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Online Shopping's Pros and Cons
Why buy online? Why not buy online? Have you ever considered the pros and cons to shopping at a retail store vs shopping online? Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing online...
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How to Avoid Conflicts at Work and at Home
There are times where we may find it difficult to avoid a disagreement in the workplace, or even a conflict at home. Here are some things to think about as you work toward a peaceful resolution...
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Money - The Currency of Unhappy People
Happiness and success have nothing to do with money. When will all these self-styled personal development and self improvement gurus get that into their head? The modern obsession with money is actually leading people away from a life of happiness and success into a life of goal focused constant anticipation which takes us away from the here and now - the only place where life is lived and the only place that you will find happiness and success…
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An Assets Investigation: Several Tips
Conduct an assets search to ascertain what assets and income your subject has, and to make sure the assets will be available should you win a judgment, and before taking possession of an asset - like an automobile or a boat - with a lien against it…
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RAW, JPEG or TIFF - Digital Photography for Beginners
In this Digital Photography for Beginners article we are looking at file formats. In the "old" days, photographs would be captured onto light sensitive film. Then, after development, a negative would be produced. With digital photography, images are stored as a digital file. For viewing, the file is decoded - and there are 3 main types of file used - JPEG, TIFF and RAW…
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6 Mistakes When Moving Overseas
Moving overseas is generally a very exciting time in your life. However, you know that it's not going to be an easy job. Considering how many things need to be done and the huge change to your life, it's certainly worth taking the time to think about what to realistically expect…
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How to Minimize the Risk of Getting Serious Diseases
The Holy Bible, teaches us how to be healthy, live a healthy lifestyle and avoid disease. Therefore, diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, HIV aids, and so on are caused by us not heeding God's Word. It is interesting to note that in the beginning He created a world that had life giving health in all the food man ate…
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How You Can Recycle Your Cell Phone
Cellular phones and other mobile devices often contain toxic materials that can pollute the environment. The chemicals contained in the cell phones and electronics are harmful to the health of both humans and animals. Cell phones and their accessories contain a large number of hazardous substances known as Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic Chemicals (PBTs). Some of the chemicals contained in the PBTs have been known to cause damage to nervous systems, reproductive systems, and developmental systems, as well as causing cancer…
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Saving not spending, can save the economy
As soon as we can stabilize housing, all of our troubles will be solved. This is the mantra we hear night after night on CNBC. The chart below unmistakably paints an abnormal picture of home prices. Karl Case, an economics professor at Wellesley College whose name adorns the S&P Case-Shiller home-price indexes, has studied U.S. house prices going back to the 1890s. Over the long run, he says, home prices tend to increase on average at an inflation-adjusted rate of 2.5% to 3% a year, about the same as per capita income…
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Brave New World Revisited
Aldous Huxley wrote the dystopian novel Brave New World in 1931 at the inauguration of the last Crisis period in America. Dystopia is the often futuristic vision of a society in which conditions of life are miserable and characterized by poverty, oppression, war, violence, disease, pollution, nuclear fallout and/or the abridgement of human rights…
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How to Be Green in Your Business
A business that makes the decision to be environmentally-conscious will often promote goodwill among potential customers, while making the world a better place for future generations. Many businesses hesitate to adopt green practices because they fear it will hurt their bottom line and negatively impact profits…
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Be Healthy Consuming Only Natural Foods
We destroy our lungs with cigarettes, feed our kids fast sugars. trans fats, salt, artificial flavors and colors, chemical sugars, vaccines, etc. Then we wonder how it is that an increasing percentage of the population develops chronic diseases such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, cancer, food intolerances, skin problems and bowel problems…
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How to Naturally Cure and Prevent a Cold
When I was a child, I remembered I would occasionally catch a cold and spend about two weeks lying in bed, suffering. My joints and muscles would ache and, although I received better treatment, being served meals in bed and having a TV in my own room, it was still a very unpleasant period…
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How to Perform a Healthy Fast
One of the most important points of a fast is to go into and out of it slowly, and properly. During a fast your body truly does enter a different regime. Your stomach and intestines don't work like they usually do, and the last thing you want to do is to come in and/or out of such a different mode with any sort of shock…
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How to Be Healthy
The Bible says that our body is a temple of God, and that we should treat it that way. Well, a lot of people don't believe in God, but rather worship themselves, and want to look beautiful for selfish reasons. Whatever your motivation, a healthier and cleaner body will allow you to live longer, fuller, with greater vitality, and enable you to enjoy your life more…
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The love of money is the root of all evil
Money doesn’t grow on trees for most of America. We sit down at our kitchen tables and write out checks to the phone-company, electric company, credit card-company, mortgage-company, and auto finance company every month. We clip coupons and go to the grocery store every week to put food in the mouths of our children. This is what our parents did before us. We work 40 to 60 hours a week to pay these bills and feed those mouths. It’s not easy…
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Brain Gets Smart but Your Head Gets Dumb. Stop Borrowing!
