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Raman spectroscopy glossary


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AFM Raman = co-located confocal Raman microscope with an AFM tip enabling simultaneous acquisition of AFM and Raman spectroscopy images from the same location on the surface.

AFM Raman TERS = collective name for high resolution Raman measurements including Raman confocal microscope integrated with SPM microscope and metalized TERS probe.

Graphene TERS = TERS has been successful in measuring the spectral characteristics of graphene with very high spatial resolution.

SERS = surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). A well-known Raman enhancing effect where a roughened metal surface can provide orders of magnitude increase in Raman signal intensity.

Conventional TERS probes = typically Au or Ag metalized AFM probes or STM probes.

Strained Silicon TERS = TERS measurements on strained silicon substrate for TERS probes characterization in terms of the enhancement efficiency.

TERS AFM – is the same as AFM Raman TERS

TERS = tip enhanced Raman scattering (see TERS effect)

TERS Effect – enhancement of the Raman signal using the metalized AFM tip as the source for enhancement. By using such a small diameter tip, enhancement occurs only in the immediate vicinity of the tip providing a high spatial resolution for the Raman measurement. TERS provides significant improvement in resolution over conventional AFM-Raman methods.

TERS Microscope – A microscope fitted with TERS equipment, including a lens (optical microscope), AFM head, TERS probes, Raman spectrometer, and CCD camera.

TERS Probes = specialized probes suitable for AFM/TERS measurements. A gold or silver ball at a variety of diameters is embedded at the end of a glass cantilevered probe to generate the enhancement of the Raman signal near the probe apex.

Our probes are extended and transparent allowing for all modes of TERS operation: Reflection, transmission and side illumination

TERS Raman – As TERS stands for “Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy”, this term is redundant on its own, but used by searchers to specify this particular meaning of the term “TERS”.- It is the same as “TERS” or “TERS effect”

TERS Tips = same as TERS probes.

Reflection TERS = TERS measurements on opaque sample, when the SPM integrated with upright confocal Raman microscope.

Transmission TERS = TERS measurements on transparent or half transparent samples, when the SPM integrated with inverted confocal Raman microscope.

Side illumination TERS = TERS measurements on opaque sample, when the SPM integrated with upright confocal Raman microscope, when the laser for Raman excitation illuminates the sample by the 45˚-60˚ relatively to the axis of the TERS probe.

Published - April 2014

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