10 Ways To Make Your Ad Command Attention How to Sell translation jobs
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10 Ways To Make Your Ad Command Attention

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1. Place colorful graphs, pie charts and other charts in your ad copy. Use charts that will grab a persons eye and also support your product claims.

2. Highlight buying incentives like free bonuses and money back guarantees. You could place them in boxes or in front of a different colored background.

3. Use short sentences or sentence fragments in the body of your ad copy. A short burst of words can catch a skimmers eye with one quick glance.

4. Highlight all the important keywords and phrases in your ad copy. You could use bolding, underlining and color to highlight the important words.

5. Place attention grabbing pictures above and within your ad copy. A powerful technique is to use before and after pictures of people using your product.

6. Use a headline that catches the attention of your target audience. One of the most effective ways is to use a free offer as your headline.

7. Make your ad's keywords and phrases standout by enlarging the text. This technique works wonders with headlines and sub headlines.

8. Make your product's list of benefits and features stand out by using a symbol in front of each of them. The symbol could be a dash, solid circle, star, etc.

9. Use sub headlines to break up your ad copy and to capture a skimmers eye. You could make them even more powerful by highlighting them with color.

10. Use attention grabbing adjectives to describe your product. For example sizzling, incredible, high power, ultramodern, killer, eye popping, etc.

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