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Gaelic-English Dictionary / Faclair Gàidhlig - Beurla
(Starting with "G")

By Malcolm MacFarlane

Keyed in and verified at Sabhal Mór Ostaig,
the Gaelic college on the Island of Skye,
by Caoimhín Pádraig Ó Donnaíle and Ruth Melton


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[g'] for : gu, to

['g] for : ag, at

['ga] for : ag a, at his, at her

[g'a] for : gu a, to his, to her

[gab] nm. tattling mouth (L.Sc. gab)

[gabh] va.+ail, take, receive, admit of, accept, go, proceed : na gabh ort, never let on : ghabh e eagal, he took fright : gabh air t' aghaidh, go on : gabh romhad, get you gone : gabh air, beat him : gabh beachd, take note : ghabh an teine, the fire began to kindle

[gàbhadh] nm. g. -aidh; pl. -aidhean; danger, peril

[gabhail] v.n. taking, receiving, accepting, going, proceeding

[gabhar] nf. g. gaibhre; d. -air; pl. -air, goat

[gabhar] va. will be taken, etc. See gabh

[gach] each, every

[gad] nm. g.v. goid; pl. goid, withe, switch, twisted twig

[gàd] nm. g.+a; v. ghàid; pl. gàdaichean, iron bar, bar of metal

[gadaiche] nm. pl.+an, thief

[gadhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -air, grey-hound, lurcher dog

[gàg] nf. g.d. gàig; pl.+an, cleft, chink, fissure

[Gaidheal] pnm. g.v. -eil; pl. -eil, a Gael; Ban-ghaidheal, a Gaelic woman

[Gaidhealach] a. Gaelic by race

[Gaidhealtachd] nf.ind. Gaeldom, the name of the country occupied by the Gaels, usually termed the Highlands of Scotland

[Gàidhlig] nf. the language of the Gaels

[gàidsear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, gauger, excise officer

[gailleann] nf. g.d. -inn, wintry weather, storm, tempest

[gaineamh] nf. g.d. -imh, sand

[gainmheach] nf. g.d. -ich, sand

[gainne] nf.ind. want, scarcity

[gàir] nm. g.+e, outcry, shout, din

[gairbh] See garbh

[gairbhe] nf.ind. roughness; a. rougher

[gàirdeachas] nm. g.v. -ais, rejoicing, joy

[gàirdean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, arm, fore-arm

[gàire] nf.ind. a laugh

[gàireachdaich] nm.ind. laughing

[gairge] nf.ind. ferocity, fierceness

[gairisinn] nf. detestation, revulsion

[gairm] va. call, crow as a cock, proclaim

[gairm] nf. g.+e; pl.+eannan, call, proclamation

[gaisge] nf.ind. valour, bravery, feats of arms

[gaisgeach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, champion, hero, warrior

[gaisgeil] a. heroic, valorous

[gaithean] See gath

[gal] nf.ind. weeping

[galar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, disease

[Gall] nm. g. Goill; pl. Goill, foreigner, a Scottish Lowlander

[galla] nf. pl.+chan, bitch, female dog

[gallda] a. foreign, belonging to a strange land, belonging to Lowland Scotland

[Galldachd] nf.ind. the country occupied by the non-Gaelic speakers of Scotland, usually termed the Lowlands of Scotland : air a' Ghalldachd, in the Lowlands

[gamhainn] nm. g. -na; pl. -na, year-old calf, stirk

[gamhlas] nm. g.v. -ais, hatred, spite

['gan] prep.pron.poss. at their

[gann] a. scarce, scarcely, rare : mu'n gann, ere scarce

[gaoid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, blemish, defect

[gaoil] See gaol

[gaoir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, loud noise

[gaoisneach] a. hairy, shaggy

[gaoith] See gaoth

[gaol] nm. g.v. gaoil, love, fondness, beloved object

[gaolach] a. loving, beloved, fond

[gaoth] nf. g. gaoithe; d. gaoith; pl.+an, wind : gaoth tuath, north wind : gaoth deas, south wind : gaoth an ear, east wind : gaoth an iar, west wind

