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English to Arabic Translations of Phrases

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The market crash is caused by majority people who cannot control their emotions during investments
Please translate the above phrase to Arabic
Domain: Finance / Economics

Please translate the above phrase to Arabic
Domain: Linguistics

Register: We use the term ‘register’ to refer to particular varieties or styles of speaking and writing. Registers vary because the language is used for different purposes, in different contexts and for different audiences. For example, there is a legal register, a register of advertising, registers of banking and a register of weather forecasting. We commonly recognise registers because of their specialised vocabulary but also because of particular uses of grammar.

Now with the Gold having retraced a bit from its high, people are wondering whether to invest in the shiny metal or not and if so how much of the portfolio should be allocated to it.
Please translate the above phrase to Arabic
Domain: Finance / Economics

You deceive yourself, you are mistaken if you seek anything but to suffer, for this mortal life is full of miseries and marked with crosses on all sides.
Please translate the above phrase to Arabic
Domain: Religion

Testing the new feature - thank you for your help!

Tendency is everything
Please translate the above phrase to arabic
Domain: General

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"The Mass in long", you say, and I reply: "Because your love is short".
Please translate the above phrase to Arabic
Domain: Religion

Testing the new feature, thank you!

If I dole out all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but don’t have love, it profits me nothing.
Please translate the above phrase to Arabic
Domain: Religion

Hello, how are you?
Please translate the above phrase to Arabic
Domain: Electronics

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