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English to Irish Translators at TranslationDirectory.Com

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# Translator's Name, Country, Rate
1 Kayleigh Mcdonagh, Ireland, Rate per word 0.07-0.09 Euro
2 May Chris, USA, Rate per word 0.03-0.05 Euro
3 Gomzi Expertise, India, Rate per word 0.02-0.03 Euro
4 Nitesh Singh Rana, India, Rate per word 0.01-0.01 Euro
5 Shaina Praveen, India, Rate per word 0.02-0.02 Euro
6 Aisling O Callaghan, Ireland, Rate per word 0.10-0.12 Euro
7 Ch Sayyam, Pakistan, Rate per word 0.07-0.07 Euro
8 Dieudonne Ndagijimana, Kenya, Rate per word 0.14-0.16 Euro
9 Bridget Anne Hughes, Ireland, Rate per word 0.20-0.20 Euro
10 Kayleigh Mcdonagh, Ireland, Rate per word 0.06-0.09 Euro
11 Darán Ó Dochartaigh, UK, Rate per word 0.12-0.14 Euro
12 Yuksel Fatih Bolek, Turkey, Rate per word 0.05-0.05 Euro
13 Noilin Nic Bhloscaidh, Ireland, Rate per word 0.12-0.18 Euro
14 Jalis Nasiri, India, Rate per word 0.03-0.04 Euro
15 Brian Devlin, UK, Rate per word 0.08-0.15 Euro
16 Biswajit Mishra, India, Rate per word 0.03-0.03 Euro
17 Grace Barrett, Ireland, Rate per word 0.20-0.20 Euro
18 Seamas O Donnghaile, Ireland, Rate per word 0.15-0.15 Euro
19 Breda O'donnell, Ireland, Rate per word 0.09-0.12 Euro
20 Catherine Leonard, Ireland, Rate per word 0.1-0.12 Euro
21 Ronan Power, Ireland, Rate per word 0.12-0.15 Euro
22 David Mc Loughlin, Ireland, Rate per word 0.08-0.10 Euro

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