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Articles for Translators and Translation Companies

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Земля полуночного солнца - Аляска глазами переводчика
Многие считают, что работа переводчика-синхрониста - один сплошной праздник: международные конференции, увлекательные поездки, знакомство с интересными людьми...
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The land of the midnight sun - Alaska through the eyes of an interpreter
Many may think that being a simultaneous interpreter is all beer and skittles: international conferences, exciting trips, and rubbing shoulders with celebrities...
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The Shift. An extract from the book "The Shift" about work of translators in the field (based on a true story).
Strong blast of biting blizzard struck me in the face just when I got out of the car. After a month spent here I still was not used to strange weather of the polar region...
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How lack of special training affects translation quality and translator’s career
Probably each translator in his/her practice faced a problem of correct translation of terms in specific topic. Maybe many translators asked themselves "Why do I know foreign language very well but still have problems with translation?"…
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Petrotran: looking forward. Key areas of our work and trends of translation industry development.
Once there was such a case in my interpreting practice. I was invited to an oil and gas company for interpretation. In the department where I was going to work on that day they suddenly started a move to a different office, and…
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How to Build an Interpretation Career
One of the best ways to increase your income is to diversify your skills. Doing so allows you to offer more services and reach more customers. A common way to diversify in the translation world is to offer interpretation services by using your translation skills. Below we’ll look at the differences between translation and interpretation, then consider the similarities in skills that each requires, as well as walking you through how you can offer both services...
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L’interprétariat participatif
L’interprétariat participatif désigne la transposition orale (généralement interprétariat consécutif) de ce qui est dit, d’une langue dans une autre, en tenant compte du contexte social et culturel des personnes participant à une situation communicationnelle donnée…
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Who’s Listening/Reading?
The first job I ever had in the language business was interpreting a meeting between an American businessman and the management team of a French company in the mid-1970s. Things kicked off in a rather unpromising manner. The American came across as surly and uncooperative as the French chitchatted about all sorts of topics. After an unrewarding first few minutes, the French CEO, who was obviously trying to break the ice, told me “let our dear guest know that we will be having lunch in an excellent restaurant.”…
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The Value of Translation
It is hard to embark on a career in translation without guansi, or connections, in the Chinese society. The so-called guansi resembles a network of people, where referrals of translations can be directed. Student translators studying in the home country would benefit from this network well before they graduate with client referrals passed down from teachers who are too busy with other projects, whereas overseas student translators would have to start from scratch for a humble income that could barely keep them alive…
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Interpreting the Remarks of World Leaders
Interpreting is "a form of translation (in the wider sense) in which (a) the source-langauge text is presented only once and thus cannot be reviewed or replayed, and (b) the target-language text is produced under time pressure, with little chance for correction and revision" (Munday 2009, p.133). In practice, there are two modes of interpreting: consecutive and simultaneous where the former refers to the interpretation of the speech after few sentences…
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InterpreTalk Mobile App - On-Demand Telephonic Interpretation for Android and iPhone
Client Side News interviews the key InterpreTalk Mobile app architect Mauricio Vicente of Language Services Associates…
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US Health Care and Medical Interpreting Certification
CSN interviews industry expert, Armando Ezquerra Hasbun…
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La Búsqueda Documental En La Interpretación Consecutiva Y De Enlace
Sin ánimo de extendernos demasiado en el plano teórico resulta vital realizar una breve reseña a la importancia de la técnica documental en cualquier disciplina y, más concretamente, en la interpretación consecutiva y de enlace (IC/IE). Para señalar dicha importancia se propone este trabajo que se centrará en la búsqueda documental…
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Del discurso al cuerpo: La técnica Alexander en interpretación
Los estudios sobre interpretación en el mundo académico son relativamente recientes. El impulso dentro del ámbito universitario occidental surgió a mediados del siglo XX y, desde entonces, son diversos los enfoques que se han planteado, tanto en la didáctica como en la investigación (Iglesias Fernández, 2007). La propuesta que presento se enmarca en la línea de formación de intérpretes y pretende trabajar con un elemento que todavía no ha recibido la necesaria atención del mundo académico…
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Telephone Interpreting in Health Care Settings: Some Commonly Asked Questions
The following frequently asked questions regarding telephone interpreting in health care settings may be helpful for interpreters, language service companies, and health care providers who wish to learn more about telephone interpreting, as well as its potential benefits and limitations in health care scenarios…
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Interpreter Certification Programs in the U.S. Where Are We Headed?
