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English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT
(Starting with "G")

By Stephen Wong

stevewong01 at netvigator com

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English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT
(Click here to download UTF8-files for OmegaT)

gain control of 得以控制 

gained control of 得以控制 

gaining control of 得以控制 

gains control of 得以控制 

gave a hand 幫助(某人

gave a hand 幫助(某人

gave a party 行派對、宴會

gave a try 嘗試 

gave attention to 注意 

gave away (1)捐贈 

gave away (2)發迭,贈迭 

gave away (3)洩漏(秘密

gave back (1)歸還,交還 

gave back (2)使恢復 

gave comments on 對...給予評論、批評 

gave consideration to 考慮(某事

gave hope to 給予...希望 

gave off 從...散發 

gave off 發出,放出(氣味、光等

gave orders 發出命令 

gave out 分發 

gave out 發出,放出(氣味、光等

gave place to 被...取代 

gave up 放棄 

gave up hope of 放棄希望 

generally speaking 大體而言,一般來說 

get a cold 患感冒 

get addicted to (1)對...上癮 

get addicted to (2)沉溺於,對...入迷 

get along (1)生活,過活 

get along (1)生活,過活 

get along (2)進展 

get along (2)進展 

get along (3)相處融洽 

get along (3)相處融洽 

get along (4)離開,離去 

get along (4)離開,離去 

get around (1)逃避,回離 

get around (1)逃避,回離 

get around (2)四處走動 

get around (2)四處走動 

get around (3)(消息等)傳開 

get around (3)(消息等)傳開 

get away from (1)逃跳,逃離 

get away from (1)逃跳,逃離 

get away from (2)擺脫 

get away from (2)擺脫 

get away from (3)偏離(主題等

get away from (3)偏離(主題等

get away from 逃脫,逃離 

get from 收到 

get from 從...中得到、獲得 

get her attention 引起某人的注意

get his attention 引起某人的注意

get hung up 拖延,耽擱 

get in (1)進入 

get in (1)進入 

get in (2)(火車等)抵達 

get in (2)(火車等)抵達 

get in (3)到家 

get in (3)到家 

get in (4)考取,被錄取

get in (4)考取,被錄取

get in (5)當選 

get in (5)當選 

get in touch with 與...連絡 

get in touch with 與...連絡 

get into (1)(火車等)抵達 

get into (1)(火車等)抵達 

get into (2)考取,被錄取

get into (2)考取,被錄取

get into a temper 發脾氣,發怒 

get it straight 清楚無誤地瞭解狀況,弄清楚這件事 

get it's attention 引起某人的注意

get my attention 引起某人的注意

get off the bus 下公車 

get on (1)進展 

get on (1)進展 

get on (2)相處融洽 

get on (2)相處融洽 

get on the bus 上公車 

get one's attention 引起某人的注意

get our attention 引起某人的注意

get out of bed 起床 

get out of control 失去控制,不受控制 

get ready for 準備好 

get rid of (1)丟棄,扔掉 

get rid of (1)丟棄,扔掉 

get rid of (2)擺脫,除去 

get rid of (2)擺脫,除去 

get rid of (3)趕走(某人

get rid of (3)趕走(某人

get rid of 扔掉,拋棄 

get straight 清楚無誤地瞭解,弄清楚 

get straight to 直接,立即 

get the impression that 有印象 

get their attention 引起某人的注意

get this straight 清楚無誤地瞭解狀況,弄清楚這件事 

get through (1)熬過 

get through (2)處理(工作或議題

get through (3)通過(考試

get through (4)通過電話,聯絡上 

get tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

get to 到達 

get to the point 切入正題 

get up (1)起床 

get up (2)起立 

get up (3)(風、浪等)變得猛烈 

get up 起床 

get used to 習慣(...) 

