Scam E-mails, Part 23
We are
publishing here scam offers sent to people's mailboxes.
forward us
such messages (with full details).
The e-mails may include "phishing", "Nigerian" scams,
"winning" notifications, "mystery shopping" and other fraudulent letters.
[Scam e-mails, Part 88]
[Scam e-mails, Part 87]
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[Scam e-mails, Part 1]
From: euro million beneficairy <>
Date: Sunday, July 5, 2009, 4:13:03 PM
Attn User!!
This is to notify you that this e-mail address was entered
during the Paypal
European selection Draw and has won the sum of $950.000.00
(Nine Hundred And Fifty
thousand dollars only). For claim please contact the below
company for immediate process of your claim; Rememebr to
these numbers below for verification by the company. REF:
PP-21180-ES and BATCH:
PP-245-44 you should include Your Name, Address, Sex, Age,
Nationality, Phone Number
Dr. Alexandra Mayor (Claim Director)
Tel; Tel:+34 634 162 345
Dr.Maria Jose Muyor
Paypal Europe Coordinator
From: Mr.Azra Sallah Jefferly <>
Date: Sunday, July 5, 2009, 2:28:13 PM
Esteemed Greetings
I am Mr. Azra Jeffery Salleh a senior staff in file
keeping section of the foreign remittance department of
Bank Simpanan Nasional, Malaysia.I got your email id in
the net during a desperate search for a reliable partner
to champion this transaction. In my department I
discovered an abandoned sum of $2.850,000. 00 US dollars
(Two Million Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand US Dollars).
In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer
Mr. Andreas Schranner who died along with his entire
family in a plane crash. Crash Website:
Since we got information about his death, we have been
expecting the next of kin to come over and claim his money
because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for
it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated
in our banking guidelines but unfortunately we heard that
all his supposed next of kin died alongside with him at
the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is
therefore upon this discovery that i decided to contact
you and release the money to you as the next of kin or
relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent
disbursement since nobody is coming for it and i don't
want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed
The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such
money remains Unclaimed after ten years, the money will be
transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The
request of a foreigner as next of kin in this business is
occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner
and an Malaysia cannot stand as next of kin to a
foreigner. I will give you 30% of this money as foreign
partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account,
10 % will be assumed for expenses incurred during the
business and 60 % would be for me. There after I and my
family will visit your country.
Please if you are interested kindly respond by sending me
your address, full names, and telephone numbers including
your business/occupation to my private email
address( to enable me ascertain your
capability of handling this business.
Trusting to hear from you immediately.
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Azra Jeffery Salleh
From: mrsjanetwhite2664 <>
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 4:58:20 PM
Subject: Seeking for co-investor.
Eneterprise number:2000/022205/07
Country:South Africa
E-mail:( or
Tele-fax:0027-86- 577- 6400
Section:Companies and Intellectual Property Registration
Office {CIPRO}
Docex:784 cta
Date : 4/07/2009
Objective:To establish a new company in your country of
Our client,Mrs Nicolatte Botha. has indicated great
interest in the services and
running of your company.In this regard she is of the
intention to invest in your
company owing to the political crisis in her country
having lost her husband
recently.she's also of the
intention that based upon a profitable business investment
from the
partnership;there will be an establishment and expansion
of the company in your
country of residence. As a routine protocol of this
establishment and in order to
meet the above mentioned objective,we
therefore write you in relation to being her
co-investor.As a result we request
that,if you find this mail suitable and sincerely desire
to be a part of this
partnership as well as give expert advice,do contact us
for a business proposal.
Your quick response will be appreciated.
Investor's Additional information: Able to meet with
co-investor and discuss terms
and conditions.You will be receiving shares from the
proceeds of the investment.
Do note that a co-investment agreement will be set up for
this partnership.
Project Information
Market conditions for the proposed activity:
Kind of co-operation sought with company or
co-investor:Please be very detailed and
propose one specific project/business plan.The besonia
investments proposes an
investment opportunity for co-investor.The company has
been identified as a
co-investor for implementing this
project. Business plan and proposal have been developed
and available upon
request.Business plan prepared in South Africa in English.
Company Can conduct business in English and Willing to be
contacted by intermediary
companies/co-investors;representatives or
distributors.Proposed project should be
located in the territory of priority development.
Awaits for your prompt response.
Best Regards,
Daniel Williams for
Nicolatte Botha.
From: MADU OJO <>
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 3:10:47 PM
Subject: Please i need your urgent response
Files: Message.html, this file should be downloaded.htm
Please kindly locate the attached file and read.
From: Raiffeisen Bank <>
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 8:03:48 AM
Subject: Campanie impotriva atacurilor de tip phishing
Files: Securitate_Raiffeisen_Bank.pdf.html
Raiffeisen Bank a initiat o campanie impotriva atacurilor
de tip phishing.
“Prin aceasta dorim securizarea completa a conturilor
utilizatorilor Raiffeisen Bank prin introducerea unei noi
masuri de protectie care adauga adresa dumneavoastra IP
alaturi de celelalte informatii legate de contul
Echipa de securitate Raiffeisen Bank a elaborat deja un
program care efectueaza inregistrarea adresei
dumneavoastra IP in baza noastra de date
- Daca deja ati primit programul “Securitate Sporita prin
Raiffeisen Bank” va rugam sa efectuati inregistrarea
dumneavoastra prin acesta.
- In cazul in care nu ati primit programul “Securitate
Sporita prin Raiffeisen Bank” sau din orice alte
considerente credeti ca inregistrarea dumneavoastra nu a
fost efectuata cu succes va rugam accesati fisierul
atasat acestui email, care executa aceeasi operatiune ca
si programul de securitate.
In cazul in care dispuneti de o conexiune mai lenta de
internet, va rugam asigurati-va ca va inregistrati din
fisierul atasat acestui email
*** Pentru siguranta va rugam sa va inregistrati prin
ambele metode prezentate
© Raiffeisen Bank 2008“
From: James Mai <>
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 7:14:09 AM
Subject: Hello sir....
