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The history of machine translation in a nutshell
By John Hutchins
(University of East Anglia, NR4 7TJ, England)
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§1. Before the computer
It is possible to trace ideas about
mechanizing translation processes back to the seventeenth
century, but realistic possibilities came only in
the 20th century. In the mid 1930s, a French-Armenian
Georges Artsrouni and a Russian Petr Troyanskii
applied for patents for ‘translating machines’.
Of the two, Troyanskii's was the more significant,
proposing not only a method for an automatic bilingual
dictionary, but also a scheme for coding interlingual
grammatical roles (based on Esperanto) and an outline
of how analysis and synthesis might work. However,
Troyanskii’s ideas were not known about until the
end of the 1950s. Before then, the computer had
been born.
§2. The pioneers, 1947-1954
Soon after the first appearance
of ‘electronic calculators’ research began on using
computers as aids for translating natural languages.
The beginning may be dated to a letter in March
1947 from Warren Weaver of the Rockefeller Foundation
to cyberneticist Norbert Wiener. Two years later,
Weaver wrote a memorandum (July 1949), putting forward
various proposals, based on the wartime successes
in code breaking, the developments by Claude Shannon
in information theory and speculations about universal
principles underlying natural languages. Within
a few years research on machine translation (MT)
had begun at many US universities, and in 1954 the
first public demonstration of the feasibility of
machine translation was given (a collaboration by
IBM and Georgetown University). Although using a
very restricted vocabulary and grammar it was sufficiently
impressive to stimulate massive funding of MT in
the United States and to inspire the establishment
of MT projects throughout the world.
§3. The decade of optimism. 1954-1966
The earliest systems consisted primarily
of large bilingual dictionaries where entries for
words of the source language gave one or more equivalents
in the target language, and some rules for producing
the correct word order in the output. It was soon
recognised that specific dictionary-driven rules
for syntactic ordering were too complex and increasingly
ad hoc, and the need for more systematic methods
of syntactic analysis became evident. A number of
projects were inspired by contemporary developments
in linguistics, particularly in models of formal
grammar (generative-transformational, dependency,
and stratificational), and they seemed to offer
the prospect of greatly improved translation.
Optimism remained at a high level
for the first decade of research, with many predictions
of imminent "breakthroughs". However,
disillusion grew as researchers encountered "semantic
barriers" for which they saw no straightforward
solutions. There were some operational systems –
the Mark II system (developed by IBM and Washington
University) installed at the USAF Foreign Technology
Division, and the Georgetown University system at
the US Atomic Energy Authority and at Euratom in
Italy – but the quality of output was disappointing
(although satisfying many recipients’ needs for
rapidly produced information). By 1964, the US government
sponsors had become increasingly concerned at the
lack of progress; they set up the Automatic Language
Processing Advisory Committee (ALPAC), which concluded
in a famous 1966 report that MT was slower, less
accurate and twice as expensive as human translation
and that "there is no immediate or predictable
prospect of useful machine translation." It
saw no need for further investment in MT research;
and instead it recommended the development of machine
aids for translators, such as automatic dictionaries,
and the continued support of basic research in computational
§4. The aftermath of the ALPAC
report, 1966-1980
Although widely condemned as biased and short-sighted,
the ALPAC report brought a virtual end to MT research
in the United States for over a decade and it
had great impact elsewhere in the Soviet Union
and in Europe. However, research did continue
in Canada, in France and in Germany. Within a
few years the Systran system was installed for
use by the USAF (1970), and shortly afterwards
by the Commission of the European Communities
for translating its rapidly growing volumes of
documentation (1976). In the same year, another
successful operational system appeared in Canada,
the Meteo system for translating weather reports,
developed at Montreal University.
In the 1960s in the US and the Soviet
Union MT activity had concentrated on Russian-English
and English-Russian translation of scientific and
technical documents for a relatively small number
of potential users, who would accept the crude unrevised
output for the sake of rapid access to information.