The 1970’s were a simpler time. As kids, we listened to All The Young Dudes by Mott the Hoople on our portable record players. We would cut Monkees’ .98s from the back of our Raisin Bran cereal boxes. There were maybe ten TV stations we could watch. For entertainment we would play board games like The Game of Life, Monopoly, and Risk. I remember having a two day Risk match with friends from our neighborhood. Our parents didn’t smother us with attention. We created our own fun. We organized our own roller hockey league with games played in our back alley and on the side streets of our neighborhood…
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Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God
You know civilization is in danger when I find more wisdom in the words of Ozzy Osbourne than in the words of any elected U.S. official. The U.S. war machine keeps turning. As we enforce our will on foreign countries, we produce more people who hate us. Just when you think the U.S. government is beginning to make sense by withdrawing troops from Iraq, they make the terrible decision to shuttle 21,000 more troops into the Afghan calamity…
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How to save the US economy?
David Walker served as Comptroller General of the United States from 1998 through 2008. He is now the CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation and leader of the Fiscal Wake Up Tour…
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Stairway to Retail Heaven (or Hell?)
She was buying the stairway to heaven using her home equity line, but now that she is underwater on her mortgage she tried to pay using her Amex card, but her credit score had dropped to 600 and they cut her credit line in half. The stairway to heaven isn’t as easy to achieve as it used to be. Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi feel bad for the lady. They are going to borrow against your children’s future tax dollars and give them to the lady, so she can buy that stairway to heaven…
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Bottled Water - An Environmental Disaster
Do you wish to live in a way that protects our children's future? Do you want to live in the greenest world possible with a conscience, respect and appreciation for the environment?…
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When United States ruled the world
America has squandered the human sacrifice, blood, sweat and tears of two generations in less than seventy years. We have been an independent country for 226 years. From 1783 until 1946 was an unrelenting upward trajectory for the beacon of the free world. With the end of World War II, America was the last country standing. Germany and Japan were in shambles. Russia had lost millions of citizens, with Stalin about to murder millions more…
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Public Speaking - 5 More Tips
Know that public speaking is the number one human fear. So if you have ever been or are a bit nervous about giving presentations in public, realize you are not alone. Most people have the same problem. Continued below is our Top 10 tips to making presenting easy and comfortable for both you and the audience…
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Public Speaking - 5 Tips
Know that public speaking is the number one human fear. So if you have ever been or are a bit nervous about giving presentations in public, realize you are not alone. Most people have the same problem…
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5 Tips How to Start Living Green on a Budget
5 simple steps you can take today to reduce your carbon footprint with out spending much money…
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The Federal Reserve - Grand Illusion
The whole world is in a state of complete confusion. Americans are coming to the realization that their lives have been a grand illusion. You thought your neighbor had it made. They were driving a Mercedes, spent $40,000 on a new kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, sent their kids to private school, had a second home at the shore, and took exotic vacations all over the world…
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Financial Crisis: How to Save the Economy.