get used to 習慣於 

get your attention 引起某人的注意

geting rid of 扔掉,拋棄 

gets a cold 患感冒 

gets addicted to (1)對...上癮 

gets addicted to (2)沉溺於,對...入迷 

gets along (1)生活,過活 

gets along (1)生活,過活 

gets along (2)進展 

gets along (2)進展 

gets along (3)相處融洽 

gets along (3)相處融洽 

gets along (4)離開,離去 

gets along (4)離開,離去 

gets around (1)逃避,回離 

gets around (1)逃避,回離 

gets around (2)四處走動 

gets around (2)四處走動 

gets around (3)(消息等)傳開 

gets around (3)(消息等)傳開 

gets away from (1)逃跳,逃離 

gets away from (1)逃跳,逃離 

gets away from (2)擺脫 

gets away from (2)擺脫 

gets away from (3)偏離(主題等

gets away from (3)偏離(主題等

gets away from 逃脫,逃離 

gets from 收到 

gets from 從...中得到、獲得 

gets her attention 引起某人的注意

gets her attention 引起某人的注意

gets his attention 引起某人的注意

gets his attention 引起某人的注意

gets hung up 拖延,耽擱 

gets in (1)進入 

gets in (1)進入 

gets in (2)(火車等)抵達 

gets in (2)(火車等)抵達 

gets in (3)到家 

gets in (3)到家 

gets in (4)考取,被錄取

gets in (4)考取,被錄取

gets in (5)當選 

gets in (5)當選 

gets in touch with 與...連絡 

gets in touch with 與...連絡 

gets into (1)(火車等)抵達 

gets into (1)(火車等)抵達 

gets into (2)考取,被錄取

gets into (2)考取,被錄取

gets into a temper 發脾氣,發怒 

gets it straight 清楚無誤地瞭解狀況,弄清楚這件事 

gets it's attention 引起某人的注意

gets my attention 引起某人的注意

gets my attention 引起某人的注意

gets off the bus 下公車 

gets on (1)進展 

gets on (1)進展 

gets on (2)相處融洽 

gets on (2)相處融洽 

gets on the bus 上公車 

gets one's attention 引起某人的注意

gets one's attention 引起某人的注意

gets our attention 引起某人的注意

gets out of bed 起床 

gets out of control 失去控制,不受控制 

gets ready for 準備好 

gets rid of (1)丟棄,扔掉 

gets rid of (1)丟棄,扔掉 

gets rid of (2)擺脫,除去 

gets rid of (2)擺脫,除去 

gets rid of (3)趕走(某人

gets rid of (3)趕走(某人

gets rid of 扔掉,拋棄 

gets straight 清楚無誤地瞭解,弄清楚 

gets straight to 直接,立即 

gets the impression that 有印象 

gets their attention 引起某人的注意

gets their attention 引起某人的注意

gets this straight 清楚無誤地瞭解狀況,弄清楚這件事 

gets through (1)熬過 

gets through (2)處理(工作或議題

gets through (3)通過(考試

gets through (4)通過電話,聯絡上 

gets tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

gets to 到達 

gets to the point 切入正題 

gets up (1)起床 

gets up (2)起立 

gets up (3)(風、浪等)變得猛烈 

gets up 起床 

gets used to 習慣(...) 

