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Gaelic-English Dictionary / Faclair Gàidhlig - Beurla
(Starting with "B")

By Malcolm MacFarlane

Keyed in and verified at Sabhal Mór Ostaig,
the Gaelic college on the Island of Skye,
by Caoimhín Pádraig Ó Donnaíle and Ruth Melton


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[b'] for : bu, was, were, wert; would be

[bà] See bó

[bac] va. hinder, restrain

[bac] nm. pl.+an, hindrance, restraint

[bacadh] v.n. hindering, restraining, retarding

[bacan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain and +an, tether, stake; door hinge

[bad] nm. pl.+an, tuft, bunch, cluster : ann ad bhad, attacking you : bad-mullaich, top tuft

[badan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little tuft, bunch or cluster

[bagaid] nf. pl.+ean, cluster, bunch, as of nuts

[bagair] va. +t, and -radh, threaten

[bagairt] v.n. threatening; a threat

[bagradh] v.n. threatening; a threat

[baidealach] a. battlemented, clouding, looming

[Bàideanach] pnm. g.v. -aich, Badenoch

[bàidh] nf. g. -e, benignity, kindness

[bàidheach] a. kindly disposed

[bàidheil] a. benign, humane, kind

[bàigh] See bàidh

[bailbh] See balbh

[baile] nm. pl. bailtean, town, township

[Baile-chuidir] pnm. Balquhidder; also, Both-chuidir

[baile-mòr] nm. pl. bailtean-mòra, city, large town

[b' àill] for : bu àill, in phrases: b' àill leam, I would that, etc.

[bàillidh] nm. pl.+ean, bailiff, magistrate, (L.Sc. bailie)

[bàine] nf.ind. paleness, whiteness, fairness

[bàinidh] nf.ind. fury, rage, great excitement

[bainne] nm.ind. milk

[bainnse] See banais

[baintighearn] nf. pl.+an, gentlewoman

[bàir] nm. g. -e; pl.+ean, a game, goal

[bàirlinn] nf. pl.+ean, warning, summons of removal

[bàirneach] nf. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, limpet

[baist] va. baptize

[baisteadh] v.n. baptising, baptism

[balach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, clown, fellow, lad

[balachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little lad

[balbh] a. dumb, silent

[balbhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, dumb person

[balg] nm. g.v. builg; pl. builg, leather bag, wallet, belly; blister on skin

[balgair] nm. pl.+ean, fox; impudent person

[balgam] nm. g.v. -aim; pl.+annan, mouthful of liquor

[balgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, little bag, little blister

[balgan-béice] nm. g.v. -ain-bh-; pl. -ain-bh-, fuzz ball

[ball] nm. g.v. buill; pl. buill, limb, member, ball, spot : air ball, at once, immediately

[balla] nm. pl.+chan, wall

[ballan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, wooden domestic vessel, tub

[ball-chrith] nf. trembling with terror

[Baltair] pnm. Walter

[bàn] a. white, pale, wan, fair-haired : am bàn, the untilled part of a field being tilled, in opposition to the ploughed part, called : an dearg, `the red'

[ban-] she-, female-; pref. to impart femininity to names of males; corresponds to -ess

[banachag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, dairymaid

[bànag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, grilse

[banail] a. -ala, womanly, feminine

[banais] nf. g. bainnse; pl. bainnsean, wedding, marriage

[banaltrum] nf. g.d. -uim; pl.+an, nurse

[banarach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aich, dairymaid

[banas-tighe] nm. g. banais-thighe, housewifery

[ban-chéile] nf. spouse, wife

[ban-diùc] nf. pl.+an, duchess

[bann] nm. g.v. boinn; pl. boinn, band, belt, cord; hinge; girth

[bann-aideachaidh] nm. receipt; inflected on first element

[bann-dìdein] nm. safe-conduct, bond of safety; inflected on the first element

[banntrach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, widow, widower

[ban-righinn] and [ban-rìgh] nf. pl.+ean, queen

[baoth] a. foolish, unwise, stupid

[bara] nm. pl.+chan, barrow : bara-rotha, wheelbarrow

[barail] nf. g. -alach; pl. -alaichean, opinion, conjecture

[baraille] nf. pl.+an, barrel

[baran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, baron

[barantas] nm. g.v. -ais, warranty, authority, security

[bàrd] nm. g.v. bàird; pl. bàird, bard, poet

[bàrdachd] nf.ind. poetry

[bàrr] nm. g. -a; pl. barran, top, point; crop; superiority : a bhàrr, from off : toirt bàrr air, excelling it or him