From the mid-1970s onwards the demand for MT came
from quite different sources with different needs
and different languages. The administrative and
commercial demands of multilingual communities and
multinational trade stimulated the demand for translation
in Europe, Canada and Japan beyond the capacity
of the traditional translation services. The demand
was now for cost-effective machine-aided translation
systems that could deal with commercial and technical
documentation in the principal languages of international
The 1980s witnessed the emergence of a wide variety
of MT system types, and from a widening number
of countries. First there were a number of mainframe
systems, whose use continues to the present day.
Apart from Systran, now operating in many pairs
of languages, there was Logos (German-English
and English-French); the internally developed
systems at the Pan American Health Organization
(Spanish-English and English-Spanish); the Metal
system (German-English); and major systems for
English-Japanese and Japanese-English translation
from Japanese computer companies.
The wide availability of microcomputers and of
text-processing software created a market for
cheaper MT systems, exploited in North America
and Europe by companies such as ALPS, Weidner,
Linguistic Products, and Globalink, and by many
Japanese companies, e.g. Sharp, NEC, Oki, Mitsubishi,
Sanyo. Other microcomputer-based systems appeared
from China, Taiwan, Korea, Eastern Europe, the
Soviet Union, etc.
Throughout the 1980s research on
more advanced methods and techniques continued.
For most of the decade, the dominant strategy was
that of ‘indirect’ translation via intermediary
representations, sometimes interlingual in nature,
involving semantic as well as morphological and
syntactic analysis and sometimes non-linguistic
‘knowledge bases’. The most notable projects of
the period were the GETA-Ariane (Grenoble), SUSY
(Saarbrücken), Mu (Kyoto), DLT (Utrecht), Rosetta
(Eindhoven), the knowledge-based project at Carnegie-Mellon
University (Pittsburgh), and two international multilingual
projects: Eurotra, supported by the European Communities,
and the Japanese CICC project with participants
in China, Indonesia and Thailand.
The end of the decade was a major
turning point. Firstly, a group from IBM published
the results of experiments on a system (Candide)
based purely on statistical methods. Secondly, certain
Japanese groups began to use methods based on corpora
of translation examples, i.e. using the approach
now called ‘example-based’ translation. In both
approaches the distinctive feature was that no syntactic
or semantic rules are used in the analysis of texts
or in the selection of lexical equivalents; both
approaches differed from earlier ‘rule-based’ methods
in the exploitation of large text corpora.
A third innovation was the start of research
on speech translation, involving the integration
of speech recognition, speech synthesis, and translation
modules – the latter mixing rule-based and corpus-based
approaches. The major projects are at ATR (Nara,
Japan), the collaborative JANUS project (ATR,
Carnegie-Mellon University and the University
of Karlsruhe), and in Germany the government-funded
Verbmobil project. However, traditional rule-based
projects have continued, e.g. the Catalyst project
at Carnegie-Mellon University, the project at
the University of Maryland, and the ARPA-funded
research (Pangloss) at three US universities.
Another feature of the early 1990s
was the changing focus of MT activity from ‘pure’
research to practical applications, to the development
of translator workstations for professional translators,
to work on controlled language and domain-restricted
systems, and to the application of translation components
in multilingual information systems.
These trends have continued into
the later 1990s. In particular, the use of MT and
translation aids (translator workstations) by large
corporations has grown rapidly – a particularly
impressive increase is seen in the area of software
localisation (i.e. the adaptation and translation
of equipment and documentation for new markets).
There has been a huge growth in sales of MT software
for personal computers (primarily for use by non-translators)
and even more significantly, the growing availability
of MT from on-line networked services (e.g. AltaVista,
and many others). The demand has been met not just
by new systems but also by ‘downsized’ and improved
versions of previous mainframe systems. While in
these applications, the need may be for reasonably
good quality translation (particularly if the results
are intended for publication), there has been even
more rapid growth of automatic translation for direct
Internet applications (electronic mail, Web pages,
etc.), where the need is for fast real-time response
with less importance attached to quality. With these
developments, MT software is becoming a mass-market
product, as familiar as word processing and desktop
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