How To Get Free Promotion For Your Website... (Part 3)
By Ken Leonard Jr.,
KLJ Online,
West Palm Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
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Submitting Your Article To Start The Free Promotion Machine
done. You've written your first article. Now what do I do?, you ask.
Well, it's time to announce your article to the online world.
Use In Ezines
Subscribe to newsletters related to your niche. See if your work would
fit into their style and format. Send an email to the publisher of each
related ezine and ask if they would review your article for possible
publication in their ezine. Personalize the email (publisher's name,
ezine name) and write in a conversational tone. Be friendly, you are
contacting a busy person. Kindly request that they consider your article.
Publishers get a lot of email. They delete anything that even smells
like spam. Don't just send one email, with 20 names in the To: or CC:
field. Don't send the article as an attachment. Paste it into the body
of the email. And don't send ten articles at once. Treat them as you
would have others treat you.
Free Content Sites
Many online publishers simply cannot (or will not) write articles for
their own publications. They are constantly in need of good, fresh,
informative articles. Free content websites exist to serve these publishers.
Submitting your article to a high traffic content site can mean a ton
of free exposure. No emails are sent to these sites. They provide online
forms to allow you to submit your article. You just cut and paste.
Here are a few good ones to get you started:
Idea Marketers
Ezine Articles
Making Profit
Article Master/Opportunity Update
Ultimate Profits' Success and Money Library
CFC (Click For Content) Article Bank
Article Announcement Lists/Groups
These groups are moderated discussion email lists. You can post articles
to a group, and every member of the list gets a copy. You also get copies
of all articles that other members submit. You must join the list to
Here are a couple of popular free content email groups:
Article Announce (Yahoo Groups)
Free-Content (Yahoo Groups)
As an added bonus, some content sites offer announcement emails to their
users, too. Submit to the site, and you automatically get included in
the announcement email list.
Follow The Rules
Be aware that all ezine publishers have a certain standard for accepting
article submissions. If you don't follow the guidelines, the submission
will get deleted. Content sites will not approve your submission if
it doesn't meet their rules. Moderated email groups have even less tolerance
to article submitters not following their guidelines. Make sure that
you get it right the first time. If you can't find their guidelines,
ask for them.
After You've Submitted Your Article
Here's what you can expect from all of the work that you put into writing
and submitting your article.
When an ezine publisher runs your piece in front of 30,000 readers,
chances are that you will get some clicks on your resource box link.
Maybe quite a few. They could be potential buyers, or new subscribers
to your free newsletter. And they
were free.
Your articles on free content sites are permanent parts of each one.
They can generate leads for you 24/7, even while you are sleeping. Write
an article once, and it works for you over and over again. It is free
to submit to these sites.
Announcement groups/lists are great for the busy online publisher. And
for you, too. Your article is sent directly to the inboxes of hundreds
of publishers that need good content. They didn't have to go anywhere
to find your article. It came to them. This is free, too.
Promoting your website can include many marketing techniques, but some
of the best free promotional tools you'll ever have are the articles
you write. People get to know your name, and you build your online credibility
at the same time.
What a deal. Go write an article.
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