[Barra] pnm. Barra (Hebrides)

[barrach] nm. g.v. -aich, top branches of trees

[barrachd] nf.ind. surplus, superiority, excess; more : a bharrachd air, over and above, beyond

[barrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, scum on the surface of liquid; cream

[barraibh] See bàrr

[barraichte] a. surpassing, pre-eminent

[barr-iall] nm. g.v. -eill; pl.+an, shoe latchet, thong (L.Sc. whang)

[bas] nf. g. boise; d. bois; pl.+an, palm of the hand, lower part of shinty club

[bàs] nm. g.v. bàis, death

[bàsaich] vn. die, perish, wither

[bas-bhualadh] nm. clapping the hands, from joy or grief; inflected on second element

[bata] nm. pl.+chan, staff, cudgel

[bàta] nm. pl.+ichean, boat

[bàth] va. drown, quench, slake

[bàthach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, byre, cow house

[bathais] nm. pl.+ean, forehead

[bathar] nm. g.v. -air, wares, goods, merchandise

[beach] nm. g.+a; v. bheich; pl.+an, bee

[beachd] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, opinion, observance, perception, view, judgment : am beachd, of the opinion: thar a beachd, out of her wits : gabhail beachd, noticing: is beachd leam, I am of the opinion

[beachdachadh] v.n. observation, thinking, studying

[beachdaich] va. observe, mark, pay attention to

[beachdail] a. observant

[beachd-smaoinich] va. muse, meditate, contemplate

[beach-lann] nm. g.v. -lainn; pl.+an, bee-hive

[beadaidh] a. petulant, capricious, fastidious, impudent

[beadarrach] a. coaxing, cajoling, fond, sportive, pampered, caressed

[beadradh] v.n. fondling, caressing

[beag] a. bige and lugha, small, little : ach beag, all but

[beaga] See beag

[beagaich] va. lessen, diminish

[beagan] nm. g.v. -ain, a little, a few, small number or quantity

[beairt] See beart

[beairteach] See beartach

[bealach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, pass, gap, defile

[bean] nf. g. mnatha; d. mnaoi; v. bhean; pl. mnathan; ban, wife, woman

[bean] va.+tainn and +ailt, touch, handle, meddle

[beanag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a little woman

[beanailt] v.n. touching

[bean-bainnse] nf. bride; inflected as bean is, but usually ind.

[beann] nm. top, horn, peak, also of beinn

[beannachd] nm. pl.+an, blessing, benediction

[beannaich] va. bless

[bean-phòsda] nf. married woman; inflected as bean is, but usually ind.

[bean-tighe] nf. housewife, inflected as bean is, but usually ind.

[bean-uasal] nf. gentlewoman, lady; inflected on both elements

[bèarn] nf. g.v. bèirn; pl.+an, gap, breach, notch

[bèarr] va. shear, shave, clip, prune

[bearradair] nm. pl.+ean, barber

[bearradaireachd] nf.ind. clipping, shaving, shearing, pruning; the occupation of a barber; satirising, repartee

[bearradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, precipice, edge of precipice

[Bearruig] pnf. Berwick

[beart] nf. g.d. beirt; pl.+an, deed, action, tackling, device, engine, machine, gear

[beartach] a. rich, wealthy

[beartaich] va. equip, harness, adjust

[beart-itealaich] nf. flying machine; inflected on the first element

[beatha] nf. pl.+annan, life, livelihood : 's e do bheatha, you are welcome

[beathach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, animal, beast

[Beathag] pnf. g.d. -aig, usually given as the equivalent of Sophia

[beathaich] va. feed, maintain, sustain

[beic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a curtsey (L.Sc. beck)

[beiceartaich] nf.ind. a continuous becking or bobbing

[beil] va. grind

[beinn] nf. g.+e; pl. beanntan, beann, mountain

[beir] va.irr. beirsinn, take hold of, bring, bring forth, produce, catch

[béist] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, beast

[beithe] nm. birch, birch tree

[beò] a. alive, living

[beò] nm. living creature

[beòil] See beul

[beòir] nf. g.+e, beer, ale

[beòlach] nm. g.v. -aich, red hot part of fire

[beothach] See beathach

[beothaich] va. kindle, light, revive, re-animate

[beòthail] a. lively, active, vigorous

[beuban] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, anything mangled or spoiled

