay on the 7th/15th every month, it's confusing).

And, just in case anyone wants to know how I get them to pay, I just try to keep it civil and diplomatic, being pushy but not impolite, and the most important thing is being patient, or in other words, not going on a rant with curses and threats (only consider this as a very last resort, maybe). But then again, this can only work if the project manager you're in contact with continues to respond to you. If they unilaterally stop responding, that's a 100% scam alert and you'll have a much harder time getting your money, I suppose.

Anyway, I hope my case can be of help to anyone who's also struggling with non-paying/late-paying agencies. God willing you all can get what's rightfully yours asap. Godspeed, everyone.
Re[5]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: art 18-04-2022 10:31

Another quick update. I have received the remaining payments from Ekitai. I think I can say that they are not a non-paying agency, but a late-payer at best, whether it's intentional or not, God knows.

I've just undertaken another job with them and have sent the invoice as well just to test the waters. If they pay (more or less) on time this time, I think we can scratch Ekitai from this list. Cheers.
Re[6]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: art 21-05-2022 12:39

(Probably last) Update:

I have received the payment for another job I did with Ekitai. Still rather late IMO, though. Thus, from my experience, I can say that Ekitai is a payer but tend to get late. Also, I think their account team might be the rust in the cogwheel. While I can communicate just fine with the supervising manager who gave me the jobs, their account team never replied, not even once, to any emails I sent them. They completely ignore any inquiries sent to them (despite telling us to send them any inquiries related to payments). That's why you can never depend on them to get an answer but can only rely on the supervising manager to get your message across.

Anyway, as I've mentioned, this will probably be the last time I post about Ekitai but I hope my experience can help you. Godspeed and I pray that you all get what's rightfully yours. Cheers.
Re[3]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Jessica 30-03-2022 13:44

A quick update, I have now received my payment ( a month later ). They say it’s because the international SWIFT code rule changes, and they are having difficulties to make transactions. Not sure if that’s true or not.
I do wonder, if I didn’t say to them if the payment still not paid by a certain time, I would take it further and process through the legal route, would they still have paid me?
One thing I must say, I’m grateful that the person who I kept in touch with for the work has been responding my emails.
As for now, I would say Ekitai Solutions is not a non-payer, but rather a late payer.
It would be great thought if they get in touch and inform me regarding any potential delays on payments before I have to chase for payments, it does make you wonder if they pay you because they were pushed, or they were genuine going to pay but delayed by whatever the reason.
Wish you all the best and hope you all get paid too.

Just to confirm, the translation works I did, there were no complaints from the company regarding quality nor deadline issues.
Re: Vie Support Language – $1800 due total, jobs from December 2020               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Carlos 29-05-2021 10:53

Vie Support Language owes me money dating back from December 2020. They asked for an invoice on April 22, then asked me to do another job, I refused. I then waited until March 12, and project manager Raghavan said he would d look into it. I never got an answer since then.

When I call them, they also never reply, blocking my calls.

Re[2]: = Scam               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Me too 06-06-2021 03:38

Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Murni Jamaludin 23-07-2021 06:55


Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Murni Jamaludin 23-07-2021 07:01


Translation Scammer: Jaya Jagwani               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Murni Jamaludin 23-07-2021 07:02


Re: Translation Scammer: Jaya Jagwani               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Murni Jamaludin 23-07-2021 07:03


Re[2]: Translation Scammer: Jaya Jagwani               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Murni Jamaludin 23-07-2021 07:04


Re[3]: Translation Scammer: Jaya Jagwani               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Murni Jamaludin 23-07-2021 07:05


Re: Vie Support Language Chennai – ₹18000 due since June               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Krithika ( 18-08-2021 12:21

Vie Support Language Chennai owes me ₹18,000. As long as you are into the project, the project manager Raghavan and Rajalakshmi act all fine and are reachable.But once you have completed you are left to fend for yourself. I got one half of the payment last month after chasing them relentlessly. Reaching them is an impossible task and even if you reach them they act surprised each time you demand payment and promise to get back which they never do.It is an absolute nightmare.

Re[2]: Vie Support Language Chennai – ₹18000 due since June               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Krithika 21-08-2021 07:48

I received the pending amount yesterday
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Sakari (My Language Connection) 08-09-2021 18:49

Dear Support Team,
Dear Support Team,

I hope you’re. Here is a new agency
I hope you’re. Here is a new agency to be added to the list of Blacklisted Translation Agencies. This company is owing me £1500. I have completed for them two projects. It is 10 months now since I sent them my invoice and I am still waiting. I wrote them many times, but they return my emails.

Kind regards
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Thuy Trang (EQHO.COM) 02-07-2022 13:28

Hello other translators,

Avoid EQHO company (EQHO Globalization Pte. Ltd / EQHO Communications Ltd. / formerly: QTranslation). They owed me more than USD 1,000 since early 2021. I tried to write the president of the company, and it is certain that they are all scammers.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Novi (Novi Kristina) 09-11-2021 09:50

Scammer to get away with my money which they said to send the equipments.
Scammers using RECIPHARM name               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Krasteva 18-11-2021 16:00

This is an alert that scammers are sending job offers to translators they find on this directory for the purpose of an employment scam. I received an email from, allegedly from Jonas Lejontand, VP of Human Resources at RECIPHARM. It said that it found my name here and offered me a position of Translator and Interpreter. It looked somewhat legitimate, with a decent pay rate. There were some red flags -- e.g., the letter wasn’t written too well, it included a UK area code, the benefits were suspiciously good for a part-time job, and it is uncommon to receive job offers directly from such high-ranking executives. It advised me to have an interview with somebody who claimed to be Dr. Raquel Grapuera via the Telegram app (, providing a reference number to give her. I had an impromptu “interview” with her that was only a text chat (she apologized for the seemingly unprofessional format, but said this was a new way of doing things). "She" asked many questions that are commonly asked during job interviews. But one of the questions was what bank I used, which struck me as odd. She told me I would have a chance to ask my own questions about the job later, but I was never provided that opportunity, even after I followed up and explicitly indicated that I had such questions. Then I received a Letter of Employment and Terms and Obligations of Employment letter, allegedly from Mr. Lejontand. At this point I noticed that the email domain was (instead of This raised more red flags, as did language about me needing to buy workplace equipment with money sent by the company but under very strict conditions. I went online and found out that there are elaborate scams (some using big pharmaceutical companies) that trick people seeking home employment by getting them to spend money on equipment from very specific "vendors." They send checks that bounce, but in the meantime they steal the victim's own money sent via Zelle, etc. I contacted Recipharm directly and they confirmed that I was never offered a job by them.
Re: Scammers using RECIPHARM name               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Liv 22-11-2021 16:13

Same thing happened to me, it seemed really legit and wasted a lot of my time with the interview process. But it just seemed weird, especially the part where they were going to send me 3,000 to pay for equipment: laptop/software. Doesn’t make any sense.
Fraud/Scam               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Lisa Siegel 31-12-2021 01:53

Dear All,

I have just been contacted by the slickest sets of scammers I might have encountered yet in my over 30 years of experience as a freelance translator and even collaborating with the ATA on articles about scams targeting translators.

