Journal Abbreviations List for Volumes 50 onward Free glossaries at translation jobs
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Journal Abbreviations List for Volumes 50 onward
(Starting with "J")

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J. Afr. Hist.  Journal of African History.  Cambridge Univ. Press. London.

J. Am. Folk.  Journal of American Folklore.  American Folklore Society. Arlington, Va.

J. Am. Hist.  The Journal of American History.  Organization of American Historians. Bloomington, Ind.

J. Am. Musicol. Soc.  Journal of the American Musicological Society.  American Musicological Society. Richmond, Va.

J. Anthropol. Archaeol.  Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.  Academic Press. New York.

J. Anthropol. Res.  Journal of Anthropological Research.  Univ. of New Mexico. Albuquerque.

J. Appl. Econ.  Journal of Applied Economics.  Univ. del CEMA. Buenos Aires.

J. Archaeol. Method Theory.  Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory.  Plenum Pub. Corp. New York.

J. Archaeol. Res.  Journal of Archaeological Research.  Plenum Press. New York.

J. Archaeol. Sci.  Journal of Archaeological Science.  Academic Press. New York.

J. Bahamas Hist. Soc.  Journal of the Bahamas Historical Society.  Bahamas Historical Society. Nassau, Bahamas.

J. Bank. Financ.  Journal of Banking and Finance.  North-Holland Publishing Company. Amsterdam.

J. Barbados Mus. Hist. Soc.  Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society.  Barbados Museum and Historical Society. Bridgetown, Barbados.

J. Biogeogr.  Journal of Biogeography.  Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford, England.

J. Biosoc. Sci.  Journal of Biosocial Science.  Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge, England; Port Chester, N.Y.

J. Borderl. Stud.  Journal of Borderlands Studies.  Assn. for Borderlands Studies; San Diego State Univ. Press. San Diego, Calif.

J. Caribb. Archaeol.  Journal of Caribbean Archaeology.  Univ. of Florida, Florida Museum of Natural History. Gainesville, Fla.

J. Caribb. Hist.  The Journal of Caribbean History.  Univ. of the West Indies Press; Univ. of the West Indies, Dept. of History. Mona, Jamaica.

J. Caribb. Stud.  Journal of Caribbean Studies.  Assn. of Caribbean Studies. Lexington, Ky.

J. Church State.  Journal of Church and State.  Baylor Univ., J.M. Dawson Studies in Church and State. Waco, Tex.

J. Common Mark. Stud.  Journal of Common Market Studies.  Oxford, England.

J. Commonw. Comp. Polit.  The Journal of Commonwealth & Comparative Politics.  Univ. of London, Institute of Commonwealth Studies. London.

J. Communist Stud.  Journal of Communist Studies.  Frank Cass. London.

J. Confl. Resolut.  The Journal of Conflict Resolution.  Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks, Calif.

J. Contemp. Hist.  Journal of Contemporary History.  Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks, Calif.

J. Cult. Geogr.  Journal of Cultural Geography.  Popular Culture Assn.; American Culture Assn.; Popular Press, Bowling Green State Univ. Bowling Green, Ohio.

J. Decor. Propag. Arts.  The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts.  Wolfson Foundation of Decorative and Propaganda Arts. Miami, Fla.

J. Democr.  Journal of Democracy.  National Endowment for Democracy, International Forum for Democratic Studies. Washington; Johns Hopkins Univ. Press. Baltimore, Md.

J. Dev. Areas.  The Journal of Developing Areas.  Western Illinois Univ. Press. Macomb, Ill.

J. Dev. Econ.  Journal of Development Economics.  North-Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam.

J. Dev. Stud.  The Journal of Development Studies.  Frank Cass. London.

J. Early Repub.  Journal of the Early Republic.  Society for Historians of the Early American Republic. Indianapolis, Ind.

J. East. Caribb. Stud.  Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies.  Univ. of the West Indies, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies. Mona, Jamaica.