[beuc] nm. pl.+an, roar, bellow

[beucaich] nf. roaring, bellowing

[beud] nm. pl.+an, hurt, injury, harm, mischief

[beul] nm. g.v. beòil; pl. beòil, mouth, opening

[beulaibh] ind. (really a dative plural of beul), front side

[beul-aithris] nf. oral tradition

[beul-mór] nm. boat's gunwale; inflected on both elements

[beum] nm. g.+a; v. bhèim; pl.+annan, stroke, cut, blow, taunt

[beum] va. strike, taunt, reproach; ring by striking

[beurla] nf.ind. a language : a' bheurla Shasunnach, the Eng. language

[beus] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, conduct, habit, behaviour, virtue

[beusach] a. well-behaved, virtuous, moral

[Beutan] surname, Beaton

[bh'] for : bha, before vow., was, wert, were

[bha] sv.irr. was, wert, were

[bhàrr] phr. for : a bhàrr, off, from

[bheil] sv.irr. for feil, am, art, are, is

[bheir] va.irr. will bring, will take, will give

[bheireadh] va.irr. would bring, would take, would give

[bhi] sv. will be, aspirated form of bi after cha : cha bhi, shall or will not be

[bhiodh] for : bhitheadh

[bhios] for : bhitheas

[bhith] v.n. in phr. : a bhith, to be; usually: a bhi

[bhitheadh] sv.irr. would or should be

[bhitheas] sv. will or shall be

[bho] prep. from; since; also : o

[bhos] in the phrase : a bhos, on this side, here; this: an taobh bhos, the near side

[bhrìgh] for : do bhrìgh, phr., on account of

[bhuaibh] prep.pron. from you, pl.

[bhuaidh] prep.pron. from him

[bhuainn] prep.pron. from us

[bhuaipe] prep.pron. from her

[bhuait] prep.pron. from you, s.

[bhuam] prep.pron. from me

[bhuapa] prep.pron. from them

[bhur] poss.pron. your; precedes n. beginning with con.

[bhur n-] poss.pron. your; precedes n. beginning with vow.

[bi] and [bì] sv.irr. be : bi falbh, begone

[biadh] nm. g. bìdh; pl.+an, food

[biadh] va. feed, maintain, nourish

[biadhta] a. fed, fatted

[bian] nm. g.v. béin; pl.+tan, skin of animals, rarely of human beings, hide

[bidean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, pinnacle, apex

[bìdh] See biadh

[bidh] for : bithidh

[bidhis] nf. pl.+ean, vice, screw

[big] nm. pl. of beag : na big, the young, the little folks

[bigead] nf. smallness

[bìgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, chirp

[bigeanan] `tewkies'; chickens

[bìgeil] nf.ind. chirping, squeaking

[bigid] a. the less of

[bile] nf. pl.+an, lip, edge, rim

[bileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, leaflet, blade

[binn] a. melodious, musically sweet

[binn] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, sentence of condemnation, verdict, judgment

[binnean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, pinnacle, apex

[binneas] nm. g.v. -eis, musical sweetness, melody

[bìobull] nm. g.v. -uill; Bible

[biod] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a pointed top

[biodag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, dirk, dagger (L.Sc. bittock)

[biodh] for bitheadh

[bìog] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a chirp, little squeak, or squeal

[biolaire] nf.ind. water cresses

[bior] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, stake, spit, pin, prickle, thorn, pointed stick, stick of furniture

[biorach] a. sharp, pointed, peaked

[bioradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, a sting

[bioran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little stick, staff

[birlinn] nf. pl.+ean, galley, bark, pleasure boat

[bith] nf.ind. world, existence : 'sam bith, air bith, at all = in or on, the world