Certification is one of the most important topics in the U.S. translation and interpreting industry today. Rarely does one attend a professional conference without finding presentations on the topic. Numerous articles have also been written on the subject, and, in 2003, ATA published an International Certification Study, compiled by ATA President-Elect Jiri Stejskal, consisting of 24 individual articles from The ATA Chronicle devoted to certification programs around the world…
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Collecting Rent in the Tower of Babel
There are some people who think that translators and interpreters are at worst a nuisance and at best a necessary evil; many a businessmen and lawyer have asked questions about the possible advent of automated translation and interpreting systems…
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His Majesty, The Interpreter: The Fascinating World of Simultaneous Translation
At a meeting of the Portuguese Language Division some time ago, Tereza Braga, a former administrator of the Division, sang the praises of a book written in Portuguese about the translation and interpreting professions. When Gabe Bokor asked me to review a copy of it, I jumped at the chance. Expectations were high for this small volume whose title translates: "His Majesty, the Interpreter: the Fascinating World of Simultaneous Translation."…
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Navigating the Linguistic Jungle in the Legal Setting
According to the Judicial Council of California, every day in California courtrooms more than 80 different languages are spoken by parties and witnesses. But, did you know that anyone who doesn't speak English and is charged with a crime is entitled to an interpreter in court? So is anyone who must testify as a witness…
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Los servicios de interpretación a disposición de las mujeres inmigrantes maltratadas
In this paper, we analyze the options that have been created to meet community interpreting needs of battered immigrant women living in Spain. For this purpose, in order to show that the situation is very serious, the number of domestic violence cases in Spain is presented. Furthermore, legal documents will be used to analyze the right to have an interpreter in Spanish public services. Finally, the Spanish Act to tackle domestic violence passed on December 28, 2004 will also be discussed…
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Strategies for New Interpreters: Interpreting in the Indonesian Environment
This article presents some strategies derived from my actual personal experience and observations that can be beneficial to new interpreters. These strategies are used before an interpreter steps up on stage, while on stage, and after being on stage. A new interpreter has to equip himself beforehand with linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge and interpreting skills to be well-prepared while on stage where he has full self-confidence to improvise and make adaptations according to the actual conditions he is facing on stage; then he steps back to assess his performance before stepping up on stage again for another assignment…
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Profitability Guide for Interpreters
The article at hand tries to present the existing material as well as its use in a way that allows interpreters who are not trained in business management to use it as a rule of thumb for preparing professional decisions…
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An Interpreter’s Perspective
When I started work at the Medical Foundation, my 'outside' professional colleagues were mostly concerned whether I would be able to cope with the emotional content of the interpreting. Graphic descriptions of torture, intense emotional distress, loss, rape, bereavement and displacement are very difficult subjects to listen to and then to find appropriate and adequate words to render them into another language. Then there are the associative images - the more eloquent and articulate the narrator, the more powerful and intrusive are the images. Dealing with the subject matter has not become easier over the last five years that I have worked at the Foundation…
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La interpretación de congresos de medicina: formación y profesión Los congresos de medicina se destacan como uno de los eventos multilingües que se celebran con más frecuencia en el panorama español, y sus organizadores suelen recurrir a los servicios de interpretación. Dados estos dos factores, los congresos de medicina brindan grandes posibilidades laborales a los intérpretes de conferencias, especialmente aquellos cuya combinación lingüística sea inglés-español, pues actualmente el inglés se define, sin duda alguna, como la lingua franca de la medicina
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Revelations of a Case Style in a Vehicular Accident Lawsuit
Whether interpreting at a court proceeding, deposition, or sworn statement, judicial interpreters benefit from knowing as much as they can about an assignment and the type of matter in which they are interpreting. If the interpreter is familiar with legal procedures, parties, and the different types of potential witnesses commonly found in a lawsuit, he or she will have a much easier time performing the assignment…
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Emotional and Psychological Effects on Interpreters in Public Services - A Critical Factor to Bear in Mind
This paper deals with the influence of the emotional and psychological impact on the interpreter in public services (IPS). This topic is not new in the field of interpreting; however, it still remains rather unexplored in the IPS sphere despite its importance as will be seen in the following pages…
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On Idioms, Intertextuality, Puddings, and Quantum Physics
These notes were triggered by an anecdote recently reported by trainee interpreters at the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The anecdote has to do with the way interpreters handle idiomatic expressions and more generally what is known as "culture-bound" items, or realia …
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Interpreting interpreting!
