Articles for Translators
and Translation Companies
Translator Associations
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Interview with ATA Board Candidate Ted Wozniak
Linda Marianiello: Since the purpose of this interview is to allow us to get to know you better, why don't we begin with a bit more information about you? You are a well-respected financial translator in the German-to-English language pair, and regularly present workshops at many national and regional translation conferences. You also teach German to English commercial translation in the New York University online program. Please give us a brief summary of your career path as a freelance translator…
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Federation of Translators
The International Federation of Translators (FIT) is a worldwide
organization, composed of the national translation organizations
from over 60 countries. It represents over 100,000 translators worldwide.
FIT has earned the status of an official UNESCO consultative agency
(NGO Category A). The acronym FIT comes from the French-language
version of the organization's name: Fédération internationale des
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- World Arab Translators' Association
WATA is a professional non-profit organization registered in Belgium.
Its main focus is language studies and translation from and into
Arabic. WATA members are mostly experienced, well-qualified, highly
educated and specialized linguists, translators and professors of
Translation, covering all fields of knowledge…
the full article…
for Starting a Translators’ Association
One hundred people may be a nightmare to organize, but think of
all the energy and good will you can tap into, gushes Worker Bee.
Think of how you can advance together, promoting greater awareness
of translation and better working conditions for one and all! Think,
too, mutters Fire Ant, about the near certainty of dysfunctional
loners and government-issue gasbags in your midst, and act now to
ensure that your fledgling group does not get side-tracked by them…
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Association of Language Companies
The language services industry has experienced tremendous growth
in recent years. There are many more language services companies
operating today than ever in the US and elsewhere. The reason is
simple: The demand for services is greater and more diverse than
ever. Contributing to this growth in demand for language services
are: the increasing diversity of the US population and the steep
rise in the number of companies marketing their products and services
globally, among others…
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National Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ethiopia
The National Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ethiopia,
NATIE, is based in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. The association
was founded with the aim to promote the science and practice of
the translatiion profession across the country…
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Arab Translators' Association profile
WATA was founded in the year 2004 by Amir Al-Azim, an ambitious
expert. He had dreamt to integrate all academics, translators, intellectuals,
and students who deal with Arabic translation, from all over the
globe, into one association. Since its creation, WATA has attracted
members from all over the world, though over 2500 members have joined
it. WATA has become the only global association that represents
the Arab World in the UNISCO…
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Zelfstandige Vertalers (VZV)
The VZV is an association of translators established in the Netherlands
to protect and promote the interests of full-time professional freelance
translators. This year the association celebrates its 15th anniversary
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Association Professionnelle Des Métiers De La Traduction
APROTRAD was founded in December 1993 by a group of translators
working in the Loire Valley of central France. Since its creation,
APROTRAD has attracted members from all over France, though over
half still reside in the Centre region, our administrative headquarters
being located in Orléans. Members are self-employed and salaried,
and work in all imaginable fields, covering most European languages
the full article…
Association of Hungarian Translation Companies (MFE)
MFE was established on 13 September 1994 with the following objectives
in mind: Trade and business federation of translation companies,
raising the translation and interpreting activities to a higher
level and increased public recognition …
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The Globalization and Localization Association (GALA)
In 2002, an ambitious group of 15 long-time industry professionals
and business owners came together with a common vision: to create
a fully representative, international industry organization. At
the root of their motivation was the idea that true progress in
the industry demands that companies work together and share information,
not just for self-promotion but to better meet the needs of clients,
improve processes and tools, and most importantly, create a common
front in defining and growing the industry as a whole. They founded
the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA), a non-profit
organization for companies that provide translation, localization,
internationalization and globalization products and services …
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OSCAR: Visioning the Future of Standards
Since its founding in 1996, OSCAR has been a leader in the development
of open standards for the localization industry. OSCAR began with
the realization that the young localization industry needed standards
for data interchange—a way of moving data from one linguistic application
to another that would prevent users from having their linguistic
assets tied to one tool …
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The Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA)
Speaking on behalf of the industry, Localization Industry Standards
Association (LISA) presents a clear, consistent, unbiased view of
the challenges associated with globalization, the standards that
apply to the resolution of those challenges, and the worldwide resources
available to focus on these issues …
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The New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI)
NZSTI is a nationally representative body of translators and interpreters
that provides a networking forum for its members, represents members'
interests, and promotes continued professional development, quality
standards and awareness of the profession within government agencies
and the wider community …
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Inttranews Special Report: Betty Cohen, President of the International
Federation of Translators
Although Betty Cohen is widely known as the non-stop, hard-working
President of the International Federation of Translators (IFT),
the role of the Federation is less familiar.
Inttranews decided to find out more about the objectives of the
IFT and the obstacles the Federation has to face, as it prepares
its 27th congress to be held in Tampere, Finland in August 2005.
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Translation And Interpreting: Volunteer Work And Social Commitment
This article is a presentation of ECOS, Traductores e Intérpretes
por la Solidaridad (ECOS, Translators and Interpreters for Solidarity),
an association based in the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
at the University of Granada. It reviews the history of the association,
its philosophy and current lines of work …
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And What About the ATA (American Translators Association)?
The following piece outlines a strategy of growth for the ATA (American
Translators Association) and was written while I served as Chair
of their Public Relations Committee. It is for the reader to decide
to what extent these proposals have been implemented …
the full article…
Inttranews Special Report: Ukraine
When a country faces a revolution in which linguistic divisions
are a crucial factor, interpreters and translators play a vital
role. This was recently illustrated in Ukraine, when more than 12,000
foreign journalists and observers arrived for the December 26 elections,
creating high demand for linguists …
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Inttranews Special Report: Translators Without Borders
As international aid gains strength and speed for the victims of
the tsunami that hit southern Asia at the end of 2004, the strategic
importance of translators has often been highlighted by the press,
but there have been few coordinated responses by the profession
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association celebrates 10th anniversary under a new board
APET, the Portuguese Association of Translation Companies, celebrates
its 10th Anniversary in 2009 under a new board presided over by
Marta Aragão…
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