[bìth] nf. g. -e, gum, resin, pitch, tar

[bìth] a. quiet, tranquil, silent

[bith-bhuan] a. everlasting, eternal

[bitheadh] sv.irr. let be

[bitheanta] a. frequent, often : gu bitheanta, adv.phr. same meanings

[bitheantas] nm. g.v. -ais, frequency : am bitheantas, frequently, often

[biùthaidh] nm. pl.+ean, hero, foe

[biùthas] nm. g.v. -ais, fame, reputation

[bladh] nm. g.v. blaidh, essence, juice, meaning; renown, fame

[blais] va. blasad, taste

[blàr] nm. g.v. blàir; pl. blàir and +an, field, ground, battle-field

[blàr] a. whitefaced, white spotted on face, as animal

[blàr-mòine] nm. peat moss; inflected like blàr on the first element

[blas] nm. g.v. blais; pl.+an, taste, savour, flavour

[blasad] nm. g. -aid, a taste, tasting

[blasda] a. savoury, tasty, delicious

[blasdachd] nf.ind. savouriness, sweetness, tastefulness

[blàth] a. warm, kind, tender

[blàth] nm. g.v. blàith; pl.+an, bloom, blossom, flower

[blàthach] nf. g.v. -aich, buttermilk

[blàthaich] va. and vn. warm

[blàths] nm. g.v. blàiths, warmth

[bleid] nf. g.+e, impertinence, soliciting

[bleideil] a. impertinent, troublesome

[bleith] va. bleith, grind, sharpen on a grindstone, grinding

[bleoghainn] va. -ann, milk, draw milk

[bleoghann] v.n. milking

[bliadhna] nf. pl. bliadhnachan, year

[bliadhnail] a. yearly, annually

[blian] a. lean, insipid

[blianach] nf. g.d. -aich, carrion, lean carcase, lean flesh : eòin bhlianach, birds of prey

[bligh] va. milk, draw milk

[bliochd] nf.ind. milk, produce of cows

[bloigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+dean or +ean, large fragment of anything

[blonag] nf. g.d. -aig, fat, suet, lard

[blosg] va. and vn. sound a horn, explode

[bó] nf. g. boine; d. boin; v. bhó; pl. bà; bó, bhó, cow

[boc] nm. g.v. buic; pl. buic, buck, he-goat, roe-buck

[bòcan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, hobgoblin

[bochd] a. +a, poor, sick

[bochd] nm. pl.+an, poor person

[bochdainn] nf.ind. poverty

[bodach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, old man, carle; mutchkin

[bodhar] a. buidhre, deaf; also nm. g.v. -air; pl. -air, deaf person

[bog] va. dip

[bog] a. buige, soft, moist, wet, damp

[bogaich] va. soften, moisten

[bogha] nm. pl.+chan, bow, arch

[bogha-frois] nm. pl. -achan-f-, rainbow

[boghainn] nf. pl.+ean, body

[boglach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aich, bog, marsh, swamp

[bogsa] nm. pl.+chan, box

[boiceann] nm. g.v. -inn; pl.+an, goat skin

[bóid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, vow, oath

[bòidhchead] nf. g.d. -eid, degree of beauty

[bòidheach] a. bòidhche, pretty, beautiful (L.Sc. bonnie)

[bóidich] va. vow, swear

[boil] nf. g.+e, madness, fury, rage, passion

[bòilich] nf. boasting, bouncing, bombast

[boin] and [boine] of a cow. See bó

[boineid] nf. pl.+ean, bonnet

[boineid-bhiorach] nf. pl. -ean-biorach, Glengarry bonnet

[boinne] nf. pl.+achan, drop of liquid : boinne taig, rain-drop

[boireann] a. female, feminine

[boireannach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, female, woman

[bois] See bas

[boiteag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, maggot

[boitean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, bundle of hay or straw (L.Sc. buttle)

[boladh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, smell, stink

[bolg] nm. g.v. builg; pl. builg, bag, budget, belly

[bonn] nm. g.v. buinn; pl. buinn, sole, foundation, bottom; coin : bonn-a-sè, halfpenny (L.Sc. bawbee): bonn-a-h-ochd, an old Scots coin

[bonnach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, a cake (L.Sc. bannock)

[borb] a. buirbe, fierce, savage, passionate

[borbhan] nm. g.v. -ain, purling sound, murmur

[borbnaich] va. and vn. swell with anger

[bòrc] va. spring, sprout, bud

[bòrd] nm. g.v. bùird; pl. bùird, table, plank, board

[bòsd] nm. g.+a, a boast, boasting language

[bòsdair] nm. pl.+ean, boaster

[bothan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, hut, bothy

[Both-chanan] place name and surname, Buchanan

[bòtuinn] nf. pl.+ean, a boot

[botul] nm. g.v. -uil; pl. -uil, bottle

[brà] nf. g. brà and brathann; pl. bràthntan, quern, handmill : brà-bhrugh, fairy quern