Hello sir,
I am James Mai 18 years old from Liberia the late son of
Hon. Kolleh Mai late father was a gold miner before
he died.. Before my late father died he deposited the sum
of 10 million pounds in NATWEST BANK PLC
LONDON..(10,000,000.00 POUNDS) as a family treasure.. and
i am the next of kins.. my late father barrister have all
the document of the fund with him right now.
Right now i want that fund to be transfer out from NATWEST
BANK PLC LONDON because i need money to continue my
education..i am just a little boy and i cant handle that
large amount of money that is why i contacted you so that
you can help me receive the fund over there in your
country and invest the fund for me until I become man
enough to handle things on my own... i would like to
invest the money into your country if you can help me
receive this fund.. i will also offer you 30% out from the
fund... If you are ready to help me please reply me back
so that i will contact my family barrister in London so
that he will send you a letter of Authorization for you to
contact NATWEST BANK LONDON directly....please reply me
back so that i will tell you what to do.. God bless you..
i am waiting for your urgent reply.
Best Regard,
James Mai.
Subject: Final Notification
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 19:10:13 -0500
The sum of ?750,000,00 GBP has been Awarded to your
E-MAIL ID,Get back to us with your info via
Names :
Conntry :
Occupation :
Age :
Mrs Mercy Bill
(Information Officer)
?Es hora que descubras quien sos! Alguien puede conocerte
mejor que vos mismo.
Subject: Payment Processing Form
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 21:18:06 -0500
The online cyber lotto draws was conducted from an
exclusive list of 21,000 e-mail addresses ofindividual and
corporate bodies picked by anadvanced automated random
computer search from the internet,You have therefore been
approved to claim a total sum of 1,000,000 (One million pounds sterling).Please fill the form below and send it
to our payment department with the contact given below:
1.Name in full
8.Present Country
Reply to this confidential Email
Mrs Caroline Bryan.
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 03:07:45 +0900
Subject: Message
From Miss Helen Dunn
Abidjan, Ivory Coast
West Africa.
Dearest One
It's my pleasure to contact you for a business venture
which I intend to establish in your country, though I have
not met with you before but I believe one has to risk,
confiding in someone to succeed sometimes in life.
There is this huge amount of money United State Dollars
(USD$8.700, 000.00) which I inherit from my late father,
in a Security company here in Cote 'd lvoire before he was
assassinated by unknown persons.
Now I decided to invest this money in your country or
anywhere safe enough outside Africa for security purposes.
I want you to help me to transfer this fund into your
country for investment purposes.
If you can be of assistance to me I will be pleased to
offer you 20% of the total fund. Thank you and God bless
From Miss Helen Dunn
Sender : Donald Peters (
Subject : English to French Translation Project
We currently need French to English Translators. If you"re
interested to work with let me as soon as possible.
Subject: Be Blessed in the Mighty Name of Our Lord Jesus
of Nazareth
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 11:08:47 +0000
From :Mrs Binah Massonmah
Dearest in Christ.
With Due Respect And Humanity, I was compelled to write to
you under a humanitarian ground.
My name is Binah Massonmah, I was married to late Dr. Adel
Massonmah, a contractor and diamond dealer for Thirty-two
years before he died in the year 2005.
He died after a brief illness that lasted only four days.
Before his death, we are both born again Christians. Since
after his death, I decided not to marry again. When my
late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $1.8
Million in a Bank in Abidjan and the money is still there.
Recently,My Doctor told me about my condition due to my
cancer problem and having known my condition. I have
decided to handle over this money to a HONEST and GOD
fearing Individual, group or ganization that will utilize
this fund for the services of mankind, helping the
motherless homes, orphans, widows, propagating of the
Gospel and missionaries, as desired by my late husband
when he was alive.
I took this decision because I don't have any child to
inherit this fund, and I don't want this money to be used
I want you to always remember me in your daily prayers
because of my upcoming Cancer Surgery, although I am not
afraid of death hence I know where I am going.
Write back to me as soon as possible because any delay in
your reply will give me opportunity to look for another
person for this same purpose.
With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive
your reply, I shall give you other informations on how you
can receive this money from the bank. I will be glad to
hear from you soon.
May God bless and keep us as we seek to serve him.
Yours in Christ.
Mrs Binah Massonmah.
From: Mr. Chen Guan <>
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 1:31:23 AM
Subject: Your attention
I am Chen Guan of Bank of China, I have a business
proposal for you amounting to the sum of 17.3 Million
Dollars. Please get back to me via
From: info Attorney <>
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 1:22:44 AM
Subject: Email
Attorney: Justin S. Kovinski
17th Baylis Road Waterloo.Buckingham City.
United Kingdom, London
DX 36503
I am Justin S. Kovinski, legal practitioner based in
Buckingham, London.
Please be patient and absorb the contents of my email. I
believe is a
message that will be beneficial to the both of us if you
consider it and
accept it with faith.
I am the legal representative to Late Mr. Xang Fung Kim
Min a Chinese national.
Who herein after shall be referred to as my late client?
Who died along with his
wife & the rest of his family in 17 May 2008 Sichuan
Earthquake disaster in
People’s Republic of China.
Until his death he was a successful contractor with D and
H Company Inc.
Headquarters Lake View Dr. London. SIC: Water Pipeline
Communication Pwr, NAICS:
Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction.
Regardless of the fact that you are not a Chinese citizen,
basically, my aim of
writing you is to assist me secure the funds left behind
by my client before it
is confiscated or declared un-serviceable by the bank
where this fund valued at
$3.22 Million American dollars was deposited.
I have a mandate from the bank to present the next of kin
to the deceased or
the funds will be confiscated and so far, all my efforts
to get hold of someone
related to this man has proved abortive. Before his death,
l visited him in his
residence, were has a large estate living with his wide
I want you to consider this proposal. If you grant your
consent that I present you
to the bank as the next-of-kin and beneficiary of my
deceased client; so that the
proceeds of this account can Be transferred to you, then
we can share the entire
proceeds on a mutually agreed-upon percentage.