gets used to 習慣於 

gets your attention 引起某人的注意

gets your attention 引起某人的注意

getting a cold 患感冒 

getting addicted to (1)對...上癮 

getting addicted to (2)沉溺於,對...入迷 

getting along (1)生活,過活 

getting along (1)生活,過活 

getting along (2)進展 

getting along (2)進展 

getting along (3)相處融洽 

getting along (3)相處融洽 

getting along (4)離開,離去 

getting along (4)離開,離去 

getting around (1)逃避,回離 

getting around (1)逃避,回離 

getting around (2)四處走動 

getting around (2)四處走動 

getting around (3)(消息等)傳開 

getting around (3)(消息等)傳開 

getting away from (1)逃跳,逃離 

getting away from (1)逃跳,逃離 

getting away from (2)擺脫 

getting away from (2)擺脫 

getting away from (3)偏離(主題等

getting away from (3)偏離(主題等

getting away from 逃脫,逃離 

getting from 收到 

getting her attention 引起某人的注意

getting his attention 引起某人的注意

getting hung up 拖延,耽擱 

getting in (1)進入 

getting in (1)進入 

getting in (2)(火車等)抵達 

getting in (2)(火車等)抵達 

getting in (3)到家 

getting in (3)到家 

getting in (4)考取,被錄取

getting in (4)考取,被錄取

getting in (5)當選 

getting in (5)當選 

getting in touch with 與...連絡 

getting in touch with 與...連絡 

getting into (1)(火車等)抵達 

getting into (1)(火車等)抵達 

getting into (2)考取,被錄取

getting into (2)考取,被錄取

getting into a temper 發脾氣,發怒 

getting it straight 清楚無誤地瞭解狀況,弄清楚這件事 

getting it's attention 引起某人的注意

getting my attention 引起某人的注意

getting off the bus 下公車 

getting on (1)進展 

getting on (1)進展 

getting on (2)相處融洽 

getting on (2)相處融洽 

getting on the bus 上公車 

getting one's attention 引起某人的注意

getting our attention 引起某人的注意

getting out of bed 起床 

getting out of control 失去控制,不受控制 

getting rid of (1)丟棄,扔掉 

getting rid of (1)丟棄,扔掉 

getting rid of (2)擺脫,除去 

getting rid of (2)擺脫,除去 

getting rid of (3)趕走(某人

getting rid of (3)趕走(某人

getting straight 清楚無誤地瞭解,弄清楚 

getting straight to 直接,立即 

getting the impression that 有印象 

getting their attention 引起某人的注意

getting this straight 清楚無誤地瞭解狀況,弄清楚這件事 

getting through (1)熬過 

getting through (2)處理(工作或議題

getting through (3)通過(考試

getting through (4)通過電話,聯絡上 

getting tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

getting to 到達 

getting to the point 切入正題 

getting up (1)起床 

getting up (2)起立 

getting up (3)(風、浪等)變得猛烈 

getting up 起床 

getting used to 習慣(...) 