[gaothmhor] a. windy; also, gaothar

[gar] va. warm at a fire

[gar] proximity : an gar, near

[gar] = ged nach, although not : gar an till e, although he should never return

[garadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, den, cave

[garbh] a. thick, rough, coarse, hoarse, harsh

[garbh-chnàmhach] a. big-boned

[garbh-litir] nf. g. -litreach; pl. -litrichean, capital letter

[garg] a. fierce, bitter, tart, acrid, pungent, wrathful

[gàrradair] nm. pl.+ean, gardener

[gàrradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, wall, garden

[gàrradh-droma] nm. march dike; inflected on the first element

[gàrradh-ploc] nm. turf wall; inflected on the first element

[gart] nm. g.v. gairt; pl. gairt, enclosure; standing corn

[gartan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, garter

[gàrthaich] nf. shouting, roaring, crying

[gas] nf. g. gaise; d. gais; pl.+an, stalk, stem of a herb, bough, twig

[gasda] a. excellent, splendid, good, first rate

[gasg] nm. g.+a; v. ghaisg; pl.+an, tail, appendage

[gath] nm. g.+a; v. ghaith; pl.+an or +annan, sting, dart

[ge] though, although

[ge] for ce, in the phrase : ge b'e, whoever he was, or whatever it was

[gèadh] nf. g.d. geòidh; pl. geòidh, goose

[geal] a. gile, white

[gealach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aich, the moon

[gealag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, salmon trout

[gealaich] va. whiten

[gealbhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, little fire

[geall] va. +tainn, promise, pledge

[geall] nm. g.v. gill; pl. gill, pledge, bet, wager

[geall] nm. desire, love : an geall air, with the mind set upon

[gealltainn] v.n. promising

[gealtach] a. cowardly

[gealtachd] nf.ind. timidity, cowardice

[gealtair] nm. pl.+ean, coward

[geamhradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, winter

[gean] nm. g.+a, good humour, mood, humour

[gean-math] nm. good-will; inflected on both elements

[gearain] va. gearan, complain

[gearan] nm. g. -ain; pl.+an, complaint, discontent, grumbling

[gearasdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, garrison, fort

[Gearasdan] in : [An Gearasdan] pnm. Fort William; contraction for : Gearasdan Ionbhar-lòchaidh, the garrison of Inverlochy

[gèard] nm. g.v. gèaird; pl. gèaird, guard, defence

[Gearmailt] nf. in : [A' Ghearmailt] pnf. Germany

[Gearmailteach] pnm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, a German; a. German, of or belonging to Germany

[gèarr] va. gearradh, cut : gearradh leum, making leaps, cutting capers

[gèarr] a. giorra, short

[gèarr] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, hare

[gearran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, a gelding, garron

[geata] nm. g.+idh; pl.+chan, gate

[ged] although, though

[géig] See geug

[géill] vn. yield, submit, obey

[geilt] nf. g.+e, fear, terror, dread

[geimheal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl. -lean, fetter, chain

[geinn] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, wedge

[geir] nf. g.+e, tallow, grease, suet

[géiread] See geurad

[geòcair] nm. pl.+ean, glutton

[geòla] nf. pl.+chan, yawl, ship's boat

[geug] nf. g.d. géig; pl.+an, branch, bough

[geum] nm. g. geuma; pl.+an, low of a cow

[geumnaich] nf. lowing of a cow

[geur] a. géire, sharp, sharp pointed, acute, shrewd; acrid, bitter, tart, acid, sour

[geurad] nm. g. -aid, sharpness, sourness; also géiread

[geur-inntinneach] a. sharp-witted

[geur-leanmhuinn] nf. persecution; inflected on second element

[geur-shuileach] a. sharp-eyed

[gheibh] va.irr. will get, will find

[gibeach] a. rough, hairy, fringed, shaggy

[gidheadh] nevertheless, yet; accented on second syllable

[Gìgean] pnm. g.v. -ein, meaning `dwarfish one'