Companies with fledgling export departments may, understandably, have very limited experience of the languages industry. This basic guide to interpreting provides an overview of the difference between translation and interpreting, and looks briefly at the different types of interpreter which they commercial organisations may need to call upon for conferences, foreign visits and meetings …
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Inttranews Special Report: Katie Slocombe
After spending eight months observing a group of wild chimpanzees in the Budongo forest in Uganda, Katie Slocombe, a PhD student in psychology at St Andrews University in Scotland, has reported that chimpanzee communication is more complex than even research by Jane Goodall, the world's foremost authority on chimpanzee behaviour, seemed to indicate …
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El reto de formar intérpretes en el siglo XXI
Los grandes avances tecnológicos se están haciendo sentir en todos los ámbitos sociales, y también en el entorno educativo. La formación de intérpretes en este siglo comienza una nueva andadura en el progreso tecnológico, andadura lenta pero firme; ya se anuncian cursos de interpretación "a distancia", on-line (Carr & Steyn 2000), algo que parecía técnicamente inviable hace tan sólo menos de una década …
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Interprete professionista o professionista interprete?
During a physiotherapy session given by two French teachers and attended by a group of Italian therapists, interpretation was carried out by a professional interpreter in the morning and by a bilingual therapist in the afternoon …
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Interpreters in London
London is an international melting pot of language and culture which has resulted in an increased demand for interpreters. As an interpreter, London is now an attractive city in which to work. It is now possible to find opportunities in a variety of exciting areas for interpreters to ply their trade …
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Some Advice on Preparing for Simultaneous Interpretation of Current Political Themes
When I was a young student, our math teacher showed us a trick which struck me very much. He asked us to give him twenty words, which he then would memorize without having made any notes. Then we were to ask him to repeat all words successively or at random, and our teacher would recite all words without making a mistake. I was really struck…
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Bibliography on the Profession of Interpretation
A collection of resources for interpreters.
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His Excellency and His Interpreter
The President of Brazil visited Africa in early November 2003 a?d made certain statements during his stay in that continent. The contents of the statements themselves need not concern us: he did not talk about translation and this is not the Poughkeepsie Review of International Politics. An interpreter translated what he said…
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Interpreting and Transcribing Evidentiary Tape RECORDINGS: High scale difficulty, High level satisfaction
The transcription and interpreting of foreign language tape recordings is one of the duties included in the scope of the work done by legal interpreters.  It is difficult work as it is extremely time consuming, it requires serious concentration and the source tape is often of questionable quality. I have loved this work ever since over 16 years ago I was handed my first whisper-ridden, undercover tape with the audio quality of a 1930s Victrola phonograph record.  I have since completed hundreds of hours of tapes; both audio and video and serve as an expert witness on translated tape transcript quality.  But I am continuously striving to enlighten our clients on the need for audio quality guidelines…
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Make The Court Reporters Day!
Whether you are a freelance judiciary interpreter or a staff court interpreter, you will find yourself working side by side with Court Reporters.  Interpreters work with the Court Reporter in the courtroom as well as in any sworn statement.  Based on our shared responsibility for the record, Reporters are often a source of evaluation of our performance for Judges and lawyers.  Court Reporting firms are frequently relied upon to contract with freelance interpreters, and your reputation with them can enhance or reduce your business.
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