getting used to 習慣於 

getting your attention 引起某人的注意

give a hand 幫助(某人

give a hand 幫助(某人

give a party 行派對、宴會

give a try 嘗試 

give attention to 注意 

give away (1)捐贈 

give away (2)發迭,贈迭 

give away (3)洩漏(秘密

give back (1)歸還,交還 

give back (2)使恢復 

give comments on 對...給予評論、批評 

give consideration to 考慮(某事

give hope to 給予...希望 

give off 從...散發 

give off 發出,放出(氣味、光等

give orders 發出命令 

give out 分發 

give out 發出,放出(氣味、光等

give place to 被...取代 

give up 放棄 

give up hope of 放棄希望 

given a hand 幫助(某人

given a hand 幫助(某人

given a party 行派對、宴會

given a try 嘗試 

given attention to 注意 

given away (1)捐贈 

given away (2)發迭,贈迭 

given away (3)洩漏(秘密

given back (1)歸還,交還 

given back (2)使恢復 

given comments on 對...給予評論、批評 

given consideration to 考慮(某事

given hope to 給予...希望 

given off 從...散發 

given off 發出,放出(氣味、光等

given orders 發出命令 

given out 分發 

given out 發出,放出(氣味、光等

given place to 被...取代 

given up 放棄 

given up hope of 放棄希望 

gives a hand 幫助(某人

gives a hand 幫助(某人

gives a party 行派對、宴會

gives a try 嘗試 

gives attention to 注意 

gives away (1)捐贈 

gives away (2)發迭,贈迭 

gives away (3)洩漏(秘密

gives back (1)歸還,交還 

gives back (2)使恢復 

gives comments on 對...給予評論、批評 

gives consideration to 考慮(某事

gives hope to 給予...希望 

gives off 從...散發 

gives off 發出,放出(氣味、光等

gives orders 發出命令 

gives out 分發 

gives out 發出,放出(氣味、光等

gives place to 被...取代 

gives up 放棄 

gives up hope of 放棄希望 

giving a hand 幫助(某人

giving a hand 幫助(某人

giving a party 行派對、宴會

giving a try 嘗試 

giving attention to 注意 

giving away (1)捐贈 

giving away (2)發迭,贈迭 

giving away (3)洩漏(秘密

giving back (1)歸還,交還 

giving back (2)使恢復 

giving comments on 對...給予評論、批評 

giving consideration to 考慮(某事

giving hope to 給予...希望 

giving off 從...散發 

giving off 發出,放出(氣味、光等

giving orders 發出命令 

giving out 分發 

giving out 發出,放出(氣味、光等

giving place to 被...取代 

giving up 放棄 

giving up hope of 放棄希望 

glance through 瀏覽 

glanced through 瀏覽 

glances through 瀏覽 

glancing through 瀏覽 

go abroad 出國 

go ahead (1)問吧,做吧 

go ahead (2)開始、繼續(...) 

go ahead (3)先走,走在前頭 

go ahead (4)舉行,進行 

go ahead with 開始、繼續(...) 

go around (消息等)傳開 

go bad (食物等)腐壞,變質 

go bankrupt 破產 

go deaf 變聾 

go for (1)去拿,去取來

go for (2)攻擊 

go for (3)喜歡 

go for (4)爭取 

go for 喜歡,愛好 

go for a walk 出去散步 

go for it 盡力爭取 

go gray 變灰 

go in for 喜歡 

go in for (1)參加(考試、競賽等

go in for (2)從事

go in for (3)喜歡,愛好 

go in one ear and out the other 左耳進,右耳出;當耳邊風 

go in one ear and out the other 左耳進,右耳出;當耳邊風 

go into 從事 

go into operation 開始生效 

go into operation 開始實旋,開始生效 

go mad 發瘋 

go on 先走,走在前頭

go out with 交往,談戀愛 

go red 變紅 

go rotten 變壞,變質 

go sour 變酸,變質 

go through (1)仔細搜索、查看 

go through (1)穿過,通過 

go through (2)經歷 

go through (2)經歷 

go through (3)通過(法律

go through (4)練習,排練 

go to 前往,離開...去... 

go to all lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

go to any lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

go to bed 去睡覺 

go to bed 就寐,上床睡覺

go to extraordinary lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

go to extreme lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

go to great lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

go to her aid 幫助某人 

go to his aid 幫助某人 

go to it's aid 幫助某人 

go to my aid 幫助某人 

go to our aid 幫助某人 

go to some lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

go to the movies 去看電影 

go to their aid 幫助某人 

go to your aid 幫助某人 

go with (1)與...相配 

go with (2)是...的一部分

go with (3)伴隨 

go wrong 出錯 

goes abroad 出國 

goes ahead (1)問吧,做吧 

goes ahead (2)開始、繼續(...) 

goes ahead (3)先走,走在前頭 

goes ahead (4)舉行,進行 

goes ahead with 開始、繼續(...) 

goes around (消息等)傳開 

goes bad (食物等)腐壞,變質 

goes bankrupt 破產 

goes deaf 變聾 

goes for (1)去拿,去取來

goes for (2)攻擊 

goes for (3)喜歡 

goes for (4)爭取 

goes for 喜歡,愛好 

goes for a walk 出去散步 

goes for it 盡力爭取 

goes gray 變灰 

goes in for 喜歡 

goes in for (1)參加(考試、競賽等

goes in for (2)從事 

goes in for (3)喜歡,愛好 

goes in one ear and out the other 左耳進,右耳出;當耳邊風 

goes in one ear and out the other 左耳進,右耳出;當耳邊風 

goes into 從事 

goes into operation 開始生效 

goes into operation 開始實旋,開始生效 

goes mad 發瘋 

goes on 先走,走在前頭

goes out with 交往,談戀愛 

goes red 變紅 

goes rotten 變壞,變質 

goes sour 變酸,變質 

goes through (1)仔細搜索、查看 

goes through (1)穿過,通過 

goes through (2)經歷 

goes through (2)經歷 

goes through (3)通過(法律

goes through (4)練習,排練 

goes to 前往,離開...去... 

