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Groups for Translators: Yahoo Groups and Google Groups

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tr_jobs - This mailing list, tr_jobs (translation jobs), courtesy of is for distributing job listings, and "only" job listings to subscribers. Anybody, who will try to post anything else, especially spam, will be banned, reported to Yahoo, FCC and other federal authorities and prosecuted according to all applicable federal, state and local laws. Agencies may post listings directly and volunteers may forward listings from other forums (as long as the author of such listings has not specified that the listing may not be cross-posted to other lists).

jobs-translators - This is a mailing list where ONLY JOBS for language translators may be posted.

Babel-Translation-Jobs - This is a mailing list where jobs for language translators may be posted by any listmember. Please find the correct information in each listed job to where you should send your reply or your CV.

translations-jobs - Translation jobs online for freelancers.

translator_jobs - This group is meant discussing issues of how to find translator jobs in any language combination (freelance and inhouse jobs): for example specific web based search engines offering translator jobs.

translation-jobs - Need translation? Need translation job? Group for translators / translation agencies and their clients. Feel free to post your translation jobs. You will receive quotes and answers from many translators and linguists from over the internet. Also, in this group you will find Press Releases, Human Resources links and more!

TranslationJobs - Post language jobs and other freelance projects, discuss all things freelance work.

TranslationAgencies - Translation jobs on line for freelancers and agencies.

translation_collaboration - The list was created with the purpose of opening online communication channel between Translation Agencies from around the globe for COLLABORATION ONLY, and is RESTRICTED to Agencies.

TranslatEXchange - Jobs exchange for translators all around the world.

translation_startup - This is a forum for anyone out there trying to get a career started as a freelance translator, interpretor or proofreader. We are open not only to novices, but anyone who has been through it all and would like to share your precious wisdom.

bp_disc - Business Practices Discussion (bp_disc) is a specialized mailing list for the discussion of business practices in the translation / interpreting industry.

TranslationNews - This group is dedicated to the compilation and dissemination of news regarding the Translation industry, regardless of language. Anyone providing or outsourcing interpreting and translation services in any language is invited to join. Additional benefits to members - News provided by group members is syndicated via RSS/XML news feeds providing additional beneficial exposure and Google findability for their websites.

translation_subtitling - This group is intended for questions, jobs or announcements relating to subtitling of films and videos.

translationmarketplace - Translation marketplace is a group from translators and for translators. Jobs offers, projects, and help with translations.

translation-agencies - This list is a forum in which to raise any issue connected with the services rendered by translations agencies world-wide. This mailing list is moderated but any member of the list may post emails directly to the list as long as they are related to the above subject.

Linux_for_Translators - Discuss all things Linux, especially related to working from home as a freelancer (translator, writer, affiliate marketer etc). Post all questions related to translation, freelance work, open source software.

PolishTranslators - Group for Polish translators.

pl-p-t - Payment practices group for Polish translators.

Spanish_English_Translation_Help_Group - This group is for translators and others requiring assistance in translating difficult words, terms and expressions into Spanish/English. Feel free to join, Spanish English Translation Help Group members will be more than happy to provide you with translation suggestions.

Perevod - Perevod means translation in Russian. This group is for translators from/into Russian, people who need translation from/into Russian, people interested in Russian language & Russia.

arabicnexus - Arabic translators and interpreters unite!

ukrainiantranslation - Primarily a forum for translators to and from Ukrainian, UKRAINIANTRANSLATION welcomes queries, ideas and discussion on such topics as the practice and theory of translating and interpreting, terminology, cultural linguistics, translation software, payment practices and other items of interest to the Ukrainian translator community. Beginner translators and all those working with the Ukrainian language are also invited to participate. This group’s main working languages are English and Ukrainian.

greektranslation - The purpose of this group is to facilitate translation from and into Greek. Scholars, translators, agencies and individuals are welcome to post here.

Tarjama - Tarjama is a mailing list for all translators working to and from Arabic to discus anything pertaining to the language.

RusEnTran - A worldwide network for translators working in English > Russian and Russian > English pairs.

iraniantranslatorssociety - A place for discussing the issue of translation in Iran. Feel free to talk about any translation-related subject occuring to you, including (but in no way confined to) strengths and weaknesses of translation in Iran, an Iranian translator's career, helpful books, references, CDs and links, English and Persian literature, wrong (and sometimes funny!) translations, cultural-oriented problems of translating one language into another, etc.

Croatian_translators - This group is opened to translators as well as to agencies that are offering translation jobs from or into Croatian.

