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Phrase 186: You deceive yourself, you are mistaken if you seek anything but to suffer, for this mortal life is full of miseries and marked with crosses on all sides.

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You deceive yourself, you are mistaken if you seek anything but to suffer, for this mortal life is full of miseries and marked with crosses on all sides.
Please translate the above phrase to Arabic
Domain: Religion

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تخدع نفسك، أنت مخطئ إن كنت تبحث عن شيء غير المعاناة، لأن هذه الحياة الفانية مليئة بالمآسي وموسومة بشواهد القبور على جنباتها.

Comment: Hi, for the translation to be precise, I think we need to know which religion is the phrase from. In Islam for instance, this life of time is a test. It has joys and as this life's pain/miseries is a test, joy also is a test. We all for sure die, a day or another. So, the day we die is the day we're told, 'put your pen down, your test time is up'. For the pain, God tests us: are we going to be patient and be steadfast towards our faith and good deeds. For the joy, God tests us: are we going to be thankful and be steadfast in our faith and avoid bad deeds or not. etc. The day I die, is the day my test is up, there's a minor judgement to my soul after death by angels.. then later to us all, there is a day of Resurrection, it is the day when every single one among us will be held accountable for their deeds, and accordingly will be sent to paradise as a reward for believing in Oneness of God and good deeds or will be sent to hellfire for thy disbelief and bad deeds. Only God knows when the day of Resurrection is. Jesus peace be upon him doesn't know, Mohamed peace be upon him doesn't know etc. no one. So what Quran says is about this temporary life of time is different from the phrase you shared. thanks. Most exalted is the One in whose hands is all sovereignty, and He is Most Capable of all things. He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving. Quran 67 1,2 btw, Allah in Arabic = Aalaah in Aramaic = God in English.

أنت تخدع نفسك، أنت مخطئ إن كنت تظن أنك ستلقى شيئا آخر غير المعاناة، لأن هذه الحياة الفانية مليئة بالمآسي ومزروعة بشواهد القبور على جنباتها

تخدع نفسك إن اعتقدت في غير المعاناة، حيث أن هذه الحياة الفانية مليئة بالمآسي وتكتنفها الأخطاء

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