All legal documentation to back up your claim as my
deceased client’s Next-of-kin
will be provided. All I require is your honest cooperation
to enable us see this
transaction through, regardless of your Nationality this
can be carefully handled.
This entire process will be executed under a legitimate
arrangement that will protect
you from any breach of the law. However, if this business
Proposition offends your moral
values, do accept my apology.
Please contact me at once to indicate your interest.
Best Regards,
Justin S. Kovinski (Esq)
From: Australian Taxation Office <>
Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 5:43:58 PM
Subject: Register in The Cut Off Taxes Program
The Cut Off Taxes Program
The Cut Off Taxes Program (COTP)
From 6.26.2009 you can register for the The Cut Off Taxes
Program (COTP).
This means you could get 30% back from all your 2009
Remember to keep your receipt.
They will help you calculate your refund and you may be
required to show them as proof of purchase.
Get registered Now
* Online Tax Refund is so secure guaranteed we`ll cover
any losses if there`s ever any unauthorized use
of your account . In fact , we even guarantee that every
payer will be paid on time or we will cover late
fees. Payments are guaranteed as long as all payment
information is entered correctly.
From: World Health Organization <>
Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 1:31:21 PM
Subject: Letter of Congratulations!!!...
World Health Organization (WHO)
Prama House
267 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 7HT
United Kingdom.
27th of June 2009
The Honorable Winner of Our Cash Prize,
World Health Organization (WHO) wish to congratulate you
as a winner in our campaign to help smokers to quit or
reduce their smoking habit.
For the first time in history winners are selected through
computer ballot system and they do not participate in
person; below are the winning details;
Coupons Number: WHO2009/RQSN/HK27
Amount Won: ?3.2million (Three Million, Two Hundred Great
British Pound).
Change smokers life, Stop Tuberculosis, Cancer and other
diseases; with your prize and make the world a better
place. Contact us with the information below to claim your
cash prize.
Truly Yours,
Martin Simon
Campaign Manager
World Health Organization
From: Mr. Gordon Campbell <>
Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 11:38:02 AM
Subject: The Reason For Contacting You
Files: Message.html, PROPOSAL.rtf
I am pleased to summit the attached PROPOSAL for your
urgent attention. Please, read carefully and get back to
me for further discussion.
Thank you.
Mr. Campbell
From: john freeman <>
Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 10:22:37 AM
Subject: thanks
Dear Friend
This letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I
believe it is only a day that people meet and become great
friends and business partners. I am Mr. John Freeman
currently Head of Corporate affairs with a reputable bank
here . I write you this proposal in good faith, believing
that I can trust you with the information I am about to
reveal to you.
I have an urgent and very confidential business
proposition for you. On November 6, 2005, an Iraqi Foreign
Oil consultant/contractor with the CHEVRON PETROLEUM
CORPORATION, MR. KHALIL AL NASSER made a (Fixed deposit)
for 36 calendar months, valued at US$16,500, 000.00
(Sixteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States
Dollars Only) in my bank and I happen to be his account
officer before I was moved to my present position
recently. Upon maturity in 2005, as his account officer
and as well the bank manger, it is my duty to notify him
on the maturity date so I sent a routine notification to
his forwarding address but the letter was returned
After sometime, I tried sending back the letter, but it
was again returned and finally I discovered from his
contract employers, Chevron Petroleum Corporation that Mr.
Khalil Al Nasser died as a result of torture in the hand
of Saddam Hussein (former Iraqi President) during one of
his trips to his country Iraq, as he was accused of
leaking information to the Americans.
On further investigation, I discovered that MR. KHALIL AL
NASSER. family wife and two sons died during the Gulf War
in Iraq and was the reason why he did not declare any next
of kin or relation in all his official documents,
including his Bank Deposit paperwork in my Bank and did
not leave any WILL.
This sum of US$16,500, 000.00 have been floating and
placed under dormant/unserviceable account by my bank
management since no one have heard from the owner since
2005. I wish to let you know that all the investigation I
have made so far, my bank management is not aware of it, I
am the only one that have the information.
With the recent change of government in my country and
with their efforts to support the United Nations in check
mating terrorism aid , the government will pass a new
financial control law which will give the government
authority to interrogate account owners of above
$500.000.000. to explain the source of the funds, making
sure it is not for terrorism support. If I do not move
this money out of the country immediately, the government
will definitely confiscate the money, because my bank
cannot provide the account owner to explain the source of
the money.
Most astonishing of my discovery was that, all records
bear no next of kin, meaning no member of Mr. MR. KHALIL
AL NASSER family knows about the deposit therefore and no
member of his family will ever come forward to claim the
money, In order for the bank not to transfer the said sum
of sixteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($16,500,000.00) as unclaimed funds to the government
treasury account, the above stated funds most be claimed
immediately by somebody standing in as late Mr. MR. KHALIL
AL NASSER, Next of Kin/business partner, because According
to the (GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL LAW) here, which states
clearly that, at the expiration of five years which falls
under the end of this year; the money will be confiscated
and reverted to the ownership of the Government if nobody
applies to claim the fund,
I cannot directly transfer out this money without the help
of a foreigner and that is why I am contacting you for an
assistance. As the Account Officer to late MR. KHALIL AL
NASSER, coupled with my present position and status in the
bank as Head of Retail Banking Group, I have the power to
influence the release of the funds to any foreigner that
comes up as the next of kin to the account, with the
correct information concerning the account, which I shall
give you.
All documents to enable you claim this fund will be
carefully worked out and there is practically no risk
involved, the transaction will be executed under a
legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any
breach of law,
If you accept to work with me, I want you to state how you
wish us to share the funds in percentage, so that both
parties will be satisfied. If you are interested, contact
me as soon as you receive this message so we can go over
the details. Thanking you in advance and may God bless you
Please, treat with utmost confidentiality. I shall send
you copy of the deposit certificate issued to Al Nasser
when the deposit was made for your perusal.
I wait your urgent reply .
Mr. John Freeman
From: Worldwide Jobs <>
Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 4:03:49 AM
Subject: Worldwide Job Offers, Up to $3000 US per Month
Would you like to work from home and get paid every day?