Do not go any further as “scheduling an interview“ for a remote job opportunity. First, you get contacted via text and then our directed me to an email they actually send you with a link to download a Messenger in app where allegedly they are going to conduct the interview with you.

I know for a fact that they are contacting translators and probably interpreters they have looked up on this platform/site, because they told me so. And I know they are probably targeting a lot of you, because first they contacted me for my actual language pair, and then by mistake, they contacted me for Portuguese.

as a matter of fact, I sincerely wish I were able to upload the transcript where we allegedly conducted the interview. Mind you, that I was suspicious all along, being that I worked for the government and specialize in fraud and scams. The name given by the interviewer did match a search on the LinkedIn, however, the guy that allegedly interviewed me identified himself as one of the Directors of the company and on LinkedIn, he actually appears as the general manager. I won’t mention the company here, because I don’t want any confusion, but the one he says he works for actually does exist, however many searches conducted entering his name and the name of the company never gave a match.

Be careful!
Re[3]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Kevin Jain NON PAYING (Kevin Jain) 18-01-2022 12:01

I was contacted by an outsourcer through by the name of Kevin Jain for a job advertised at job number #00059050 Need various translators (Message sent through and his email adress is> i did everything and submitted all the tasks on time but now he is ignoring my emails .
he did not complain about the quality of my work at all and i dont think i would work for him again .>I was contacted by an outsourcer through by the name of Kevin Jain for a job advertised at job number #00059050 Need various translators (Message sent through and his email adress is> i did everything and submitted all the tasks on time but now he is ignoring my emails .
he did not complain about the quality of my work at all and i dont think i would work for him again .
Re[4]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Paulo de Faria-Lopes 18-01-2022 13:48

I was also contacted by Kevin Jain on more than one occasion last year. He contacted me out of the blue(1st red herring), through translation directory. He asked me to quote him on translating a number of articles and then he would tell me to proceed with the translation, the total was more than 10K. As I know most of the tricks of non-payers and I can smell a rat from afar after having fallen prey to this kind of bastards before, I told him he needed to send me a Po and his profile identity on different translation murals otherwise he would have to pay a 50% deposit. He came back to me 3 odd months later asking for translation work again...same procedure = same result. One must always be alert for these fraudsters as they are always looking for the next victim. This happens because we get offered no protection by the translation sites which take no responsibility for the outsourcers that come through their ranks. If these people were trialed and suffered the punishment of the law and harsh sentences and fines, they wouldn't be around. 6 Years ago I was the whistle blower on one of them and four years later I was still being approached by translators that hadn't been paid by this particular woman. They carry on as if nothing happened and get hold of the next victim.
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: NKANZA NSONDI FRIDOLIN ( 23-01-2022 19:07

I did Whiteglobe's job but up today I am not paid as per below email. Since 2019, They don't respond anymore to my emails

Hi Nkanza,

Pending payment will be released. Facing some tax related issue as highlighted by CA.


Gaurav Pandey
AVP - Business Excellence & Process Implementation

Le lun. 13 déc. 2021 à 05:03, Nkanza Fridolin <> a écrit :
Hi Gaurav, Gaurav Pandey, Arun Mishra, Meena Badhe
$153,64 is a last payment I received: Need to get my balance paid. Is whiteglobe crooks or swindle his Freelancers, Get in touch and please do paid my Invoice, that is not convenient and it’s a bad Image for White globe.
I received $153,64. But the Total Invoice amount are : $1280 ($869 + $411) as per attached screen shots.
Please, what about the remaining amount $1127?
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Zoran 26-01-2022 16:04

Non-payer resourcer:
Reutrans Ltd.
20-22 Wenlock RD N1 7GU London
official website:

They have failed to pay me for the services rendered, and my emails have not been replied to, even though they have been read (read receipt received).
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Simon Way 25-02-2023 02:17

I feel your pain. Gave up my weekend to do a job for them and no payment and no response to email. Hopefully they will run out of freelancers that trust them soon and go out of business. I would recommend any translator avoids this company like the plague!
fraud/ Scammer/ Non-payer Part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Diptirekha Das 16-03-2022 03:20

Hi Friends,

Today, I am informing you all about a fraud/ Scammer/ Non-payer.

Name: Mr Abhjit Roy, (Bengali native)

Tel: 8134080478 (Airtel, Assam)

Mail id :

Location : Delhi (As per his version)

This person has assigned me some tasks few months back and duped me several thousand rupees. Once the tasks were submitted successfully, he has stopped responding to my mails. Does not pick up my calls. I have also come to know that he has already duped some of my fellow translators.

Translation agencies are requested not to outsource any task to this dubious person.
Freelancers are requested not to accept any tasks from this dubious person.

Kindly forward this mail to all your known agencies/ translators so that this fraud can not cheat your friends anymore.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Rishikesh patel 20-03-2022 10:21

Dear Team,
I worked with Rishikesh Patel in Aegsiub project in May 2021. i didn't receive payment yet. I called many times sent email also but still there is no response I would like to request you to take a look and take further action
Algebra Translation: non-payers               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Séraphine Hauville 22-03-2022 14:36

Algebra Translation owes me 4,000 EUR.
They told me they found my contact on Linkedin and hired me to do a couple of projects last summer 2021. The first 2/3 months everything was fine, the rate was correct and they paid my invoices promptly.
Then in August 2021 they hired me to do a really big project which kept me busy the whole month. At the end I sent them my invoice (4,000 EUR), but they never paid it.
I hired a lawyer to help me get the money back. After negotiation with their lawyer, they agreed to pay the invoice + late penalties in 5 installments. But when the time came to pay, they disappeared... Now their website doesn't even work anymore.
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Shimaa (branding hub localization) 16-04-2022 15:52

Hello There,

This person has been dealt with me with these phone numbers:

assuming his name is "Yussef", and his company is "BH localization" affiliated with a British company with the same name as he told me.

I have worked for him several jobs for 1800 EGP and he locked his phone without acquitting my invoice.

Please warn everybody about this person.

His website is
Non-payers on work done!               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Pau (Go Transparent) 01-05-2022 11:55

The following company has not been paid all my payments (around $ 210 USD) after my successfully completing delivering of 3 or 4 proofreading/ revision projects with them.
The company's name, full postal address, all e-mail addresses are as follows:

(1) Reem Talaat | Global Frontline - Talent Manager
For any inquiry, please contact us here<>.
Dubai Internet City, Building 2, Office 105, P.O. Box: 500212.<>

(2) Reem Alaaeldin | Global Frontline -Talent Specialist
Address: 10 Abdul Rahman ElRafie St., Mohandeseen, Egypt.
Tel.: +202 37625021 (9 lines) Ext.: 2512
Email: <>

- Reem Talaat (Talent Manager)-,
- Amira Wady (Project Coordinator)-
- Radwa Ahmed (Project Coordinator)-
- Radwa Ayman Mohamed (Talent Manager)
- Reham Nabil (Senior Project Manager)-

2) Job numbers (if the job was posted at
* T-1110645 (English to Zomi)_Revision_(902)words
* T_1105379 (English to Zomi)_Revision_(2734.25)words
* T-1108668 (English to Zomi)_Revision_(1436)words
* T_1107836 (English to Zomi)_Revision_(332)words

3) Did you meet the deadline?
ANS: Yes. I met all deadlines.

4) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work?
ANS: There’re no complaints against the quality of my works after each delivery.

5) Was payment delayed or not received at all?
ANS: Neither payments nor anything have been received at all till date.

6) What did the outsourcer answer to your inquiries about payment?
ANS: Different persons from the outsourcer appeared, and squeezed me with numbers of my completed-projects whenever I inquired about payment.

7) Would you work for this outsourcer again?
ANS: I know they would need my help in such particular projects, and I am not hesitated to work for them after I got all previous payments and made a mutual agreement on further payment processes, particularly to me.

8) Other comments (if any).
ANS: Even I tried to beg to some employees (who first asked me for the sake of their projects) for my payments, not only with the email but also on WhatsApp: they eased me in replying that they would raise the issue to concerned-persons and will contact you soon. In reality, no progress is working out till date.
It is like no one takes any responsibility, and no accountability against my case. We, freelance translators, are working with unknown-people worldwide and finally experienced with no payments. If anyone who is working as full time or part time in this translation industry must be kind, humane, responsible, accountable, and must duly respect to each other.

Thank you.

Re: Non-payers on work done!               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Jayant Kulkarni (we-tweak media) 11-12-2023 05:28

I worked for a company we-tweak Media this July on the Prabandhak tool and after the completion of the job I was told to submit an invoice in the name of Poonam Tomar. Now it is more than 3 months. There is no reply to any mail and they do not have any mobile number either. This company has other member Aditi Jain.
Re[2]: Non-payers on work done!               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Jayant Kulkarni 06-07-2024 14:55

I have resolved the financial matter with We-tweak Media as there was some confusion between us. Payment is done and hence, no one should hesitate to approach them for any job. I wish them all the best.
Stay away from Crossroads Translation!               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Wetty Wu (Crossroads Translation) 04-07-2022 05:13

The company:

Their PM often lost/ignored the important information and destroyed your holidays and made your jobs out of order and still contact with you after sending the auto-e-mail about leaving this job and there's no other person to reply you after you asked to change the PM.

Because the PM was vague and illogical, your work became a mess because of him, and finally turned into a dispute, but he felt that he had reason not to pay.

He had proposed four versions of "terms of payment" to me. In short, he was unwilling to pay. I asked the translation directory blacklist to handle it, via translation directory, I finally found someone else in this company. But I didn't expect that other people in this company are unreasonable. The company not only did not explain the four versions of the "payment terms", but also proposed the fifth version. And the PM (Yes, the other employees in the company disappeared again, and it was the original PM.) used a quality issue of other job that has been explained and solved and paid, as well as the quality issue that was not my translation, as the reason for not paying for this unpaid job.

I provided all the communication evidence to the translation directory blacklist and told the PM that if they had evidence, they should show it. But the PM couldn't show anything except that invalid "quality issues". When you explain that it was other job, he puts forward the new "payment terms". When you point out that his payment terms are "rolling" and not available, he puts forward those invalid "quality issues" to confuse the concepts.

Finally, I successfully let him blacklisted. Because he secretly threatened me. That e-mail became the key to prove that the unpaid job had no quality problems.
Don't accept new clients at SmartCat               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Wetty Wu (SmartCat) 04-07-2022 05:36

When I was dealing with the dispute with Crossroads Translation, SmartCat Support not only took more than 2 weeks to respond, but also very negative, because SmartCat has no mechanism to deal with non-payment, the only thing they can do is to notify.

When dealing with the dispute, I provided all the evidence, but SmartCat Support didn't look at it at all, and Crossroads Translation insisted they can't open any attachments, including screenshots. Therefore, if you encounter such a rogue, no amount of evidence is useless.

Although SmartCat later updated the payment process, clients must deduct "balance" when assigning work, and automatically allocate funds to translators when "accepted". But this mechanism still cannot prevent clients from not paying. As long as the client doesn't "accept", the translator will never get money.

Moreover, SmartCat can only allow clients to rate translators, but translators cannot. This is not equal. Translators believe that SmartCat will handle payment issues and therefore trust all clients on SmartCat. But in fact, SmartCat has no penalty mechanism for clients who do not pay, and there is no credit evaluation nor warning. And the only channel for grievances for translators is the slow, negative and unfair Support.

In ProZ feedback, SmartCat has a lot of 1-star feedback, I believe there will be more in the future. Translators should avoid accepting new clients at SmartCat.
Stay away from Shakti Enterprise Translation!               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Pau 16-07-2022 09:13

I agree with you that we all should be careful to such translation agencies. Thank you, brother for letting us know about it.

I also have unpaid-issues from two translation agencies a couple of month ago. Even I had delivered their projects/documents successfully with the invoices, they didn't reply me till data as they disappeared. Whenever I tried to remind them for the payment, they just ignored to my mail with no response at all. Initially, they showed how they were seriously about the project and kept pushing me with additional instructions, to be delivered with the correct translation. After I kept following up with them and delivered it to them along with the invoice, they did not reply me till date.

Here are their names:
(1) Wagner Consulting International
(2) Shakti Enterprise Translation

Should we avoid these two and posted them in the blacklist as well?

Thank you for reading till the end.
Re: Stay away from Shakti Enterprise Translation!               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patricia Githinji 22-05-2023 09:46

I worked for Shakti Enterprise from Mumbai last year of 2022. This company owes me USD 525 and they refused to pay me. They don’t even reply once you request for a payment or they give you empty promises. Before you work for them, kindly as for a payment first. Otherwise, you will not be paid. This is a scammer company.
Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: PTT 14-07-2023 09:35

Do you know 'Grand Achieve Library'?
If anyone knows/experiences with it, your feedback is needed before I proceed to work with.

Thank you.
Re: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Miguel Segura 04-11-2023 12:28

I have received a project from this company too, but everything looks weird. Did you work for them? How was your experience?
Re[2]: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patricia Githinji 06-11-2023 06:33

No, I don't know this company.
Grand Achieve Library is likely a scam               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Carla 08-02-2024 22:53

I also received an email from this "company". The main body of text was in such a small font and weirdly formatted that initially I thought it was an embedded jpg, had to CTRL+mouse wheel several times to read it.

All I found was this, empty LinkedIn profile with an AI-generated profile pic, and then something on Scribd that points to a site that no longer exists and has an unsafe flag on scamadvisor.

Several red flags: Poor formatting, no actual project info nor reference to job posting, email address doesn't even spell "library" correctly (lol), no actual site/domain, conflicing info on WHO is sending emails, another discussion on about this same "company".
The icing on the cake: flagged unsafe on scam advisory.

Email as follows.