Every day seems worse than the previous day. Five hundred thousand people are getting laid off every month. Our banking system is on life support. Retailers are going bankrupt in record numbers. The stock market keeps descending. Home prices continue to plummet. Home foreclosures keep mounting. Consumer confidence is at record lows…
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How Parents Can Save Some Money
Times are tough right now especially for parents. It can be hard to know how to cover things like constantly increasing energy bills and the high cost of fuel. It can be easy to become discouraged and think there is no way I can save money right now, however there are a few changes you can make in your everyday life that will make a huge difference
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What Happened to the American Dream
Solar photovoltaic cells convert sunlight into electricity and many solar photovoltaic power stations have been built, mainly in Europe. Several large photovoltaic power plants have been completed in Spain in 2008
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Photovoltaic power station
Solar photovoltaic cells convert sunlight into electricity and many solar photovoltaic power stations have been built, mainly in Europe. Several large photovoltaic power plants have been completed in Spain in 2008
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Motorcycle Safety
In many important ways, operating a motorcycle is not like driving an automobile. So you have to change your way of thinking and your way of driving when you ride your motorcycle. For example, to turn a motorcycle left or right, it’s not just a matter of turning a steering wheel
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How to choose a worthwhile charity and get involved
The call to make a positive difference in the larger world around us is heard by millions of people every day. Most of us just put it off because we are understandably busy with our day-to-day lives of surviving and thriving
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Moving abroad
"We're moving to Finland," says my husband. "What? When? How?" say I. "We don't want to move out of the country," scream my children. "Wait, let me get on my breathing machine," says my mother. "Don't do it," says my father-in-law. But my husband can't help but get excited
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Giving Up Cable Television
My children cried when they realized they could no longer watch their favorite television shows, but soon learned that wholesome videos can cure their withdrawals in a moment's notice. But more importantly, they've gotten off their butts and started enjoying more physical and bonding activities
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Renewable energy
Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources—such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat—which are renewable (naturally replenished). Renewable energy technologies include solar power, wind power, hydroelectricity, micro hydro, biomass and biofuels.…
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Solar Energy... When will it be affordable to the average homeowner?
A discussion of the origin and development of PV solar generated electricity. The physics, materials and growth of the technology is discussed. Examples of acceptance by big business are discussed. A model on how to pay for the technology is given.…
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Geothermal Generated Electricity - Is It a Viable Energy Option?
Geothermal renewable energy is not as widely discussed as solar or wind energy for replacement of fossil fuels. Geothermal energy is in wide use in many countries and is quite advanced in it understanding. It is a third leg of a tripod of renewable energies…
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Recycling plastic and glass - why it makes a difference
With a little understanding of the issues involved, we can re-use or recycle most of the masses amount of waste we produce from plastic and glass and at the same time we can reduce costs, save energy, protect the environment and even create new jobs…
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5 Major Ways to Save Money on Gas
Gas prices never seem to go down, do they? It just keeps getting more expensive to buy gas. Here are 5 major steps you can take to save money on gas…
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Greenovation Saves You Money Now And Later
We’ve all heard often enough that it’s time to start thinking and acting green. We’re depleting the Earth’s resources in record amounts, and it’s becoming more and more clear that we need to start thinking in terms of protecting and preserving the Earth and her resources when we build…
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50 Ways To Conserve Water At Home
With many areas of the country in drought conditions, all of us could use a reminder list of ways to cut back on our water consumption around the house. You can go three weeks without food, but only three days without W.A.T.E.R.…
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A Mouthful That Saves The World
Let's start with a question. How can we improve the quality of life by say 25% this year? If you're like most people your thoughts might immediately turn towards having more of certain things…
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Living A Greener Life On A Shoestring Budget
It doesn’t take a big investment to reduce your impact on the Earth – just a little bit of forethought and attention to the choices that you make. Here are fifteen simple things that can make a major difference in how much energy your family uses around the house…
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Looking at Debt Backward: An Interesting Approach to Financial Freedom
Most people feel that the way to financial success is to earn more. However, we have far less control over what we earn than what we spend. By reducing our spending, we can more reliably and predictably increase the amount of our paycheck we actually get to keep. What's more, there are plenty of ways to trim even up to 10% out of your household expenses without feeling the pinch. You may even start to feel smarter…
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New Zealand in Translation: Presenting a Country's Image in a Government Website
In this article, we examine how the image of New Zealand is presented in the Chinese translation of a press release titled "Film spotlight spawns hot Kiwi destinations," which is available at the website of the New Zealand Embassy in China. The differences between the original and the translation reveal that the presentation of New Zealand's image is driven by the purpose of promoting NZ as an exciting tourist attraction…
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Going Green In Home Renovations
It's hard to pick up a newspaper today without reading another alarming headline about the impact global warming is having on our planet. This growing concern has caused a number of our clients to ask how they might be more environmentally-conscious in their home designs and renovations…
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The Financial Equation That Can Change Your Life
Ask a person what is the single most important thing that could happen to improve his or her financial picture and the answer you'll get - in various gradations - is a sudden influx of cash. Some of us wish for pay raises, others want to win the lottery, and more indecisive types just dream of a sudden windfall of cash…
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Top 10 Basic Errors Among Quarkxpress Users
If you have recently started using QuarkXPress, you may find yourself making some of the errors outlined in this article. Take a second to read through our top ten beginner pitfalls and spare yourself a little frustration in getting to grips with your new software…
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How to Live Naturally
• Buy economic (fluorescent) lamps – they consume up to 5 times less energy than regular bulbs.
