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Job 54200: RR_166213 Finnish VRFCAT project

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RR_166213 Finnish VRFCAT project: Job 00054200

Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Finnish

Details of the project: Project: VRFCAT (Virtual Reality Functional Capacity Assessment Tool).

Number of tasks/phases: The project is around 7 phases ( 7 tasks). After the delivery and finalizing task1 and client approves, we will continue with task 2, 3, and so on.

Task 1: Recipe Creation.

Language: Finnish

Amount: The time budgeted for this task is around 2.5 hours for each linguist.

Number of linguists needed: 2

Reference files: To give you a full clear idea on the whole process of the project, please check the following link: that includes:

• the full scope of the project marking the 7 phases/tasks of the full project;

• a sample delivery file for task 1 from previous languages done for this project.

Also, please check this video: -

this is exactly the game we are handling, please watch it until the end to be able to understand the whole idea of the project.

For now, I am contacting you regarding Task 1 of the project for which you can find the details below:

1. Create 7 recipes based off the Simple Recipe excel document

a. Simple recipe worksheet

1- Create 7 recipes (local recipes of the target country)

2- Each recipe has specific criteria that must be met

3- Across all recipes only certain amounts of meat, produce, dairy and canned

4- goods can be purchased in the grocery store

5- No ingredient can be used more than 3 times across all recipes

6- There is one canned item that is in the grocery store but cannot be used in any recipes

7- Simple recipe document should be filled out in English


-The task is not difficult but rather needs special treatment, an in-country patient linguist who has good command of English with fine googling skills to google the local recipes in the target country (and preferably likes/ interested in cooking) would be perfect.

- We would need 2 linguists for each language. Each linguist should work individually and provide one file (so both will deliver two files/ different versions) then both linguists will check the file for each other and should decide/reconcile on what the final version should look like and deliver the final file. What you will deliver to me is, 3 files ( 2 original files that the linguist delivered separately and the one final file they agreed to). Each linguist will handle task 1, and then reconcile to reach one final file at the end matching PERFECTLY the instructions and the criteria. The client is very demanding regarding sticking to the rules even if the end result would be for example not so realistic. Under any conditions, the rules and the steps mentioned above must be followed strictly and attentively to perform task 1.

Please make sure you read thoroughly the instructions, the sample file, the file with the scope of the project, then let me know if you have any questions regarding any part.

If you’re interested, please let us know your hourly rate for this project.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 10 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 01/31/2021

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Esraa Gouda
IP: (Egypt)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 21 Jan 2021, 17:48:58

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

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