goes to all lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

goes to any lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

goes to bed 去睡覺 

goes to bed 就寐,上床睡覺

goes to extraordinary lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

goes to extreme lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

goes to great lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

goes to her aid 幫助某人 

goes to his aid 幫助某人 

goes to it's aid 幫助某人 

goes to my aid 幫助某人 

goes to our aid 幫助某人 

goes to some lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

goes to the movies 去看電影 

goes to their aid 幫助某人 

goes to your aid 幫助某人 

goes with (1)與...相配 

goes with (2)是...的一部分

goes with (3)伴隨 

goes wrong 出錯 

going abroad 出國 

going ahead (1)問吧,做吧 

going ahead (2)開始、繼續(...) 

going ahead (3)先走,走在前頭 

going ahead (4)舉行,進行 

going ahead with 開始、繼續(...) 

going around (消息等)傳開 

going bad (食物等)腐壞,變質 

going bankrupt 破產 

going deaf 變聾 

going for (1)去拿,去取來

going for (2)攻擊 

going for (3)喜歡 

going for (4)爭取 

going for 喜歡,愛好 

going for a walk 出去散步 

going for it 盡力爭取 

going gray 變灰 

going in for 喜歡 

going in for (1)參加(考試、競賽等

going in for (2)從事 

going in for (3)喜歡,愛好 

going in one ear and out the other 左耳進,右耳出;當耳邊風 

going into 從事 

going into operation 開始生效 

going into operation 開始實旋,開始生效 

going mad 發瘋 

going on 先走,走在前頭

going out with 交往,談戀愛 

going red 變紅 

going rotten 變壞,變質 

going sour 變酸,變質 

going through (1)仔細搜索、查看 

going through (1)穿過,通過 

going through (2)經歷 

going through (2)經歷 

going through (3)通過(法律

going through (4)練習,排練 

going to 正要,正打算 

going to 前往,離開...去... 

going to all lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

going to any lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

going to bed 去睡覺 

going to bed 就寐,上床睡覺

going to extraordinary lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

going to extreme lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

going to great lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

going to one's aid 幫助某人 

going to some lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

going to the movies 去看電影 

going with (1)與...相配 

going with (2)是...的一部分

going with (3)伴隨 

going wrong 出錯 

gone abroad 出國 

gone ahead (1)問吧,做吧 

gone ahead (2)開始、繼續(...) 

gone ahead (3)先走,走在前頭 

gone ahead (4)舉行,進行 

gone ahead with 開始、繼續(...) 

gone around (消息等)傳開 

gone bad (食物等)腐壞,變質 

gone bankrupt 破產 

gone deaf 變聾 

gone for (1)去拿,去取來

gone for (2)攻擊 

gone for (3)喜歡 

gone for (4)爭取 

gone for 喜歡,愛好 

gone for a walk 出去散步 

gone for it 盡力爭取 

gone gray 變灰 

gone in for 喜歡 

gone in for (1)參加(考試、競賽等

gone in for (2)從事 

gone in for (3)喜歡,愛好 

gone into 從事 

gone into operation 開始生效 

gone into operation 開始實旋,開始生效 

gone mad 發瘋 

gone on 先走,走在前頭

gone out with 交往,談戀愛 

gone red 變紅 

gone rotten 變壞,變質 

gone sour 變酸,變質 

gone through (1)仔細搜索、查看 

gone through (1)穿過,通過 

gone through (2)經歷 

gone through (2)經歷 

gone through (3)通過(法律

gone through (4)練習,排練 

gone to 前往,離開...去... 