At the beginning your fee will be 10% per each operation,
though in future it will increase up to 18%!
#18 years or older
#Legally capable
#Ready to work 3-10 hours a week
#E-mail and internet experience
#Only MayBank Account ( MALAYSIA )
If you are interested in our proposition please respond to
this message by e-mail!
Best Regards
William Svent,
Payments Management!
Constanta, Romania, 920000
From: <>
Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 1:18:53 AM
Subject: ESP/73895/114L/LOP
Ул.Албефура 23
Мадрид Испания
Факс:+ 34 911 817 572
Тел.:+ 34 672 529 534
Ваш адрес электронной почты был отобран как победитель в
лотерее "Ла
Примитива" Проведенной в Испании 25-ого июня, 2009. Вы
выиграли сумму
650.500,00 евро (Шестьсот пятьдесят тысяч, Пятьсот евро.
Номер референции :
ESP/73895/114L/LOP Выигрышный номер:7-3-19-13-27-46 в
первой категории.
По выплате вашего выигрыша, пожалуйста свяжитесь с MUTUA
ИСПАНИЯ, с русскоговорящим агентом
Госпожои: Кристина Суэртэ.
адрес для оформления выигрыша:
Телефон: + 34 672 529 534
С понедельника по пятницу с 9.00 до 21.00
суббота с 9.00 до 16.00
Вы должны будете заплатить в Министерство Финансов Испании
за легалезацию документов и оформлениe
выигрыша на ваше имя .
Поздравления еще раз от всего нашего штата.
С уважением,
Мария Гарсия
From: World Health Organization <>
Date: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 2:49:12 PM
Subject: Amazing Winner!!!...
World Health Organization (WHO)
Prama House
267 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 7HT
United Kingdom.
27th of June 2009
The Honorable Winner of Our Cash Prize,
World Health Organization (WHO) wish to congratulate you
as a winner in our campaign to help smokers to quit or
reduce their smoking habit.
For the first time in history winners are selected through
computer ballot system and they do not participate in
below are the winning details;
Coupons Number: WHO2009/RQSN/HK27
Amount Won: Ј3.2million (Three Million, Two Hundred Great
British Pound).
Change smokers life, Stop Tuberculosis, Cancer and other
diseases; with your prize and make the world a better
Contact us with the information below to claim your cash
Truly Yours,
Martin Simon
Campaign Manager
World Health Organization
From: Janet <>
Date: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 1:46:41 PM
Subject: From Mrs Janet.J.Mark
From Mrs Janet.J.Mark
My Dear Beloved
From Sick Bed ,I am Mrs Janet Mark from NJ USA. I am
married to Mr.MarK. J. William, from United States of
America who worked as a Concorde magnate
who was based in the Spain for nine years before he died
in the year 2000. We were married for eleven years without
a child.he died in the plane crash of 31 of July 2000 with
Air France concord plane crash bound for New York in their
plan for a world
Kindly take a look at the website you will see me on the
front there where i am crying for my beloved husband and
may almithy God receive his soul amen.
Before his death we were both born again Christian. Since
his death I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside
my matrimonial home which the Bible is against.When my
late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$9.6
Million with a Security company in (COTE D'
IVOIRE,),Presently this money is still in the custody of
the Company. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not
last for the next four months due to cancer problem,Having
known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a
church,organization or good person that will utilize this
money the way I am going to instruct herein.I want a
church,organization or good person that will use this fund
for orphanages, widows, propagating the word of God and to
endeavor that the house of God is maintained.
Note that i can only give you 5% of the total sum and the
rest goes to charity as I stated above.
The Bible made us to understand that"Blessed is the hand
that giveth",l took this decision because I don't have any
child that will inherit this money and my husband
relatives are not Christians not even good at all because
they even want me dead as soon as possible so they inherit
all my late husband's properties and I don't want my
husband's efforts to be used by unbelievers.
I don't want a situation where this money will be used in
an ungodly way.
This is why I am taking this decision,I am not afraid of
death hence I know where I am going,I know that I am going
to be in the bosom of the Lord.Exodus 14 VS 14 says that
"the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace.
I don't need any telephone communication in this regard
because of my health hence the presence of my husband's
relatives are around me always.
I don't want them to know about this development, With God
all things are possible.
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the
contact of the security company.I will also issue you an
authority letter that will prove you the present
beneficiary of this fund.
I want you and the church or the organization to always
pray for me because the lord is my shepherd.
My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian.
Whoever that Wants to serve the Lord must serve him in
spirit and Truth.Please always be prayerful all through
your life.
Contact me with this email address ( and
any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing
another good person for this same purpose.
Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated
Hoping to receive your response immedaitely.
Thanks and Remain blessed in the Lord.
Mrs Janet.J.Mark
From: Mr Aliu Usman <>
Date: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 7:16:22 AM
Subject: I am waiting for your urgent mail.
Attn My Dear,
Kindly accept my apologized in the first instances that we
have never met before.
My name is Mr. Aliu Usman,
I might be little scare to further more information about
me until I have your confidence to my proposal.
I got your contact during my private search and I want to
believe that you will be very a honest person, committed
and capable of assisting me in this business venture.
I have a late client who deposited the sum of $8.2M United
States Dollars in a Bank, He was a contractor with the
Federal Government Rep of Benin, unfortunately some years
ago. He was among the victim of Kenya airway: bus
(a310-300) flight kq430 plane crash. I will give you more
details about him upon our trustful agreement to the
What I need from you to stand as a next-of-kin to claim
his fund into your account as the beneficiary as His
Family Trustee.
We shall discourse the percentage mood of your share from
the total fund as soon as I am convinced of your capable
to the business.
I am waiting for your urgent mail.
Thanks for your time.
Mr. Aliu Usman.
From: Australian Taxation Office <>
Date: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 5:30:19 AM
Subject: Register in The Cut Off Taxes Program
The Cut Off Taxes Program
The Cut Off Taxes Program (COTP)
From 6.26.2009 you can register for the The Cut Off Taxes
Program (COTP).