"I received your Email from and we are currently seeking a qualified individual to handle our translation to project with utmost precision. We would appreciate it if you could let us know your availability for this job. If you are unable to take on the project at this time, please inform us of when you will be available. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, [Hookson Gilbert ]"
Re: Grand Achieve Library is likely a scam               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Chiara Vercellio 19-02-2024 13:04

The same email that I received. I have the same doubts that you have. Suspicious email address, no details concerning the number of words to translate, the deadline and the payment terms. Moreover, their Facebook page has been created recently and it is blank, no followers. I ask them some questions, but they answer only partly. I am quite sure they are scammers. Thank you for your feedback!
Re: Grand Achieve Library, scam, Hookson Gilbert, Hookson McCarthy               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Anežka Molnárová 05-03-2024 11:50

Definitely a scam. I received the same message from Hookson McCarthy, signed Hookson Gilbert, no company name, no responses when asked about the company details. They did send a project that I spent on about 25 hours, than repeatedly asked me to open an account in the Alpha finance bank, false website. Then they credit you with the agreed money, after that they ask you if you were able to withdraw it. You aren't - the bank website asks you to pay USD 150 for an IMB code that will enable you to make the transfer. Refundable of course. So they are after money, and it can take you quite a lot of time - they send a project large enough to cost USD 2000 hoping you will want to gain these for the amount of time you spent working to convince you to send the 150 bucks. I didnt, but still went far in this scam :/
Re[2]: Grand Achieve Library, scam, Hookson Gilbert, Hookson McCarthy               [Reply to this message]
Sender: JM 05-03-2024 11:58

It happened the same with me. This type of work must a have half payment when we start working. If that happened none of this would happen to anyone! Something to be aware and watchful for the next jobs!
Re[3]: Grand Achieve Library, scam, Hookson Gilbert, Hookson McCarthy               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Lennart Simonsson 08-03-2024 08:02

Yesterday I received a similarly worded message, Linked to another site (Translatorpub) I am a member of.

and it was signed "Best regards, [Hookson Gilbert ]"

No message sent by me and no message sent via the dedicated message board... so this suggests it is a hoax.

The email sent by a Mark Lucy..
Re[4]: Grand Achieve Library, scam, Hookson Gilbert, Hookson McCarthy               [Reply to this message]
Sender: ARIANNA 10-03-2024 14:01

I also received this email from him, yesterday:

"Invitation for a translation job

received your Email from and we are currently seeking a qualified individual to handle our translation project with utmost precision. We would appreciate it if you could let us know your availability for this job. If you are unable to take on the project at this time, please inform us of when you will be available. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, [Hookson Gilbert ]"
Re[5]: Grand Achieve Library, scam, Hookson Gilbert, Hookson McCarthy               [Reply to this message]
Sender: JM 10-03-2024 14:53

Re[5]: Grand Achieve Library, scam, Hookson Gilbert, Hookson McCarthy               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Paulo Ramos 30-03-2024 01:30

Dear colleagues,

Take care about this mr. Hookson McCarthy. He is a scammer! He send me two emails saying that he is financial manager of «Gate 10 "BRITCHES" Library», based in the United States and proposing me a translation project, but all the contacts should be via Telegram...
Re: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: David B. 28-11-2023 12:36

Grand achieve library and art is a huge scam. They want you to translate a book, promising few thousand dollars but you only “get” it if you pay 100 dollars beforehand. Communicating through Telegram with fake names and stolen photos from random people on eg. facebook.
Re[2]: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patricia Githinji 28-11-2023 16:29

Re[3]: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: David B. 29-11-2023 11:31

Absolutely, I just attached a screenshot about the telegram conversation. The telegram profile has vanished since… would you believe that? :D
Re[4]: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patricia Githinji 29-11-2023 12:05

Please forget about telegram guys. It seems they are thugs.
Re[2]: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Ray 11-03-2024 05:05

I got an email just this morning, 11 Mar 2024 from

hope this message finds you well. My name is Patricia Brenda, and I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Grand Archive Library based in the United States. We came across your contact information on and are interested in potentially engaging your services as a translator for an upcoming project.

We are currently in need of a skilled and experienced translator to assist us with a significant project, and we believe that your expertise may align well with our requirements. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the specific details of the project further, as well as your availability to potentially collaborate with us.

Should you be interested in exploring this opportunity further, we kindly request that you reach out to our project manager for additional information and to discuss the project in more detail. You can contact the project manager via Telegram at

We are having 100 written images that we need to be translated from English to Tagalog.


*Deadline:is 7 days

*Payment method:
Bank transfer

*Payment conditions:
1: payment must be made using the list payment method.
2: project will have to be submitted in the given deadline
3: payment in advance will not be accepted project will have to pass our moderation and interviewing process before payment is made.

Thank you for taking the time to consider our inquiry. We are hopeful that we can establish a productive and mutually beneficial working relationship with you. We look forward to the possibility of working together and eagerly await your response.

Warm regards,

Patricia Brenda
Grand Archive Library
United States

Such a huge budget but deadlines seem not feasible, and the bumber is this- Patricia Brenda

8:04 AM (4 hours ago)

to me
Thanks for your quick response let me share the project details with you so you can decide if you can handle it.

We are having 100 written images that we need to be translated from English to Tagalog.


*Deadline:is 7 days

*Payment method:
Bank transfer

*Payment conditions:
1: payment must be made using the list payment method.
2: project will have to be submitted in the given deadline
3: payment in advance will not be accepted project will have to pass our moderation and interviewing process before payment is made.

With no guarantee of advance pay and if, I surmise they will, the project is not accepted or failed their moderation, goodbye to your potential earnings, and lost time.

Any advise, or how to report these entities will be highly appreciated.

Re[3]: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: JM 11-03-2024 07:44

Look at the telegram's name!
Ask for a certain amount upfront! Test them and you will see it's a SCAM.
Re: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Robert Fraschetti 02-12-2023 16:40

Got a WhatsApp message from some person stating the following:

Hi I got your contact from and we need someone who can handle our translation project perfectly kindly reply back if you are interested...
Best regards
Grand achieve library.

Then continously asks if I'm interested:
I answer stating that I require much more details, how about their company details, and I get the following:

My name is William Mack project director of Grand achieve library and art
222 N. Pacific Coast Hwy. Suite 2000
City, State Zip Code
El Segundo CA 90245
Work load: 113 Pages
Deadline: 10 days
Payment method: bank transfer, PayPal , direct transfer, binance,wise, Citi Bank, online banking
Company name grand achieve library and art


Hi William Mack,
Please note that:
1. I did not receive an email - either from a corporate email account, or a hotmail account (curious that a project director would use a hotmail account....).
2. You then advise an address that is actually a wework address.
3. The address is in El Segundo, yet your mobile WhatsApp number is from the UK 07529 679289.
4. Your website (incomplete with he typical Lorem ipsum placeholder text) shows an IOWA area code phone number (319-555-0115), but an incorrect address :
6391 Elgin St. Celina, Delaware 10299, New York, United States of America
Which is it Celina, Delaware or Celina, New York…
BUT WAIT, there is NO Celina in either Delaware or New York, just in a couple of other states of the US….
5. The typical area code for the area of El Segundo is 310 or 424
In short, it all sounds too suspicious for my taste. If you’re not a scammer, then you are not very well established to offer anyone reasonable work.>Do you know 'Grand Achieve Library'?
If anyone knows/experiences with it, your feedback is needed before I proceed to work with.
Thank you.
Re[2]: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mikael Arhelger 30-01-2024 17:04

Hi Robert,

Got a message too; what is your take on this?