gone to all lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

gone to any lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

gone to bed 去睡覺 

gone to bed 就寐,上床睡覺

gone to extraordinary lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

gone to extreme lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

gone to great lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

gone to her aid 幫助某人 

gone to his aid 幫助某人 

gone to it's aid 幫助某人 

gone to my aid 幫助某人 

gone to our aid 幫助某人 

gone to some lengths 不擇手段,盡其所能 

gone to the movies 去看電影 

gone to their aid 幫助某人 

gone to your aid 幫助某人 

gone with (1)與...相配 

gone with (2)是...的一部分

gone with (3)伴隨 

gone wrong 出錯 

got a cold 患感冒 

got addicted to (1)對...上癮 

got addicted to (2)沉溺於,對...入迷 

got along (1)生活,過活 

got along (1)生活,過活 

got along (2)進展 

got along (2)進展 

got along (3)相處融洽 

got along (3)相處融洽 

got along (4)離開,離去 

got along (4)離開,離去 

got around (1)逃避,回離 

got around (1)逃避,回離 

got around (2)四處走動 

got around (2)四處走動 

got around (3)(消息等)傳開 

got around (3)(消息等)傳開 

got away from (1)逃跳,逃離 

got away from (1)逃跳,逃離 

got away from (2)擺脫 

got away from (2)擺脫 

got away from (3)偏離(主題等

got away from (3)偏離(主題等

got away from 逃脫,逃離 

got excited about 對...感到興奮 

got from 收到 

got from 從...中得到、獲得 

got her attention 引起某人的注意

got her attention 引起某人的注意

got his attention 引起某人的注意

got his attention 引起某人的注意

got hung up 拖延,耽擱 

got in (1)進入 

got in (1)進入 

got in (2)(火車等)抵達 

got in (2)(火車等)抵達 

got in (3)到家 

got in (3)到家 

got in (4)考取,被錄取

got in (4)考取,被錄取

got in (5)當選 

got in (5)當選 

got in touch with 與...連絡 

got in touch with 與...連絡 

got into (1)(火車等)抵達 

got into (1)(火車等)抵達 

got into (2)考取,被錄取

got into (2)考取,被錄取

got into a temper 發脾氣,發怒 

got it straight 清楚無誤地瞭解狀況,弄清楚這件事 

got it's attention 引起某人的注意

got my attention 引起某人的注意

got my attention 引起某人的注意

got off the bus 下公車 

got on (1)進展 

got on (1)進展 

got on (2)相處融洽 

got on (2)相處融洽 

got on the bus 上公車 

got one's attention 引起某人的注意

got one's attention 引起某人的注意

got our attention 引起某人的注意

got out of bed 起床 

got out of control 失去控制,不受控制 

got ready for 準備好 

got rid of (1)丟棄,扔掉 

got rid of (1)丟棄,扔掉 

got rid of (2)擺脫,除去 

got rid of (2)擺脫,除去 

got rid of (3)趕走(某人

got rid of (3)趕走(某人

got rid of 扔掉,拋棄 

got straight 清楚無誤地瞭解,弄清楚 

got straight to 直接,立即 

got the impression that 有印象 

got their attention 引起某人的注意

got their attention 引起某人的注意

got this straight 清楚無誤地瞭解狀況,弄清楚這件事 

got through (1)熬過 

got through (2)處理(工作或議題

got through (3)通過(考試

got through (4)通過電話,聯絡上 

got tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

got to 到達 

got to the point 切入正題 

got up (1)起床 

got up (2)起立 

got up (3)(風、浪等)變得猛烈 

got up 起床 

got used to 習慣(...) 