[brach] va. and vn. ferment, malt

[bradach] a. thievish, thieving

[bradan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, salmon

[bragh] nm. g. -a; pl.+an, explosion, burst, peal

[bràghad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, neck, throat

[braich] nf. g. bracha, malt, fermented grain

[Braid-albann] pnf. Breadalbane

[bràighe] nm. g. bràghad; pl.+achan, the upper part of a thing or place

[Bran] pnm. g.v. Brain, a dog's name

[braoileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, whortleberry

[braoisg] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a grin

[braon] nm. g.v. braoin; pl. braoin, a drop

[bras] a. active, rash, impetuous, quick, keen, vehement

[brat] nm. g.v. brait; pl.+an, mantle, covering, veil, apron

[bratach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, banner, flag

[brath] nm. g.+a, knowledge, information, word; intention, design : a' brath, intending

[bràth] nm. g.+a, judgment, ever : gu bràth, ever

[bràth] va. betray, deceive

[bràthair] nm. g. -ar; pl. bràithrean, brother

[bràthaireil] a. brotherly

[brat-ùrlair] nm. carpet; inflected on the first element as brat

[breab] va. kick, spurn

[breab] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a kick

[breac] a. brice, speckled, spotted

[breac] va. checker, speckle; pick, as a mill stone

[breac] nm. g.v. bric; pl. bric, trout

[breac] nf. g.d. bric : a' bhreac, smallpox

[breac an t-sìl] nm. water wagtail; inflected on first element

[breacag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, pancake, thin cake, scone

[breacan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, plaid

[breac-dhonn] a. -dhuinne, brown spotted

[breac-dhubh] a. -dhuibhe, black spotted

[breacnaich] va. checker, make spotted

[breac-ruadh] a. -ruaidhe, red spotted

[brèagha] a. fine, splendid, beautiful (L.Sc. braw)

[breamas] nm. g. -ais, mischief, mishap

[Breatunn] nm. g. -uinn, Britain; Breatunnach, a Briton; a. British

[bréid] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, kerchief, napkin, piece of cloth, patch

[bréineach] a. corrupt, stinking

[breisleach] nm. g.v. -ich, confusion, delirium

[breislich] va. rave, talk nonsense

[breith] va.irr. See beir; bearing, birth, begetting, catching

[breith] nf. g. -e; pl.+ean, judgment, decision, opinion

[breitheamh] nm. g.v. -eimh; pl.+an, a judge

[breitheanas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, judgement, decision

[breithnich] va. conceive, apprehend

[breòite] v.a. infirm, frail, feeble

[breug] nf. g.d. bréig; pl.+an, lie, falsehood

[breug] va. soothe, amuse, cajole, entice

[breugach] a. lying, given to falsehood

[breugair] nm. pl.+ean, liar

[breugnaich] va. falsify, bely, gainsay

[breun] a. bréine, stinking, loathsome, putrid

[briagha] See brèagha

[briathar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -ran, word, saying

[briathrach] a. talkative, wordy, loquacious

[briathrachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, vocabulary, dictionary, word-book

[briathran] See briathar

[brìb] va. bribe, corrupt

[bric] See breac

[bricean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, small trout

[bricean-beithe] nm. g.v. -ein-bh-; pl. -einean-b-, chaffinch, linnet

[brìdean] nm. g. -ein; pl. -einean, sea piet

[brìgh] nf. g.+e, pith, power, essence, sap, nourishment, meaning

[brigis] See briogais

[brìodal] nm. g.v. -ail, caressing, courting, lovers' language

[briogais] nf. pl.+ean, breeches (L.Sc. breeks)

[briosgaid] nf. pl.+ean, biscuit

[bris] va. break, fracture

[briseadh] v.n. breaking : briseadh na fàire, break of dawn

[brisg] a. brittle

[broc] nm. g.v. bruic; pl. bruic, a badger

[brocair] nm. pl.+ean, fox-hunter

[brochan] nm. g.v. -ain, porridge, gruel

[bròg] nf. g. bròige; pl.+an, shoe

[brogach] nm. sturdy boy or young lad

[broilleach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, breast, bosom, front

[bròn] nm. g.v. bròin, grief, sorrow

[brònach] a. grieved, sorrowful

[brosnaich] va. encourage, stimulate, incite

[brot] nm. g.+a, broth

[brù] nf. g.d. broinn; v. bhrù; pl. bronnan, belly

[bruach] nf. g.d. bruaich; pl.+an, bank, brink, small extent of rising ground

[bruadair] vn. -ar, dream

[bruadar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, a dream

[bruaich] See bruach

[bruaillean] nm. g.v. -ein, vexation; confusion

[bruailleanach] a. confounding, vexing

[brùchd] va. belch, burst forth, sally

[brù-dhearg] nm. g. brù-dheirge; pl.+an, red-breast, robin

[brugh] nm. g. bruighne; v. bhruigh; pl. bruighean, large house, tumulus, fairy residence