J. Econ. Dev.  Journal of Economic Development.  Chung-Ang Univ., Economic Research Institute. Seoul, Korea.

J. Econ. Hist.  The Journal of Economic History.  Economic History Assn.; Univ. of Arizona. Tucson.

J. Econ. Issues.  Journal of Economic Issues.  Assn. for Evolutionary Economics; Bucknell Univ., Dept. of Economics. Lewisburg, Pa.

J. Econ. Perspect.  The Journal of Economic Perspectives: a Journal of the American Economic Association.  Nashville, Tenn.

J. Environ. Policy Law.  Journal of Environmental Policy and Law in Latin America and the Caribbean.  Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. Buenos Aires.

J. Ethn. Stud.  Journal of Ethnic Studies.  Western Washington Univ. Bellingham, Washington.

J. Ethnobiol.  Journal of Ethnobiology.  Society of Ethnobiology; Tulane Univ., Dept. of Anthropology. New Orleans, La.

J. Eur. Econ. Hist.  The Journal of European Economic History.  Banco di Roma. Rome.

J. Fam. Hist.  Journal of Family History.  Sage Periodicals Press. Thousand Oaks, Calif.

J. Field Archaeol.  Journal of Field Archaeology.  Boston Univ. Boston, Mass.

J. Folk. Res.  Journal of Folklore Research.  Indiana Univ., Folklore Institute. Bloomington, Ind.

J. Geogr.  Journal of Geography.  National Council of Geographic Education. Menasha, Wis.

J. Geogr. Educ.  Jiri Gyoyug Nonjib = Journal of Geography Education.  Seoul daehaggyo jiri gyoyug'gwa. Seoul.

J. Haitian Stud.  Journal of Haitian Studies.  Haitian Studies Assn. Boston, Mass.

J. Health Hum. Behav.  Journal of Health and Human Behavior.  Texas Christian Univ., Leo Potishman Foundation. Fort Worth, Tex.

J. Hisp. Philol.  Journal of Hispanic Philology.  Florida State Univ., Dept. of Modern Languages. Tallahassee, Fla.

J. Hist. Geogr.  Journal of Historical Geography.  Academic Press. London; New York.

J. Hist. Ideas.  Journal of the History of Ideas.  Johns Hopkins Univ. Press. Baltimore, Md.

J. Hist. Occidente.  Jornadas de Historia de Occidente.  Centro de Estudios de la Revolución Mexicana Lázaro Cárdenas. Jiquilpan, Mexico.

J. Hist. Philos.  Journal of the History of Philosophy.  City Univ. of New York (CUNY), Hunter College, Dept. of Philosophy. New York.

J. Hist. Sex.  Journal of the History of Sexuality.  Univ. of Chicago Press. Chicago, Ill.

J. Hum. Evol.  Journal of Human Evolution.  Academic Press. New York.

J. Hum. Resour.  The Journal of Human Resources.  Univ. of Wisconsin Press. Madison.

J. Hydrol.  Journal of Hydrology.  Elsevier Science Publishers. Amsterdam.

J. Int. Aff.  Journal of International Affairs.  Columbia Univ., School of International Affairs. New York.

J. Int. Dev.  Journal of International Development.  Univ. of Manchester, Institute for Development Policy and Management; International Development Centre. Oxford, England.

J. Int. Econ.  Journal of International Economics.  Elsevier Science. Amsterdam.

J. Int. Law Econ.  The Journal of International Law and Economics.  George Washington Univ., The National Law Center. Washington.

J. Int. Money Financ.  Journal of International Money and Finance.  Butterworth Scientific Ltd. Guildford, England.

J. Int. Trade Econ. Dev.  The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development.  Routledge. London.

J. Interam. Stud. World Aff.  Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs.  Univ. of Miami, School of Interamerican Studies. Coral Gables, Fla.