Got a WhatsApp message from some person stating the following:
Hi I got your contact from and we need someone who can handle our translation project perfectly kindly reply back if you are interested...
Best regards
Grand achieve library.
Then continously asks if I'm interested:
I answer stating that I require much more details, how about their company details, and I get the following:
My name is William Mack project director of Grand achieve library and art
222 N. Pacific Coast Hwy. Suite 2000
City, State Zip Code
El Segundo CA 90245
Work load: 113 Pages
Deadline: 10 days
Payment method: bank transfer, PayPal , direct transfer, binance,wise, Citi Bank, online banking
Company name grand achieve library and art
Hi William Mack,
Please note that:
1. I did not receive an email - either from a corporate email account, or a hotmail account (curious that a project director would use a hotmail account....).
2. You then advise an address that is actually a wework address.
3. The address is in El Segundo, yet your mobile WhatsApp number is from the UK 07529 679289.
4. Your website (incomplete with he typical Lorem ipsum placeholder text) shows an IOWA area code phone number (319-555-0115), but an incorrect address :
6391 Elgin St. Celina, Delaware 10299, New York, United States of America
Which is it Celina, Delaware or Celina, New York…
BUT WAIT, there is NO Celina in either Delaware or New York, just in a couple of other states of the US….
5. The typical area code for the area of El Segundo is 310 or 424
In short, it all sounds too suspicious for my taste. If you’re not a scammer, then you are not very well established to offer anyone reasonable work.>Do you know 'Grand Achieve Library'?
If anyone knows/experiences with it, your feedback is needed before I proceed to work with.
Thank you.
Re: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Dominik Kreuzer (trans-k) 12-02-2024 22:18

These scammers are still at it, now harvesting the ITI Directory for victims. Some telltale signs are still there but some of the ones mentioned in this thread have gone, so the scammers appear to be learning. I've had worse enquiries from legitimate LSPs. So if you're member of a translators' association, please let them know so that they can alert their members.
Re: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Noshin 18-02-2024 16:11

They are fraud. I thought they transfered the money. But lie.
Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Chiara Vercellio 19-02-2024 09:33

Hi, I just receive an email from this agency. Have you any news about them? Thank you for answering.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Chiara Vercellio
Re: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: JM 22-02-2024 12:59

SCAM: There are several posts - it's a scam.
The job was achieved through Translation Directory and it was concerning a book translation, a big work! They even don't give the job's reference.

After you deliver it the payment is made through Portal Alpha Bank online. However this bank wants 150 USD and ID card to give a IMF code in order to proceed to the internation transfer. It's SCAM.

There are several contact explaining this situation.

The first contact is like this: "I received your Email from and we are currently seeking a qualified individual to handle our translation to project with utmost precision. We would appreciate it if you could let us know your availability for this job. If you are unable to take on the project at this time, please inform us of when you will be available. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, [Hookson Gilbert ]"
Re: Anyone knows about Grand Achieve Library               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Željka 22-02-2024 19:05

They are a fraud, never paid me
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Dr Supriya Das (Blueink Interactive Go Global) 27-07-2022 11:19

1) Company's and contact person's name and address (including all e-mail addresses): Dhirendra Kumar;,

2) Did you meet the deadline? Yes

3) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work? No

4) Was payment delayed or not received at all? No Payment was received

5) What did the outsourcer answer to your inquiries about payment? Did not respond

6) Would you work for this outsourcer again? No

7) Other comments (if any). : No response from the outsourcer after repetitive emails.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: M. Zhong (24translate) 17-08-2022 08:34

1) Outsourcer's name, contact persons, postal address, ALL e-mail addresses, website (if any), Anas Foad, 7th. floor, Burj Farra, Jalal Street, Khanyounis, Palestine,,,,

2) Job number (if the job was posted at

3) Did you meet the deadline?------Yes.

4) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work?-------No.

5) Was payment delayed or not received at all?-------Not received at all.

6) What did the agency answer to your inquiries about payment?------Refuse to pay.

7) Would you work for this outsourcer again?------No.

8) Other comments (if any).
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: CLEMENT NOUETAKDIE KAMGUE 07-09-2022 11:42


Metro Language Services are scammers, they do not pay. Beware of them.

Best regards,
Nouetakdie Kamgue Clement.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Ugyen Wangchuk (Lingopot) 19-09-2022 04:13

Dear Translators,
This translation company does not pay you for the work you do.
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Ugyen Wangchuk (Lingopot) 19-09-2022 04:24

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to notify you about a notorious non-payer. I translated almost 23,000 words for them since February 2022. Up till now, they have refused to pay me the leftover payment. They have stopped responding to my messages since. Here are the details:

Company’s Name: Lingopot language Solutions Company.

Contact Person’s Name: Mr.Taylor Wafs | Vendor Manager

Address: Lunga Lunga, Square 3rd Floor Room 304 .

Email: Https//

Despite the tight deadline attached to the job, I met the deadline and the outsourcer did not complain about the quality of my work.

I did not receive rest of the payment at all for the almost 18,000 words that I translated for them.

The outsourcer’s answer to my inquiries about payment was: They are still working on the payment. They would pay later [June 2022

I won’t work for them again because they do not respond to my messages again.

Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: EDUARD (VOKIAN) 21-10-2022 06:22

Another non-pyment scammer from India:

As always, India is full of scammers who disturb the translation industry. The last one I encountered is Vokian Localisation Pvt Ltd
Poor English should have been a warning sign for me. I had contact with these 2 scammers:

Claudia Alicia | Project Manager
email: | Web:


Rachael Holly
Credit Manager | Vokian Localisation Pvt Ltd | Accounts
phone: +91 44-26150566, 26153566, 48572467
address: 237/1 Rohini Flats, Anna Nagar West Extn, Chennai-600 101, TN - INDIA.

I am contacting the client (Moldtech) directly to request payment in Spain. Hope I will finally get my money
Re[3]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: VOKIAN (VOKIAN) 07-11-2022 08:56

This is what I get when I ask to be paid for work done in September from this scammer called Rajesh Kamalasakar who is hiding behing made-up names:


Eduard is a liar and frade, there is no evidence.

We have all the evidence for 35 days from the invoice and invoice received on October 22nd 2022 ready to provide all.