[bruich] va. boil, cook, prepare food, roast

[bruich] a. boiled, roasted, ready as food

[brùid] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, brute

[bruideadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, stab, thrust

[bruidhinn] va. bruidhinn, speak, talk

[bruidhinn] nf. g. bruidhne, talking, conversing, conversation

[bruidhneach] a. talkative, garrulous

[bruidhneadh] See bruidhinn

[Brus] surname, Bruce

[brùth] va. bruise, pound, crush

[bruthach] nm. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, acclivity, ascent (L.Sc. brae)

[bruthainneach] a. warm, sultry

[bu] was, were, wert, would be, 'twere

[buabhall] nm. g.v. -aill; pl.+an, buffalo, unicorn; cowstall

[buadhair] nm. pl.+ean, conqueror, victor

[buadhmhor] a. victorious, valorous

[buachaille] nm. pl.+an, herdsman, cowherd

[buachailleachd] nf.ind. herding

[buachar] nm. g.v. -air, cow dung

[buadh] nf. g. buaidhe; d. buaidh; pl.+an or +annan, virtue, attribute, good quality

[buadhaich] va. overcome, conquer, prevail

[buaic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean; wick of candle or lamp

[buaidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, victory, success : thoir buaidh air, overcome

[buail] va. bualadh, strike, smite, thrash

[buaile] nf. pl. -tean, fold for cattle, pen

[buailinn] See buail

[buailtear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, thrasher

[buain] va. buain, mow, reap, pluck, cut down; win, as grass

[buaine] a. more durable, more lasting. See buan

[buair] va. tempt, vex, provoke, annoy, disturb

[buaireadh] nm. g. -idh; pl. -idhean, temptation, annoyance, trouble, distraction

[buaireas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl.+an, tumult, confusion, trouble, disturbance, temptation

[buamastair] nm. pl.+ean, vain boaster, noisy fool

[buan] a. lasting, durable, long

[buanaich] vn. last, abide, persevere, endure

[buannachdail] a. -ala, profitable, beneficial

[buannachdala] a. more profitable, more beneficial

[buannachd] nf.ind. profit, gain, benefit

[buannaich] va. gain, profit, win, benefit

[buarach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, cowfetter

[bucaid] nf. pl. -ean, bucket

[buclaich] va. buckle

[budagoc] nm. g.v. -agoic; pl.+an, snipe

[buideal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl. -eil, cask, anker, bottle

[buidhe] a. yellow

[buidheach] a. thankful, well pleased : tha mi buidheach dhiot, I am thankful to you

[buidheann] nf. g. buidhne; d. -inn; pl. -nean, a company

[buidhinn] va. buidhinn, win, acquire, gain

[buidseachd] See buitseachd

[buil] nf. g.+e, effect, use, issue

[buileach] a. complete, entire : gu buileach, quite, entirely, wholly, altogether

[builich] va. bestow, dispose, put to use

[builg] g. and pl. of bolg, bellows, bags

[builgean] nm. g. -ein; pl. -einean, blister, pimple, bubble

[buille] nf. pl.+an, blow, knock

[buillsgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, centre, middle

[buin] va. buntainn, deal with, belong to : do'm buineadh, to whom belonged

[buinne] nf. pl.+achan, rapid current, choppy sea

[bùir] va. roar, bellow, as deer or bull

[buirbe] a. fiercer, more savage, more passionate; see borb

[bùird] See bòrd

[bùirdeiseach] nm. -eich; pl. -eich, burgess, freeman

[bùirean] nm. g.v. -ein, a bellow, roar

[bùirich] nf. roaring, bellowing

[buitseach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, witch

[buitseachd] nf.ind. witchcraft

[bun] nm. g.v. buin; pl. buin and +an, root, stock, bottom-end, stump

[bunait] nm. pl.+ean, foundation

[Bun-an-t-sléibh] place name, `Mountain foot'

[bun-os-cionn] phr. upside down, topsy-turvy

[buntainn] v.n. belonging to, touching, referring, referring to

[buntàta] nm. potato, potatoes regarded collectively

[bùrn] nm. g.v. bùirn, fresh water

[burraidh] nm. pl.+ean, or -nean, blockhead, fool

[bus] nm. g.v. buis; pl. buis, mouth of an animal; (in a ludicrous sense) mouth of a man

[bùth] nm. g. -a; v. bhùith; pl. bùithean, bùthan or bùthannan, tent, booth, shop

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