[gil] See geal

[gilb] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, chisel

[gile] nf.ind. whiteness, fairness

[gille] nm. pl.+an, lad, youth, man-servant

[gille-carbaid] nm. coachman. Inflected on the first element

[gille-mirein] nm. teetotum. Inflected on the first element

[gille-ruadh] nm. name for a fox; inflected on both elements

[gille-ruith] nm. runner, forerunner; inflected on the first element

[gin] va. +tinn, beget

[gin] nm. any one; with the negative, no one, nobody, none : gin 'sam bith, any one

[gineal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, offspring, race, breed

[ginealach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -achan, generation, offspring

[gìogan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, thistle

[giomach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, lobster

[giorag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, fear, dread, noise

[giorrad] nm. g. -aid, shortness

[giùlain] va. -an, carry, bear, endure, behave

[giùlan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, carrying, bearing, enduring, behaviour, conduct; a corpse and its bier

[giuthas] nm. g.v. -ais, fir

[glac] va. take, seize, catch hold of

[glac] nf. g.d. glaic; pl.+an, hollow, valley; hollow of the hand

[glacadh] v.n. taking, seizing, catching hold of

[glag] nm. g.v. glaig, the noise of anything falling, thud; horse laugh

[glag-gàire] nm. horse laugh, guffaw; inflected on first element

[glaic] nf. g.+e; pl. glacan, valley, hollow; the palm, a grasp

[glainead] nf. g.d. -id, cleanness, purity

[glais] va. glasadh, lock, secure

[glan] a. glaine, clean, clean-limbed, pure

[glan] va. clean, cleanse, purify, wipe clean

[glaodh] va. +aich, cry, shout, proclaim

[glaodh] nm. g.v. glaoidh; pl. glaoidh, a cry, shout

[glaodh] nm. g.v. glaoidh, glue, bird-lime

[glaodhaich] nm.ind. crying, calling, proclaiming

[glas] nf. g. glaise; d. glais; pl.+an, lock, fetter : glas-làmh, handcuff

[glas] a. grey

[glas] va. and vn. turn grey

[Glascho] pnm. Glasgow

[glé] very; precedes adj. and asp.con.; glé thric, pretty often

[gleac] va. gleac, fight, strive, struggle, wrestle

[gleac] nm.ind. fight, strife, struggle, wrestling

[gleadhraich] nf. noise, din, rattling

[gleann] nm. g. glinne; v. ghlinn; pl.+tan, glen, valley

[Gleann-airtnidh] pnm. Glenartney. Inflected on the first element

[Gleann-càirn] pnm. Glencairn. Inflected on the first element

[Gleann-comhann] pnm. Glencoe. Inflected on the first element

[Gleann-dochairt] pnm. Glendochart. Inflected on the first element

[Gleann-éite] pnm. Glenetive. Inflected on the first element

[Gleann-falach] pnm. Glenfalloch. Inflected on the first element

[Gleann-freothainn] pnm. Glenfruin. Inflected on the first element

[Gleann-goill] pnm. Glengyle. Inflected on the first element

[Gleann-lìobhann] pnm. Glenlyon. Inflected on the first element

[Gleann-urchaidh] pnm. Glenorchy. Inflected on the first element

[gléidh] va. keep, retain, preserve, depend

[gleus] nm. g. gleòis or +a; pl.+an, readiness or preparation, condition, trim; key in music

[gleus] va. make ready, put in tune, put in trim, adjust, prepare

[gleusda] a. prepared, clever, expert, well-exercised, tidy, trim, attuned, diligent

[gleusdachd] nf.ind. preparation, readiness, expertness, alacrity, diligence

[glìb] nf. g.+e, sleet

[glic] a. glioca and glice, wise, prudent

[glice] a. wiser, more prudent; also glioca

[glinn] See gleann

[glioca] a. See glice

[gliocas] nm. g.v. -ais, wisdom, prudence

[gliog] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, clink, tinkle

[gloc] nm. g.v. gloic, clucking, as of a hen

[gloine] nf. pl.+achan, glass, a glass

[glòir] nf. g.+e, glory

[glòmanaich] nf. dusk of eve (L.Sc. gloamin)

[gluais] va. gluasad, move, stir, agitate, put in motion, affect

[gluasad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, moving, movement, motion