However Eduard is a mental hence cant understanding all this simply liar and cheating all the translation company and trying to lend extra money saying you have late and the translation quality is not that good

Claudia Alicia | Project Manager
email: | Web:>Another non-pyment scammer from India:
As always, India is full of scammers who disturb the translation industry. The last one I encountered is Vokian Localisation Pvt Ltd
Poor English should have been a warning sign for me. I had contact with these 2 scammers:
Claudia Alicia | Project Manager
email: | Web:
Rachael Holly
Credit Manager | Vokian Localisation Pvt Ltd | Accounts
phone: +91 44-26150566, 26153566, 48572467
address: 237/1 Rohini Flats, Anna Nagar West Extn, Chennai-600 101, TN - INDIA.
I am contacting the client (Moldtech) directly to request payment in Spain. Hope I will finally get my money
Re[4]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: VOKIAN 09-11-2022 09:02

This scammer Rajesh Kamalasakar even tried to scam the Bank of India. His office space is up for auction (bank foreclosure):

Vokian Localisation address: No 137/5A, 2nd floor, Annai Flats, Padikuppam Road, Anna Nagar West, , Chennai, 600040, Tamil nadu, India
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mike Zhong (White Globe) 09-01-2023 09:22

White Globe is an indian company, stole my work without making paymnet at all.
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mike Zhong (White Globe) 12-01-2023 00:35

1) Company's and contact person's name, full postal address, all e-mail addresses-----White Globe Pvt. Ltd, White Global; Vikash Pratap; #16 A . 2nd Floor . City Vista, Fountain Road Ashok Nagar . Kharadi, Pune, 411014, Maharashtra, India; 702, 8th Floor, Stellar Office, Kharadi, Pune, 411014, India;,

2) Job number (if the job was posted at

3) Did you meet the deadline?-----Yes.

4) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work?-----No.

5) Was payment delayed or not received at all?------Not received at all.

6) What did the outsourcer answer to your inquiries about payment?------No answer.

7) Would you work for this outsourcer again?-----No.

Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Mike Zhong (White Globe) 13-01-2023 01:01

1) Company's and contact person's name, full postal address, all e-mail addresses.
White Globe Pvt. Ltd/White Global, Vikash Pratap, #16 A . 2nd Floor . City Vista, Fountain Road Ashok Nagar . Kharadi, Pune, 411014, Maharashtra, India/702, 8th Floor, Stellar Office, Kharadi, Pune, 411014, India,

2) Job number (if the job was posted at

3) Did you meet the deadline?

4) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work?

5) Was payment delayed or not received at all?
Not received at all.

6) What did the outsourcer answer to your inquiries about payment?
They do not reply me at all.

7) Would you work for this outsourcer again?

8) Other comments (if any).
They stole my work without payment.

Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: etranslate 12-03-2023 14:49

Reporting Eurabic Translation, non-payers and cheats. They try to defend themselves using ridiculous logic, it'd be long to write about it all. Anyway, they owe translators a few hundred USD and immediately fire them for supposedly forbidden use of CAT tools whereas the next week they are 'very grateful' and want translators back to work the same way - to continue cheating.
SQUARE ROI SARAH NONPAYING FRAUD               [Reply to this message]
Sender: vanitha 04-04-2023 09:29

I did a project for the company by name of Squareroi on January 7 in english to tamil. In fact it was a late night rush project.

Till the project went on the Project manager Sarah kept contacting me, now after nearly 4 months she is playing dead when it comes to payment. She doest give her mobile number, the company's website says under
construction. There is no other contact detail of the person.
These agencies have no scruples playing with the other man's hard work and livelihood. Anyone with any experience with this company pls let me know.
Re: SQUARE ROI SARAH NONPAYING FRAUD               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Sanjukta Chatterjee 07-08-2023 12:28

This lady just fooled me too. I am planning to take this up with the Cyber Police and also directly with the source client.
Others, please stay away from Squareroi Translations ( and
Re: SQUARE ROI SARAH NONPAYING FRAUD               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Himmat Kataria (squareroi) 05-09-2023 12:16

Same here, I did a project for the company by name of Squareroi on 22 June 2023 in english to Gujarati.It was rush project.

Till the project went on the Project manager Sarah kept contacting me, now after nearly 2 months she is playing dead when it comes to payment. She doest give her mobile number, the company's website says under
construction. There is no other contact detail of the person.
These agencies have no scruples playing with the other man's hard work and livelihood.

Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: José Manuel Miana (Mission Translate) 09-05-2023 19:00

Mission Translate. They avoid payments and ignore most emails or make excuses.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: etranslate (EU-Coordination) 23-05-2023 05:48

Hello, I want to report a cheat, EU-Coordination. The PM behaved were weirdly and impolitely and I suspected sth would be wrong. 2 weeks later he said they supposedly got cheated by the client so they won't pay me. This is the kind of logic and justice they use. They also have other non-payment reports. Stay away
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: etranslate 23-05-2023 06:52

An update - this was a cheat using the name Danial Roberto pretending to be from EU-Coordination, his mail ends with gmail . com
** FRAUD **               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Morten Kristensen ( 05-06-2023 21:48

Job 67774: German to English translation work of 1 500 pages in PDF format at USD 10/ hour. They "announce" these projects every week in order to get a good quote/pricing for waste volumes of work. Then DECLINE they work for only being "potential". Indian proxiy companies like this are simple BULLSHIT and can NOT be trusted
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Michael Collins (Mission Translate) 13-06-2023 12:06

1) Outsourcer's name, contact persons, postal address, ALL e-mail
addresses, website (if any).
*Hayder Al-Ani, CEO*

*Floor 14, 54 Hagley Rd, Birmingham B16 8PE, UK*

2) Job number (if the job was posted at
*Job 67783*

3) Did you meet the deadline?

*They're 90 days past due on payment after successfully completing the
4) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work?
*Not at all, they were very happy.*

5) Was payment delayed or not received at all?

*Not received at all (multiple invoices.)*
6) What did the agency answer to your inquiries about payment?
*Multiple contacts there are ignoring us by phone and email.*

7) Would you work for this outsourcer again?
*Never again.*

8) Other comments (if any).* Important:*

<> *
<> *
<> *
<> *
<> *
- *>*
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Simon Way 14-06-2023 15:06

This is to correct an earlier message I said saying that Reutrans were non-payers. This matter was eventually cleared up and was found to be due to a problem with their email system. Since then Reutrans have paid me very reliably, so I wish to retract my statement that they are unreliable.
Scammer               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Scholar SK (Globe Language Solutions) 20-06-2023 03:30

I have worked on about 20 Translation Projects for "Globe Language Solutions", They have not been paid yet. I have contacted them so many times, They replied once saying They will look into the invoice and will pay soon, But it is already 6 to 7th months passed since I am waiting.
Thanks for Translationdirectory.

Re: Non-payers, part 1               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Leon Placide Noah Onguene 02-07-2023 20:23

I was contacted on March 02, 2023 by Khushboo Harjai of Shakti Enterprise for the project: Re: FW: Interpretation: Hinid/ English to French: Jayashankar (Interpretation: Hinid/ English to French: Jayashankar). We discussed the project and she offered to be their translator, which I accepted. The contract was done on the payment margin 45 days after delivery of the invoice. Then, they started sending the orders with the 60 -day delay. Which drew my attention. I have always sent work on time. So, the bill for March was paid half $ 400 out of $ 822 912 and even the invoice for April. My payment has already been returned several times. I wish to be ie according to their initial commitment.
I wish your help so that I can be paid. So I have two payments that have not yet been sold
I attach invoices to my request and the recaputilative.
I await your feedback
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Emmanuel Francisco 10-07-2023 11:04

Acadecraft has not respected the terms and conditions of our agreement as regards payment and is now threatening me that they won't pay if I don't delete my report from Translation Directory's website. Acadecraft is a non-payer outsourcer.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Dilay Kurt 17-07-2023 07:37

