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Source language(s): Spanish
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Basically this is what I am looking for:

1.Identify a core vocabulary list that consists of the words that can be used the most in every day conversations so that day to day activities may be accomplished without any problems. This would include common nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepostions, conjunctions etc.

2.Design a way in which these words can be used in a variety of circumstances, and how to build on that basic knowledge to build simple sentences to communicate with.

words: want, hamburger, cheese, dont want, one more

I want
I want a hamburger
I want a hamburger without cheese
I dont want a hamburger
I want one more hamburger
I want a ticket
I want a ticket to Helsinki

3. Use imaginative settings in which the person can make those conversations. You dont have to follow any established routines or 'tourist handbook' approach. It could be 'Conversation in the kitchen' 'Conversation at bus stop' 'On a train', 'Meeting someone in a library' 'Flirting with someone in the park' , or any thing your imagination can produce.
But imagine each scenario in detail, and think in depth about it. For example, if it is ' at the grocery store' you should make sure that the person will not only know how to ask ''How much does this cost", he should also learn how to ask and understand things like "It is behind the counter" "It is near the electronics section", "We dont have it", "Go to the back of the store", "Where is the bathroom", "I want to speak to the manager", "Do you have .. " MAKE IT INTERESTING AND HUMOROUS, AND MAYBE A BIT SEXY (BUT NOTHING OBSCENE). Remember why most people want to learn a foreign language : 1) for a trip 2) romance 3) day to day life in a new country

But remember, if you are teaching a complex sentence like "I want to speak to the manager", you have to build your way to it. Start with teaching how to say "I want" , "I want a telephone", " I want a wristwatch", " I want to speak", " I want to speak to Lora", "I want to speak to the manager". The objective is that once the person learns how to communicate this particular need , ie the "I want", the idea is to empower him to a use that in a variety of settings, and not limit him to just the grocery store. He should be even be able to say to his new girlfriend, "I want a kiss" (and help him understand her reply , "go away!" ) USE YOUR IMAGINATION!

Remember to use exclamations or rough language that people commonly use (but not obscene). "I am late !" , "Damn, I am late". "Shut up !"

4. But for every setting, start with a core list of words (like above) and then show how to use that small list of words effectively to communicate.

5. Teach basic grammar on the way.

6. Design the manual in such a way that a person can finish it in one month, and be able to manage a basic conversation

7. Try to imagine how a baby learns to speak, how she uses a small list of words to communicate with the parents, and then builds on it.. our goal is to do the same thing, except it is faster and we try to accomplish in a month what the baby accomplishes in 3 years.

8. Create audio clips of each conversation. This can be easily accomplished using the trial version of this software (The trial version allows you to save clips upto 3 minutes long) The program is called AUDIO RECORD WIZARD and you can download it from their site. If you need, I can help teach you how to use the software, it is very simple and easy, all you need is a computer and a headphone.

9. There is no set rule on how long or how detailed the manual should be, the objective is that it should be easy to use and EFFECTIVE to accomplish the objective, which is to be able to communicate FEARLESSLY and CONFIDENTLY. USE YOUR IMAGINATION. USE HUMOUR. REMEMBER, USE THE BUILDING BLOCK APPROACH, TEACH A CORE WORD LIKE 'WANT' AND THEN TEACH HOW TO BUILD SIMPLE SENTENCE AROUND IT, THEN A MORE COMPLEX SENTENCE ETC, AND HOW TO VARY IT ACCORDING TO GENDER, TENSE ETC IF APPLICABLE.

10. The total fee for the project is $400 (US) I would like the project to be sent in 4 instalments, and when you email me each set of lessons, the payment will be made by western union or paypal (four installments of $100 each) , in US funds.

11. Upon completion of payment, I will own exclusive rights to the material you create. Each time you receive payment, I will send you a acknowledgement form that you have to sign and send by post that grants me total and exclusive rights to the material you sent to me.

12. The project should be finished by March 30 2010. There is some flexibility on the deadline, but it would be great if you can finish it by then. If this is not sufficient time, please tell me how much time you need so that I can plan accordingly.

If you have any questions you can reach me at this number: 1-360-820-5845 (1 is the country code for usa) If you give me a 'missed call' I can call you back too so that you dont have to waste money on an international call. I travel internationally a lot but I will keep you updated when I am in another country.

Please send me a sample lesson so that I can see your style of teaching. Please be sure to include the audio clips as mentioned above.

Please remember to give me your phone number and postal address.

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 05/31/2010

Keep this ad at the site permanently


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Posted on Tuesday, 06 Apr 2010, 19:03:23

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

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