J. Interdiscip. Hist.  The Journal of Interdisciplinary History.  The MIT Press. Cambridge, Mass.

J. Lat. Am. Anthropol.  Journal of Latin American Anthropology.  American Anthropological Assn., Society of Latin American Anthropologists. Arlington, Va.

J. Lat. Am. Cult. Stud.  Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies.  Taylor & Frances Ltd., Carfax Publishing. Basingstoke, England.

J. Lat. Am. Geogr.  Journal of Latin American Geography.  Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers. Tucson, Ariz.

J. Lat. Am. Lore.  Journal of Latin American Lore.  Univ. of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Latin American Center. Los Angeles, Calif.

J. Lat. Am. Stud.  Journal of Latin American Studies.  Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge, England.

J. Leg. Plur. Unoff. Law.  Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law.  Foundation for the Journal of Legal Pluralism; African Studies Center, Univ. of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Los Angeles, Calif.

J. Linguist. Anthropol.  Journal of Linguistic Anthropology.  American Anthropological Assn. Arlington, Va.

J. Marriage Fam.  Journal of Marriage and the Family.  National Council on Family Relations. Minneapolis, Minn.

J. Mayan Linguist.  Journal of Mayan Linguistics.  Dept. of Geography and Anthropology, Louisana State Univ. Baton Rouge, La.

J. Miss. Hist.  The Journal of Mississippi History.  Mississippi Historical Society; Mississippi Dept. of Archives and History. Jackson, Miss.

J. Mod. Hist.  The Journal of Modern History.  American Historical Assn., Modern European History Section; Univ. of Chicago Press. Chicago, Ill.

J. Monet. Econ.  Journal of Monetary Economics.  Elsevier Science B.V. Amsterdam.

J. Money Credit Bank.  Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.  Ohio State Univ. Press. Columbus.

J. Multiling. Multicult. Dev.  Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.  Tietro, Ltd. Clevedon, England.

J. Negro Hist.  The Journal of Negro History.  Assn. for the Study of Negro Life and History. Washington.

J. Nerv. Ment. Dis.  The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Philadelphia, Penn.

J. New World Archaeol.  Journal of New World Archaeology.  Univ. of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Institute of Archaeology. Los Angeles, Calif.

J. Nutr.  The Journal of Nutrition.  American Society for Nutritional Sciences. Bethesda, Md.

J. Peace Res.  Journal of Peace Research.  Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks, Calif.

J. Peasant Stud.  The Journal of Peasant Studies.  Frank Cass & Co. London.

J. Policy Reform.  The Journal of Policy Reform.  Harwood Academic Publishers. Amsterdam.

J. Polit.  The Journal of Politics.  Blackwell Publishers. Abingdon, England; Williston, Vt.; Southern Political Science Assn.; Univ. of North Carolina. Chapel Hill.

J. Polit. Econ.  Journal of Political Economy.  Univ. of Chicago Press. Chicago, Ill.

J. Polit. Mil. Sociol.  Journal of Political and Military Sociology: JPMS.  Northern Illinois Univ., Dept. of Sociology. DeKalb, Ill.

J. Royal Anthropol. Inst.  The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.  The Royal Anthropological Institute. London.

J. Sci. Stud. Relig.  Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.  Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Storrs, Conn.

J. Soc. am.  Journal de la Société des américanistes.  Paris.

J. Soc. Archaeol.  Journal of Social Archaeology.  Sage Publications. London.

J. Soc. Hist.  Journal of Social History.  George Mason Univ. Press. Fairfax, Va.

J. Soc. Polit. Econ. Stud.  The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies.  Council for Social and Economic Studies. Washington.

J. Soc. Psychol.  Journal of Social Psychology.  Heldref Publications. Washington.

J. Soc. Sci./Paramaribo.  Journal of Social Sciences (JOSS) = Tijdschrift voor Maatschappijwetenschappen.  Univ. of Suriname. Paramaribo.