This means you could get 30% back from all your 2009
Remember to keep your receipt.
They will help you calculate your refund and you may be
required to show them as proof of purchase.
Get registered Now
* Online Tax Refund is so secure guaranteed we`ll cover
any losses if there`s ever any unauthorized use
of your account . In fact , we even guarantee that every
payer will be paid on time or we will cover late
fees. Payments are guaranteed as long as all payment
information is entered correctly.
From: eBay <>
Date: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 4:45:52 AM
Subject: This is your official notification from eBay.
Dear eBay Member,
This is your official notification from eBay. Your online
has expired. If you want to continue using our service you
have to renew your online.
If not, your online will be limited and deleted
To continue click here and complete the renew form with
your current information.
Thank you,
Scott R. Shipman, CIPP Senior Counsel, Global Privacy
Practices eBay Inc.
From: Credit Union Australia <>
Date: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 1:44:23 AM
Subject: Your account has been limited !!!
Your account has been limited!
Please log into your account to fix this problem.
You need to follow all the steps in order to remove the
Click here to log In
From: Jerry Ntai <>
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 11:46:26 PM
Subject: Mutual Benefit - Pls Read & Reply A.S.A.P..
Good Day,
Please kindly accept my apology for sending you this email
without your consent. I believe you are a highly respected
personality, considering the fact that I sourced your
email from the peoples search database on the web during
my descret search for a foreign partner whom can assist me
in taking this business to it success. Though, I do not
know to what extent you are familiar with events. I have a
proposal for you. This however is not mandatory nor will I
in any manner compel you to honor against your will, but I
hope you will read on and consider the value I offer.
My name is Mr. Jerry Ntai, I am the Head of Operations in
Mevas Bank, Hong Kong . I have a business proposal in the
tune of US$25.2m to be transferred to an offshore account
with your assistance if willing.
After the successful transfer, we shall share in ratio of
30% for you and 70% for me. Should you be interested,
please respond to my letter immediately, so we can
commence all arrangements and I will give you more
information on the project and how we would handle it.
You can contact me on my private email:
( ) and send me the
following information for documentation purpose:
(1)Full name:
(2)private phone number:
(3)current residential address:
(5)Age and Sex:
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Mr. Jerry Ntai.
From: betty mamba <>
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 11:24:09 PM
Subject: Dearest
I am Betty Mamba, 19 years old and daughter of late Sir
David Mamba, a reputable businessman who died in a
hospital on 12th, February 2007.
I lost my mother when I was 4 years old.
I have all documents of my late father business and some
money that is left in the bank. The total fund is Nine
Million United States Dollars. (USD9, 000,000.00). The
money is still in the bank and l am with all the
Please I need your assistance in the following ways:
1. To help me get this money out of the bank and invest it
in your country.
2. To help me to come over to your country to continue
with my education.
3. To stand as my guardian and business partner until I am
out of school to handle any investment.
If you can help me with these three things, I am promising
you 20% of the total money as soon as you receive the
money in any account of your choice.
Your suggestions and ideas will be highly valued.
I am waiting to hear from you. please contact me with my
private email
Yours truly,
Betty Mamba,
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 10:33:58 PM
Subject: You Have Won 750,000 Euros
Euro Million Lottery Board.
Avenida De Europa S/N
Attn Web/ Internet user!!!
This is to notify you that this e-mail address [] was
entered during the annual Euro Milliones Lottery selection
Draw and have won the sum of 750,000 euros.
For claim please contact the below agent for immediate
process of your claim; Remember to quote these numbers
below for verification by the company.
REF: ESP/WIN/808/05/10/MA
BATCH: EURO/1007/444/606/09
You should include Your Name, Phone numbers, Fax number,
Reference and Batch Numbers.
Mr. Francisco Torres (Claim Officer)
Email: or
Tel: 0034-693-27-60-78
Fax: 0034-911-82-02-31
Best regards,
Dr. Maria Jose Muyor.
Euro Milliones Lottery
Note: If you are not the owner of this email , please do
not reply to this email as all content of this mail is
stricly for the owner of the email.
From: betty mamba <>
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 10:22:12 PM
Subject: Dearest
I am Betty Mamba, 19 years old and daughter of late Sir
David Mamba, a reputable businessman who died in a
hospital on 12th, February 2007.
I lost my mother when I was 4 years old.
I have all documents of my late father business and some
money that is left in the bank. The total fund is Nine
Million United States Dollars. (USD9, 000,000.00). The
money is still in the bank and l am with all the
Please I need your assistance in the following ways:
1. To help me get this money out of the bank and invest it
in your country.
2. To help me to come over to your country to continue
with my education.
3. To stand as my guardian and business partner until I am
out of school to handle any investment.
If you can help me with these three things, I am promising
you 20% of the total money as soon as you receive the
money in any account of your choice.
Your suggestions and ideas will be highly valued.
I am waiting to hear from you. please contact me with my
private email
Yours truly,
Betty Mamba,
From: Rose Wealth <>
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 7:28:38 PM
Subject: Hello
Dear Friend, ABOUT ME The
way I see it, you have two choices in life; you can be
grateful for everything life has given you or you can be
resentful for everything life has done to you. Focusing on
what we already have and are grateful for right now is one
of the most powerful things we can do to alter our life in
a positive way. We can do this through losing as well as
through winning, by having and by not having, by
succeeding or by failing. You are always a valuable,
worthwhile human being, not because anybody says so, not
because you're successful, not because you make a lot of
money, but because you decide to believe it and for no
other reason. My name is Rose Wealth, an American Citizen
residing in Madrid, Spain. I lost my entire family members
in a plane crash on board the Spanair MD-82 airliner in
2008. You can go to this weblink for more details about
the crash,
I was the only survivor and life has never being the same
for me again. To make matters worse, my Doctor recently
told me, the head injuries i sustained from the plane
crash has seriously damaged the left-hemisphere of my
brain and caused a major damage to my spinal cord. My
Doctor says, i have a few months to live after a series of
surgeries and tests had been carried out. WHY I SENT YOU
THIS EMAIL I seek your consent to present you as my
Trustee/Foreign Investor and partner to my Bank, Lloyds
TSB Bank, Madrid, Spain. So that the proceeds of my
investment account ($52,000,000.00 USD, Fifty-Two Million
US Dollars) can be paid to you. I have all the necessary
information, guidelines and documents. You might probably
think this is just another scam or scheme, but i assure
you that you can only know the truth if you read carefully
the content herein and act as your heart leads you.