got used to 習慣於 

got your attention 引起某人的注意

got your attention 引起某人的注意

gotten along (1)生活,過活 

gotten along (1)生活,過活 

gotten along (2)進展 

gotten along (2)進展 

gotten along (3)相處融洽 

gotten along (3)相處融洽 

gotten along (4)離開,離去 

gotten along (4)離開,離去 

gotten around (1)逃避,回離 

gotten around (1)逃避,回離 

gotten around (2)四處走動 

gotten around (2)四處走動 

gotten around (3)(消息等)傳開 

gotten around (3)(消息等)傳開 

gotten away from (1)逃跳,逃離 

gotten away from (1)逃跳,逃離 

gotten away from (2)擺脫 

gotten away from (2)擺脫 

gotten away from (3)偏離(主題等

gotten away from (3)偏離(主題等

gotten away from 逃脫,逃離 

gotten from 收到 

gotten hung up 拖延,耽擱 

gotten in (1)進入 

gotten in (1)進入 

gotten in (2)(火車等)抵達 

gotten in (2)(火車等)抵達 

gotten in (3)到家 

gotten in (3)到家 

gotten in (4)考取,被錄取

gotten in (4)考取,被錄取

gotten in (5)當選 

gotten in (5)當選 

gotten in touch with 與...連絡 

gotten in touch with 與...連絡 

gotten into (1)(火車等)抵達 

gotten into (1)(火車等)抵達 

gotten into (2)考取,被錄取

gotten into (2)考取,被錄取

gotten into a temper 發脾氣,發怒 

gotten it straight 清楚無誤地瞭解狀況,弄清楚這件事 

gotten on (1)進展 

gotten on (1)進展 

gotten on (2)相處融洽 

gotten on (2)相處融洽 

gotten out of bed 起床 

gotten out of control 失去控制,不受控制 

gotten rid of (1)丟棄,扔掉 

gotten rid of (1)丟棄,扔掉 

gotten rid of (2)擺脫,除去 

gotten rid of (2)擺脫,除去 

gotten rid of (3)趕走(某人

gotten rid of (3)趕走(某人

gotten straight 清楚無誤地瞭解,弄清楚 

gotten straight to 直接,立即 

gotten the impression that 有印象 

gotten this straight 清楚無誤地瞭解狀況,弄清楚這件事 

gotten through (1)熬過 

gotten through (2)處理(工作或議題

gotten through (3)通過(考試

gotten through (4)通過電話,聯絡上 

gotten up (1)起床 

gotten up (2)起立 

gotten up (3)(風、浪等)變得猛烈 

gotten up 起床 

graduate from 畢業於 

graduate in 獲得(某學位)畢業 

graduated from 畢業於 

graduated in 獲得(某學位)畢業 

graduates from 畢業於 

graduates in 獲得(某學位)畢業 

graduating from 畢業於 

graduating in 獲得(某學位)畢業 

grew excited about 對...感到興奮 

grew into (1)成長為 

grew into (2)逐漸習慣、適應 

grew into (3)長大適合穿 

grew out of (1)由...而來 

grew out of (2)長得穿不下(衣服

grew out of (3)改掉(習慣等

grew tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

grow fond of 變得喜歡 

grow into (1)成長為 

grow into (2)逐漸習慣、適應 

grow into (3)長大適合穿 

grow out of (1)由...而來 

grow out of (2)長得穿不下(衣服

grow out of (3)改掉(習慣等

grow tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

growing into (1)成長為 

growing into (2)逐漸習慣、適應 

growing into (3)長大適合穿 

growing out of (1)由...而來 

growing out of (2)長得穿不下(衣服

growing out of (3)改掉(習慣等

growing tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

grown fond of 變得喜歡 

grown into (1)成長為 

grown into (2)逐漸習慣、適應 

grown into (3)長大適合穿 

grown out of (1)由...而來 

grown out of (2)長得穿不下(衣服

grown out of (3)改掉(習慣等

grows fond of 變得喜歡 

grows into (1)成長為 

grows into (2)逐漸習慣、適應 

grows into (3)長大適合穿 

grows out of (1)由...而來 

grows out of (2)長得穿不下(衣服

grows out of (3)改掉(習慣等

grows tired of 對...感到厭倦、厭煩 

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | to be

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT
(Click here to download UTF8-files for OmegaT)

See also:

English to traditional Chinese Biblical glossary for use with OmegaT

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Hours

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Terminology

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Bible Books

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Places

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Names

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Phrases

English to traditional Chinese glossary for use with OmegaT - Miscellaneous

Published - October 2009

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