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The Guide to Translation and Localization: Translation and Localization Glossary

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A standard bit-mapped graphics format used in Windows. Files end with .BMP extension.


Graphics Interchange Format. A bit-mapped graphics file format used by the World Wide Web. It features lossless data compression and is best for computer-generated, nonphotographic images. Files end with .GIF extension. (See also Lossless.)

.h and .hpp files

Header files. These are files used in programming (typically C/C++) to identify and define common items used throughout the program.


Joint Photographic Experts Group. A lossy compression-type graphics format for color files. Can compress files to 5% of their original size with (some) loss of picture quality. Best for photographic images. Files end with JPG extension. (See also Lossy.)


Microsoft platform for applications that work over the Internet.


A graphics file format used by PC graphics applications. This widely used file format employs lossless compression. Files end with .PCX extension. (See also Lossless.)


Portable Document Format. A file format created by Adobe Acrobat, primarily for read-only use with Acrobat Reader. Can be edited with the full version of Acrobat. PDF files capture formatting and layout data from files created with another application, allowing others without that source application to view properly formatted documents via Acrobat Reader on any system supported by Acrobat Reader. Files end with .PDF extension.

.SHG files

Bitmaps with a hotspot overlay. (See also Hotspot.)


Tagged Image File Format. Widely used file format for storing bit-mapped images on both PC and Macintosh platforms. Commonly used for scanned images. Files end with TIF extension.

Active Server Page (ASP)

An HTML page where one or more scripts are processed by an MS server prior to the page being displayed to the user.


A Microsoft program development technology that allows data to be shared among different applications. Conceptually similar to Java, ActiveX has a significant presence in Web-based applications.


A linking macro provided in WinHelp that allows jumps based on keywords rather than specific context strings. A-links do not have to be localized. A-links are never seen by the end-user and are used only by the help system.


American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard for assigning numerical values to the set of letters in the Roman alphabet and typographic characters.

Back translation

The process of translating a document that has already been translated into another language back to the original language - preferably by an independent translator.


A writing system in which text is generally flush right, and most characters are written from right to left, but some text is written left to right as well. Arabic and Hebrew are the only bidirectional writing systems in current use.


Binary hexidecimal. A widely-used encoding scheme that converts binary data into ASCII characters. BinHex encoding is especially common on MAC platforms. Files end with .HQX extension.


A graphic for which the color of each pixel is defined by one or more bits (1 bit for black/white, 4 bits for 16 colors, 8 bits for 256 colors, etc.).

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

A way of implementing styles in HTML or XML. By combining the styles from several sheets, or using specific rules to override general rules, you can "cascade" the information across multiple pages.

Call out

A small text box referring to an element or feature in a graphic.


Computer Aided Translation. A broad term used to describe computer applications that automate and assist with the act of translating text from one language to another. CAT tools are highly effective in improving translation productivity and quality (e.g., Trados Workbench and associated utilities).

Central European (CE) fonts

Specific fonts used for displaying Central and Eastern European languages.


A symbol standing for the smallest abstract component of a writing system or script, including sounds, syllables, notions or elements, as opposed to glyphs. (See also Glyph.)


Depending on the level in which it is stored, this term is used to describe a subset of content stored in a Content Management System (CMS). A Chunk can be a word, phrase, sentence or paragraph. Chunks are combined by the CMS to create a document. (See also Content Management System.)


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black. A color model in which all colors are described as a mixture of these four process colors. CMYK is the standard color model used in offset printing for full-color documents. Also called four-color printing. (See also RGB.)


Converting a program written in a high-level programming language from source code into object code. Source code must be compiled before it becomes an executable program. (See also Decompiling.)

Computer code

The computer readable code that makes up a program. Also called object code or machine language. (See also Executable.)


A programming method used to avoid creating a number of repetitive messages by starting with a base sentence containing variables that grab the desired elements when the software is run.

Content Management System (CMS)

Tools that automate the process of storing, creating, maintaining, publishing, and updating content so that users can subsequently find and retrieve large amounts of data. There are many different CMSs available on the market but many of them are not true CMSs but rather file management systems. A true CMS allows authors to place their content in a centralized system that is shared across the organization. This content can then be re-used amongst authors and the content can be published to many different formats including Documentation, Help, Web, etc. (See also Globalization Management System.)

Corpus (plural corpora)

A large body of natural language text used for accumulating statistics on natural language text. Corpora often include extra information such as a tag for each word indicating its part-of-speech and perhaps the parse tree for each sentence. Also, a large body of source-language text used for a translation.


Trimming the edges of a graphic to make it fit or to remove unwanted sections.