TranslationProLanguages - A group for translators, writers, teachers, and other language professionals.

uppermidwestata - A forum for language professionals in the upper Midwest
to communicate.

wwwsift - wwwsift is a forum for translators and other language specialists set up for the following purposes: Discussing the use of the glossary and parallel text search interfaces at (Languages currently supported: EN, IT, DE, FR, ES, PT etc. To request more languages, email the list owner); - Announcing and searching for the URLs of multilingual websites offering parallel texts; - Being informed of when an updated version of the Macros for Translators is available for download at

praca_dla_tlum - work for Polish translators.

French_translation - This group is dedicated to issues related to translation to and from French, including job opportunities.

mimancalangitmadre - Lista sostitutiva per i periodi di Blackout della lista madre di Langit.

basque_diasporaeuskera - Free euskera (Basque Language) course and discussion Basque language today's situation/ persecution in Occupied Navarre.

techtranslation - Technical Translators' Forum (TTF) is a specialized newsgroup that allows its members to exchange ideas about terms, issues etc. applied in the Technical Translation Industry.

tradukado - A group for Esperanto speakers. Postings in Esperanto only accepted.

sptranslators - This is a discussion group for professional translators of English to Spanish and Spanish to English. Discuss anything directly related to our profession: ethics, client problems, archaic/obscure words, rates, dictionaries, online resources, marketing yourself, education and accreditation, conferences, etc.

Israeli-Translators-Forum - The "Israeli Translators Forum" is for discussion and information exchange. The aim of the "Israeli Translators Forum" is to exchange information concerning language, glossaries, electronic and regular dictionaries, language related national and international workshops and seminars, CAT tools, DTP, translation jobs and other topics of general interest to translators trying to keep up with the innovations of our modern world.

vertalers - Vertalers van en naar alle talen zijn welkom. Je kunt er vertaalvragen stellen over termen en begrippen waar je zelf ondanks al je woordenboeken, encyclopedieën en internetzoektochten niet uitkomt, en gedachten uitwisselen over zaken als de nieuwe spelling, lokalisatie van cultuurgebonden begrippen, wat te doen tegen de oprukkende invloed van het Engels, en nog veel meer.

translation_marketplace - "World's New Language Solutions Marketplace" for supply and demand in all world languages for translation, interpreting, voice-over, localization, internationalization, copy-editing, proofreading...

foro - Este es un espacio para traductores profesionales que trabajan con las lenguas española y francesa, abierto a todo lo que se relacione con traducción entre ambas lenguas: la profesión, las herramientas, los recursos, la terminología, la lingüística...

termxchange - TermXchange is a vehicle to exchange glossaries, terminology materials, etc. used by translators in their own work. Materials made available in the Files section of the list should not be copyrighted or under restricted circulation. Any subscriber can place announcements of any materials available to him/her. Neither TermXchange nor the Moderators make any representation with regard to copyrights or other rights to any of the files or content provided on this discussion mailing list. Each individual poster warrants that the content provided by him/her is, to the best of his/her knowledge, free of any third party copyrights, and any other rights. The poster further warrants that the content provided can be exchanged and used freely. Being basically a vehicle for announcements and storage, TermXchange generates modest traffic.

translatingwomen - An email group designed to give budding, wannabe, and professional freelance and in-house women translators a place to share their unique concerns and issues. Discussion will focus on both work-related issues (such as networking, getting started in freelance translation, finding clients, etc.) to family and work/life balance issues. Single, married, divorced, those with children, those without - all women are welcome. Common list language is English, though any language combination is welcome. Welcome!

indonesiantranslation - Welcome to the Indonesian Translation Pool: Jobs, help and ideas sharing...

Spanish_English_Translation_Jobs - This group is prepared as a venue for job postings by Translation Agencies, professional organizations, and others looking for Spanish/English/Spanish translation specialists. If you have a job or assignment to be translated members of this group will be glad to discuss this with you. Spanish/English/Spanish translation professionals may also post their availability to this group.

legaltranslators - For legal translators of all languages. Court interpreters are also welcome.

targum - An open forum for translation professionals, in Israel and abroad, working into and out of Hebrew. Targum is a discussion forum for Hebrew <> foreign language queries, tools of the trade, job issues, interpreting, globalization/localization, and related matters.

indent - iNDENT - Internet list for Dutch-English Translators.

azridterps - AZRID is committed to the profession of interpreting.

translist - A forum for queries on English<>Spanish translation problems for professional English and Spanish translators translating into their mother tongue.