[glug] nm. g.v. gluig; pl.+an, noise of liquid in a vessel (L.Sc. clunk)

[glùn] nm. g.v. glùin; pl. glùinean and glùintean, knee, joint of a plant stem, a generation in genealogy

[gnàth] nm. g.+a; pl.+an or +annan, manner, fashion, custom : mar is gnàth, as is customary, according to custom : is gnàth leis, it is usual for him

[gnàthaich] va. practice, use

[gnàthfhacal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -lan, proverb, a saying

[gnàths] nm. g.v. gnàiths, custom, habit; for gnàthas

[gnè] nf.ind. a kind, a sort; nature, quality

[gnìomh] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan or +arran, deed, action

[gnob] nm. g.v. gnoib; pl.+an, hillock, knoll, knob, tumour

[gnog] nm. g.v. gnoig; pl.+an, a knock with the knuckles

[gnos] nm. g.v. gnois; pl.+an, snout

[gnothuch] nm. g.v. -uich; pl. -uichean, business, affair, a matter, circumstance, errand : cha dean e an gnothuch, it won't serve the purpose

[gnù] a. forbidding, repellant, surly

[gnùis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, face, countenance

[gò] nm.ind. lie, deceit, fault

[gob] nm. g.v. guib; pl. guib, beak, bill of a bird

[gobach] a. beaked, garrulous, talkative

[gobair] nm. pl.+ean, talker, babbler (L.Sc. gabber)

[gobha] nm. g.+inn; pl. goibhnean, smith, blacksmith

[gobhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. goibhlean, fork, a forked object, a

forked support; the space between the legs

[gobhar] See gabhar

[gobhar-athair] nm. snipe; inflected on first element

[góbhlach] a. forked

[gobhlan-gaoithe] nm. g.v. -ain-gh-; pl. -ain-gh-, swallow; inflected on the first element

[goc] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, cock of a vessel

[godadh] nm. nodding

[gog] nm. a. cackle

[gogail] nf. cackling

[gogan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, small cogue (L.Sc. coggie)

[goid] va. steal, pilfer, slip away by stealth

[goid] nf. g.+e, stealing, pilfering, slipping away by stealth : air an goid, stolen

[goil] va. goil, boil

[goil] nf. boiling : air ghoil, boiling, at the boiling point

[goile] nf. pl.+an or +achan, stomach, appetite

[goireas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl. -eis, convenience, tools, apparatus

[goirid] a. giorra, short; n. short time : bho chionn ghoirid, a short time ago

[goirt] a. sore, sour, painful, salt

[goirtean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, little field of corn; patch of arable land

[goirteas] nm. g.v. -eis, soreness, painfulness

[goirtich] va. and vn. hurt, pain, cause pain; make sour, become sour

[gon] va. wound, blast, annoy; bewitch

[gòrach] a. foolish, silly, unwise, thoughtless

[gorm] a. blue, green

[gorrac] nm. g.v. -aic, croak

[gorracail] nf. croaking

[gorsaid] nf. pl.+ean, gorget

[gorta] nf. famine

[grab] va. interrupt, hinder, stop, prevent, impede

[grabadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, interruption, hindering, impediment, stopping

[grabh] va. engrave

[gràcan] nm. g. -ain, querulous noise of hens

[grad] a. quick, sudden, hasty, irascible

[gradag] nf. g. -aig; pl.+an, jiffy, short interval of time

[gràdh] nm. g.v. gràidh, love, affection, beloved, beloved object

[gràdhach] a. lovely, lovable

[gràdhaich] va. love

[gràin] nf. g.+e, disgust, abhorrence

[graing] nf. g.+e, loathing, disgust; frown, grimace

[gràinne] nm. pl.+achan, a grain, small quantity

[gramaich] va. hold fast, take hold of, cling to

[gramail] a. strong, vigorous, having power to resist

[gramasag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, bite, anything to chew

[grànda] a. gràinde, ugly, ill-favoured

[gràs] nm. g.v. -àis, pl.+an, grace, favour

[gràsmhor] a. gracious, propitious

[greadhnach] a. festive, pompous, joyful

[greann] nm. g.+a, grim, surly look; bristling of hair as on an enraged dog

[greannmhor] a. comely, sweet, agreeable, as applied to females

[greas] va. and vn. +ad, hasten, urge, incite to speed : greas ort, hurry up, be smart, be quick