Cultural assessment

Analyzing an individual's cultural preferences through comparative analyses. Allows individuals to acquire the awareness and knowledge necessary for building effective skills and behavioral adaptations for multicultural management and business.

Cultural orientation

Developing cultural self-awareness and effective behavioral strategies to minimize the cultural gaps that occur when contrasting value orientations of different social groups.


An organized collection of data managed by a program that allows users to add, delete, and change the data. (See also DBMS.)


Double-Byte Enabling. Re-engineering original source code to support the input, display, and manipulation of double-byte language character sets.


Database Management System. This program enables users to manage and utilize a database. It is the interface that facilitates a multi-user system; it also tracks where data is stored in the storage media so that other programs do not have to duplicate this information.

DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture)

An XML-based architecture for authoring, producing and delivering technical information. This architecture consists of a set of design principles for creating "information-typed" modules at a topic level and for using that content in delivery modes such as online help and product support portals on the web.


Opposite of compiling. Changing an application from computer code back into source code. Sometimes referred to as reverse engineering. (See also Compiling.)

Dialog boxes

The rectangular windows used by a program to display information or request information in a User Interface (Ul) (Windows or Mac).


Dynamic Link Library. A file that contains executable functions or data for applications. Several DLLs come with Windows and are used by many applications, others are written for specific applications. Files end with .DLL extension.

Dots Per Inch (DPI)

A common measurement of resolution used in printing to describe the density of an image or character. Refers to the number of dots of ink a printer is able to print per square inch. In general, the higher the DPI, the higher the quality of the printed image.

Double-byte character

A character defined with two bytes (16 bits) instead of one byte (8 bits).

Double-byte enabled

A program that can handle double-byte languages. (See also DBE.)

Double-byte languages

Languages that are coded with two bytes of information for each character, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean; as opposed to English, for example, which requires only one byte of information for each letter.


Specialized programs that allow communication between peripherals (printers, scanners, video cards, etc.) and the computer.

Dynamic content

Data or content of a Web site that is stored in a database and is supplied to the user on the fly, based on what is requested (usually through a form) by the user.

Embedded graphic

A graphic is known as an embedded graphic if all the information for it is stored in a document and not in a separate file. (See also Referenced graphic.)

Encoding scheme

Rules for assigning numeric value (code points) to characters. Encoding is a method by which a character set is turned into computerized form for transmission and preservation.

Exact Match

A term used to describe matching within a translation memory. Also known as 100% match and Repetitions. This is a segment stored in the translation memory, identical to the source segment that is to be translated. At Lingo Systems, this text is marked green in the pre-translated file and is charged at 25% of the full word rate.


A program that can be run (executed) on a computer.


Abbreviation for the commonly used language set of French, Italian, German, and Spanish.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

An alternative to e-mail for transferring files utilizing the Internet. It is often faster and more reliable to use FTP software for large file transfers. It can be accessed using an Internet browser or FTP client software.

Functional QA

Testing of a software application or program to ensure that the localization process does not affect the functionality of the software and that the content displays correctly on the screen.

Fuzzy logic

A logic that allows the concept of partial truth-truth values between "completely true" and "completely false." Used to create near matches instead of exact matches during searches, and in artificial intelligence programs.

Fuzzy match

A term used to describe matching within a translation memory. A segment that is similar (but not identical) to the sentence or phrase the translator is currently translating. At Lingo Systems, this text is marked dark yellow in the pre-translated file and is charged at 50% of the full word rate.


See Globalization.


The process of conceptualizing your product line for the global marketplace so that it can be sold anywhere in the world with only minor revision. It is a global marketing strategy associated with marketing concepts, such as branding, establishing market share, etc. Globalization is particularly important in consumer industries such as clothing and food.

Globalization Management System (GMS)

A system that focuses on managing the translation and localization cycles and synchronizing those with source content management. Provides the capability of centralizing linguistic assets in the form of translation databases, leveraging glossaries, and branding standards across global content. (See also Content Management System.)


A list of terms which includes extensive definitions and grammatical configurations. (See also Terminology list.)


The shape representation or pictograph of a character. (See also Character.)


Graphical User Interface. The part of a software application that is visible to the end-user.


The part of a graphic in a hypertext document that jumps to another location when the user clicks on it. Similar to a hypertext link.


Hyper Text Markup Language. A markup language that uses tags to structure text into headings, paragraphs, lists and links, and tells a web browser how to display text and images on a web page. (See also SGML and XML.)


A Microsoft Help system format based on HTML.


See Internationalization.

Integration testing (Interoperability)

Confirmation that two or more systems (computers, communication devices, networks, software, and other information technology components) are able to interact with one another

and exchange data according to a prescribed method in order to achieve predictable results. (ISO ITC-215.)