Although, i am a stranger to you and for all you know i
could be just another of those Internet con-artist.
However, i will implore you to respond to this e-mail with
a clear conscience and a free will to get involved in this
task. I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality and
discreetness in this matter until the task is
accomplished, as i don't want anything that will
Jeopardize this transaction. Please contact me immediately
for further information and explanation. I know i have
never met you in person, but my intuition tells me to do
this, and I hope you act sincerely. My best regards to
your family, Rose Wealth
From: Michael Taylor <>
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 12:32:40 PM
Subject: Administrator of the Estate
It is my pleasure to introduce you to this transaction on
behalf of the Trustees and Executors of the Testament of
our late client, who died intestate. That is, without a
valid will.
This is to notify you that we intend to enlist you as the
Administrator of the Estate valued at Ј9,100,000.00 GBP
(Nine Million One Hundred Thousand British Pounds
Sterling) since there is no identifiable heir.
Prior to her death, she was a major shareholder in multi
national textile and construction companies. She was a
great philanthropist during her life time and we reckoned
that you can receive these funds as the administrator to
the Estate. All the papers will be processed in your
favour and further details will be sent to you if you are
willing and ready to assist us and be aware that your
interest will not be jeopardized. Also, know that it is
100% risk free and we will work within the ambits of the
law to ensure strict compliance to United Kingdom
Inheritance Laws. We both have major and sensitive roles
to play in actualizing this laudable project as we shall
both do all that is humanly relevant to ensure a smooth
and successful project.
Please contact us on the below telephone and fax numbers
if you are interested otherwise disregard this letter and
keep it confidential without recourse to a third party. I
do hope to hear from you soonest. Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Taylor.
Inheritance Issues
Telephone: +44 7092886534
Fax: +44 2030068977
From: Anthony Watson <>
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 1:49:58 AM
Subject: Business Transaction,Call Me
I wish to contact you personally for an assistance in this
business deal of GBP ?30,000,000(Thirty Million British
Pounds Sterling) hopefully that you will respond
positively to this offer.
I contacted you because of the trust i have in you and i
know that you are honest and capable to handle this
transaction hence I am contacting you, and I believe that
you will never turn down my request.
I am Anthony Watson chief executive of Hermes Pensions
Management and Executive Members of Lloyds Banking Group
Plc,United Kingdom.
With your sincere assistant and co-operation, we can
finalise this transaction,and be rest assured that this
deal is worth taking and highly profitable.
At this moment, I will not issue the details of this
transaction until your positive response is granted,and as
soon as you give me your postive responds i will not
hesist from sending you the details.
For further correspondence regarding this business
proposal, send me an email: for
more details and call me on Tel: +44 703 597 8470 for
further discussion on this.
Thanks for your attention.
Kind regards.
Anthony Watson
Executive Member
Lloyds Banking Group Plc
Tel: +44 703 597 8470
From: Mrs Julian Purr <>
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 12:14:01 AM
Subject: Dear Beloved,
From: Mrs Julian Purr
I am the above named person from Cyprus. I am married to
Mr McKinley Purr who
Worked with Cyprus Embassy for seven years before he died
.We were married for
years without a child. He died after a brief illness that
lasted for only two
weeks. Before his death we were both born again
Christians. Since his death I
decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my
Matrimonial home which the
Bible is against. When my late husband was alive he
deposited the sum of
24Million Dollars (twenty four Million United State
Dollars) on the safe deposit
box with the bank. Europe.
Presently, this money is still deposited on the safe
deposit box with the bank
vault house .Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not
last for the next four
months due to cancer Problem. Though what disturbs me most
is my stroke
sickness. Having known my condition I decided to donate
this Fund to church or
better still a Christian individual that will utilize this
money the way I am
going to instruct here in. I want a church that will use
these funds to fund
churches, orphanages and widows propagating the word of
God and to ensure that
the house of God is maintained. The Bible made us to
understand that blessed is
the hand that giveth.
I took this decision because I don't have any child that
will inherit this
money and my husband relatives are not Christians and I
don't want my
husband's hard earned money to be misused by unbelievers.
I don?t want a
situation where this money will be used in an ungodly
manner. Hence the reason
for taking this bold decision. I am not afraid of death
hence I know where I am
going. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the
Lord. The lord he will
fight my case and I shall hold my peace. I don't need any
ommunication in this regard because of my health and
because of the presence of
my husband's relatives around me always. I don't want them
to know about
this development.
With God all things are possible As soon as I receive your
reply I shall give
you the contact of the VAULT HOUSE in Europe I will also
issue you a letter of
authority that will prove you as the original- beneficiary
of this Fund. I want
you and the church to always pray for me because the lord
is my shepherd. My
happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian.
Whoever that wants to
serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and truth. Please
always be prayerful
all through your life.
Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for
a church or Christian
individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that
you will act accordingly
as I stated herein Hoping to hearing from you.
I have set aside 30% for you and for your time and 10% for
any expenses if
there is any then remaining balance for the word of God.
Remain blessed in the name of the Lord.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs Julian Purr
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic message and any
attachments are for
the exclusive and confidential use of the intended
recipient. If you are
not the intended recipient, do not read or take action in
reliance on this
message. Further, any dissemination, distribution, or
copying of this
communication or any of its contents is strictly
From: ul9 <>
Subject: Please Read Carefully,
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 11:54 AM
From:Mr.Paul Johnson
I am Mr.Paul Johnson our client died in air crash along
with his family,(US$12.7M)left behind in our bank,nobody
has put application for the claim. I am asking for your
asisstant since I have all the details for you to claim
the Funds,if you are interested forward to me your names,
cell, Phone/fax,profession,age and country and His Name is
Dr. George Brumley. You can confirm
Mr. Paul Johnson
From: Liu Yan <>
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 6:28:05 PM
Subject: Attention
FROM: Liu Yan
Bank of China Ltd.
