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Translation Trivia Questions: Translation as an Agent of Social Change in the Past
By McElroy Translation,
Austin, Texas 78701 USA
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is the name of the Catholic saint whose feast day serves
as International Translation Day?
For what
translation achievement is the saint in question #1
best known?
one of several French translators who are known for
translating the works of Shakespeare.
The earliest
translation activities in China date back to what dynasty
(c. 1100 BC)?
city in Iraq was the center of a vast and ambitious
translation enterprise in the ninth and tenth centuries?
- What, where, and when was
the "Toledo school"?
one of several noted female translators of the nineteenth
century, or one of several feminist translation scholars
of the twentieth century.
one of the four best-known translators of the Koran
into English.
three languages were involved in the armistice negotiation
of World War I?
Who was
the chief interpreter of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal?
Answers to Trivia Questions
- Jerome
- Translating the Old Testament from Hebrew
into Latin
- Pierre Le Tourneur, Pierre-Antoine de
La Place, Jean-François Ducis, Victor Hugo, Alfred de
Vigny, Emile Deschamps
- Zhou/Chou
- Baghdad
- Flourishing translation activity in Spain
during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
- Sara Austin, Harriet Waters Preston,
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans), Constance Garnett, Lady
Gregory, Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood, Barbara Godard,
Suzanne Jill Levine
- Sale, Palmer, Bell, Arberry
- English, French, German
- Léon Dostert
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