International brand development

The process of giving a product the look and feel of having been developed in the target country. Requires that your brand or message be clear, easily identifiable, and culturally acceptable to the target market. A successful brand can be conveyed clearly and concisely, regardless of the language or writing source.


The process of engineering a product so it can be localized for export to any country without the need for redesign.


Translation of spoken words from one language to another. Usually the Interpreter waits until the first speaker has finished a phrase or sentence before translating. Simultaneous interpretation occurs when the Interpreter translates the speech as it is being given. The skill set of an Interpreter is different than that of a Translator.


International Organization for Standardization. A worldwide federation of national standards bodies from approximately 130 countries.


A platform-independent, object-oriented programming language. Java can add animation, spreadsheets, and information processing features that HTML cannot provide.


The space between two text characters. (See also Tracking.)


A linking macro provided in WinHelp that allows jumps based on keywords rather than specific context strings. K-links require translation.


See Localization.


The space between two or more lines of text. Sometimes called line spacing.


Building current translation projects on those previously completed. Reduces the need to retranslate words and phrases previously translated. The process of using one translation for repeated sections of text.


Adapting a software, document, or Web site product to various markets or localities so that it seems natural to that particular region. This may require a variety of steps including translating user interface text, modifying formats for numbers and dates, and replacing culturally inappropriate graphics or system design.

Localization engineering

The process of using specific localization applications, compilers, and tools to prepare software for release in other markets or localities.


A term used to describe compression techniques that don't lose any data. Lossless compression techniques usually reduce the size of the compressed file up to 50% of the original file.


A term used to describe compression techniques that lose some data or details. Commonly used with graphics and video. Lossy compression techniques can compress files to around 5% of their original size with some loss of data.

Machine translation (MT)

A technology that translates text from one human language to another, using terminology glossaries and advanced grammatical, syntactic, and semantic analysis techniques.

Multilingual print production

Producing packaging, advertising, and related collateral in multiple languages for simultaneous release.


An application made by TRADOS that indicates previously translated terminology to translators.

New text

A term used to describe matching within a translation memory. Text where the source segments being translated do not correspond to any of the target segments. At Lingo Systems, this text is marked blue in the pre-translated file and is charged at the full word rate.

Online content

Any written content that is intended for publishing via a network or the Internet. While users can print the material, the format is often not optimized for specific layout specifications.

Online user interface

A software product or service that is delivered to the user via a network or the Internet. This software does not reside or run on a "local" computer.

Open-source software

Any computer software distributed under a license that allows users to change and/or share the software freely. End users have the right to modify and redistribute the software, as well as the right to package and sell the software.


To hire a third-party provider to perform tasks or services often performed in-house. The third-party provider is then referred to as the outsourcer.


Picture Element. One dot on a computer screen. The smallest image-forming unit on a display screen.

Quality assurance

The process of assuring that the localized content (whether it is a document or a User Interface) resembles the source content as closely as possible. The process can include verification of layout and graphics to confirm a document is complete, and the testing of an application's functionalities, etc.

Referenced graphic

A graphic that appears in a document in which the information for the graphic is stored in a separate file; minimal information about the graphic is stored in the actual document. (See also Embedded graphic.)


During localization, software strings may expand and no longer fit within the dimensions of the source dialogs, buttons, menus, etc. When this occurs, engineers use specialized software to resize the Ul elements so that the text fits within the allocated area.

Resource files

Source files that contain information to be compiled into the program. They contain the parts of the application that is seen by the user. Typical file types include: .re, .res, .resx, .bmp, .ico, .cur.


A resource file used within the Microsoft .NET Framework to specify strings and objects in an XML format.


Red Green Blue. Blending these three colors allows computer monitors to display color images. (See also CMYK.)


An application made by eHelp. RoboHelp assists in writing help files using Microsoft Word.


Rich Text Format. A type of document that encodes formatting as text-based tags. Can be opened as text to view the tags or converted to look like a Word document (without the tags visible). Used as a source file for WinHelp.


Changing the size of a graphic so that no distortion occurs. (See also Sizing.)

Screen shots

A graphic image of what is seen on the computer screen. Often used in user's manuals to show how an application looks on the screen. Also called "screencaps," "screen captures," or "SCAPS".


Self Extracting Archive. A file that decompresses itself. Used on a Mac OS.

Search engine

A program designed to help find information stored on a computer system such as the World Wide Web or a personal computer. A search engine allows a user to ask for content meeting specific criteria - typically those containing a given word, phrase or name - and retrieves a list of references that match those criteria.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

A set of methods aimed at improving the ranking of a Web site in search engine listings. SEO is primarily concerned with advancing the goals of a Web site by improving the number and position of its organic search results for a wide variety of relevant keywords.