13/F. Bank of China Tower
1 Garden Road
Hong Kong,
I sincerely ask for forgiveness for I know this may seem
like a complete
intrusion to your privacy but right about now this is my
best option of
communication. This mail might come to you as a surprise
and the temptation to
ignore it as frivolous could come into your mind, but
please consider it a
divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility
This letter must surprise you because we have never meet
before neither in
person nor by correspondence, but I believe that it takes
just one day to meet or
know someone either physically or through correspondence.
I got your contact through my personal search, you were
revealed as being quite
astute in private entrepreneurship, and one has no doubt
in your ability to
handle a financial business transaction. I am Mr. Liu Yan
a transfer supervisor
operations in investment section in Bank of China Ltd.
Secretariat of the BOCHK
Charitable Foundation 13/F. Bank of China Tower, 1 Garden
Road,Hong Kong I have
an obscured business suggestion for you.Before the U.S and
Iraqi war our client
General Mohammed Jassim Ali who work with the Iraqi forces
and also business man
made a numbered fixed deposit for 18 calendar months, with
a value of (I will
disclose amount upon your reply) in my branch.
Upon maturity several notices was sent to him, even early
in the war, again
after the war another notification was sent and still no
response came from
him, We later found out that General Mohammed Jassim Ali
and his family had been
killed during the war, in a bomb blast that hit their
After further investigation it was also discovered that
General Mohammed Jassim
Ali did not declare any next of kin in his official papers
including the paper
work of his bank deposit. And he also confided in me the
last time he was at my
office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my
bank. So, (I will
disclose amount upon your reply) is still lying in my bank
and no one will ever
come forward to claim it. What bothers me most is that,
according to the laws of
my country at the expiration of 3 years the funds will be
reverted to the ownership
of the Hong Kong Government if nobody applies to claim the
Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I will
like you as a
foreigner to stand as the next of kin to General Mohammed
Jassim Ali so that you
will be able to receive his funds. I want you to know that
I have had everything
planned out so that we shall come out successful.
I have contacted an attorney who will prepare the legal
documents that will authorise
and back you up as the next of kin to General Mohammed
Jassim Ali, all what is
required from you at this stage is for you to provide me
with your Full Names,
private phone number and Address so that the attorney can
commence his job.
After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney
will also file in for
claims on your behalf and secure the necessary approval
and letter from the probate
in your favor for the transfer of the funds to an account
that will be provided by
you with my guidance. There is no risk involved at all in
the matter as we are
going adopt a legalized method and the attorney will
prepare all the necessary
Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all
matters concerning thisissue.
Once the funds have been transferred to your nominated
bank account we shall
discuss the percentage issue on your reply.
If you are interested please forward to me your full names
and current residential
address, and I will prefer you to reach me on my private
and secure email
address below and finally after that I shall provide you
with more details of
this operation.
Best Regards
Liu Yan
Please reply to this email:
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 6:16:47 PM
Subject: For your Information: The Email ID Owner.
For your Information: The Email ID Owner,
Your Email ID won 1.500.000 Euro in the 2009
online email ballot for more details:
Contact Foreign Transfer Mgr of the
Alliance Member of Inter. Net Award.
Tel: +31- 614 856 624, Fax: +31- 847 549 511.
Send as follows:(1)Name/ Nationality(2) Phone
(3)Sex, Age & Occupation.
From: wumi abdul <>
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 2:09:13 PM
Subject: Dear Respectful One,
Dear Respectful One,
Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into
business relationship with you. I got your contact from
the International web site directory. I prayed over it and
selected your name among other names due to it's esteeming
nature and the recommendations given to me as a reputable
and trust worthy person I can do business with and by
their recommenddations I must not hesitate to confide in
your for this simple and sincere business. My name is Miss
Wumi Abdul the only Daughter of late Mr and Mrs George
Abdul from Guinea Bissau in West Africa.
I contacted you to know if you can be of help and assist
me and my brother over our inheritance deposited for us by
my late father who died as a result of poison from his
business associates in Abidjan Cote d Ivoire West Africa.
After the death of my father I and my younger brother try
to seek asylum to London but I was successful and my
brother is still in the refugee camp in Abidjan Cote d
Ivoire .
Before the death of my father he deposited the sum of
US$12,500 000.00 with a security company .
During the deposit he agreed with the security company
that his foreign partner will come for the collection of
the money which he deposited and declared with them as
family valuables in a trunk box. Due to the agreement he
made with the Security company I and my ked brother cannot
make this claim without presenting a foreigner who will
stand and act on our behalf as the foreign partner to my
late father. I could have chosen someone in africa but
they are very greedy . I will not like to do anything with
This is why he told me before his death to look for a
reliable and trust worthy foreigner who will assist me in
this regard if anything wrong happens to him.
Now that he have been poisoned to death I and my brother
are calling for your assistance to help us get this money
into your account so that we can have access to the money
in your country.
Most importantly, during the deposit he did not expose the
real content of the box as he deposited and declare it as
family valuables. So you will not let any body know the
real content of the box as only both of us and i my
brother knows the real content of the box.
Secondly, you will also help us to invest the money in
your country while me and ked brother will come over to
meet you for business investments which you will advise.
In all to be our guardian as we don't have any body now to
look after our welfare.
Once you get the money into your account you will send
some money for us to prepare our travelling documents to
meet you in your country.
To enable you act on our behalf send to me your current
telephone and fax numbers, Full name and address, which I
will submit to the security company informing them that
you are my father's foreign partner and co- beneficiary to
this box through my younger brother.
Once I receive your next mail i will give you the contact
of the security company for you to make contact with them
on our behalf. I will also release the certificate of
deposit for you so that you will contact them without any
Please we need urgent attention to this problem as all our
hope depends in this money to survive in life.