Please be alert on this company! They do not pay their linguists and they even do not reply to their emails. Begging for the money you deserve for providing your services is a just a waste of time. But such companies should be disclosed so they cannot deceive other people!
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Sivaiah Jagadapi (translation seva) 18-07-2023 07:12

The outsourcer mentioned the translation price per word is 0.50 EUR per word in the TD post, but actually, they are offering 0.50 INR per word. It is a misleading spam post.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Leonardo Greco ( 31-07-2023 17:03

Job 00068236 is a scam and harassing advertisement from Leonardo Greco ( that have theft the identity of The Adecco Group (Switzerland). He wants your Bank Account Information along with your Personal Information (ID, address, full name, date of birth, etc...) to theft your money in your bank account. To gather these information, Leonardo offers you to pay you before the release of your translations, more than 3,000 EUR for your translation of Listverse articles. Also, Leonardo asks you to sign his contract that ask you to purchase of its software Ovizen. All these elements are ways to gather your Personal Information and Bank Account to theft your money! Leonardo needs to have : your full name, your signature, your address, you ID and more. DON'T TOUCH TO THESE ELEMENTS : Leonardo sends you his Contract : Termination Term: No delay (illegal), to be legal, Leonardo MUST sign FIRST the contract, and you SECOND, and never the other way! The Ovizen Software that you have to purchase after signing the contract is a MALWARE that is set up to gather you Personal Information. When it is the time to receive your 3,000 EUR, Leonardo sent it to you via Western Union because when you will go to the Western Union Office in your Country, your Personal Information will be released to Leonardo along with your Bank Account. What to do with Leonardo Grego that wants to withdraw money from your bank account? Either you disregard his email or, if you have time, you gather information about him to report him to the police. You send him a fake bank account or an electronic payment that will gather HIS bank account and personal information TO REPORT LEONARDO GRECO TO THE POLICE OF YOUR COUNTRY. Read more :
star group of translators SHRIPAL SHARMA nonpayer               [Reply to this message]
Sender: vanitha 05-08-2023 06:17

i worked for Stargroup, Mr Shripal Sharma in January 2023
When it came to the payment he said his mother died and he was into family scuffles due to that.
He kept mentioning that delicate reason of his mother's death again and again
and he kept vowing us that the payments will be made by may end, then june and so on.
Now he has switched off his phone and is absconding from all emails.

He has scammed many translators.
Re[3]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Abdelhalim MEKBEL 18-08-2023 17:36

I would like to report the Shakti Entreprise for non payment of my money
I have been working for them since the 07th of January 2022 until June 2023, they have only paid me the invoices of January to August 2022 but they have not paid the invoices from September 2022 until June 2023 with an amount of over 3200$
I would like that thay pay me
Fake add               [Reply to this message]
Sender: FERHAT YESIL (Appen) 24-08-2023 05:37

Dear authorized,

This company, Appen publishes adds since 10 years.

But their system does not work properly and I could not get any work from them untill now, even I applied them and filled forms several times.

In this project, they have a system, I am entering their system, but there is only 1 video and it is not in Kurdish Kurmanji variant that spoken in Turkey.

I mentioned this issue for them several times, they never reply and only sends me email that I did not complete the tests.

This is only timewasting...

Re: Fake add               [Reply to this message]
Sender: PTT 26-08-2023 10:47

I agree that I have the same experience.
At Appen, taking tests and waiting to get the project is crazy as it's never happened and it is a waste of time.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Abdelhalim MEKBEL 06-09-2023 13:05

I would like to thank shakti enterprise for their payment of more than 60% of my due payment
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Radim Klekner 15-09-2023 08:13

Shakti Enterprise from Mumbai has a long history of non-payment on Translation Directory. Please avoid to work for them. I'm another translator not to be paid by them for several months.
Non-payers - Shakti enterprise               [Reply to this message]
Sender: SSK (Shakti Enterprise) 15-11-2023 11:23

I have 11 years of translation experience and most of the companies I have worked with paid me correctly except a couple of fraud agencies. One among them is Shakti Enterprise. After doing several tasks for several months, they didn't give payment even after 8 months. Although I have tried to contact them they do not reply to the mails and phone calls. Qunoot is one PM who gives project and swithes off the phone on trying to ask about payment after delivering the task. I have several months of payment pending from this fraud company. The phone number given in their company website is also fraud. The phone numbers they use to enquire about task is 9833664476 and 9324938699. Their common team mail ids are:
Re: Non-payers - Shakti enterprise               [Reply to this message]
Sender: John 15-11-2023 11:27

I have real experience about this fraud company, Shakti enterprise. They are like a boss and force us to do tasks as per their convenience and after the task it is difficult to connect them. We can do tasks to them if we do not expect payment.
Re[2]: Non-payers - Shakti enterprise               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Anees 15-02-2024 17:15

this service provider is big blackmailer, after providing google translation, now blackmailing for payment

Re[2]: Non-payers - Shakti enterprise               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Anees (EAST AFRICAN LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS) 16-02-2024 13:04

completely they are Blackmailer
Re[3]: Non-payers - Shakti enterprise               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patricia Githinji 17-02-2024 05:36

Right. For me, they refused to pay me $545 while this company has 16 affiliate companies with different products.
SCAM ALERT: Asian Translation Services (Melissa Chan AND Safina Irdis) I               [Reply to this message]
Sender: EAST AFRICAN LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS PATRICK NYAWIRA (Asian Translation Services) 02-12-2023 09:18

To all translators,

Be warned about Asian Translation Services (Melissa Chan and Safina Irdis). Spread this message across the industry NOW.

These fraudsters owe us for a completed project and blatantly refuse to settle the invoice sent in June 2023. Despite repeated promises, they haven't paid a dime. Melissa Chan, the so-called owner, assured payment 12 days ago, yet we've seen nothing.

They're con artists, assigning projects and then leading you on a wild goose chase for your hard-earned money. Do whatever it takes to AVOID dealing with them.

Company details for your blacklist:

Primary contact: MELISSA CHAN and SAFINA IRDIS

No 1-4-1 4th Floor Block C Diamond Square Business Center Jalan Semarak Api (Jalan 1/50) Off Jalan Gombak,

53000 Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

03-40233321 / 012-3440266
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Helen Buznikova 17-01-2024 10:16

1) Outsourcer's name - Rephraserz Media and Communication Services (India),,

2) Job number (-)

3) Did you meet the deadline? - Yes

4) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work? - No

5) Was payment delayed or not received at all? - Still not received, after 3 months

6) What did the agency answer to your inquiries about payment? -Promised to pay but every time bluffed.

7) Would you work for this outsourcer again? - No

8) Other comments (if any).
Re: Non-payers, Shakti Enterprise!!! Khushboo Harjai, Aruna Surve, Qunoot Momin,               [Reply to this message]
Sender: NANDAR SHOON LEI (Shakti Enterprise) 22-01-2024 11:30

Shakti Enterprise!! I wonder why their main operating website hasn’t been banned them for non-payment. I worked for Shakti Enterprise three months ago. When they needed their project by the deadline, they constantly sent messages. when I am finished within the deadline and requesting payment, they didn’t reply. I then contacted them via WhatsApp, and Khushboo Harjai , who assigned me the project, turned out to be untrustworthy. She kept promising and changing dates, making excuses.

