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Gaelic-English Dictionary / Faclair Gàidhlig - Beurla
(Starting with "P")

By Malcolm MacFarlane

Keyed in and verified at Sabhal Mór Ostaig,
the Gaelic college on the Island of Skye,
by Caoimhín Pádraig Ó Donnaíle and Ruth Melton


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[padhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, thirst

[Pàdruig] pnm. Patrick; also Pàdhruig, Para

[paidhir] nf. g. -reach; pl. -richean, a pair, couple, brace

[pàigh] va. pay, remunerate

[pàigheadh] nm. g.v. -idh, pay, paying, payment

[pailleart] nm. g.v. -eirt; pl.+an, a box on the ear, blow with the palm of the hand

[pàilliun] nm. g.v. -iuin; pl.+an, pavilion, tent

[pailte] a. plentiful, abundant

[pailteas] nm. g.v. -eis, plenty, abundance

[paipear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, paper

[pàirc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, park

[pàirt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, part, share, portion

[pàirtich] va. share, divide, impart, bestow

[pàisde] nm. pl.+an, child

[paisg] va. pasgadh, wrap, fold in, roll together

[pait] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a hump

[Pàl] pnm. g.v. Phàil, Paul; also Pòl

[pàlais] nf. pl.+ean, palace

[pàp] nm. g.+a; v. phàip; pl.+an, pope : am Pàp, the Pope

[Pàpanach] pnm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, a papist; a. papist

[Para] See Pàdruig

[pàrant] nm. pl.+an, parent

[Pàrlamaid] nf. pl.+ean, Parliament

[pathadh] See padhadh

[peabar] nm. g. -rach; v. -air; pl. -raichean, pepper

[peabraich] va. season with pepper

[peacach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, sinner

[peacadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, sin, a sin

[peacaich] va. sin, transgress, offend

[Peairt] pnf. Perth. Better Peirt

[peallach] a. shaggy, matted

[peallagach] a. shaggy, matted

[peanas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, punishment, penance

[peann] nm. g.v. pinn; pl.+tan, pen

[pearsa] nm. pl.+chan, person, anyone, bodily form

[pears-eaglais] nm. an ecclesiastic, clergyman

[peasair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, pease

[peasanachd] nf.ind. impertinence, impudence

[peighinn] nf. pl.+ean, penny

[Peigi] pnf. Peggy, pet form of Margaret

[peilear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, ball or bullet

[peilistear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, quoit, flat stone

[peilleart] See pailleart

[péin] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, pain, torment. See pian

[peirceall] nm. g.v. -ill; pl. -clean, jaw, jawbone

[peiteag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, waistcoat, short jacket

[peucag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, pea-hen

[peur] nf. g. péire; d. péir; pl.+an, pear

[peurdag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, partridge

[pian] nf. g.d. péin; pl.+tan, pain

[pian] va. cause pain, torment

[pig] nm. pl.+ean, peak (nautical term)

[pigeadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, earthen jar

[pill] va. turn, cause to turn

[pinnt] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, pint

[pìob] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, pipe; piob-mhàla, bagpipe

[pìobair] nm. pl.+ean, piper

[pioghaid] nf. pl.+ean, magpie

[piseach] nm. g.v. -ich, good fortune, prosperity, success, luck

[piseag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, kitten

[piuthar] nf. g. peathar; d. piuthair; pl. peathraichean, sister

[piutharail] a. sisterly

[placaid] nf. pl.+ean, wooden dish

[pladhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, a flash, sudden blaze

[plaide] nf. pl.+achan, blanket

[plàigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, plague

[plaosg] nm. g.v. plaoisg; pl.+an, husk, empty shell, outer skin of a vegetable, egg-shell

[plaosg] va. peel, skin, open the eyes, burst from the husk

[plath-lìn] nm. g.v. plaith-, a linen sheet

[ploc] nm. g.v. pluic; pl.+an, a large turf, clod, club with a round head, beetle for mashing potatoes, block of wood

[ploc] va. bruise, pound, mash, strike with a club

[plosg] nm. g. ploisg; pl.+an, throb of the heart, palpitation; sound of bursting

[plosg] vn. palpitate, throb, pant, gasp

[plosgartaich] nf. throbbing, starting, gasping

[plub] vn. plump, fall suddenly into water, give forth a noise as of liquid in a vessel

[plub] nm. g.v. pluib; pl.+an, sudden plunge, sound of a stone falling into water, sound of liquor in a vessel

[plubraich] nf. the noise of water being jumbled

[plùch] va. squeeze, press

[pluic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a cheek

[pobull] nm. g.v. -uill; pl.+an, people, tribe, congregation

[pòc] va. put into the pocket

[poca] nm. pl.+nnan, bag

[pòca] nm. pl.+nnan, pocket, pouch

[pòg] nf. g.d. pòig; pl.+an, a kiss

[poit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, pot : poit-chàil, kale pot

[pòit] nf. g.+e; drinking, tippling

[pòitear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, tippler, drunkard

[poll] nm. g.v. puill; pl.+an, mire, mud, pool, puddle

[pònair] nf. bean; beans, collectively

[ponc], [pong] See punc

[pongail] See puncail

[pòr] nm. g.v. pòir; pl.+an, seed, spore, race, pore of the skin

[port] nm. g.v. puirt; pl. puirt, tune on a musical instrument : port a beul, a dance tune sung to doggerel

[portair] nm. pl.+ean, a porter, ferryman, gatekeeper

[Port-an-eilein] pnm. Portanellan

[pòs] va. marry, perform the marriage ceremony

[pòsadh] n. and v.n. g. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, marrying, marriage

[pòsda] a. married

[post] va. tramp with the feet

[post] nm. g.v. puist; pl.+achan, pillar, post

[post] and [posta] nm. g.v. puist; pl.+achan, post, letter carrier

[postachd] nf.ind. the business of the post office

[pràbar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, the rabble

[pràmh] nm. g.v. pràimh, slumber, slight sleep, dejection

[prasach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aich; manger, crib

[preas] nm. g.v. pris; pl.+an, bush, shrub

[preasarnach] nf. g.d. -aich, shrubbery

[priobadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, winking, twinkling

[prìomh] a. prime, chief, principal

[prionnsa] nm. pl.+chan, prince

[prionnsa-fuadain] nm. fugitive prince; inflected on the first element

[prìosan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, prison

[prìosanach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, prisoner

[prìosanaich] va. imprison

[prìs] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, price, respect

[prìseil] a. valuable, precious

[prìne] nm. pl.+achan, pin for fixing clothes (L.Sc. preen)

[prìnich] va. secure with pins

[probhaist] nm. pl.+ean, provost

[pròis] nf. g.+e, pride, haughtiness

[pròiseil] a. prideful, haughty

[pronn] va. pound, mash, bray

[pronnasg] nm. g.v. -aisg, brimstone, sulphur

[pùc] va. push, jostle

[puinneag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, sucker

[puinsean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, poison

[puist] See post

[pulag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, round stone, ball, pedestal

[punc] nm. g.v. puinc; pl.+an, point or stop, note in music

[puncail] a. distinct, exact, accurate

[pund] nm. g.v. puind; pl. puind, pound

[purgadair] nm. pl.+ean, purifier, purgatory

[purgaid] nf. pl.+ean, a purge

[purr] va. push, thrust, drive, urge, butt, strike with the head

[put] va. push, thrust, strike with the head, butt

[putag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, oar pin, thowl

[putan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a button

[puth] nf.ind. pl.+an, a puff

[puthag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a little puff

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