J. Socio-Econ./JSE.  The Journal of Socio-Economics.  Elsevier Science, Inc. New York; Amsterdam.

J. South Am. Earth Sci.  Journal of South American Earth Sciences.  Elsevier Science Ltd. New York.

J. Southwest.  Journal of the Southwest.  Univ. of Arizona, Southwest Center. Tucson.

J. Span. Stud.  Journal of Spanish Studies: Twentieth Century.  Univ. of Colorado, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese. Boulder, Colo.

J. Steward Anthropol. Soc.  Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society.  Steward Anthropological Society. Urbana, Ill.

J. Trop. Geogr.  The Journal of Tropical Geography.  Blackwell Publishers. Oxford, England; Malden, Mass.

J. Ukr. Stud.  Journal of Ukrainian Studies = ZHurnal Ukraïoznavchykh Studii.  Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Toronto, Canada.

J. Wash. Acad. Sci.  Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences.  Washington Academy of Sciences. Washington.

J. West/Manhattan.  Journal of the West.  Sunflower Univ. Press. Manhattan, Kan.

J. Women Polit. Policy.  Journal of Women, Politics & Policy.  Haworth Press, Inc. Binghamton, N.Y.

J. Women's Hist.  Journal of Women's History.  Indiana Univ. Press. Bloomington, Ind.; Johns Hopkins Univ. Press. Baltimore, Md.

J. World Hist.  Journal of World History.  World History Assn.; Univ. of Hawaii Press. Honolulu.

J. World Prehist.  Journal of World Prehistory.  Plenum Press. New York.

J. World Trade.  Journal of World Trade: Law, Economics, Public Policy.  Werner Publishing Company, Ltd. Geneva.

J. World Trade Law.  Journal of World Trade Law.  Werner Publishing Co. Ltd. Geneva.

Jahrb. Gesch.  Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas.  Böhlau Verlag. Köln, Germany.

Jahrb. Gesch. Staat Wirtsch. Ges.  Jahrbuch für Geschichte von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas.  Böhlau Verlag. Köln, Germany.

Jahrb. Öffentl. Rechts Gegenwart.  Jahrbuch des Öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart.  Tübingen, Germany.

Jahresbericht.  Jahresbericht.  Fondation Suisse-Liechtenstein pour les recherches archeologiques à l'étranger. Berne-Vaduz, Switzerland.

Jahresbibliographie.  Jahresbibliographie.  Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte. Stuttgart, Germany; Bernard & Graefe Verlag. Koblenz, Germany.

Jam. Hist. Rev.  The Jamaican Historical Review.  The Jamaican Historical Society. Kingston.

Jam. Hist. Soc.  Jamaican Historical Society Bulletin.  Jamaican Historical Society. Kingston.

Jam. J.  Jamaica Journal.  Institute of Jamaica. Kingston.

Jane's Sentinel.  Jane's Sentinel.  Jane's Information Group. Alexandria, Va.

Jew. J. Sociol.  The Jewish Journal of Sociology.  Maurice Freedman Research Trust Ltd. London.

Jew. Soc. Stud.  Jewish Social Studies.  Conference on Jewish Social Studies. New York.

JILAS/Bundoora.  JILAS: Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies.  Assn. of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia; La Trobe Univ., School of History. Bundoora, Australia.

JITE/Tübingen.  JITE: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics = Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft.  J.C.B. Mohr; Paul Siebeck. Tübingen, Germany.

JOICE.  Journal of International and Comparative Economics: JOICE.  Physica-Verlag. Heidelberg, Germany.

Journal. Q.  Journalism Quarterly.  Assn. for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication; George Washington Univ., School of Media and Public Affairs. Washington.

JSAH.  JSAH: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians.  Society of Architectural Historians. Chicago, Ill.

JWB.  Journal of World Business: JWB.  JAI Press. Greenwich, Conn.

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