First, they suggested a wire transfer. When I provided my bank account details, after a week of inquiring about my payment, she changed the date twice, then claimed it wouldn’t work. Later, she suggested using PayPal, and I provided the necessary information. However, I am still waiting for the promised date with no progress, and she changed the date again. When I mentioned reporting and revealing the original translated files and taking action, they suddenly required a PO number, making me wait again.

They asked me to wait until Monday, and saying i will receive today but nothing happened. I have all the proof and I am about to report to the original client of the file I translated.
project assigned by - Khushboo Harjai,Aruna Surve, Qunoot Momin, Pratiksha Tapase.

Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Željka Rajić Aralica 20-02-2024 09:16

Hey, I got an email: On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 at 22:40, Grand Achieve Library Art Global <> wrote:

Invitation for a translation job

I received your Email from and we are currently seeking a qualified individual to handle our translation project with utmost precision. We would appreciate it if you could let us know your availability for this job. If you are unable to take on the project at this time, please inform us of when you will be available. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, [Hookson Gilbert ]

Afterwards saying this was their site:


As there were a lot of inconsistencies, such as the name itself, Acheive, not Archive I thought they might be non-payers and scammers, but gave it a go. They never paid me, directing me to send a Whatsapp massage, later on Telegram message with my IBAN to their accountant.

Suppose the reply would contain some kind of link, used for phishing.
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Chiara Vercellio 20-02-2024 09:43

Thank you for your message, it is very useful. So you complete a translation project for them and they never pay you, is it right?
Re[3]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Željka Rajić Aralica 20-02-2024 09:46

Yes, that's correct.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Rashwan Mustafa 11-04-2024 08:46


I am writing to report a concerning incident that I have recently encountered, involving non-payment for services and an apparent scam aimed at defrauding translators. Below, I will detail the interaction with the involved party, in hopes that appropriate action can be taken to prevent further harm to individuals in the translation community.

**Incident Overview:**

I was approached via email by an entity claiming to represent the "GATE 10 BRITISH TRANSLATION LIBRARY" (Email: They solicited my services for the translation of 100 images into Kurdish Sorani, totaling more than 40,000 words, with an offered compensation of 3500 USD. The initial contact raised suspicion due to the use of a personal email address without any affiliated organizational website.

**Proceedings & Scam Mechanism:**

Upon completing the requested translation, I was directed to create an account on for payment processing. After purportedly transferring 3500 USD to my account on this platform, I encountered an unusual requirement to obtain a SAC code to facilitate the transfer of funds to my bank account or PayPal. When I inquired about acquiring this SAC code, I was informed that a payment of 150 USD was necessary to receive the code. My suggestion to deduct this fee from my credited 3500 USD was refused, and a preference for payment in cryptocurrency was indicated.

**Concerns and Request for Action:**

This experience signals a sophisticated scam, not merely evading payment for legitimately provided services but actively attempting to extract money from the victim. The requirements for additional payments under dubious pretenses, particularly the insistence on cryptocurrency, highlight the fraudulent nature of this scheme.

Therefore, I am formally requesting your support to investigate this matter. Any guidance on reporting this incident to law enforcement or relevant regulatory bodies would also be greatly appreciated. My primary aim is to alert the translator community about this scam and to take necessary steps to prevent further victims of such deceptive practices.

I am willing to provide any additional information or documentation required to support this report. Your prompt attention and assistance in addressing this egregious exploitation would be highly valued.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Patricia Githinji 13-04-2024 07:12

Hi, before accepting new jobs, kindly check whether this company has a website.I can't find any web with that name.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Clau (UNITED NATIONS WORLD BANK) 22-05-2024 15:48

I received a message on WhatsApp from a member of Translation Diretory site (which I am also a member) oferring me a very good job, which I did and sent.
Time for payment: The person on WhatsApp sent me a link for a Fake Scam Online Bank where I register and I saw there the amount of my money deposited. I was very happy, and I want to transfer that money to my regular account ... The transfer processing was doing great but then opened a window telling me that I need a VAT number - I did not have it so I consult the assistance online from the site and I pay 150 USD which was refundable to this account site not to my Pix (that I used no pay) ok then I have the Vat number and I was doing the process of tranfer and then another surprise - I need another a BOT code - I look for assistance again and they told me that I only paid for the Vat code and for security I needed to pay this BOT code, last code to be able to transfer the money to my bank account -- and the price for this code they said that was 400 USD - right away I realize that it is a SCAM unfortunately they kept my 150 USD in that account --- Now I have 1,350 USD on that account 1,200 USD for my translation payment and 150 USD refund from the VAT code I paid ,,,,, According to them, I can only take that amount if I pay for the BOT code which I found out it is malicious and can destroy our financial life and everything we try so hard to build. Do not trust on this SCAM FAKE ONLINE BANK called UNITED NATIONS WORLD BANK with the link - It is a SCAM - do not reply to +1 (404) 282-0538 it is a SCAM - they do not pay for jobs - I did a job and deliver to them they NEVER paid my 1,200 USD they appear and contact people using your site as a reference and they have a list of names and contact of all member of your Site. I wish Translation Directory had a system or a way to go after those people and collect the money they robber from us, innocent translatiors.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Jayant Kulkarni 26-05-2024 04:12

If you have spare time to work for free then happily you can work for White Globe Pvt Ltd as they show offices all over India and there is a single phone no. which is non-operative and sending emails is just a waste of time. So work at your own risk for White Globe Pvt Ltd.
Re[2]: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Jayant Kulkarni 26-05-2024 04:14

It will be shortly my third anniversary of the non-payment without giving any reason and all are invited to White Globe Private Limited offices.
Re: Non-payers, part 3               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Vlad Maccoohin 27-06-2024 05:25

Director of Sourcing email address:

I did a voice project for this company last month (AI training). Just USD 18.0 - not more and not less. No payment and no answer since then, nothing at all.
Remember this post, it was great to work for such a company :-)
Non-payers               [Reply to this message]
Sender: Lers Thisayakorn 17-07-2024 01:30

1) Outsourcer's name, contact persons, postal address, ALL e-mail addresses, website (if any).
- Erkin Güngör of Hippocampus Design of 114 Street Evka3, Bornova, İzmir, 35030, Turkey.,
2) Job number (if the job was posted at
- Jobs were done with the
3) Did you meet the deadline?
- “YES”
4) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work?
- NO
5) Was payment delayed or not received at all?
- Not received at all
6) What did the agency answer to your inquiries about payment?
- They are not replying to my mail.
7) Would you work for this outsourcer again?
- No
8) Other comments (if any).
I filed a non-payment complaint from the outsourcer Erkin Güngör on July 3 12:59 PM GMT to TranslatorsCafe and have a Support Ticket: dd43f643-e8ed-4088-aefd-f9d5f768ba7d.
The 2 non-payment invoices were due on June 24, 2024 for the sum of USD 248.28 and on July 13, 2024 for the sum of USD 123.53.
The total unpaid sum due is USD 371.81
July 17, 2024

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