Dutch to Bengali translation jobs Dutch to Bengali localization jobs Dutch to Bengali translation job
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Dutch to Bengali Translation Jobs

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We need translators for all Indian languages on a long term basis: Job 00041890

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Assamese, Bengali, Kannada, Kashmiri, Sanskrit

Details of the project: Hi,

We need translators for our upcoming big projects. We need translators for all Indian languages.

Please contact me at +91-9414246484

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job to be discussed

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 05/15/2018

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Tushar Sharma

IP: (New Delhi, India)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 12 Apr 2018, 12:37:29

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 7

We are currently in need of translators of any languages to cope up with out global market: Job 00034835

Source language(s): German, Dutch, Armenian, Bulgarian
Target language(s): Swedish, Spanish, Bengali, Croatian

Details of the project: B-cause Inc. is one of the leading translation firms in Japan and in the global market.

We are a company of diversely talented individuals who never puts limit to learning and excellence.

We are currently in need of translators of any languages to cope up with out global market.

- Fluent speaker of at least two languages;
- Has experience translating from any language/s into any language/s;
- Has specific knowledge in a certain category e.g. law, medicine, business, technology, engineering, arts, fashion, etc.;
- Keeps up with client deadlines without sacrificing quality; and
- Sends feedback and progress reports about work sincerely.

- Work at the comfort of your home; and
- Enjoy having flexible work schedule, you may choose the best schedule that suits your lifestyle.

Should you be interested in such job register at staff.hiwork.jp/eng/ and find out what you can offer to the company. The beginning of something bigger and brighter awaits for you at B-Cause, Inc.

Join us and become the best you can be with the best people and company. A bright future for your career goal is waiting for you.

This job is already available.

Special requirements to the applicants: Native language translator for any languages.

We will pay for this job 0.05 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 12/31/2016

Keep this ad at the site permanently

b-Cause, Inc.

IP: (Quezon City, Philippines)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Wednesday, 08 Jun 2016, 08:27:38

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 2

Bent u 100% tweetalig?: Job 00028408

Source language(s): Dutch
Target language(s): All languages

Details of the project: Doublenative is het enige vertaalbureau in Nederland dat alleen maar werkt met vertalers die zowel het Nederlands als moedertaal hebben als native zijn in de brontaal.

Zodoende kunnen we veel beter dan andere bureau de nuances begrijpen en hier een passende vertaling voor vinden.

Bent u tweetalig door opvoeding of door lang verblijf (>15 jaar) in het buitenland (of als buitenlander door lang verblijf in Nederland), laat het ons dan weten. Stuur uw cv, woordprijs en uiteraard taalcombinatie en zodra we een passende opdracht hebben wordt u benaderd. Graag zien we ook een begeleidend schrijven waaruit u meertaligheid blijkt.

We will pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 08/29/2014

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

M Scholten
Blauvelt Doublenative

IP: (Leiden, Netherlands)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Sunday, 10 Aug 2014, 16:24:25

This job has been closed.

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