The basic unit of source text, as identified by a translation tool, that can be aligned with a corresponding translation from the translation memory. A segment is commonly defined as the content from one paragraph break to the next, usually a sentence, but a segment can be a header, items in a list, cells in a table, a paragraph, etc. (See also Translation memory.)

Semantic Web

An extension of the World Wide Web that provides a common framework allowing data to be shared and re-used across application, enterprise and community boundaries. It is based on Resource Description Framework (RDF), which integrates a variety of applications using XML for syntax and URLs for naming.


Standard Generalized Markup Language. SGML is an ISO standard for marking text files to show how they should be formatted. HTML is a specialized application of SGML rules. (See also XML and HTML.)

Simplified Chinese

A Chinese character set used in mainland China and Singapore, modified to be written with fewer strokes per character. (See also Traditional Chinese.)

Single sourcing

A method of using one source of stored content to generate multiple types of documents on multiple platforms. (See also Content Management System.)


Changing the dimensions of an image or graphic. Sizing can cause distortion or loss of image quality. (See also Scaling.)

Source code

The human-readable code that is compiled to make a program. Some types of source code are C++, Java, and Visual Basic. (See also Source file.)

Source file

A file containing the source material that is used to create the translated product during a localization project. (See also Source code.)

Source language

A language that is to be translated into another language.

String tags

Tags used in strings to mark where something will be added. For Example: "%s" = another string, 7n" = a return character, and 7t" = a tab.


Groupings of characters (letters, numbers, and/or punctuation marks) that are used in programs such as error messages, button labels, etc. Often strings are enclosed in single or double quotes. Strings need to be translated if they contain text that will be seen by the user.

Style sheet

A document or template that defines the style and layout of a document. Contains instructions for margins, fonts, page size, spacing, etc. Aids in the consistent appearance of pages in a large document. Also known as a style guide.

Terminology list

The terminology list is created as a reference for linguists (translators), and is usually specific to a project. It provides the linguists with the English source word and the target language equivalent. Terminology lists are created by the linguists and approved by the client prior to translation. A list of terms and descriptions are recommended for each specific case. (See also Glossary.)

Text expansion

The increase in the total number of characters that often occurs during translation.

Text extraction

Manually or electronically pulling text out of a source file (Quark, Illustrator, PDF) and placing it into a Word file for use by a linguist.


The average space between characters in a block of text. (See also Kerning.)

Traditional Chinese

A Chinese character set used everywhere except in mainland China and Singapore. This set is consistent with the original Chinese ideographic form that is several thousand years old. (See also Simplified Chinese.)

TRADOS® Translator's Workbench

An application that assists a translator by showing how similarly translated sentences were translated. This software program is used to store linguist-translated text and display it when previously translated phrases appear in a word file. Helps to assure consistency and reduce redundant work.


The process of converting a source language into a target language. An understanding of the context or meaning of the source language must be established in order to convey the same message in the target language.

Translation memory (TM)

A database in which previous translations and corresponding source text are stored for future use. New source text is automatically paired with these prior translations through the use of database technology. The matching process identifies new text, fuzzy matches and 100% matches and repetitions. The linguist uses the Workbench to manage this process. (See also TRADOS Translator's Workbench.)

Translation Memory exchange (TMX)

An open standard, based on XML, which has been designed to simplify and automate the process of converting translation memories (TMs) from one format to another. (See also Translation memory.)

Translation Unit (TU)

A single segment pair of source and translated text stored in the translation memory.


A worldwide standard for encoding modern and classical written text in virtually all of the world's languages. Unicode identifies a unique number for every character, independent of operating system, platform, or language. This allows data from several languages to be transported across different server or computing environments without fear of corruption.

Verification testing

Confirmation of any testable requirement, including functional testing of hardware and software system components, compatibility testing of one component to another, design verification, compliance to industry standards, and third party interoperability.


Short for Windows help file. WinHelp is also the name of the application that runs Windows help files (.hip).

XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format)

Specifically designed to support the localization of data and has features for updating strings, revision control, marking different phases of the localization process, word count calculations, the provision of alternative or suggested language translations, among others. XLIFF is an open standard. (See also XML.)


extensible Markup Language. This is a pared-down version of SGML that is a universally accepted format for creating and tagging documents and data for display on the Web. It was developed, and is administered, by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). (See also HTML and SGML.)

Zip file

A compressed file created by the utility application PKzip orWinZip on a PC.

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