atn-apts - Arab Translators Network-Arab Professional Translators Society (ATN-APTS), headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon, is a virtual society operating through the Internet to help its members improve their skills, efficiency and income.

chinesetranslation - Ethnologue- Languages of the World says: "In today's world, there are 322,000,000 English-speaking people and 885,000,000 Chinese-speaking people." We invite people of similar interests to join the group to cover the world's need in Chinese Translation, Interpretation, Copywriting and Validation. The list will only be in English and Chinese.

foreign-language-jobs - This list is for people who work with foreign languages and those who want to work with foreign languages. Find translation, teaching and other bilingual employment opportunities. You can talk with people who have your same interest, find out about various internet resources available, or even find some employment opportunities.

german-translators - This e-mail group is for professional translators of German to English and English to German.

itia-ezine - This is a special announcements group only, whose purpose is to send an eZine - the monthly electronic internet magazine - the ITIA Bulletin - of the Irish Translators' and Interpreters' Association to you.

metafrasis - Looks like a group for Greek translators.

modlingua - Modlingua brings its students and language experts at a common platform to share information related to translation, jobs and language related events. This group is unique for being multlingual, multiculatural, intra -regional and International.

polyglottos - Polyglottos is an international working list for progressive translators and interpreters and their clients. It is built on a non-partisan basis and regardless of being the jobs free of charge or paid. Progressive movements and individual authors and activists everywhere often lack expertise in order to be heard by the world audiences and procurators to keep contacts outside their national borders. So, Polyglottos has a wide scope, since it not only deals with all kind of questions that may interest translators as such, but it also copes with the organization of international meetings, representation, procurement and topical research and consultations. This is also a forum for anyone out there trying to get a career started as a freelance translator, interpreter, proofreader or procurator.

pp_dist - Payment Practices list, a strictly moderated mailing list exclusively on the payment practices of clients in the translation and interpretation sector. Inquiries and replies follow a set form that also allows them to be cross-referenced and put into a database. Except on rare occasions when the moderator opens the forum for discussion of important singular issues, there is no discussion. Membership is open to all members of the translation and interpretation profession. Subscription to this list is by invitation only. To subscribe, please visit and review the group policies and then complete and submit the subscription form.

teraju - A moderated forum discussing Malay translation and Malay language, for translators and interpreters, as well as those interested in the language.

term - The TERM list hosts discussions regarding terminology and translation issues.

tinta-jauhari - Tinta Jauhari circle of Malay Translators. Concentrating not only on Malay translation issues, but on a more relax and fun approach regarding possible translation jobs opportunities, translation contest, problems, translators` life, everyday stories and experience; also guidance for fresh/junior translators.

translation_marketplace_direct_contact - This list is thought as a direct marketplace where clients (without intermediaries) can meet translators for freelance and inhouse jobs.

translation_marketplace_indirectcontact - This list is thought as an indirect translation marketplace where agencies (intermediaries) can call for offers from freelancers and agencies can meet direct clients.

translation_projects - In this group you may find information about new translation projects and jobs from around the world.

translatit - For those who want to find freelance translation jobs.

translators_forum - This is to be a forum for the exchange of views and experiences among translators and interpreters worldwide. So that the widest number of colleagues can participate, the language of communication is English. The forum is non-partisan regarding TA's, agencies vs. freelancers etc.

lantra-l - This is a forum for discussion of Interpreting (and) translation of natural languages.

it - Welcome to the Italian translators team. We need people, like you, who are ready to *work* in collaboration with us in translating messages into Italian for GNU programs, and maybe other Linux programs as well. We collectively seek high quality translations for Italian, using a common terminological basis which we'll develop as we go. You offer us a good knowledge of Italian, an open mind, and teamwork skills. We are happy to have you with us!

LanguagesAndMore - Post a comment about anything in any language...

bultrans - This eGroup aims to get together experience, problems, research efforts, and inventiveness of fellow translators into and from Bulgarian.

Translators-RedAlert-Hotline - The Translators Red Alert & Hotline mailing list has been set up to facilitate warning freelance translators and interpreters of tricksters and crooks in the translation arena.

transref - This list is created for Transref users to exchange ideas, views and interesting links. Rants and raves are also welcome.

hebtranslators - This list is intended for Hebrew Translators and Interpreters to discuss any issue relating to the profession, e.g., how to spell in Hebrew spelling, avoiding bad clients, who is a translator, anyway, etc'.

tws_english - Looks like a group for Turkish translators.