• Don’t drive to close distances – better walk or bike.
• Set your tap water heater to lower temperature…

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Stump the Experts
McElroy invited people to join in our recent International Translation Day celebrations by sending in cultural questions to try to “Stump the Experts.” All those who sent in questions were entered into a drawing for a chance to win a handsome gift box, Around the World in 12 Coffees…
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Speed Reading Simplified!
Readers are leaders and in this article you will learn several simple to implement Speed Reading Secrets that will assist you in efficiently absorbing all that information out there…
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Great Technical Writing: The Two-edged Sword Of Reader Experience
When we write User Documents we rely on our Reader's/User's experience to simplify our work. This can cause problems for the Reader. This article will discuss the effects of Reader experience and how to minimize the negative effects of incompatible experience, and how to handle the writer's assumptions about the Reader…
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Kids Can Learn Spanish
I just got a call from my two year old granddaughter. She wanted to sing "Los Pollitos" to me. You can find this children's classic in most of the collections of songs that we are recommending.
It is perfect for hand gestures. These gestures are ideal for language learning because they imprint the sense of the words as the child recites…

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How To Get Your Kids To Speak Your Language
This experience had to do with preserving Spanish for our kids but the principles are valid for anyone trying to help their kids speak and preserve any language and culture…
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History Of The World Intellectual Property System According To Me
The patent system, like all good things, was invented in what is today Italy. A system for granting patents for inventions was first introduced in the 15th century - the first known grant of a patent to an inventor occurred in the Republic of Florence in 1421 and an ordinance about patents was enacted in Venice in 1474, 18 years before Columbus discovered America…
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Inttranews Special Report: the Deaf Culture
Many of us have friends or family who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, and know how frustrating it can be to communicate under those conditions… but what about the people with the handicap?
Kelli Deister is the new Deafness Editor for BellaOnline. She is deaf on her left side, and hard-of-hearing on her right side, due to an autoimmune disorder. She began to lose her hearing in late 1998, at the age of 35, as a result of domestic violence. Inttranews decided to learn more about the Deaf Culture…
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Translation services:
Insider secrets for making an informed purchase

If your company is involved in international business, one thing is certain – sooner or later you’ll need to hire a translation services provider (TSP). Naturally, you want a high quality translation at the lowest possible cost.
The quality of translation and target texts reflects your company’s QA system, and above all, the translation should also be of premium quality…
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J2450 Translation Quality Metric
The aim of the metric is to be “a consistent standard against which the translation quality of automotive service information can be objectively measured regardless of the source language, regardless of the target language, regardless of how the translation is performed--i.e., human translation or machine translation…
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Inttranews Special Report: Birds, brains and learning
Language is presumed to be the most distinctive characteristic of human beings, yet the capacity for communication by sound is far from being exclusive to Homo Sapiens. Among the most familiar yet least-known forms of communication in other species is that of songbirds. Michael Beecher and Eliot Brenowitz of the University of Washington have proposed that our understanding of how we acquire language would be considerably enhanced by greater research into how birds learn to sing. So is music truly the universal language? Inttranews decided to find out more …
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Open for Business
May 1st, when the enlarged European Union comes into effect, is a largely symbolic date. Businesses worthy of their name on both sides of the geographic divide have long been aware of the issues raised by EU membership …
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From the Top (Let's Embrace Diversity)
African-Americans, Hispanics/Latinos and Native Americans represent more than 25 percent of the U.S. population. However, these three ethnic groups represent less than 9 percent of nurses, 6 percent of physicians and 5 percent of dentists, according to the Sullivan Commission on Diversity in the Health Care Workforce. Of the 16,000-plus students who entered medical school in 2003, only about 2,000 were African-American, Hispanic/Latino or Native American …
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Achieving Cultural Competence: An Organizational Assessment
How culturally competent is your organization? Below is a series of questions that can help determine your organization’s ability to deliver culturally competent care:
- How does your organization involve senior management, front line staff and members of diverse communities in cultural competence planning and program development? …
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