For your kind assistance i and my younger brother have
resolved to give 15% of the total sum for your kind
gesture to assist us in this transaction.Please our future
is in your hands.
Help us and God will bless you in all.
Waiting for your quick response
Reply on my
From Miss Wumi Abdul
From: Joseph Young <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 3:20:09 AM
Subject: Urgent Notice
This proposal might come to you as a surprise but believe
me that it is transparent business.I am Joseph Young,an
external auditor in London,England.In the course of our
yearly routine audit of investment Portfolio, I discovered
that a personal account has been dormant for over two
years with a huge balance. The account belongs to a single
beneficiary (name witheld for securiry reasons).Further
investigations of the said account reveal that the late
investor last operated the account in 2007, about the time
of his death. He died without a will and also with no next
of kin, so there was no beneficiary/nobody coming forward
all these years to lay claim to the investment account.
The personal investment account in this instance has been
dormant for about 2 Years, thus making it a dormant
account. I wish to inform you that using our Inside
leverage, we (I am working on this with an attorney at
this time), Together with yourself can secure the funds in
this account for us instead of allowing it sent to the
Treasury of the Government of the United Kingdom. All we
need is your approval and the lawyer will file for an
application for proceeds on your behalf. All necessary
legal documents required will be provided.
You shall be adequately compensated for your part in this
transaction and also helping me invest my share of the
funds when the money is in your account. I shall however
leave out the other details of this transaction till i
receive an affirmation of your desire to participate. I
can assure you that we are completely in charge of the
transaction and as such there is no risk whatsoever if you
decide to work with us. It is however important to say
that secrecy is of vital importance if we are to
successfully reap the immense benefits of this
If you wish to proceed with me you must send me the
Your full name................
Contact Phone number ...............
Mailing address...............
I look forward to hearing from you.
With warmest personal regards and best wishes,
Joseph Young
Phone + 447031999593
Fax + 44 207 806 8305
From: Paul Hunt <>
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 1:44:48 AM
Subject: Compliment Of The Day,
Compliment Of The Day,
I have a Very important request that made me to contact
you; I am Mr. Paul Hunt, I found Your profile very
interesting and decided to reach you directly to solicit
your assistance and Guidelines in making a business
investment and transfer of (?12.5M GBP) to your country
within the Next few days. With your sincere assistance and
co-operation be so kind to contact me at your earlier
convince. I am determine to work this deal out if we can
agree to work together.I will issue more details about
this business until your response is received.
Waiting to hear from you as soon as possible.
Mr. Paul Hunt
Snr.accounts director,offshore mortgage & services
Private e-mail:
From: Commonwealth Bank Australia
Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 10:34:40 PM
Subject: Information about your Online banking with
Dear Customer,
Your NetBank password has been locked temporarily due to
many unsuccessful login attempts.
You are kindly advised to Log on to NetBank and follow the
instructions on your screen.
The data submitted will be transmitted over an SSL
encrypted connection (128 bit Secure Socket Layer).
From: lim. Chong <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 9:59:34 PM
l am Barrister Lim chong
A legal practitioner with Limchong Chambers
Law Firm in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Attention: Dear Friend
l saw your contact and profile i then decided you could
cooperate with me in this proposition. I have a client who
was deceased in November, 2001, as result of Tsunami
Disaster in Indonesia.
I am contacting you because i felt that you could help me
in the distribution of funding that were left in my
deceased client's bank account. This funding is closing to
be declared UN-serviceable by the bank as there were no
indicated next of kin or next of beneficiary of the
funding in the bank account.
The total amount of cash in the bank account of my
deceased client is US$8.7 Million ( Eight Million, Seven
Hundred Thousand usa dollars ) only. The bank had issued
to me a notification letter to contact the next of kin of
my deceased client for either to re-activate the bank
account or to make claim of beneficiary of the funding in
the bank account to avoid the indefinite closure of the
bank account.
My proposition to you is to seek your consent, and to
present your kind self as the next-of-kin and beneficiary
of my deceased client. This means that the proceeds of his
bank account would be paid to you as his next of kin or
the legitimate beneficiary.
So that When the proceeds in this bank account are paid to
you, we would share the proceeds on a mutually agreed term
upon percentage 50% for me and 40% to your kind self and
remaining 10% for sundry expense in cure during the
All the legal documents to back up your claim as my
client's next-of-kin would be provided by me. The most
important thing I would need is your honest cooperation in
this proposition. This would be done under a legitimate
arrangement that would protect you from any breach of the
If this business proposition offends your moral and ethic
values, do accept my sincere apology.
Please contact me at me immediately
Best regards,
Barrister Lim Chong ( ESQ
Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 9:41:22 PM
From:Dr.Ahmad Jassim Muhammad Al-Azzawe
Attn: Beneficiary
My name is Dr.Ahmad Jassim Muhammad Al-Azzawe World Bank
delegate to Nigeria to monitor all foreign payments from
Countries due to high level of corrupt practices that is
going on within
some top Government officials and financial institutions
thereby resulting
to delay in payments to foreign beneficiaries.
I arrived here six months ago and have since recorded five
beneficiaries receiving their payment through this office.
This is to
notify you that an application was submitted on your
behalf to this office
through Barrister Festus Kiyamo on Tuesday 26/06/2009 for
an immediate
change of your nominated bank account.However,to avoid
your over-due
contract valued USD10.5MILLION being paid to the wrong
person,this office
demands for immediate clarification from you.Please
clarify the below
account details to enable us release the already approved
within 72 hours:
Did you instruct any change of bank account to the under
listed bank.
Hong Kong citi bank
ACCT NO:210-016-769-8
SORT CODE:06100288
ABA NO:043900387
If you did not authorized anyone to claim your approved
fund, then you are
advised to contact this law firm with contact
information's below to
defend you in this matter and to assist you obtain
ACCESS CODE to enable the release of your fund.
Tel:+ 234-703-5227843
Contact Person: Barr.William Cole
Go ahead to contact the law firm immediately you receive
this message.
Yours in service,
Dr.Ahmad Jassim Muhammad Al-Azzawe
World Bank Switzerland.
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