Transtopics - Transtopics is a discussion forum for professional translators, which is concerned with translation-related matters other than terminology queries (which are the subject matter of the companion list called Translist). Discreet job postings are accepted here (replies should go to poster or a third party, not to the list).

ITA2001 - Provides members of Israel Translators Association with the opportunity to be made aware of special events planned by the Association and offers from suppliers of goods and services made available to them; to discuss any translation-related matters and to propose ways in which the Association can better the lot of translators in Israel generally and give support to individual translators in time of need. The list is restricted to members of the Israel Translators Association.

RomLangTrans - Romanian translators and editors discussing language and translation related matters.

Subtitling - This list is for people interested in the noble art of subtitling: making audio-visual productions accessible to people who speak different language without interfering with the integrity of the original production (by dubbing). This list is for questions, problems, bloopers and discussion of what the future will bring (DVD, Internet, RealVideo captioning).

Déjà Vu Yahoo Group
Logiterm Yahoo Group

MetaTexis Yahoo Group

MultiTrans Yahoo Group

OmegaT Yahoo Group

SDLX Yahoo Group

Star Transit Yahoo Group

Swordfish Yahoo Group

Trados Yahoo Group

Wordfast Yahoo Group

Googlegroups for language professionals

Honyaku - The HONYAKU list is an exchange forum for professional and other translators working between Japanese and English, and people interested in the field. You do not have to understand Japanese to join, but many messages are written partially or entirely in Japanese. Anyone can become a member, but please remember that the list is designed for people working in the field. Spam will not be permitted, and continuing off-topic threads is actively discouraged. On the other hand, if you are interested in translation between Japanese and English, there are a lot of practicing professionals here, many of whom are happy to share their suggestions and knowledge.

Translation-Jobs  - Post your translation jobs here and receive answers and quotations from translators, linguists and translation agencies. Translation professionals - find jobs here! Everyone's invited! ;)

Translation - A discussion group created for the purpose of posting jobs for translators and interpreters. Jobs not related to translation, interpreting, or localization should not be posted.

transpayment - Translation agencies' payment practices.

Translation-Tools -Translation tools news, bugs, hints, tricks, help and support (Alchemy Catalyst, AnyCount, ATRIL DejaVu, CATCount, Cypresoft, Trans Suite 2000, Multilizer, MultiTrans, Passolo, Power Translator Pro, PractiCount, Projetex, SDLX, STAR, SYSTRAN, Trados, MultiTerm, Translation Office 3000).

translations - Pofessional translation services community.

ti_opps - A group for postings announcements of job opportunities for translators and interpreters.

language-translation - All things translation.

Translating - A group for those who translate.

Freelance-Translation - Group for freelance translators to discuss various topics.

Translation-Business - Group for anyone to discuss translation business issues.

Imed-Translation - Discussion of topics related to translation: English-Arabic.


arabswata - World Association of Arab Translators & Linguists - WATA

sci.lang.translation - Problems and concerns of translators/interpreters.

sci.lang - Natural languages, communication, etc.


correct-my-english - We want the members to help non-native members to correct their work. If somebody wants to inquire about some information about English language learning can do here, and the members try to answer it. We can send grammar, writing, reading and listening test to practice English language. - Teaching English to speakers of other languages.

alt.languages.english - Questions and answers about English language.

alt.language.spanish - Discussion of Spanish language. Translations.

alt.languages.french - Discussion of French language.

alt.usage.german - Questions and answers about German language.

alt.language.latin - Questions and answers about Latin language.

intepreterandtranslator - This group was created for the exchange of ideas and opinions between anyone wanting to discuss issues related to interpretation and translation or anyone interested in this profession.


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# 2488
Rosetta Stone and Translation Rates

# 2467
Translation - an Ageless Profession

# 2466
Have Language, Will Travel

# 2486
Почему так мало хороших переводов и хороших переводчиков?

# 2479
Average monthly wage in different European countries

# 2487
Two New Chinese Translations of Hamlet Introduced and Compared

# 2475
Linguistic history of the Indian subcontinent

# 2474
Languages with official status in India

# 2251
The Database: Your Most Valuable Asset!

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Which translation portal emails you the largest number of job notifications?

Poll # 087
Which one of the following sites has the most appealing color scheme?

Poll # 085
Do you charge a fine (interest) fee for every day of payment delay?

Poll # 083
Do you have licensed SDL Trados software installed at your computer?

Poll # 079
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Poll # 078
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Poll # 077
Is it necessary to learn translation theory in order to become a good translator?

Poll # 076
Will human translation be entirely replaced by machine translation in the future?

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