[gréidh] va. prepare or dress victuals

[greim] nm. g. grama; pl. gramannan, a hold, bite, stitch in sewing, a bite with the teeth : greim bìdh, `a bite of food'

[greim-bàis] nm. death-grip; inflected on the first element

[gréin], [gréine] See grian

[greis] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, a while : car greis, for a time, for a while : an ceann greis, after a while

[gréis] nf. g.+e, needle work : obair gréis, embroidery work

[Greumach] pnm. g.v. pl. -aich, a Graham; a. of or belonging to the Grahams

[greusaich] nm. pl.+ean, shoemaker

[grian] nf. g. gréine; d. gréin; pl.+an, sun : a' ghrian, the sun

[grianach] a. sunny

[grinn] a. beautiful, shapely, neat, pretty

[grinneas] nm. g.v. -eis, neatness, beauty, elegance

[grinneal] nm. g.v. -eil, bottom of the sea, river or well; gravel

[Griogair] pnm. Gregor

[Griogarach] pnm. g.v., pl. -aich, a MacGregor; a. of or belonging to the Clan Gregor

[grìogag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, bead, pebble

[grioglachan] nm. g.v. -ain, The Pleiades (constellation)

[grìos] va. entreat, abet, encourage, beseech, solicit, pray

[grìosach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, burning embers

[grìosadh] v.n. beseeching, praying, abetting

[grod] a. rotten, putrid

[gròiseid] nf. pl.+ean, gooseberry (L.Sc. groset)

[gruag] nf. g. gruaige; d. gruaig; pl.+an, hair of the head, wig

[gruagach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, young woman

[gruaidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a cheek

[gruaim] nf. g.+e, gloom, surly look, sullenness, melancholy

[gruamach] a. gloomy, surly, sad

[grunnaich] va. touch the bottom, sound the depth

[gruth] nm. g.v. gruith, curds

[grùthan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, liver

[gu] prep. to

[gu] before adj. with the force of -ly in Eng. : gu grad, quickly

[Guaigean] pnm. g.v. -ein, meaning `little whimsical fellow'

[guaillean] See guala

[gual] nm. g.v. guail, coal

[guala] nf. g.d.+inn; pl. guaillean, shoulder

[guanach] a. giddy, lighthearted

[Guanag] pnf. g.d. -aig, a dog's name, meaning `little coquettish one'

[gucag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, bud, bubble, globule, bell

[gudaboc] nm. g.v. -buic, for budagoc, one of the several names for `snipe'

[gu dé] for : ciod è

[guib] See gob

[guidh] va. and vn. pray, beseech, entreat, wish earnestly

[guidhe] nm. pl.+achan, prayer, entreaty, wish, imprecation

[guil] va. gul, weep, lament

[guileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, warble, swan's dying note

[guin] va. wound, pierce, sting

[guineach] a. sharp-pointed, keen, bitterly malicious

[guir] va. and vn. gur, lie upon eggs, breed, fester

[guirean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, pimple, pustule

[guirme] a. bluer; nf. blueness

[gul] nm. g. guil, weeping, lamenting

[gu'm] = that, in order that; precedes v. beginning in p,b,f,m

[gu'n] = that, in order that; precedes vs. other than those beginning in p,b,f,m

[gun] prep. without, followed by asp.con., t,d,s excepted

[gùn] nm. g.v. gùin; pl. gùintean, gown

[gunna] nm. pl.+ichean or +chan, gun, cannon

[gunnair] nm. pl.+ean, gunner

[gur] nm. g.v. guir; pl. guir, brood of birds, festering, hatching

[gur] that, precedes n. and adj. beginning in con.

[gur h-] that, precedes n. and adj. beginning with vow.

[gus] until, to, preceding an, the art. of the n., and the verbal part : gus an till mi, until I come back

[guth] nm. g. -a, v. ghuith; pl.+annan, voice, word, syllable

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